Freth Hope For The Bald-Heacds "Say, you know, Irving, your fiair's gettngt hhu2» "So who likes fat hair?" Baldness - and the crnball jokes that go wit l-. is a bur- "~den borne by eight out of test American mmi]es over the age of 30. A certain amount of relief nf a non-quackish nature was promised recently at a confer- ence sponsored by the New York Acaderny of Sciences, at which more than a dozen researchers ini dermatology, anatomy, and biology taok a good grip on this hair-raising subjecl. "The outlok is hopeful," an- nounced Dr. Irwin I. Lubowe, balding darmatologist ai New York Medical Collage. "Mare ba- sic research en hair regen)eration lias beau done iu the past five years than ever before." The researchers ail agreed thal balduess is divided into three parts: (1) "Pattýn baildness," the Y-shaped thinning at the temples, or sterling at the crown ef the head and moving f or- ward 10 the brow, (2) the kind known as alopec4-a areata, whicb idevelops in patches, anywhe're ou the scalp, and (3) complete "1bij- liard bail" baldness. And they agread an the root of the problem. Each of a mani's 120.000 hairs grtmws up throughIl a follicle, osr canal in~ the scalp. As aid hairs dieanad fada awayv, they are repaced by new, healthy hairs, so long as thIe fol- licles are alive and weil. Aside from old age, the chiaf reaison for dying follicles is heredity: A man's hairline wil begin ta recede in exactly' the same pat- ternu, at the saine spot, and aI about thse saine age as his father's. Noue of the papular na- tions - tight-fittiug bats, 100 nuich waler on the scalp, mar- ejage or celibacy, germns, brais fatigue, or the shape of the head - are clues lu the case of the missing locks, Dr. Lubowe, on the other baud, has iauud a relation between balduess and the~ glandular sys- tem. The patchy kind oi bald- neas, he reported, responds hap- ýpily ta 4eroîd hormone therapy. Of 68 patients fteated with syn- thectic hormones called predul- Enne and prednIsoione, 80 par cent had coniplete regrowtb, anid anather 36 par cent had partial hair restoration. In common "pat.- tenu baldness," however, Dr. Lu- bowe said, the steroid hormone treatmeut is tota'lly ineffective. Nor is there any assurance of help from the couutless commercial s5alves 2u4 ontrments massagad On the scalp. "No salve applied locally to the scalp cas be ab- gorbed by the follicles," he ex- plained. Neverîheless, r es ea r ch e rs haven't given up hope, So long as barren follileles are hooked up with a healthy blood supply, tIera may stili be a chance. A bald bird from Af rica described by Dr. J'ames B. Hiamilton, an aniatamist ai' the Stata Univer- mity of New York, anay provide an important rese'arch bool. The bird îs a male watlled slarling, unusual i~n thlit il loses ils head feathers -- starting at the crows aud leaving a meagar fringe - almost exactly th way "paters baldness" oceurs ni mnan. As tn mnan, reported Dr. Hamilloil, the androgens (male. hormones) are in some way involved in1 the ird's loss of feathers. Now a new flock of stralings, ordered groin Keniya, Af ra, is under- gem»g an elaborate testing pro- gram. "If baldness lu the hu»tan mnale and. the wattled starliug 'tan definitely be associated," ex- plained Dr. Lubowe, "'we may be able to test mYedicines on the bird, and then apply them to bumas leings." - From NEWS- WEEIC, Q.HOW Can I Prevent a nuisty «dor i feather plllows? A. Whan fillihlg a pillow with' The spring brida may find il hard ta furnish a "draam" home on a down-to-earlb budget. 