ORONO WEEKLY TIMES TIUFRSDAY, MARCH 12tii, 1959 Durhamn Co-op. Increaser Sales During',1z959i Mcsss e WS. Yellowiees,' Ernie The oeveatb annual metin)g andBys, W. Noyaks wr elected te lurkey banquet cf the Durham PFar- fi the va-canîcýes of thie'thrýee retir- mne r S' dunty Co-operative hi igdirctors. Th'le retirinig directors Thrdyof last wieek rgsee wr Messrs. Johin Stonle, Alv-in Bic- the largest atteadance of cf formeriwtt and ]Bruce Tink The dîrectorsý -,,"Prs. The main auditorium of the, bad ser vtw tlîree,-year ternis on1 hall was overcrýiowdc(d and extra 1thweoBard and accor-diag te tlle con-1 banquIet tables hiad te be piaced in stitutli murinst retire for at least enel the basemneat to accommiodate the V ear. 225 patron-s. The ladies of Kirbyý Bruce Tayýlor spoke to hegathie- Uaited Ch.urch icatercd thie dlîisiîîg utining the Essay Comp letitiont turkey dfînner. ate crfuture. Thlis compeitien Entertainnient durîng thle ban- whicb w\ili be hield in Public Scbo quet portion cf the afternoon wasiis spjonsoied by the Federation of providedl by ithe "ontyFour" Agr-icuture on a County and Pro-i quartette of Donald StapilýsGleinnvincial scale. I Allia, Jamnes Coybes ad John Caec Allia aise addressed L)eý Ford. M-r. Johin Stonie, prsideat cf meeing pea ing o !e ccideaI the Co-operation, ehaired t-i]neet-; Suî veý(y arid Safe Di iving Camipa Iln. ilig. i-le staitcd that tlle comittee wouldl The Rev. P. Romneril cf Bý'iack- apreitete ce-eperation of everyv stock was thie ,guest speaker and ene .nassta it h 1porm enthraiied is audiendoe wth i *s A1l1il iforîlnatioai, he said, was cn directive speech. Pe v. Roerl1ideti. itliaIing theiprt stressed the imiportanice c-f stewardl- ance cf the program hle meationed' ship and particutilavi'y in referea(e'thaýt in one state in the Uaitcd to money.-1c, poiatcd .tthatteeStaites accidents dropped by10 per- iras nothiag wrong wîtb mocy ilcet ftr uc asurvey aIlcam used lan a proper manner. pjaign. It wvas biis opinion tht heý Money or wealtb, lie saidi, was p1etwsa otyee actuahly, part cf mursolves and rep- Sales du1ringt'He ya 1958 r ose to resented our, talents and eeg 2809 oprn ih$221,458 in' whicb we hax%7e put :nto life. Rev. 11957. The, gross miarg-.in aUIUmeut toi Romerii stated thait if wat was 1$12,301 of 17.0% c f sales. General1 u.sed properly" it ceuld be a biessingland adinfiistrative expeases amnoun - te a commrîunity and te even the ted to $33,787 leaving a savingsi wcrld. fo operatins of $54 wit h For niôre wh.at per acre top dress with AEROPRILLS* n@w! Winter wheat shows increases averaging 10 tQ, 15 bushels per acre when top dressed with 80 te 160 pounds of Aeroprills in early sprinig. Top dressing with Aeroprills supplies irnmediately available nitrogen to prornite steollng, stimulate rapid growth and.high yield. So don't trust te luck te grow your wheat. Depend on Aeroprills te give it Chat extra boost dluring the cod wet weather wheii growing conditions are poor. It's econeinical tee. Aeroprils is your lowest cosi: forrni of solid nitrogen! See your fertilizer dealer today. *7-.m. Reg'd. CYANAMID OF CANADA LIMTED Durhcim Bull Hecads Sale Hionors wuere brougbit te uhm C'ouatyvwhen Pa home-bred hot bora bIl uIll eaded a class of 26 at 1the On-)itario Bull Show and jI.Sale. This- w \as a polled bul, bredi by Jon Rickard, Newcastlc, and sold in the sale at $5.te Beni Rothwell, Otta- Quite a nutmber of the Shiorthora bulîs fro-ni this sale were purchased iby local breeders: ' Chas. Rebsoni, Oshiawa, purchased a son of thie Pertb Champion, Caîrossie Perfect, f rom the herd cf S. G. Bennet, Georgetown; Lloyd Skinner, Tyronéi purchased a Performance Tested1 bull freai the bierd of L. J. Pimmett, Repairs CALL US FOR ESTIMATES SIIARRY E. LYCETT (>RO' 1 - ONT. Peterborough; C. Ronald Mann, Baltimore, aiso i Performnance Tes- ted bull frorn the( herd of Roslyn FlIett, Oakwood. Others ent te7jj Earl Morton, Cavan; Leslie Taylor,ý Burketon;: and Dr. . Zimimerman, rrent..1 ûther income, the the ned savings for the year 