Oic! Archie 4ever Denies A Thhiîg! The Old ?Mvan stretLched o'it, belly dawn, ôn -a bed hn lis Epacious hotel suite, h.;lls huge and bearded chin resting on- Stlhick bands. Throughi the closed be'droom door, the nuted tonus el Miles Davis trum pet f ioted in, and the Old Majn'so .ot tapped aut time ta the r-ecord,,d rhythm. "I been rcused aof m'a n y things," saidl Archïie Moore. .,l been accused of bemng 60 years aid, cî collecting, socia' security, andi of being a membe'r of Fidel Castrýo's- gang" Hie gently straketi the beard. "Man," he said, "I neyer deny atin. Among the items written as tact that Archie M4oore, the ligii heavyweig-ht champion of the worid, willflot deny are thoee Hie is 43 ye-arsa91d> lHe is M year oid. He is 54 years aid. He reached his fighiting- peak, ini1940-41. He reactred i l fighting peak in 1945-46. 11e reacheti his fight'lng unk i 1954-55. He is a goad fi'ghtex with a genius for talking. He is a good talker with a genius for lighting. As plans progressed lestmah for the Floyd Pattersan-ingerar Johansson heavyweight cap ionshp bout, Moore, the mars 0f paradoxes, quietly prepareti his own chanspionship planss. 1-1 v; already set fOr a rnturn mnatch) against Yvon Durelle, the ,Cana dian fisherman whose bra_ against Moore lest year %was probably tfie best fîght ia; clecade. île is on the verge ai Sigsrn9 for at bout against Henry Cooper, a poirerfuLl yoursg En- lishmahs who is rainked emong, the tap four contenders for Pat- tersons erown. Then, Moore f ig- tires, once he disposes of Cooper, he will try agein for lhe lheavï- ,weight title. One afternoon lest mionth, Moore, with 205 recorded1 pro. fessianat bouts behind him, xpnus- ed about age and youth, hea1thi and diets, lits past and his f u- ture. "Waerl 1 was S years olt,' he saiti in a quiet voice, "and living in St, Louis, 1 was caming ho0me with a wag-on ful af chips traom the ice hoise anid I pess,:d a fence. Behind the ience, People were screaming andi yell- mng. 1Ipeckedthrottl!,h Iole andi aw tira men s1ugging it out The people screamed, the mer, punched, and 1 was thrilled. 1 imrost fainted with ecstasy 1 decideti that I gotta be the champ. Someday, I gotta bc the champion.", Moore's voice dropped evea lower. "MY People had nothing,' h. said. "But my atint usedta tell me: 'If the labor beoo or small, do it wielioflta The .,champion brightened. 1. starteti buildnig my body ADVE RTISI#G YOUNG G UN - Wearing a "shiouilder" hoXster and o don- geraus look is aone-mionth-old Wyatt Eorp.' The son of Mr. and Mrs. George Earp, the tot lis a relaitive of Wyatt Eairp, gun- fighter of the aid West. lu1945-46i, 1 fought 22 times and 1 lest only three, once ta Ezzard Char1esý 1 still couldn't get a championship fight. In 1955 (three year-s aiter he be- camie ight-heavwyweight chamyp- .on), I was up again. Twenty- one straight victories until (?Rocky) Marcianto knocked me out (for the heavyweight titie)." 4,Archie," a ,rep)oter braIte in, I "there s P. a woman w ho says her Ihusband went to high school w.ith you. She says that he's 49 and you mnust be arounid 49, toc." Shaking his hecad, Mloore smil- ed. "I coulda been a child pro- digy," hie said. "You could have been slov, in school," the~ reporter said. -"You couki be 5C.' "That's true, tro," the fighter said. But if Moore is 54, he may be the best cnditioned 54-year-old man ini history. Solidly muscu- lar,, he stili hias an uncanny abiiity to shuck weight. Hie has dropped -20 pounds fram 195 to t175 in less than a manth and then corne into a fight strong and healthy. "I keep a radar check an 'my body," Moore said. "I've got gauges like you've got in an automobile. One thing 1 do is always , take one lump o0f sugar in my coffee That makes it just right for me. But if I take one lump and the cof- fee tastes sweet, I know there's- soknething wrong. 