'Ilow- evar, there are ways of strelching mouey for f'urn-ishiugs. Ouc way s la buy unpaîntad furuiturea su ta finish ià ati home. Fiulshing furnilure is nol dif- ficuit - just a ni-ater of uisinig the rîght produet and followingi directions la Ihe lettar A good basic rule is this: Neyer apply a finish Wtaa surface- thiAl is ual thoroughly dlean sud dry. Sd with fine saudpaper sud dust off with a turpentine-dampanad cloth before eves touching a paint brush. Natural Wood colors play mn important raie in modern decor-. zating schemes. The attractive grain* ai good wood eau be an- hanced snd, at the~ same ime, protected by a clear varnish. Certain opan-g-raîned woods sudh .as .oak, walnut or miai)bagny wil uead a wood flîler before varln- ishing whila close-graluaci woodsý kike pine or ruaple are ai] raady for the finishing job, NeWwaod ustually needs aI least two coats of varnisl and each coat musI ha thoroughly dry before starting tle nexl. Il 1 alsa a good idea ta sand lightly betweuîlhe coals. A special satin varnish, appliad as the final coal, Will give tle furnuiura a Iovely sheene. H.ow- ever, those of the "elbow-grease" schooi prefar rubbing down thc ordinary varnish with. powderad pumi aud waler. Polished with a coal ai liquid pohsh or haýrd wiax, tle fiuished Wood will have ae "mc.llow," look that's strictly professional. In somte woods, the saturai colar is uot as attractive as il migîl le. If lIaI is tle case, g ive it a coul' oi Wood stain be-~ fore~ vaarnishing. Thera are mnany stain colors on the market. A finial coal ai clear varuislh appliad oves a stain gives a hard-we-arng finish lIaI resists mnoisture. She's A Champion Lady Beekeeper Lookifig ager 15 m~illion bees sud five- children is al l a day's work for Mrs. Lucy Deschamps of Duvernay, near MQtraal', wlo is the wife of a Canadian champion beakecear. When Ger- ard Deschamps won the Cana. dian Beekeepar's Couricil Trophy for tle best exhibit oi liquid honey -nt the Royal Winter Fair. in Novainher, le gave equa] cradit for bissuccess leLuy lu 1947, wheu Lucy married Gerard, as air fonce vtaran, she lad tic ides that ,somne day sh. woul ha "mcthering"'champ- ionship bees. lIn fact,' sIc was Ienified ai bees. Today aIe is 'an expert harler. Lucy says ~tlàt il took lier about one year ta becomne accustomYecl to île bees. As ta being alung -"i' in the bame!" liesasys cheer- lully. Copquaning île'fear of bpca îl e fil't tand most im-, portant step in île lîfe of a le. kandler. Bees, lUke a great many other animnaIs, seemn instinctively to saute fear ir their handiers. The Deschamp~s lave lhree huudred hives spread oven live diffenent locations wthin s, radius ofi fiva miles tram their home,.4The hives art placed wher.e 'the besi cloVer croPSar found. Last sumnmer, the Ds champs even took sOtue ai theîl' liives ta the Lake St. John district for- 15 days ta talke ad- ,;a nt age of an ecletclov'er cr-op iu that district. P ro d ueing and packaging chamqrpionish-ip hoaney me-ans tLhat Lucy Deschamips hias a hleavy scl-edulê ,ach day. Rising at &30, ,h- getsslher five sOlis, ag,,es two 'bG 10, r-ea-dy for the day (thrce of thetn go to sehiool), and then prepares ;to go ouIt t the iV es. Fier hiusband,. who works uutlh 2:30 a.mi. che post &Mlce, doesn't gli untîl1 ,n ine. Whermi hie is ready' . -__ýy drive ouI, work ai-d collect honey until inid- alternoon. Lucy ba.ç h y;ürAirl1 who stays vith the two youingcýr children during the day. while she's away. Howeveî, thrceemornifigs ai week durin.