VQlume 22,. Nuniber 3 Or'ono, Ontario Thutirsday, Ma1reh M Sub8crOption $1Under Neir $ O0. Short On TNnOksUdrieie RebekahLodge 'Active Mïnd', 'Purpose' The regtilar meo-_tfng Off Héatheri Orono ink Bu lding Tll(e Twin Oa;i otk,; Rebekali Lodge No. 34wis hliî h Iel F r~ ~ c u -ler, new mantagemient. 'The twelve 1March lOth., with an excellentat it motel h las been purcýhased b enace T h ~ O x ~ r C ' a b e o f C ' n r e r e h a b e 0 f C o m e c e p a s e a J a c n a o b e o f T r n ô ' s e a t e W l o n . N b e G a d T h e a n nu a l C o m m e n c e m e n t E x - b o l , h e f e t , r e p r e s e n t e d t h r e e f a c - me o Tur~1y ve-in~\Il L motion to hold ftheiratnll]ïlCarnival wato ossso MM S S officatnglaie statiNonlress GteOon ih co oson which the students could ~vryý interesting agendja of reports on Wdedy August l9thl in thle , moeasprhae Sister Elizabeth Cornlsh acting forwrelednteTo shpHlonbeteicae. lad d s u s o s b i he ld . Yfou rte e n 1 fo rm 0of ..ilNi 1 , ed B r a d a st e e t fa ir , s ;m ila r to la st t eVM rG rn.i h eFre d fBa rn a rdr h t \ i h l e .st w s o d e e o p a a t v mebes ere presenit at the da ya.A boat, motor and(-[trailer wiîî Mr. n rs. Kean were both t VieGannnth bene-rdyevenig, arc 6thwitsa(h insda adveo natv nermetig el i te ronoRet-laai h ~iaw ad ~îuredacebuinssiMToanoa nd K 'S~t ree eron. Rol ell shiowedýj fine audience of parents and inter- m .dSome gùete mntda, au-_ramtnt. r. old Sp s pthe reimnaycortstheo RTe ha-itreaiin hr ntiet nTiroronfteooicrsaben.ededpesas reen. wad, er si'atme ida, i five ûf ~ ~ ~tficates absdnd.plomas were)n present - ce l, did not have a higli degree of dent chjre ~h metin disbanïed t Oron'h flold tosreSierMjrepte fo th ed to thoseý students whio had been education btddhv natv mjeh ber toe itp,7aoi eo frtemind and having sucli were think.. o i~o r~o RI N K FU N I mg hors racing in onjunction- 0-- Benexrolent Committee. Sister Dun- l choosent for their efforts and ac-esanwllifmd.dctons Mr.Godo Wtsntrasre, Illte carniVa-l. i iop reported on catering ta the plishmeýnts, acedemîaln ,gv lope-tfntea ess . edadDn1 Plan For O.rono Beaverprogreopanss&,neive with an active mind. g a v t h e g r e s e n f i n ano r i a l t a n i n g l i ti i e rs . W m e i d d ndth e D a n ei ne r o nL u h em b e C m p n y o f m l a r h i g c - c r i c i aA n a c t i v e m d , e s a i d , w o u l d p r o - th gnea fnd0fte 'hmerlo, drprtdtatteOrono Guide hed a roa heevein o -1lach Mr, W, W. Watt, principal of thelmote tlio)ught-about lf tef alnd l iso of tlle sp)ecilal rink fujnd. Ti,,f Club wrnp wlln to goaîng4D0J L 31rd. Sister Gladys Gamsby reported rnciiSho eloe h The gneralfund howe a baance nothHi-egiar iliarnss rteh(i The und ;Iiývcda baanc Wit a rgulr fhpor liîer committee on eaterîng toiaudience to the mamentus The second point of the syýmbal of $159.66. The seca. rn fp Jn wt btiag piieebut On Mïýonday Teveing, Maeh9, e H1 coiCmecee nteyalypormoftew Sa acommand of your ilanguage. showed receipts of a doniation 0of er ot in fa o f ItheColt sregular meetiengeaofrthe Local Assoc-th jle'ation offGr Guides met at the Ilt was dlecided thiat the Rebekahis eeth spaeplaelfrte jn'r Ilil.or Mrs.wit wetildcatr fo, te _las 1 i'mn fuse off aur language witli achieve.