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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Mar 1959, p. 5

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ORONO VEEKLV TIl>,ES THL 0000004>000fl4 .0.o. ,~e...fu INew QUICK-DRYING TRULON Washable permanent fin ished,~ pre-shrunk c urtains. Needs no starching, no stretching, lïtte or no ironing. H-and wash and hang and allow to drip dry. More beautifil after first washing. Panels 81 inches long. ~Prie $495....... 'Panel $3.95 FLORAL DRAPERYS 10 bark cloU,,. colours grey, black or white backgroundt, also wvine wvith gold thread. Priced at $2.95 per yard -NATURAL ÇOLOR IIOMESPLJN With honeycom'b pattern. Priced $2.00 per yard MHARQUISE TTE CURTAINS Made up frilled Marquisette Gurtains in colour of white. Priced $3.25 to $5.95 DACRON CURTAINS Criss cross'frllled curtains, self draping aiready crossed. Orly one rod needed. The tape~ makes it drape. Size 48x81. No ironing needed Priced at $4.50 NYLON MARQIJISETTE CURTAINS ïmportant facts about this Nylon Marquis- ette Curtain with the A.V.R. lear right fini- ish. it has greater resistance to sunlight. It will look lovelier, longer. ît [s insect and mildiew resistant. It is easy to wash and iron. Needs no starch, colour white with aqua flecked pat. Priced per pair $7.50 Store Open Ail Day Moriday DOTTED MARQUISETTE Large or small dots for kitchen or bedi- rooms. Priced from 49c. to 69e a yard GOLD SEAL CQNGOLEUM RIGS Ail sizes in stock.. 6'x9' ........ $6.50 7, 1/2x9.... $&25 9x9 -...$9,75 9x10 1/2--...$11.50 9xl2 -....$1295 9x13 1/2.....>$14-50 9X15 .... $1595 CONGOLEUM1, BY THE YAR.D 6 foot wide.$1.95 per running yarrd 9 foot wjide.. $2.95 per running yard 12 foot ,vide . $4.95 per running ya2rd INLAID LINOLEUM 6 foot wide .....$3..95 per running yard JASPE LINOLEUM TILE 9 ïnches by 9 inches tile. 2 for 25c.w WALLPAPER- Suitabie for every room in the house, rea- sonably priced. AIso remnants in buodles cf 4 to 16 single roils AT IIALF PRICE OR LESS DRAPERY MATERIAL We have samples of drapery materia,, guaranteed fast colours. You cao buy it by the yard or have thlem made up. These are ailý new materials suitable for livingroomi, dining; raoom or bedrooms. Fram $1.95 to $3.75 a yard KITCHEN CURTA,-IN MATERIL Materialsin different patterns, ail white back grounds with red, pin k,~ agua or green. Priced 85e to $1.25 a yard Evenings Friday & Saturday Open Ail Day Wednesday 41h I Clarke Township Campaigni-Mrs S. B. Rutherfordl-Ph.. 140101 LOCAL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Jim Linton and jdaughter ,Toronto spent the week- 'endi with 'Mr. and M1ýrs. G. M. Lin- ton. Mr. Paul Ruthierford, Queen's Un- ,iver-sity, King-ston, spent the week-. end wvith Mr. anid frs. S. B. Ruther- f ord. Mliss Marin MKevey, Tor-onto, spent the ,veelkeln(lwith ývrs. F. hBrimnacomnbe. Mr. Alex Drummondm of Northiern O0ntario, spent thre weekend with is parenits, Mr. andM Ars. A. A. Drummond. Mrs. N F. Porter spen-t a~ few days the forepart of the week with ,Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bail and Johin, London. Mfr. Milton Elliott, Bowmanville, visited with his aunt Mrs. F. Brim.. acombe last Sunday. Miss Bertha Cain broke her wrist f rom a f ail, on the ice Wednesday mQiirning,, and is a patient in thel Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mýrs. WVilliam Reid is the supply tea- cher for her students at present. Th'le Orono Boy Scouts through the co-operation of the citlizens of the Village and area coliect over three tons of oaper on Saturday. Brownie News Weopenied thie