- spring and suimme, Lucy follows a different patters. Shie leaves the hause early an~d drives a rpick-up truck- ta the Jean Taloii' mar'ket in Montent She lias hiLd-lierovrhsa'I'tlkr for several years and has m-?iy steady customners for the Des-. cham~ps horiey, lu winter 811. makes the trip to rmarket only on Saturdays During the a1ternoon and even- inigs, Lucy works in the sm al. woikshop attached to' their-house where the honey is processêd and the comnbs prepared and pack- aged. While somte of the horiey lE extracted fromr the combs, filter- ed through a special nylon mesh, and sold as liquid honey, the mra- jority of the Deschamps holley is sold in combs which are(- mdlvi- dually packaged îru tilsy bags of cellulose film. These anmall combs are cul with a multiple cutter. Lucy then uses speciallIY-deSigtk- ed macbinery to inert th~e combs intco their bags kefore putting the candy-bar sized prtions into at-. tractive, indivîduial boxes. Collecting, processing a n cl packagng the honey crop, look-. ing after her Qss and keeping house make Lucy Deschamp~s an extremely busy wom-an. 110w- ever, she's at her happiest when working alongside her husband asnd the cheerful, relaxed atmnos.- phere of the Descham'ps house- hold gives ample evidenice that being "buisy as a ban" is good for you! A child's pe-rsistenýt sniffing a.nnoyed a womar, stauding next t& hlm. "Younga man," she said, "have yQu gol a.handk<erchief?" "'Yes,» replied the yauongster, "but my mother won't !et me lend 4t tc> anybody." Itchj.tch N- 1%:; Vn r$ irtuse ai soothling, c0ooling liquisi D. D. D, Prescription Pesit!vely relievet rsw red tch-eaused by ezlema, ris scalp irritation. chstling-otheritch troubles. Greaseîess, taîinem . ,9ý riat botUle >uet gatirfy or mnouey bàtk. flan't sif'-. AÀsk' yourdnwzflstforD.D.D,PRESCRIPTION AGENTS Frm Maccinery Agency SHOWING GOOD MET REUR SELLING every 1iId of f om machin- ery, trucks and tractors. Weil estah. Uished ln terrïtory, dolng over $400,000; can be increased ta $800,000 Per vear, For confidentiali nformation Cali Mr: G1iksrnsan. EU. '71741. Caragnini Real Estate, 342 Oakwood Avýe., Tôronto._ A GENTS WANTED GO INTO BUSINESS for yourself. Seil aur exciting house- wares, watches ana tiier products not found I stores. No competition. Prof- Its up te 500%;. Write non' for free5 colour catalogue and separate confi- dential wholesale price sheet. Murray Sales, 3822 St. Lawrence, Montres). RU L Departunent Store frori YoUr own horne. Yes, we'Il put you Inte ýoir own business. absolutely Free! ^ o you eau sel! ta entire famnily, Clothing, shoes, shirts, w<ork clothes, toys., fishing equipment. Arnazing mioney-msiking plan. No experienc0 neaessary. Fuil or part-time. Free giff . Wite for powerful sample outfit and fui instructions absolutely Free. ,Nlddies Sales Reg'd. Boýx 115, N.D.G- Moj(ntrea! 28, Quebec. -- "ICOIN COLLECTINO 89 CANADA'S FASTET GROWING H408ÉY. WE ARE WHOI.ESALE DEALERS IN CO1N A4EIJMS, SUPPLIEIS ANDO CATA- LeGUES. WE REQUIRE LOCAL AND COUNTRY DEALERS. FREE SUPPLY LIST. LIBERAL DISCOUNT. INTERNATIONAL COIN COMPANY 227 Victoria Street Toronto, Ontario." EASY ÇIICKS____ BRAY Broiler chlks Mal?ét1-prilM5ly shoulti be ordered now. Avallable imi mnediate, shipmient dayold anud sanie started Dutai-puirpose pullets andi cocker- els. Also Ames Pullets, dayeii! heavy breed cockerels.* PrIcelista a$i5bie. See local agesnt, or write Bray îb.achery, 120 John North, HamiIton, Ont'- TME now to order BessIes. Babcack ,Bessies give top egg. Iaylng ,perform ance whether kepit ln cages orlag fioc1ha. Gentie, easy birds' te handle. 1lgh producers 1215 mouths. Excellent ivabillty Large white eggs of high intenlor quality. fllustrated catalogute iu colour on requesi. Red x Sussýex, Warren lieds. Sussex s lieds, lRed x ïloeks aiso available, 100", ltve deliveil', 98 l ivâility 3 weeks, gusrantfed. Whtney Parnis & latcherv. 