- fro te hit Cmpigncah f om uI l havl noToublting 30seve presnt. o be lield early in 1Vay,. lhe Durliam County District High 1 firmted. "looks different with ainLun- $71055,totallng ta $96.55,Promfcltsfrtsak .tThe Chamberife This amout$49w 5hd en ad h rgla ee asto u-ho Mre Gibrtpndthmeig Scoa oard extended greetings derstanding of yaur, laniguaýge." "u la ia(alnc )ff$47700)f. "btwoffld like to hold the with praer.t'he (L.A. wresorry ta Plns wer made or the 12th fom thEBoard and (cngratulate Fina?,l bis yct ta be paid in conaic- Cl tk'rc weeetvfe laata r.Gib idhn e irlia m ta be iheldon ur h sudns esiin wrd n nefnlçon i h ymo a fla1n cf ithe.rink totalled ta $1264.00 Pract!"Icahlycaver the purses. They 1lU lie 1sgnti1 a Dsrit o.1eglr eeig'igt Tesa, ilomas. ie spoke of further hor- lfiherefare". Here the speaker re- jeavus a defici in the fDistrict ta be invitedad- Theuenenthngiinsttjth izreicset and sstatedt1at ale'redrta the lie blicaieistoryryoof Jesua of vertse thetown ad trackat litle ove t. mr. G. M.Liffloione could- not - "ecoieveutooiomucli e-ve whomuwas- beiags urgedur ta tremaînin i Lt xvas pointed out tliat fIe Blitz expense. esr.Reid and Found man. oved bY a prormeY ti Sdth ctanowweèh ou av Campwaiga was subscribed by $710551are ta eoit furthier witli thl Letters had en eeie frorn foho oramelhe studeats may look on thieir al- becomne a kinçi oflkinig, but, He sald, !la_ cash plus S95.00 worf h of bilîsiOrano Turf Club lainregard taththie Neonie anld ý'iecast1e Hpy îtidyws ugtaSsvards and cipilamnas as a ieasurel"Thlereforýe came 1 forth-," and was aanmthe rink nîarked paid. 1 Colt Stake race whicli would be 1Gui'des, Lhn i>usfoi-rfete1 e L er Marij. 13arretf, Sister Maibel Ton- ofsces iysol lob e aple abv aacmls Vork at the rink lias been coin-llield ila 0Orno on June 20thi as a tliey enijoy.ed with uis whien we ce!-- nant and sister Elsie Jolies,.iga rded as a .chaleeg for the~ future 1 is. wor-ks. "What is ftic 'Therefore' pleed pinedou te resdettWhihtmet.ebrated ThnkngDay". Mrs. Lia- Te wrd eroeset l ain your Ife?" asked flie speaker. Ho wîth fthe exception off a fîre wall as i N DUSTRIAL toni also annouaiced thlat Guide Coni- Business being conmpleted,1Lodgetesuet adwr ulnd nsi o uf aeaga m rustdby thle Fire Mrhl.Tlie W. H. carman reparted on fthe ference wudbe held t Toi ntowas ,Iosed andi a fasty lunich .testtideit's column la last week's therefore you xiii put tuime tastud. furnace room lias been camplctely formation off a commit tee ta in- on ThursdIay, ans day pi serveod by flic Lunch Comittee. su f h e. The "'ihereffore' ia your liffe keeps flîre-prioof cd. MWr. Sf aples abso s;aisi vestigate thxe possibillty off organiz- ansi 3, and, ur.ged