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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Mar 1959, p. 6

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L, "Deavr Anne Hirst: My hus- band has always bee.n very loyal 10 his farnily, but lately -'ve dcovered ugly tacts about thý-em. Since our marriage, three years ago, we always got along pleasantly, but lately when I've dropped iýn on thern alone, his mother and sister have criticized 1111e things about me and 1 arn ýrea11y on the spot, though I stIli dor not 1know why. I. know 1 have maly faults,-but '.1 ddn't belleve 1 was eve ' 1' Cing rude or unkid vt a nybe'dy in al mfry ife. 111 was so uipsetf by these caus- tic remarks thapt . told my hus- band, 1I know- now that was not r1ght. Since then, we dori't visit them at al; I know he misses them, 1but hie refuses to expose me to their rudentýss., "Shuld~tI suggeýst ýwe re- mumie our usui visits and take the -chance they wil again be rlice to me? I love mny husband so much t1hat I cannot bear ta. be the cause o' his breakting with 1 la penpte. UNHAPPY WIFE? HIS PEOPLE ARE YOURS When a girl marries, shýe *marries heir husband's famnily- wh,1ethiei she kn6lrs Îft or not~ *For his sake she. must" mainý- *tain friendly relations (t i east o-n the surface) and a- in mire vwhat irtues the-y have * *and ovriok tei f ault5,. SSince you do not knouv how *you offendedi themr, takýe it *for grantec that their corin- *mont.s -were nmade togtes * y, and let tl1em feel your *goodwil *Youir letter was too long, and * nv7olved to quate, but ta mre ý t shows your innate courtesy *and tlling for.peaphkin gen... *eral, you do not holci a grudige, *andi that trait shouici see you *thirouigli. 1 hope thieir former friendliness wll be re-estab- *lished, Hfaving your husband's * moral support la the logical e -m- 'g'to this un-fortunalte 's ituLiation1. SIf yau fii-id on1youlr nexi isit * hat he continue their - *tacks, at leuast yau. will have ïnmade the1 gracious gesture and ya~I hibandwil]l appreciate PRIN'jTED PATTERN 4520 ~SIZES C, 1.size yardis 35- 1.1 - 1959 w ~ *it. Son ,ehow f feel you wil *win out, especially since they *must have been missing hlmi, *too. Unless they have agreed amonig themnselves ta exclude oyou entirely, they should be *relieved that you have made *the ~rtmave toward recon- *ciliatian. THE OLD STOB.Y 'tDear Anne H'rst: .I married two~ years ago, and il seemed - ten Lt&hûrt another mian deeply who was in love wvith me. He found wvork in another town, and 've neyer hoard from hum until fLast week when he was bore and called me up. He asked me ta hâàve èlnner with hirni. "I dleclined, but inviteci hirn ta cal] anr us at homp e fore he left. He: said he would tht lhe h-asni't, and I hear ho wvill be here for another two weeks,. Nowthat- I've heard tram hlm 1 have a great urge ta ho friencis agi.Would it be ail .right ta give hlmn a date jusit-ta talk over aid imies? I arn- sure my hus- band ,vouldn'L object, lhe i1$very broadmindeci. UNDEÇIDED" Ixnno(-ent. as the idea sounds, *it lias, been knawn tca relight, * ad flames. You have no such * dea, 1 an sure, but isn't if1 î* better ta stay away froin " temptaioný? The young xns * reflusai. ta cal on you ani your * husband seems significant * PerihapDs he illi change his mind andi see you both befare *he bvs e fstay that w-ýay. If you aire engaged, be sure ta cuflivate the mnan's farnily anil try to. win their affection ,. . If tbis problem confronts you, tell Anne Hfirst a-bouit it and receive hier îbeîltul ounsel. Addr-ess lher -at9Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St, New Torvonto, Ont. Modern tiuet Q. 1 S îe proper ta ask a niar- ried mrran tID serve as best man or LuSher at a w lg A. Crertain!Y. Be suire, haweý7ver, tao include lý is wif e in any ar the festivities that thebrflia]party Q.Iknro-w that anl invitation to boil th weddlng and reception imi- poses theý obligation of Il git.Bat if theýre l,3tW be no rcpin wvhat (dos one do lit this case? A.,ITu'his case, if you hv beenl invited ta t the w edinilg , yoýu sutrely wudW3antlta giVe a5gi-t afinomekind. Qlais pro)per ta send giftta ta the mother of a newbornl baby? A. Clriends -will sonietirres; send flowersý or candy taI the new matiher, but usually anIVgiftS Sent aire for the,- baby. QIllny u that a rsetve brldCrIo, ' f0rn ily is supposed ta eau on the ta il- ifthse bRýide-eieet as soon ateeggmn is anouned But îwhatifÊ' he mvan's faily 1jlis l a iatant ei1ty? AThe,--f course, letters ex.