'Miverton. Ontario. ONTARIO'S MOST PROFITABLE LAYER LOGSDON'S LI & N "Nicik Chilks". Day aid dIscount on lage arders. Leuikosim resistance. St.s ted pllets avallable. Order now for spring deiivery. Infor- mationi upon~ request. Jogsdon's Il & N Hiateiserles, Seafortis, Ont. BOOKKEEPIKG SERVICE BOOIKEEi'ING Service. By mail, $2.00 per month, records kept. W r i t e. Auditax. 230'Herbert. Waterloo, On- tanio. BOOKS PROTESTANT, BOKS- S T -W'E& a erlesi 1.Oêlposipal4. Fre@ Prlce List oni requcat. Box 35.Rerina. Sska iz2cisewan. FARMS WANTED FARM wante4; Ideally loated, 20 acres, excellent building or no buiId. Ings. State price, furnish ispcture. Biox 1861, 123-18th Street, N'ew Toronto Ont. FO0D VISTRIBUTOR FISH4 WRITE for our I959 price fist. Wce have ~ guod supply Quallty sud Varety, SILVERSTEINS 135W King St., London, Ontsria. FOR SALE ATTENTION Green flouse Owners and 'loultry Baisers- Genierator complete wlth exciter on rack,. used, 25cyl. 5 lkwo., 110 'volt, single phase, suitable as stand by electrical supply, eau be dniven by gas engine or power take-off, cast~ $850.001, wil! sl less 5 H.P. 60 cycle n1otoir. No reasoable offer re- îused. B3enson-Wiliox Lt4,. Box 5015. JLandoni, Ont. LADIES Eippels! <One stze fit s al! Beautifuliy made ln Japsu, $2.19. 'Red, Blue and Pink. Paut, 1066 Pulashi Rd,. East Northport, New York, U.S.A kMUST Seil Patents on Portable Rlefrigi ~eratar and Compresser for cars, bornes. inake toys Rlso. Stanley Wali<er, 3) Harvard Avenue, Orlando, Florida. NOTICE TIKSMIT*I$ BIJ'kyour isaf round trôisgb bsnger-q at au reasonable price. Apply Enas S. Martin,. R. R. , 3.Walenstein Ont. O>NE new misi mik van 15 fit. long, 3' decks lih; 1 used 12 fi. wooden pro- duce van, lu good condition. Apply Wltsie Woodworking, phone Avîmer 44. ymer, Ont. $i POCICET RUICER STAMPS $1 'YO1U naine and address (three Uines) in neat plastic container wlth i pad, Lane Stationers, 937 Victroa Ave., Nia. gara Falls, Ont. Dept. W. SEVERAL different miakes of gaod used mnilkýing-machines. Let u,5 insall one o0f tisese or a niew Woods in yeur barns on trial withanit any oblIgation. Dist- ance Is no barrier. Phone (clleci) or 'wrIte Irving Keyes, Ciamis. P'hone Pais- ley 114-r4. GLADIOLI BUIIS GUARANTFED H o 11 à n d lmporied. Large beautiful Exhibition -.IoianE, M)any famop a nm ed Varietie&. lxed, large '$6MN iU $.50; SrnzsI $4.50 per IN0. Seiected large rniîxed el dozen. ?medium 75ý dozen. Postpaid. HELP WANYED-MALL BEEXEEPER reqtmred, experiened strong; uglis-speaking, For partieu- tara write ta Rideau lloney Ca. Lid.. Iemptville Ont., enclosing saspsisot, and informationt, experieisce, age, hreigis, weigis, t, ani references. NULP WANTED-FEMALE Girls! DOMESTICS Girls) DOMeSllc jobS We have apeient, Uf you're wiling, strong anid healthy, Yeu can earn the higisesi wage If 18 ta 50 la yaur age; Sa pack yaur bag and board the bue Aad make tise journiey. ta us. You'll have ne further need ta raam; W-'IlI place you ln s lovely home, "Na charge ta vou"> EMPLOYERS UNLIMITEO 76 Church Street Toronto Dmestlc Division, 8th Floor, EMl. 6-2571 HELP WANTED WANTED: Two e.lýperienced linitting machine fixera for 108 needle or coarse, ,er Scati and WlU1lams H and H Hos1,lery maichines. Good wages and, working conditions. WilI psy expenasesto move ta States. Repiy Balistan Kuitting Coin- pany, Box 30, Balîstan Spa., New York. HARDWARE SALESMAN -EXPEBIENCED man for cautractors' and buliders' himsdware sales, al bene, fits provided. Excelltsnt waorklng cni tiens. Apply lu own handwrltlng stat- bng previaus experlesice. age, etc., t( Box 179. 