1 know there's too much sugar in mny systemn' Sa I1-cut out sweets for a while." Moore leaned forward. "Noiv lots of pe pale have asked ýme about rny diet," hie said. "Sa 'y, written a book about it. It'a gtonna corne out soon. 1 eall it 'Moore Health for AIl'. It'I work, toa. It'll wark for any'- body. I learned this diet from &n Australian aborigine and it's My secret." Now Moore grew deadly earn- est. "Before 1 quit," the Old Min said, "I, want to malte a signifieant contribution ta box- ing. 1 want ta be reniembereû like Joe Gans or Jackt Dempsey or Harry Greb or Stanley Ketchel. I don't irant ta b. re- miembered as a n ordinary 'champion. .I want ta b e- bloalli in thse garlers---ll. Vms can malte gaidening intimate ani thrilling-. Aside f rom the atventure andi what it cars teach, it le a way ta have varieties you probably cen- not secure iflats from yaur nursery. Some ai the Ail-Amer- ica award petuniias, a marigolti you particularly admire in a catalogue, the new, Vesuvius tetra snapd-aien, or those vel. vety crested cockscomb in purpie rose and gald arey Rot alwpys possible to purchase la fiats?, Arsy sunny windo-w wiil do for your nursery. You cen buy flats, but any irooden box tira ta three indhes deep 'wîil do. You cars malte it a wick-watered. -box by boring a hale in the ren- te-r anti passing a freyed fiber- glass wirlç or a piece of ciothes- line throug-h it, imbeddiig4 the ftayed endi in the soul and set- ting the fi1at airer a pan of water so the ,vick cen send moisture is)to the box. Any gooti potting sou wili do for the box, but if you raise seedlings ins sou caver the soi! with about balf an inchi afsphag.. num mass rubbed tbrough the kitchen sieve. Sow the seetis in the mass, pressing them dlown flrmly. This mass counterects a fungus caileti "damping -off " which sametimes attacks and kils seedlings. You cen elso start seedlings in a verasiculite pro- duet, and put ilquiti plant food in the-weter, Seediings needtet be kept dm tail times. Keep the flats in dimn light . until the seeds sprout, theri give themr sunlight~ -but don't let thdsi dry out. Turn the flats> arotsnd tiy day ta malte thse growth evell. 'Spirsdly growth seans the îee<l- lings are toao crowded or have neot enoukh light, writes Mlii cent Taylor, Gardeni Editor ai the Christian Science Monitor. When they have true leaves, tuan themn by pricltîng them aut with a 'sharp stick, transplanting them inta unother fiat f arther apart (an inch or two) or (bet- ter yet) ito separate plants bane. You can buy bandis that are- fertilizeti and cen go into the. border with tie plant later on, where they wili provide foodi in eariy sumnmer. If yau have a coid frame, use it for "hardening off" your seed- iings bei are they go inta the border, clasi'ng the. irame et night, giving the flats outdoar air as spring wermth camnes. Without a freme you cen find a protected place outdoors andi set the tray of plants outdaors in the werm part of each day, until they can stay out ail night, The. change, then, into border living will nat be sever-.. A word ai caution: Don't let your enthusiasni malte you start this gardening project too soon. Warm-ieather plants like zin- nias cannot b. set out as sôan as petunias or cosmos. Caunt back from the possible date whien it wilI be spfe ta leuach your plant babies -in their per- manent places-'la the border, and start the seeds la the house at tue right time for each vanr- ety. ____ GO INTO BUSINESS for yourself. Sel our- exclting biouse- wares, watches andt other products net found i stores. No competition. Prof- its up te 50W%. Write new for fret colour catalogue asnd separate conS.- dentiaI wholesale price seet. ?