C:_,_ ~RN .WFE K L Y 7 'ltS THLRt A' D k Ruh fOld the was very heavy îlick Rutherford, W ins 2 Ski Events Ik1Oýo tehli e -Cfleuiv cowxi S ichampionships were decided. inItry event 0 f (lie jui _____cross country, downhill and slalom! Entry în the Oshawa Ski (Mb eveints. Dick also placed fir ehapioshi Jild ast of Kirby , _'Thec1u1 jumping competition will!slalom event witha charfiploshiptheldPasdaofmKrbnngV seconds for his two t ~ -- Our new Spring Rlats, Dresses, Skirts wll arrive titis week. Conte in GLENAYR "KITTEK new Ban-Lon Sweaters for Spring. - the'Jumbo, the short-sleeve classic Priced from ......... KNRE-LENGTH SOCKS - Get set for the casual 1ff wth knee length, heavy weight soft spun cotton Socks b' a fancy pattern with elasidzçTd top to stay up neatly. Nylon reinforced at heel and tee. White only. Size to fit 8 te 9V2 and 91/ toll. ..pair 98c. LADIES' SLACKS AND SLIM JIMS - WeHl tailor- ed Slacks of fine quality wool flanne~l hi plaids as weli as plain grey~ and, *atreoal, Sîzes 10 to 20. Priced at .... ...... , $12.M5 and $13.95 -LADIES'I/2 APRONS - Fine quality sanfoizd cotton, striking solid bagkgrouinds with colourful print trims §4d contrast piping. Extra fulfl eut. Extra value at ...... ......-. ...... 99e each MEN'S BOXED TIE and HANKIE SETS - Good gualîty silk warp i jacquar'd, diagona.1 and- harle- qui patterns. Excellent value at.....99C. set WALLPAPER REMNANTS We st ill have a few bundles of wallpaper witit 4 to 16 single roils at haof price or less. Store Open AUl Day Monday Ârmstrong s re va- un in a Cai ORONO PL.AY NOW IN The Orono players are n( the throwso êf i'ehpa..niq 814" een. - 0o (From page 4) would allow it to contain easi three-aind-a-hialf mile paved ra circuit equal to the highest inte tional standards, allowing sp4 tors a remarkal»ly full viewv providing wide margins of so for racers. Meanwhile the land as it st; unimproved is already suitablic car and motorcycle events sucl trials, scrambles and grass ti m0torcycle racing. The projeet, if successful], Wl the first racecourse in North Aica, wholly own-ed by active con tosin the sport. WVhile consi tic- of a paved road is flot cont been made for its use starting-l mdtey whien thle pur'chaýse Shýares ila a nlew company, por Lt., re owbeing offered alMember's of niationially recogi ed motor sports Mand moltor'c clÏubs fil Toronto.o The offering, JSists of 2,000 shares of no par v. btOffer at $25 eachJ. Provid by Aprill 20, the funlds acquired be ~edto xerisean Option o 450 acre tract 0of land. CARDO0F THANKS JamesiM. Ga ndfail ws express thieir- deep appreciation their neighbours anld friends and thiose whlo expressed their sympat during- their recenit bereavement selnding flowers, cards anid to( Of kinidness and also to ah, ti \071 helped in any wý,ay. Evenings Friday & Saturday Open Alil Day Wednesday JOB MAKERS CANADJAN -iaLnufactLiring in each nmonth of L1958 providIed employmenit for an average of 1,146O,156 Canadian mnen and women.Thî s repre- senteci neaïrly 43 per cent of ail non-agricultural employm-ent in Canada. The combl,)ined income of those engaged in. manufaeturing in 1958 wa.s slightly less than $5 billion