- presig utual hpiesover thle rhoig a'-aeshould be ex -age. Q.Whati is the prof er7able im-e for one ta itnake a ft a u? A. Sunda 3y afiternoons andi evnns seem. ta be thie rnast popular îrnesfor suchl- cails. iL Consilderei-Fgood man ners t atte gar-nish thsat i.s sered itha nmoat ib A ý. Crailif one jlks t Q.Whati s fthe rlo regarding file oatimug"Il bread cor roUsilsa tlle table? A. They , iuit be brok,ýen off (nat cut) Und bttr o ne piece at a timýe as you eat them. You ma -Y buteýak oiff and îbutter a piece wvhich isý big enaugbiýý for sevra bitesat aim-,but notL an etr haîf f tesuice or rail, lot breadCs -mfnbsutpop- aver S -are otten ý buttered ail aýt once as te hsebetter when thie butter as mlt into thiei, bu aai yu rekrff pec MAZEL COUR' star now in 61ig eyès and pioches and creom. English rnldvie olywood. ewq..~.&oir~ePt&k Another week gone byi .and ise weather is still th,- main tapie af l'local converýsation. A youflg girl from the lvldlandi distrt was here yesterday an) saici they haïd --,-ither six inches af snow a n top oai what was a!- ready there. A letter tram Shel huetald uts the witer's pick up truck was frozen ta thu grauinc at the baek .of the bara and thiey couldn't spare 1-o' water ta haw 1. Ail thie hat water was1 ne-edcifor twa o ový down with pnemumia Imagine ha-ving the wvorry ai sick copws in this weathor, Thiter-e a- pecmie in a Toronto paper o a car and truck maroone'd in a farmner's lnenearRec- ile-alittie village ushaboàtý a mile tram where aui friends 1live so 1 imaginethi truck is just as well at Lhe bairn. They mighl get, into warse trouble i they tried ta, get ta the hgwy aeover, Partner la loaking for an early spring. Happy ihought> isn't it? I braved the roacis a ndJ weather last Friday ta get a fpw supplies ta keep us fed. WXei waited two Cdays for th.- sand- tckta came arouind - I hai na intention ai gaing out until it lad been long aur uondi Roai? IL would be nearer th& Markta caîl it a skting ring. But i't's a gSood cimrn for geti- ting things done. f fiinishedLI doule-bed qulît top f was working on and hveince piec- ed a crib size qLîIt. Then f 0lok- eci at a Mlot ipcs and encs C' whlnte tiannelette f haci accumLu- latci. "Nov; -what can t do with Finally f gotï, banwve1 joined -ai] the pecs oether pta thin layer ai catton bDat- tingbtweeni pieces 20 by 27 nd prso there were tw nice, muachin-quilted pada fort a baby's basýinette. And 'believe mie I won't hanve any trouble wn fi*nding baibies urouinci here t use hm The crop that neyerî f ails: ouIweathe1r aLsa g-ives n time ta rend . and stîl moi'e importan tota hink over vwhat one has reaci. An jitem ast week was 0f particular intercest ta us. lIL said Iltat Canadians itoLe s oi,4 muore Mie insurance than peope ai any cLher country. The ques- tion was raiSed -- is ite in- suran-e -a gooýd investrinent? 'ro )trex rincewewould say iL depends upon the type of insurance - and lsaone'sC capital rsre- if an.y When Partner was tfteCenhis itLer took out a tLhirty-yýear, endow- ment policy forhlm. That ,ýorîk- ed out very well. At mtrt IL helped puy off -ihe Mortgage an the f arm. Afthem we settledl in Ontariro Pautner took ouit twO, mmele r OAM - Qonean or'- d thLe aLler stright !lite, carrying a dounble indemanity clause. Tînt is to say if ho waS kClESi n an accident, Lhe cash p amn w-soulbied. At ÉhiýLt imie ULnci rn wer e sma, tarm values ah a ltow ecbb, 50 in the cevent af anything happening ta Partnejr, the insumacewa TIhen came LIe cie pres oni Prilun vere lard tC ee aýnd wÀe were eobliged tai cash in' on Lhe endow.ment patiuy inl order ta carry or, the athec Whenl we toal ont the ýpdliC1eý wve were very green and réeid on whatL the agent taIý!Li s n stead aoraf n the srnýaîl print. SaC we w ere quihe surprised when, after Partner had reacl- edC stywe got a nLotice ta 'y diouï tlA-n4 ind5on'ity lad ex- p iredlThe palicy themefome was artii ony hait of iLs original vau.Not only that but itbUý- îng iwlat is known as "a straîghi1 lipolicy" we were abligateci ta pay yearly peim as long as Partner lived. Sa ywe began taý do a littie iuig As a resu1t we dcdedinsteade paying maney out adilthe ime- wemigit better caîsh m onrtI policy, invest LIe nmoney receiv- eiand thus get a tIti incarne fipyri which we cudbathî benefit. 