anaone wha c 4oubsi Last Tuesday, iMardi 3rd, the i.W .MMseB.. Pe o1rvn as ie ups n rt Ill~eunaderstoosi a credif off over ing an, Iavestmnent Corporation fa ta go. Assembly- Presideat, Sister Mlabel mainagîng editor off CDp~ Clarke Vu ie $500was te be receives fi-rmfixe cOnstruCt indristrial buildings wlien It was decidesi fa htfy the fieces-imayliee, paid lier official 4iîsit ta t$lsigCmpnTrrtai Tefr o1omuifufryi <)ioaaFue .ad Lmbr. eedsi.le taed hata nmbe sry ut oi-fli Oono WeekIy Heiafher Lodge and Maybelle Reb- < invýtoFuladLmer edd e stlg atdan numsry utie or both feGioNwsaxLde Ol-p ir met ucst speaker, was lut rodçuced by must determine your 'therefore-"' M~ERCHANTîS <OMMITTEE of minahas invsiae nids ie og bv teGieNmsea ogPr erThe me M Nr-. W W. Watýt. Mr. Mc-Mister in 1lie urged. You munst kiow where Wý. 1H. Carmaii reported for theIe. letftfie cammiittee was gotting wbiehlislasentln weeckby. ii- egbizi~gheld at PatPry lilsadesstedhth wsdf ourengnibtvyia'ê - iMereicliant's çonwiittee ansi stafedsi Omewliere and thet an industry The i~Campinh etupmnentn d 1h i ouel Knnd, t er ith i ddDep- leatlewshdtlyuaegon ndhwy r o thaft hey- woultl again irculate a was now available. A sum off from té fide<~kes ila beiag -turned aver buity Pr'ident ini andcbtated0fhe sy ave assniolwih-fie rad eifs tghe rd he sttband i tfamped petti n t e dea ou to ge un - 30,00 to $40,000 w ould be nedesi, fn i ,1et h i t frict and a rangem ents. Thirty ý.four m em bers anore sta t e fie dots y bol a Thesyre- veil-d 'hé~ - t a ge 3)fa w a frrnity in fixe Qiana store liurs. Thxe legal construction andsi ate canmifee is behxn- formesilta ea travelbesi früon Qion'a by bus ta He als o made mention off an adver- probleins are ail being investigafed i wth tis. Mrs. Sld Barrabail was Port Perry to tfake part la the joint tiigsign locatcd lanfixe vieinity af fixe prescnt fume.- appointed -as represenfative früm Tmeeting, (of Hjghway 115. HOQSPITAL Association ta acf on flua commit-f. On nigixf, Mai-ehItvu e W Ar u l "M o t ra CJIlC OJMMITTEE Herh Duval repartesi that file tee. Weduxecar 4f s, Where VVeaAspecit liIr,- Gor~don Cottet preseted the pr- Chanmber H~spi ai Commlttee lia4 Disusson fllowed mn thxe. mther MTneting et Oshawa Loçige N. 3,' -Powrant Jeclares aed .'oiL jecfs \vlli hthe Civia Comitteemet Sylix rsentatives of, theaddugtr 4lp- siw N.3b-fkhs >(ê tpe to hà»e aao fi if èW durlng -Cat*e- ajf7f and ha*i tative- date of ihr farch 31 or es,,;w1ti Ganaraska Locige frôxn th -year. The ieusiesi aving ti.e discussed fixe possihility of suPPOrt- April 1. was set as fthe date fa hlad Part Hope exempliffying fixe IDegreec is Kathleen Geacix, a mebe ing-plans fo~r a big celebratioin PoUce Tr-ustees rmark Ithe, business ïna' a liospitalinl Clarke Townshipi tfis eveilt. and Benevolent Locige ri a-offegautn bs.a MS. iof fwee et iefnlp~rt section for--paring and ta regùlate He statesi that fixe commiffee rne- A deliejous lundhivas serveçi and mianvulle closing Losige. 