or about 31 per cent of ail Canadian wages, salaries, and supplementary labor i ncome Manufactur ing is by f ar the most im- portant part of the Canadian economy _anpfacturing provides the greatest amount of employirent in Canada. It makes by far the largest c.ontribution to government revenues. IÙs production enables Canadians to enjoy the secnd ighest .Standard of lvn in the world. ~Because oýf its contribution to our wvay of Mie, Canadian manufacturing deserves the support oif every Cainadian through the purchase of goods nmade in Canada%. Steel is the fouindation of ail our mnanufactu- În~g, and Stelco i-s Canada's argêst steel pro-- ducer. THE SIIEL COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED MONTIEAL CtGÀWV-E If AMILTON< IKANTFORD TORONTO RIKIÎfCHCEDULE Thurs. - Skating club 6:30-7:30 Friday 111gb and Public Sehool 6:30 Orono ?eewees, 7:30 Bantams 8:15 Orono Midgets Saturday- 9:30 Orono Atomns, 10:30 Orono PeeWees. Public Skating 2-4 and 7:30 to 9:30 Tuesdaiy 2:30 Public Schoil. 4:00 Skating 6:3 OrnoAtoms Practice. 7:5-Orono Bantam practice. 8:00 p.m-.-Town Hockey Wednesday 2:30 High School 4:00 Skating 7:30 Public Skating UNITED CRIIRCN Rev. Basil Long SIJNDAY11 MARC 8 2 1apm. 3:00pm. Leskd SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 a.m...... ..... ..orono 2 Pin. ...... ... >.... iib 2 P.fl ......... ... skard - - - . ~ ! ~s Newcastle Dry Cleaucis SHIRT. SPECIALISTS DRAPES- RUG Free Pick-up and Delivery in ORONO - lKENDAt. - KIRBY ENTERPRISE -WESLYVILLE PORT GRANBY NEWTONVILE WELCONIE - ELIZABETHVILLE PORT BRITAIN - NEWCASTLE AGENCY IN PAULINE'S AT NEWCASTLE ~ This is an oderless Ckcaning Ai! garments retu'rned in Plastic Bags NEWCASTE 3831 JACK LEM to, Mr.Agent for Acadian Cleaners and Pressers Ltd. visite ich one r their o vnhi Spcial Coffee Mugs, heat PrOof, White only. turday Regular 2 for 35e. Sale price ... 2 for 25C. ou » ~ Tery Apon~,its aii apron - its a tawel, this gay bé. al'l ott>n teiiýy Aproh lèad-S aýdOÜtbililfe. ?Priced 87,c. New Shipment, Children's Bonnets ...., 10 ily a ,acing Easter Cards, priced froni ...... .,to, 25,c. eceta- whiIe ;afety -3pongex Sponge Ruober Mats, 18 inehes by 30 incites a non-skid, assorted colors, wilfot curi. Ba. $1.98 -h as rckaSuit Cases, embossed black leatherette, paper Ule linedi. Piced ...........$2.25 to $4.10 mner- truc a p1ecial Sport Bags . . .oIIY $3.3 Nylon ilose S'heer Seai Free, MicrýoMesh, 15 a denier. A red star val1ue.ý............... 8c. 'd tao yceHelene Cur-tis SuLave Crea m Condicitioner- and wi! Special Cologates Ciorophyli Toothi Paste th1~ two rïegular 59-c. tuesor only..........89c. -i OPEN FRIDAY EVENTNGS 1 o -1al SAVE TIME SERVE YOTJRSELF thy;l ORO NO 5e TO $1.OO STORE I I ~ - - SPSIALEPIN Branidram -Iend erson are changing the labels on their paffnts and we are offerig our present stock at greatly Reduced Prices fron FEB, 23 TO MAROI4 14 R. E. LOGAN, Prep. -t., -t., --t, -t., t-t -t.,- -t '-t- --t s t.,.., -t t-t t-o '-o -t '-t '-o -t, '-o t-o t., -t '-t t-t., '-t -o. ~tt '-o -t' "t 't -t -t, .,tt' -t, Phone 1181(~ Oi~ouo, Ont.. -1 SUNPAY, MARCH ath Phone 11816 Oroný0, Ont., Àobý, ou vmONO- TINSHOP