1958 befeo'e patronage returnis were declared -was $10,3Î6 or 41.2%1' of sales. Assets roseý by $30,00o during 19.58 te a total of $179,525. ROYAL THEATRE Mon. Wed. - March 16-18 Mat. Wed. 2 p.m. SPECIAL IRtSH PROGRAM ýWith John Gregson, Muriel Pavlow, Adequate British Comedy Import Barry Fitzgerald. Art House Audiences Shouldi Enjoy Fitzgerald's Performance AI' pleasant littie demnestic comiedy siet in Dubliii, -this Blýritish imp)ort should evoke fair attendance at art bouses. Co-star-rinig John Gregsoa, Muriel Pavlew and Barry Fitzger- aid, the PIatrick Kirwan screenplay unravels somne uproariouis hurmor. Rooney devotes its timie primar- ily te two - sympathet(ic charatfers, ',regýson, playiag the titie role, and Milss Pvo whosc happy ending is peiiae by ail sorts cf small mrisfortuaes. The broguie native to Ireland is foundc aplenty la the foot- age, as are references to their driniaghabts.AuiCences shou-ld finci thîs amnusing. Grgobachelor, garbage col- lecter, aad caporefthe local huirieytem fiads lediging in the hbmowa ovied by Fitzgerdadru Pby Mý,iss Kean, a sbarp-toaguedl jwidow wvho caters te ber dlaughter, ý,Miss Thorbura, while overwerkinig Miss Pavlow. When Gregson is choseal to play lan the natiionial finals and becomes apremninent figure, -Miss, Kean eyes himÏa a mnarital pr-ospecýt for MJiss Thorbura. Fitzgeraýýld, mieaniwhile, bas secreteiy gîven part cf anl ia- bi eritanice te M\,iss Pavlow, his devo- tedC niece. o he hlopes wiïll attracýt Upon b is deatbi, Miss Pavlow ia- be(rits more mioncy and the board- jin bouse. Soon after she >, arrest- cdI for the tbeft cf za neekiace Grýeg- son has given her. Clearinig Up thc mnatter cf' the necklace, tbe two dle- cide te journey Uip the primriiosE path Leg ether. w- lu'Eu W.,att, Guest Speaker Top) priced Sborthern bull of the, C'rgetowni.W Th pic as $2,05 nd\hepur-chasen, Harold Einme, Shebure. tor pr cýe tops... <2' tuCaiphell, -Moffaf., received $1.60O. for a Polledi bull, anid'in- ~other Bennett entry brought $1150. l3oth ofthese buils weait to the T mtaCattie oredr f Wyom- ingi, Ontario. Thie Grand Cham-pion of th le showv vsproduced by W. C. Garinle, FnonFalls, *and lthe Reserve Q,'rànd Champion by M. J. Jenikins. Littie Pritaial. Average pxice paid for8 ~Sorthorn lîjs was $1 ($36. hiher thian thle 195,8fgue) Commence ment fla the imageÏ of God. 11n closing -M. McMaster ýstaIted'I that it wvas bnis fervent pavrthat, the.y should so live thiat others will Say. 1Ila see God la thlat personi. ENTERTAiN MENT e es fis Following- the exerc-Iseýs 'the grad- uiates, award winniers and guýesÏs were entertained at a reception in the basemnent of the Hall. TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE i Notice To Property Owners Not;cs is tiereby given to property owners in Lots 27, 28 ïi d 29 in Concessions 4, 5 and the southern, one quarý,ers of Lots 27, 28 and 29 of Concession 6 in the Township of Clarke that the Council of the Townlship of Cla.rke propose passing a by-law to designate the said~ are;a as an area of sub-division control and to be known as Area of Sub-Division Control Number 1iin accordance with Section 24 of The Planning Act, 1955« This by-law wiII be read out at the regular council meeting to be helci in the Cout\iIl Chamber, Orono, on April 7, 1959; beginning at 10 a.rn. Any interested jper- son wishing te discuss this by-taw in council ffiay do s0 during the second reading cf the said proposed by-!aw. H. E. MILLSON,I CLERK.I Dr. Percy Vîvi(left), Conservative M.P, for, Durbiarn, anld formner Provincial Minister of He tl(-attcldidthe graduation Friday cf Henry MLuhaPor~t Hope, into the ranks of the RCMP, 22 years after assisting ai: the birth cf the rookie policeman. Aise shown are Mrs. W. J. M\cLauchilan of Port Hope, and Mrs. Maurice Grimes, 1133 Checkers Road, Ottawa, respectively inother and sister of the new constable. The graduation at the Reckeliffe RCMP IHeadquarters, was the first reunion between Dr. Vivian and thie Port Hope man, -4;7ý 1 v 1 At Orono United Churck