1958, was flic Valedlictorian ie the handed ia. Life, liowever, seldom Overmigiuf parking on flhc streets. ing Zcoubsi sec no reason why Clai-keianiitaio fromr Mrs. Gladys Both meetings Werc vei-y inter- Commencement Exercises on Fi- ruas aecording ta plan and wlien Thc latte~r.lie sai, hînderedsi sow coulsi not or sîbulsi nat have a lias-! tGamsby w7as acceptesi toliolsi Our csting ansi fie Presidcaet's rernarks day blasf. Miss Geaci presnfcd lixer tixose gr-uelling hours oif or- remnoval. pifaI. A list off reasons lias been April m-eelting at lier home. \vifý long be2 rememberei. addrss l a masf pbcasing- andi cf- fui-e werc over, fthe Only fhings we 'lleinrnte fect ose opldwhc uprtaCaklive anner whîch is truc off flichasi Were long mournful lfaces, sam-e definife action taken againsf HTospital. be I cial'e tadad blaodsiot eyesandtei-rible cases off doga raaming arounsci. Clcaniag Up) A bot(off spade work liasyet ta e é-!oIý tnad f ie- Township Hall bath inside'and donie and contacts arc.bcing plan- q-V q Theijf f' wAIIg a Jh writers ci-amI itî wa-s requestesi as if, was states inedi fa fui-fier investigate flic pas-,A ÎrnsU 'f . R= IlKevuevve tTic fallwiag addres was give ifwai disgraýce ta flie fowa7shi P. sibiity. 'vmnsaýaýsrs lInprovemeat at t he Main ansi MiUi A. J. McvlGill also painted ouf f ixapffr whch -,v stee iterýsection wý,as pra)pasesi Iunsici-tfixenex'0 Hospif'alization p-- ~Iv u ogtiefx rdae pro ur cioolfrpworwiiw andi ici-eMr. cotfesate, fa i rmn isptlwudiu itia M7s.V1Ile s A tO 19nn must Àk, _"1ur lasf farewch ta sav d aur al ances ianfiiisaieasi, Harit icuittural wouîd assist wt eii.There is a gi-caf neesi for' ~- rn îhSho.oile maiesi fuof)f ar Chr ist- irli ifwas fi-sf cleanes up). Tic more liospitals staf cd -Mi-. McGilt h ma d:or s oal.W dnfagtix oes f stop sigus vwas also statesi ansi1 tus was 1;po.intëcdouf at a mieet-!Tic -Marich meeting off tic W.A. i Ulil Mi-s. M. .,Tambn)f lno~Cr~ ss VfcI aptit od gýigginsiaing andsi whispei-cd ani hy oudlIe asec, tfliing lhebsirecenftly -la, Peterborough Wshes nThrdy vnn ta closi Sccar eu-n u fcigois1 reoabery fre iweapea iorda,ý -co-ures i lglfs left up ansi lit onIjbY fhe Otrolsia evcs.MriS1i i udySclohome cîa. e h f("" iddtnrdgep s finokshtcncaeWocn Frday ani Sfuriny. A lhospital andi meEdal cenre wIirom [wasiceidesi fa instruct Rev'vys, r e ertogrts for nof sestobcre'ie cissfç CAR IVL HOS~ RAI G hsugescdas a possibilify l Ici iesdaMrs. H. Allen, asMrLong fa invite tie Ministeuis off i sli i"' tdeifatcumofta isie 12 , « , eography class just CANVL- S Afferconiderbledisussin fic, reafinfie hai an opeesiflicm-e-nfxe Ohaw Pesbyti yta hlsifafaur.bi'IL. en reernir fatwoulin' ho ampefewitboutca inig witix fie W.A. Theine sang and irie nOntiiy meeting in Qi-an1D affer eci -set off exarnat ns loff us hiaving ant enornious dliunk off f eLord's Prayer rcpcafed la ui- Curciwvleni canvenieaf for f hem h valiant grade 12's made saleman fer-l dulible bubixie gum ia Oui- fouths? - ~ - UD f~- .4~ fl c4V44A~ ~ 5! sn t1 he Dn-,-~iî~vent vows that nextt im.ni, xt'i Ilme elwcIlg.ng f stuy Of coure, bing eenaers i fi LI, DCI e U i- Q ivi!SIofl ,on- Mr. ong lmd charge off i e i o-epnigSccfiyic ire nia5 ui bt tr.ya Ofh centry e wrecanbaity Voinlperios ani-i openes i wti part cd seadling ouf 5 cards fa sick ïmostcssorvw ut »tbiafevmdr hyma i86. Shc was assistesi by NMrs. an'dsi iuf-ins andi letei-soff thanks ~s ob e ru-vnt s jlu shfo didn't ouchising t bing fe w msp o es o i n .R b n o h e d t e S r p u ew ere riead from M rs. V erna Iîaoey, c i a be f r e t en u i fr fixere t uche a this f r dents roc kss aof essan fi-rnmflie 20f h ciapteci-off Bewmanville, Mrs. Carolene Lun was alwa ' s fiat lasf minute ci-arn-duction. Bcingaret ok n fr l t ha %,b-r eeaiJon ansi Mrs. Roîpli Who reasi an ad IMrs. Alma Bo-wea. - mmg or bui-ning flie misiniglit aiil i-oh fans we wauld have enjayed inspirafianal stary ansi lead la pray.-- Wodpivlgs a aea riting ouf listai-y notes fie nigli crn fwEvsPese9eod AtfieQ-oaa Ciambèr off Com- -Mmnwl ie o iebiliglte- ai Mr. umanisaj o oi- guc seakPers. .Ieiofbfr tchsoy xmnton t i? .sofmi uxsa-s mec meintn Tusaye nin Qi-oahe lsaisi ia een 1ua-t-M a-da. oWxavle iieth ie Pi-es- Fortunafely, in every class ir istai-y class wouli ave been nucli iag n bterctin prsenttia offOi-Offa acre Vwîicî wýýas amplje. Tic President fliankesi fie ladies (Continuoed page 8) I lasacofmsi olmk Cni~ia a~8 taking part for a very fine devo -_________________________________ -veswerc stafesi wlen Mi-. R. R. 1La1 ils opinion if wvas vei-ysei tonLTic minutes off flicFoi-u Waddell brougit forth tie subject ous fa have fie Village within fhls meeting werc reasi by fie ]V[cidelrin of uh-ivsio Cntrl. ies Sccretil-1 aryeonIna. Ma.e Cowan Bride of Robert IMacy off S ix-dis ion C o nt. i n t a m n tiob t f if i1as a i Ii aIalso a le ffer off resigna f ion fi-r n o fli is u s e p r cfsiin an.i c e su iro n d in g a ie n w lie re ai -c ' Mi rs. N e il R a in e y , I h o w a s th e -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hour discussion. ansi is available. 1Mi-. Wadchl pain- Christian Stewardship Scci-ctai-y. If htccryatieum ormed! I hie is Gads eMlln asMiss Croin Jnc,acompan1ieml Mi.Wadcll [statesi fiat due ta a ,îtd ed a anumici- off housswihld a ccfd irge s M- as ixsacgongfor fie wdigo:offflaor.Tcbiaiatn-byMs .E. C. Wt e omn -n fec1ini(dil\ lfyfe rsetSu-- iinbeen bmuit t he rin ti pstfefw -Mrs. Raine\ ao)si fainily arc moving Miýss I, Mrsn u-iiiadelon fina Mac Cowan to ants wore identlical sopncled PretLv"bfor e [fie 1oas hic aw ný rina lengtul"ý,iso ali ContraI B-Iaw wiid was pasesi ýh lcaubd not have been fi-an GL01il-a>a hi lome na'Robert Geralsi Mlay nQ-n ntc ali an f ai eeoî,"i osFae"dr for ftho Vilage ,off Qi-na ns urbuilt if fie by-law lad beon- Saeias.Mrs. Edith ieiwnChrion Februa- 8t,159 e- 1i-cii wif h mnatcing --gaunt lotis as n fesrice ansi fie Wedlang rauniing ai-ca cali]be squashed.ficdafaliI. wsapifeit ae i fie a -ieaiBasil E. Long officiateia ae .Te mîi-flinurWs rye"whule f ie hlippy couple lieunic-sooi itdic To-wnslp ioami vforas ewg i0cts y iseaie.tcdouble iriîîg cei-em1on1y fdsigiseib ati ake eesg ingferese. 