meeting with the FaîryRng We then. collected the Fairy Gold andJ the friendship fundc.! The Sixers marked their books' with Il presen tid Brown Owl7 and Tawniy Owzl. Betty Prescott passect ber skip- plng and Union Jack tests for Gold- en Bar. Carol Nixon passed her skippfing an iyiJampassed ber National Anthein for thehr Golden Ladder. We then pflayed a gamne of skîp- ping eliminiation. Prayer and tapsi cliüsed the meeting. Carol Gilbank 26 AWARDS PRESENTED tF'rompage 4) grade XI latin and Rosemary Smith the Newcastle Lions Club award foro grade XI history. :Three new a- wards will be presented this year, o the Rolph Hardware award for pub- blîc speaking to 1Patricia Reid, theo Orono High School Singing Schiol-i arhpto'Cornelis Maartense and o the Home ELnconomices award to 1 Joan Rutherford and Joan Aluni. 0 Newcastle Dry Cleaners I SHIRT SPECIALISTS- DRAPES- RUG i Free Pick-up and Delivery in i ORONO - KENDAL - KIRBY ENTERPRISE - WESLYVILLE PORT GRANBY - NEWTONVILE WELCOM~E - ELIZABETHVILLE i PORT BRITAIN - NEWCASTLE AGENCY IN PAULINE'S AT NEWCASTLE This is an ,o!er[ess Alt garments returned in Plastic Bags I NEWCASTLE 3831 JACK LEES SATI FACTIION GUARANTEED AgetforAcadiançleaners and Processors Ltd. 0O000O.frfO.e.o.0. LAUNDRYj Special Polyv Laul weight, no liner Boy's Br-own Leat] red star, value.. 1 BmnA S KET S rlry Baskets, strong ia.ndles, light needed, assorted colors. Ea. $1.79 hrOxfords, sizes 1 to 51 j. A Pair priced at........... $3."q Jnfanf 's Bootee, white washable leather, sizes O to 4. Pair priced at .............95c Nýew - Venus Founitain Pens -with repliaceable points. Extra fine, fine and medium points $1.00 Seýif-,Seal Envelopes, Vellum quality, pkgof 8 - .10c Special White Ram Shiïpoo, bottie for-..-...75e 2 botties for oniy .ý........... ...... .99e Adorn Self-Styling Hair Spray 'by Toni. Spray, - hefore you comb. Bottel for............ $1.7j'L Ban,, new Lotion De-odorant, rolls on. New size bottie for the price of........ ........ .89e Home Pencil Sharpener for Mom's kitchen or Dad's shop?. Pi?ced a.t ý........ ......... .$1.29 Bobby Pins finest q uality English steel, 100 pins to card, black or brown. Card for ........ . 19c' O N o o n o j' N N N N. N. N N N. N N N N N N N N N N N -j N N N N N N N N -N N s N N * -c N N N N N s. N N N N N N N N N N N 'N iThe programme wlll also includfe a la b te .HSDrmaCl.b OModess Teeni-Age, box of 12 for....... .4,e "Helenà's Husband". The Drarma Club lias been in istructed In Mr. W. pci'prc 2bx, o....... W.Watt. The .H-.S. Glee Çu Li.9 under the droetù0in f NMr. John o' Fodwill also )render various selecPEN FRIDAY EVENIî'GS f tionsq. The speaker will be Mr. Mc RIN SHEDUE OSAVE TITME SERVE. YOURSELF Thus.-katngClub f Friday- O 6:3ü Oronio PeeWees o U OO 5 O$ 0 T R 8:5 ronioBatm 9:30- Orno Aomstryi 10toar- .». . 4 .. > ,.. .- ê - ., q ,.-~~ ranige game. 10:30 Orionio eWes Pubic katng1-4,nd7:30 to 9:30 Mondjay- Skating Club Tuetsday 2-:30 PuiblicSho. 4:0Skating 6:30 rn AtomsPrcie I i ~ ~ I % 7:15- Orno Bntai pctice - ** 6:30 H ockey practice. 7:30 Public Skating UNITEO UR R.ecv. Basil Lonig SUNDAY, MARCH S8th Orono Leskard Kirby il a.m. 2 p.m. 3:00 tp.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 a.mi ............. Orono 2 ...............Kirby 2 p.m. ........... Leskard SAL E Branram-endesonare echanging the labels on their 11int n we are offering oir present tocia geatly ý7Redued 1Prices front FEBU. 23 TO MAROH 14. R. E. LOGAN, Prop. Phone 11816 orono, (hit. . .OfOfO. -. -'--c, Armstrong es

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