123-1tlt Street New rorouto, Ont. FARMIER wauited, able ta speak Englisis. N ew Canadian welcame. Goad warker, preferabli' uondriuker and non-amaiker,. Farm located 20 miles East ai Toronto. Good home and good saiary. Will inter- view, ail appllcsnts. Box 180, 123-lilti Street, New Toronto, Ont. SOCIAL WORKERS REQUIREZ) ta vork witis chiidren and their familles. Desred quaolifications are gaduatin from saho fscial orl but cousideration wlll be given te suit. able persans who have a. B.A. degree o gr equltivaleunt. Only wi,ýritten application aceited. Please apply glvlug full de- talls ta D. A. Judd, Chldren's Aid Society. 240 Kng Street East, Kingston. IIORSES ATTENTION NORSEMEN ONTARIO Belgiin Ifoiae Assoc. luold- ing 6th Aunual Draft Horse Sale, Wed- nesday, April 8th, 1959, Uândsay Fair Grounds, Lindsay, Outaria. Ail biorsem muai Se couslgned and caialogued. Con- signinents close MAarcis 10. For entry formas write Jack Wood,.li.R. 2, Aulora, Ontario. LIVESTOCK DUAL PURPOSE SI4ORTHORNS HILLHEAD Farma present effe 'ing, young cows, calvlng Janiuary ami Feb- ruary, helfer calves. Two herd sire prospects f romi 11,000 15. of milk dams. iterd an R.O.P. Write for particulars. Il. A. Hewtt's Sons, Yorki, Ont. MACHINERY AND MOTORS SAW CHAIN 25% DISCOUNT 16" L.EL. lner$13.50,. 8" cuic D"4 $15,50. 17" HlonielitteHZ $l5,23. Wiîtt for details on aur coniplete lune of saw chain. JAY'S MAI). ORDER, BOX 64, SIJRLINGTON, ONTARIO MEDICAL "ARE you sure you dan't have sugar (sîgu of D)iabetes)? Thousands do. sud don't ksiaw It! Play sasel Check yvain famlfly now! Simple home test tisai yoia niake yoarself, detects sugar uine' diately. 23d pacis, 6 for $1.00 l'astpiaid. Royal Company. Depi. C, 1051 M'it. Royal East, AMontreal. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH tise torment af dry eczema rashes and weeping shUn troubles. Post's Eczemia Salve will not disappoint you. Iteliing, scallng and burulng ecze- mna, acue, ringw,ýorm, plimples sud foot eczema Nvlil respand readlly ta tise stainlesa odorles intimest regrdiess af han' stuishorn or lhopeleas ihey seelu. SeMnt Post IFreseon Recelpt of Prk#* PRICE $3.00 FER JAR POSTIS REMEDIES 2t65 St. Clair Avenue East TORONTO TRY IVI EVERY SUFFERER 0F RHEUMATIC MAINS OR NEUITS SHOULO TRY DIXONS REMEOY. MJUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 Express Collact mucus IN THROAT THUNA'S PINK TAULITS for tise nose enmd tiscoaf, dropping of niucus dis' ,chairge, seusation of a lump lu th@ tbrokt and otiser dlsturbances,. Asic Your DrLuggist DRILLIN@f FOR OliL SHALL<>W Ontario fileld invetnugpae* hers. Write P.O. Box 55. Tùrminai A., Toronto. OPPORTUKITIES O MIN AND WOM-uN PELivU.RY W*ORK SI50.00 MONTHLY Incne for part. time deliverles sud calectIo15.SIMu have cas, or hlgt track. *791W00caip required. Ma1re incarne for faulima..* 1%eply giving name, addresusud phajie number to Box N'o. 178. 1238-18th St., New Toronta, Qntaio. OPERATE Iloine Mail rerBs1ea Me» and Warnen (aU afee). Tern Proveh 6 PATENTS FETBHERSTONHAUH & Ce ni.p anP.y Patent Attorneys. Establlised190 600 University Ave,, Toronto Patents al cmnils PIRSONAL "ADAM te Armegeddou/Il brief history book free tca bible readers. Adýdresm Box 149, Dorcisester, Ontario, ANCIENT Popularity Formula! Amaint resulis, uy age, sex or clasa. 