'Cunu i anidrngrpeîngdiaivuagsof fie byv-1law ouf- - -If 'ras decidesi fiat oui- mra-wt tn-pcla- Tcatn- Mdhn oeabiesheaf h fil p-oentbyla wf ion wic wegid ieasianags.Tic peple ord suppor wouldcI olmmeceat Mdlnis Itic dauieroffNi-,anS cai-es hf vvtmf sç-wiiaprwikegcncabie wahibeIprapel. passesi. s1 ligiecniceainoff tuis 530ola ansititlia e p[-ogam i_ Mrs. Brooks Cowan, OGi-oa. Thixec ts ixtlsa oecisgsacsaisans i ars-oocorsage bia pioffie tnext eguljar w,,oufld sfai-fat 7:45. ,A cammiiftfe grooml's parnts b-eing Mrs.Gay nigolsi streamLers. - frfe( -) ipf nyoa ic y-a ,if tfa bo e îaw,, 1S _ýI oUIl iîý I D yo wuui soiouly top rowixilf tng ýff IeCucl.wscoo a oak af fer flixe fables, May nind 11filfe Mi-.Ruben May-AMr. Jack My rte f i lrd.Tic future asiesoff'fie ME..\E.oi f secf lif tei1c Wd-d Sarboo, ntaro. gaam wasbes manansiMi-.coule ili oBolye Onaria. b u il d ng i i o a i - s i i h . H a u l f o t t n f w u d s t u p a nsji M s , S e i w i n i S . D o u g l s M a y , a ils o a b r o t hi e r o)f f i eMtehe , a r e g, is t e r e s i u s e , a - Vlaeis fao siial for, suci a con- ho ucéh botter to bave flie by -Iaw 1Bawins ansi Mrs. Long f0 100k Tice bride, gvnl a-ae 1 roas i..PiacsCwh eds rooHg elas i fi-ai ansoi lots off 1,5,000 sur oti oc si al sîin la nbn ffrfe efigof ale.hc aixr wr for 0111-t1ir f ifebrd, oeusesntdi asialJ\1b.Si a wc,7i-c lot orthneeia-wne. febidn pet di nor-f fwas deciita seasi twarerogwnoff bridai ivoryv, cruLsiless vol- Fj Tercpfo a hlil iebcna wmig ntuti ni s JMi-. VWaddelýl, was off ie a cpin!iQa ganý1 7,izeimnEr .M.Mro cf tivs "Five Ona" 'for fove.ler jacket offrcaocan iifelo' all, Gi-oaa. ),Thxe bieassendrqofltC..T as. fiat fie hy-law shaulsi ehe ild up stafei fiatnost off fie Village,'rassinys, Mai-cili ans ilit . is. J, tillaceWas acconfesi by a fingermoerrcvsigndinai-seBblstnisi " R a .GX.King Cal-s untl ic-Vilage i lpblic ne jarad uîtu ni hffle efffect C T'amlyn iiansi Mrs. IH. Allen ieefip voil spai-kçl esiwilmotici- off sP i anaza 'riti m-afeýhin ccs eitRc-a eiia co ani scwaige. At fixei-seýnt tbe, Wouýl"I:id be tfoîf. nly anc 1oritwo ar- chose. pen. Thi bidai bouquet 'ras ozaiassitesiby Ifs idî aas afriTcnclSo.H wifi -iitora otwold gx etaeas le aii, aines i -ta b e\ el-' Mrs. V. ohýlin[son wn1-s appoilatesirs oe nilycits h r aai hue vlvt ccçn i apne nicjy unt ho 1,00 sqarefee. Udera so-oeianufes ous h on lti asrepi-osýentiîve from ieWA.Ml lelîCwnsîtr f tcadwii- erî as sqin 'ii!ok.li*asbc rantieled 1r ff lot -e supp liesi-rn ya c an ( antinuesilge81te stupii WieOfiiakioa ff i goolias a bidsmisswoe orags f tlima asectilveeli '4- .4 -4, '4 4- '1 .4 -4. s .4, .4 4, .4 44 4, s s 4, +4 a a 1~, a b h h a 'b .4- a a k i '4 4, '1 i i4 h b s s s s -b 4 -4 4 i * a s- -4- .4- -s Subscription $1.50