Mr.V.W.W Watt, principal of the strive and for -,which thiey mt Orono High Sehool, was the guest nmakb sacrifices. speaker at the Sunday morning service at th-e Orono United Church "iWe shall need a sense of "Creý- whien fin observation of Education ative Idealls-m" in the sehool as wel', week he spoke on "Creative Ideal- as in thie studeat", claimed iMr, ism-.". Watt. Two factors areinoe, e Mr. W ýatt directed his audience to thi a(ccepting of a aewatiue-- t hree avenues in educatien being Wards sebool personnel, the cHiery, I the student and direction of edu- provisioni of faciilties that wifl doe- cation, thie teaching- profession and the job. The community must giVe± the financial aspect cf education. fedmt h eerhwres f"WVithi11 one to six years the administrators, and teachers, -e ->ioing 1pe-op)le in our senior g-rades make modifications laiiiclua iin High Sehiools will be assuming or). methodology to achieve the ne,- positions of responsibility la Our esaypurposes. lHhe lbroad bîc- scey"he said. WVe dare not say iveS of education are thlings upoîi thaýt it doesn't really matter wvhat wh7lichi socîety and the educationialirst k-ind cf idJeals they hve or how shoufld confer but bie subjects wii Stro1g Itheir ambitions or hiowý vital villahiv those oJetvsmt tlheir undferstanding cf Ithe worid's rs pnteeilne h x problemns. "We need young men and( er! wýomcin vwhose ideal it is to be dledi- Th'le second esseatial is te p:rev1ïti- cae"stated -Mr. Watt H-ere he Ithe schools. Nothiýng is more 41s- mae efrecetesuh enas tuirbing on thieeducational scene. EatigBck and Ryerson te- whom than thýe lih,-ily sentimentalized - long wihothiers thie w'orld owes ferences te thie "Litte Re( d Sct tsprograss. Stilh men did net hiesi- louse, with Ithe ipiainx tate teiove into the cfronïtiers e f: sgo n, h]s humaitan I' ugt ïte lad their fellow- wht woug ();Ïj or de k'u mcae. Mr. Watt's pica was for youiggeneratiniss god eog ,&y peo-ple whe lJove ai challenge more lsid. Mr. Wttstated,(" hat than comfort, wxl[ove effort more vere not being tL(oo lavish woih~ than ' )easeand who %vl0 ov7e achiJeve- fPlrov )iions whennqý ly 3.69% cf1 Ï c ni-ent 1more thanm -aterial rewardJ. icmewsbig etondca "Tak a eekat he o~ity hihLion. 'TFlecincrease Ôver the tri hais 1molded Our sueas VI ouIIld 94 \v asless thian one-haif -pLer red ike this," he saidi: "a niear,cet a nihomie, nice clothes aa1 d cash to go places. These are no1 obec To realize our, hum-an values anîd-' toalbut are 50biomlet,"0t give purpose te young lives, w h ie sai. salnecd courage. ,"I-,-,ve Pgreatu Thet home,cluc and school ]faith in thie capabilities of aur you jng mswork togetheriimore closely to i people. . . let us stand with t-,i set befor' our y oung people an aýs they prepare for the task Té ideaýl towar'ds whch tey aymust perforim." v a The entertaininent potin-fth(' veigwas presented by thýe stu- dents and e-njcyýed by al preseat. The Giee Club sang six niumbers be- ing "0 Scre-leart", e'Joshui-a Fit theBte oaf rco""hGot a Hlome la-a Thiat Rc, 'Haîl Poe- Trombloneps." 0 Sacred Heari: was anoutstaning ni, umber of the seleýc- tiens presenting very fine hiarmony. Thle iembers cf the Gîc'e Clb were absent s;omne memnbers due to aiea- sles and poor roadi conditions. Another, feature cf the evenin, wsthe presenitation cf. Hln' Husband" whlich was supported b", anable east froî+i the stucflent bedy. Th lywas ae ac omedy wbvlere Men)elaus, kýing c f Sparta, outwitted bimsclf whcïn lhe aiiowed bis wif , H1elena, a woman hie scora- cýd, te elope with another man. The hinig's enijoyaxent over the loss of bTis wife was short-lived fer lh found that a king miust uphioid his valeur. As a resuit hie was forci te ar over biis unwantcd wife, to prctect his rame and honour. Patricia Reid and Peter Loucks, as Helena anrd Meaelaus, starred il the production and were supported by Kathirya Foster, as Helena's ýslave, Andy Sutch, the king-'s lilj 1rarian and Cornelius Maartense a, Paris, the stranger whc won 01( queen's f avour. 1973