âirray Sales, 3822 St. Lawrence, Montreal, Farm Machinery Agency SHOWING GOOID NET RETURN SELLING every lriad of farta machin- -îy't c I nri tractors. Well estab* lsbed in territory. doas over $400,000: can bc increased ta $800,000 per vear. For confidential Information cal] Mr. Gllcksmnan. RU. 71741. Carfagnini Rea! Ertate. 342 Oakwood Ave.. Toronto. RUN a Department Store frons your own home. Yas, we'll put yau imb yaur awn business. absolutely Free! Now YOD cin sell ta entire f smily. Clothing, shGes. shirts, worli clothes, boys. flshing equlprnenb. Asnazlng mioney-making plan. No experlence necessary, Full or part-timie. Fre ifla. Write for powerful sampla outfit arid full instructions absoutely Frae. ides Sales Reg'd. Box 115 N.D.G. Montres! 28, Quabec. WANTD-A REPRESEN'FATIVE WITH a car ta enroli Mtor Club mam. bershlps in tisi ares full or part-tima., Write for frac delails to Dept. W. Ontario Automobile Association, Box 817, London, Ontarlo. "~COIN COLLECTING 15 CANADA'$ FASTEST GROWING HOBBYV. WE ARE WI4OIESALE DEALERS IN C 0I1K ALBUMS, SUPPLIES A N 0 CATA- LOGUES. WE REQUIRE LOCAL ANDO COUNTRY DEALERS. FREE SUPPLY LIST. LIBERAL DISCOUNT. INTERNATIONAL COIN COMPANY 217 Vcteria Street Toron to, ontarlo." HARDWARE SALESMAN EXPElIIENCED mans for contractors" and builders' hardwere saies, all bene. fits provlded. Excellent wortklng condi- tions. Apply In ow-i handw4iting stat- îas prevlous expje4ence. age, etc, tû Box 179. 123-l8tli Street New TIoronto, Middle age - the lime of life when. you try ta lookfit as m fiddle or just settie ?or the, s-hape o'f t 'Ceîlo. INSTRUCTION EARN miore! Bookkeèping, SalesmRn-- fihp, Shorthand, Typewriting(, etc. Le&- sons 50e. Ask for free cIrcular No. 31 Canadian Correspondence Courses. l)MO Bay Street, Toronto. 'MAGAZINES AFRICAN VIOLET CHATTER ALL Canadian Magazine for African Violet care and culture, la Canada. Onse year's subscription $1,00o, Chatter 27e8 Thorold Road, Niagara l'aUs, Ontario. MACHINERY AND MOTORS SAW CHAIN 25% DISCOUNT 16" LE.L. Pioneer $13.50. 18" McCglteobvi D44 $15.50. 17" Homielite EZ $15.2b. Write for details on our compleýts Une of saw chain. .IAYS MAIL ORDER, BOX 66 BURLINGTON, ONTARIO MECHANICAL PARTS AND REFAIRS GOOD used motors- rebuilt Pnd used transmissions, rear - enda, also rods. East ,End Rebuilts, 465 King E.. Toronto. WRECKING,. 53 Nash Rambier. 52 Pan- tiac, 51 Chevrolet hardtùp, 51 CadWlac, 53 Consul, 53 Austin 51 _Mfteor, Van1- guard, lHilmanh 53 Wils's. East Ensd Auto Wreckers, 465 King S.iE.. Tor- onto. EM. 64884. MEDICAL "ARE you raure you don't have Csugar (sizn f Diabete.1>? Thauoanda do. andi ISSUE Il -1959 s g p PHOTOGRAPHY SAVEI SAVE! SAVE! Films developed &nd 12 M2agna prints in albun 60e 8 agna- printa tin albumn 40,, Reprints 5ý eacb KODACOLOR ,Developinig rol $1.00 (flot Inciudilng prints), Color prints 35(- each extra. Ans3co and Ektachrame 38 rm 20 ex- posýures mûounted i n slides $1.25. Color prisnts fronis lides 35C each. MloseY refunded in full for uniprinted nega- FARMERS' CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT, ONT. POULTRY FOR Sale. <ihinese X Pllgrxim Qee .".00 each. B. Viné, 1097 Ontario Road, Welland, Ontario. PROPiaviut FOR SALE FOR sale Eigbt room uInlsshed hous with garage, locateti at 11,0 C'hestes-field Ave., London. Ont. APPlY Box 2, Glencoe, Ontarlo. FLORIDA BEACIIFROINT COTTAGE COURT 16 Unilts, AlsQ Duplex -6 Brms. --4 Batbl ---Sernd. Pehs. C. 1. RARBY REALTY FORT IMYERS BEACH, PLORIDA I T c H lm AJIFPV 1Toi Very llrat se c oîhncouueal lQ'Ul D.D.D. Prw«ription positI-,vely prelies'oe Sad raw ied tch--caused biy eczema.r!., scal.p Irritation, cbsttnsî-otlse2 tcb troule. Grea8elees3. starllç 3,90 tie! îbottilemugt i uallsfy or taaacy bcDa atr * yordru£z-let fer LiI ~ftSIT@N ,., N N. N. N N N. N. N. N N. N N. N. 'N N N. N. N N. N N. N N. N N N. N N N N N N. s N N N N N. N N N N N N N N. N N. '4' N. N -s N N N N N $ N N N N N N N N N -s N 'N N -s 's s, N. s N N N N 'N N NO N. --s )