'Does Pot rely an appearance, education, wvealtli5 etc. Short, simple Instructions, $1. itehiance, P.9. Box 7, ail, Mis- LAD IES for tho betlu cosmetîice, try Peggy Newton ProdLucis. Fret cata- logue, beauty chart. Bern'sé Novelty. P.O. Box 945 , Montreal. ADULTS! Personal Rubber Godf I j assortmenit for $U. Finest quality, tested, guiaranteed. M9aled î l ain sealed package plus iree Birtis Contro1 booklet a lcatalogue of supplies. W ier n Dstributors. Box 24-TF. Riegina, Sask. LOOK YEARS YOUNGER IN MOMENTS OLD iooking? Wnlnkies ou face andi neck, pufiuesai nder eyes, Get rid of tisesi o nlIy omen laiter applylug Rae's Wrilkle Reoiioer. Really wavrkm ,1ike magie sude lasis for 6 Saurs aiter escis application. Tise resuits will amaze you. Use onty aone or two drapa ta mnake you look years youniger. liegtu- lar size $5.00, latrge $1000, postpald. R.W.R. Cmay 436 Quïeen West, Toronto PETS FOR SALE BRASS Nanie Plates, Machine stamped with your namne and Address. Ried lei- tera, For i<eys or Dog Cilars. Threo for dollar. t'ete Waite, 150 Railway Stieet, Wood siock, i3ntarlo. POULTRY AND L.JVESTOCI< DO you poulisymneu know tisai K-137 Kimberchika ied zill nationslly sold egg breeda li rte numnber ai large eggs laid lu 195.7-58 Random SFample Tests? 76.3, oi tise Kiiniber eggs were large. Tais kuow tisai iou caniletri e .bgger preanlums marketing Grade A Large eggs. Kinyibers are uitse.itïble 'for ean)y, large quaiity, white eggsm, IHatcb)og ail popular egg and dus) purposse i beeds. lsi Generation Brollera. TurleýÇs. 1105sf. ers snd Broiters. Send for earlv order booklng discount aud ne-w 195j9 folder. For sn'ine raising try Canads.-'s intîre plg - Blue Sptted hybrld îotstand.. ing imothers of white skinnedl unanket pîga . Also reglstem-ed Lrv llck9 (tise Seet sowa for cOsbedn.Also Lindrace, Aberd(ýen Angus iii!'.Câta- logue. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCIIEI{IE.S LTII. FERGUS ONTAýRfO PROPERTIES FOR SAL1S FOR Sale Elglit roamont)ýfinishedl lieuse %w.ith garage. Iocpted (!ai 116 Chesterfild Ave., London Ont. Apply Box 2, Gleicoe. Ountanlo. SEEDS IexCLUSIVE urpezn ind , siralus 'Alil Anenîcan- sclevtions - flowers, vegetabies, begonlasr, esîadi- tons. For Canada's tinestI ulstinr ai of y- brid sud itmproved seeds ve>rlPo- i)amîgla Seeda,. Brantiord' Ont. "1BEGINNERS try ea'seleçtii of Approvals prlced le ta 10'e pehis, mIn aud uaed. -Mini U.S. staninps- iven free ta every applicant. 9IltAno 'ri,(nenê Ormiston. S<uaka.teilui." Bir, Wantdwlde tPackiet Free, ta aip- provai applicants, ' Animis, Airmnails, triangles, lncluded. Mtany Ibarigalns aon approvat. 10e for. handlag. Larrv ,Mc- Cormicia, Cai.eil ait. Onurîa. 20 FOREIGN Colpas $1.00, Goid Saver- elgu n .0.195.8 CiadisnU-4icircute!1td Cain Set, -$3.50. Sctch lbig>ubttdev Badge $1.50. Caln Buylng IJat 250. Cravu Hobbiter, 16~7 Çodsell. Downs- OLD COINS, BANK 1NOTES' Mlay brlng mucis profit. Send 25c ' coin or stamps for buylng liai. Pauil Thliert, 1745 Prince, Windsor, Ont, SWINE TOP qusllty Landrace swlie, 2 'ta S maoniba, priced frein $25.00., Mêrvin Howe. R.' 5, Aylmer West, Ont.l WESSEXI Saddlebacjç gilis andI boars, all ages, registered or unregistere' ideal for cross-breedlng. Wesaex/Znftdrace. Wessex/York, s o0w s avallab'Ie. Dr. Murray Smith, Veterinarla.n, Charïng Cross, Onrlo.' TRUCK% AND TRACTOR-TRAILERS A.TENTION ALL TRtJCKERS SUE J'reisauf'e Used trgiler clearance »le"of thse ypAr. Wqe got ta piêVs Our old stoc ata Tnake -wany 'or new trade-4us. $4' ingleale tes . ..............$400l 2 only, 5,500 ai. fuel 011 tAn ere .......... .. ... $ . 291 sigle au e va . 14, s1nge leFruiehauf PA & T. 94171g UmVc;.,. AT. *4S8y VACA'IIOW IOT SÔIJT*4IRt4RESORT *ORT-tgiùderdale, honlda, near zcO e "osrn roome, apartment,. *en4 fO xoc!hur,. Windsor Menor, 2M ~Te£rR- ULASIFIED ADVERTISING N f "N 'N N N N N s'. N N N s. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N f N N s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N s' N N N "N N. N 'N. N N N N N N N N N 'N N. N 'N N N 'N N N. 'N N N N N N N N N 'N N 'N N N N