1Tha3t l ,axCtlywa we did andi we hvntbce'i sorry. To our way of thinking io endowment polîcy is a good im vestment for yauing people. t iý jfust a means Gîi saving. IL li offers security il thu %wife -bc- cames a widow or-po ll- nice litie nest egg foi 'lhié iiït y turne or the father. Without mi- tolk would never savé or have anything ta tali baclz on. But it shouldn't be overdone. It is poar rnanage.- ment ta penializc' the family ex- chequer for the sake oîf carry- in., extra- heavy insfirance, There is alsa a superstitiaus 7angle ta life insurance. Some,. peopie are af raid ta drapria policy in case the peison insu'r- Ed should die! My mother, a widow, tried ta carry ife insur- ance for alil her fivte chiIdren. -'veritualiy shç !et the baby' palicy expire. Tbree mionths tater Lie died. After that, ai- thiougýif. y mother couldn't ut fard. the expenfle, shle. kicpjt ,, c-thei four policie>ý paic p scaired ta deàth 'h 'she dcini one- of us wouid fdue, Theýýre aýie stili pep)leý who carry a Ife pollcy for the samnie -r ea SoI Superstition is hard. ta kilt, Buit, jnÏess thie beneficiary is dai- pendent on proceeds from the. tisurance it îs surely poôr bus,ý ness ta carrýy- on a tagtlie policy.ineitey Weli, here cames an invadinrt army-ý - Dee, Art and fhe boys' Got Bad-, Memory R;dd'ng Subway Ilislaorten thought that peOpje whb canr)afswer d'fficult cqui2z question.s oantelevision must be exceptionially intelligenlt. But scientists in miany caui tries wha havi ýe studueCi t h "eoypower" ofhundcrecisot men and women sa that a3oo miemary has nathing ta dol wi 1 Intelli genice. "We have wfaund ]gao e ai es amaing.the duiltardCs as we2Il as am--ong the braýiny people," We naw knowv that a gac memryrny be ihrtc.Bu. yucnhave a gaaid memriy evnif yaur par'ents haveni't. \Vmnhav eIetter mmre thn men, say the sci,-ntists. Andý, thýeyv asýo stress tatmtusn aUr, memaries WeC help ta strengthen th Im. Here's a tip-when 11you want ta memaorize Fa long ist or PLIý-, sage tram a book, dlo it in easy stag,ýes, conicentratirîg on ea-ýc item and imastering it efr -oing,, on ta te nx.Daon't mnake the mistake ai tryîng ta- nemarioize -them allifatonce. Scent can often cl]up mein- ary. A Landaner trîetd vit for years 'ta(,rememiber comiyplete- 1ly a certain importaint happ'n- ing,. T1en i -1 1n-, ~iln SuddenW'thr 0-1(. ~ n ~had trie4 ta eatcon eil fô -Iiis -iind. It had h iend ~ii a Canadian pptm What was thie en'caLb sinell of the Frencli Mptro i very~ mucli like that of diawr1 paper. "That new man wants mi-e to tend him soi-fe money. Do you know anyt.hing- about hlm?" "I know hinq like 1 know you, Don't tend hlmn a penny!" Modern Wall Dramo Slim,logeegutpns- niewes'-t approach ha deconrative draina. Use inamrlow trame-S. N\ature-inispirýed a c ce nts fax cenosetrue ta-iite Ccol-ms. Pat- teim 526: transfer ai two 8 x,21- inch- sprays, calar chamh kely. Send THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (stamipa ç carnpotbe aceý2pted, tuse postal nlote forsaey for thhý. patterii La LAURA WI{EELEI1 Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New- Toronto, Ont. Print iplihy PAT. TERN iNUMBRP, yoLu NAIMI andi ADDRESS, Send for a copýy ai 1959 Lauri Wheeler Neediecrait Book. 'l haiý kavely desiglis taor'ider embroiu dery , crochet, iknitting, weaving quiltng, Laya, ln thie book, a spe. cia] surprise ta make a ltile gin happy - a ut-ouf doIt, eloiei)h La caler. Sad25 cents, for th-ii DAIRK I LIGHT ENQUGH - Mon i3 cotching op witli the cl.A mchnca ye hos been aieveopec, a 1wfgl television i'onr ube thot con"ee in no total' oorknes Louise Estes dIemonsîrotes the now tube, above. Sheopp or, onmonîc.itosin bcthi pïitures, One tOken in normail -ighit, lefi, the other ir darkness. The tube is favr more- se4sitive thon the humj-an o-ye, or even the humicin eye oided by nîght biniocu!ors. This ii a neý eiectron!cz oDpproc ifrn ro nrrdry.potej,ýnauses are voîriedMilitcrIly, it could enable subMarrines ta see mnuch better oheodd belaw the bow,, when srubmerged, or permit truckà and tanks to tr-Avel without revenling themselves with heodlighis. Its use2 will ho confined ta closed-Circuit televisîon.

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