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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Mar 1959, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY Fcirm Suppor t And Stales Canadians have known for quite a while that the U.S. farm suppor-t policy hias trot been pa-ýrticularly helpful to Canada. Thre ophinion is confirmred in a study 6ýf the policy made by a Canadiani, W. Sý.Haltn at the request of two non-profit organizations, one in Canada and one in the United Steates. Tlhe report of the experts suggests that as long as the Unitëd States continues to hiold the world miarket, it must subsidize ex- ports or wîvthdraw fromn the foreign market -- and the latter, eourse is a highly unlikely one, Canadla cannot long entertaîn the, idea of subsidizing its war of stibsidies with the United States and' we would learn to our Own wýheat exports. Such a policy would emhiroi1 this country in a -sorrowýý that our ca'pacity7to wage stich a war was strictly limnited. Many protests and -rersentations have gone froni Ottawa to Washington, and have returned with nothing but kind words that promise nothling. I t would be foolish, really, to expeet any- tinelIse Coris in-Illte POlitical content of the farm program in in the United States. . ORONO WEEI<LY TIMES Authc-rized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Doeprtftent, Otawa Peunlder. R., A., Forrester Pi*flui. R.C.Forrester - ODIED~ COBBLEDICK --At UBowmanville, O %#I D E T O Memorial Hospital March 5th, 19591 = _ FOR SALE Willam Newton Cobbledîck, be A Eindlay Meme Cook Stove in FOR SALE loved husband of the late Louisa excellent condtion. 1957 Oldsmobile Sedan. 8200 miles. Jane Dundass. Age 8Q, years. Phone 1771, Orono a-p Dora M-orris, pi-onie 180, Oon( a Rested at the Barlow- Fuxieral -rloi Homne untîl Sunday, March 8th, 1I9 Foai WELD'ING______________ then to Orono United Church fortysofWkn,03.FR AL servce t 230 .m.Interment Or,-iAcetylenie and Arc, portable equip- O SL servie at2:30p.m.ment. Repairs ofrimcièy Quantity of good hay . 3 hole ono Cemetery. Apply to Leskard Welding, phone ~e arsSe rl;MCr g r5, Orono. d-6 mic-k DeeringIg. Hy -; ec ix foo)t Massey Harris Bindeu VApply iVIî'. N IÏL RaineY, phone Vcddi ctoriaSUnPE 1178, Orono. b-c (Continued fromn page 1) Churchi will have a, Smorgasbord more funl if wve could have liadt the Supper" on the 17 of March. Kindly CARPENTfRY WO RK classes on th'e ire( escapes -)i those keep thisi date in mind. Entertain- Carpentry woxk, huLilding, lea Jazy springýý, days. It would have mnenit for the evening will be pro-,tienis, trlim, kýitchIeni cabinets, rc- been ni(" te have a refreshmient vided by the TeenAgers. Admissioni reatiofis rooxs. booth in Ii , upper, hall but 1îk$100 for aduits; 50c. for children Apply to Leskard W\elding, phone Mr Wt wl are ha ha oudunder 12 ,years of age. 1r, rno -G basnga lîttie too much. Butlades ad gntleeneven Aj~ a of1J~ A.COMING EVENT l3utladis an lgetleinn,'ven Airn of 1V-ACard Party at, lKirby Schlool. Fi- ahigh school hias times of sadniess. (Contiuiued fron page, 1) dy ac 13, 19-59 at 8:00 Wi th deep regret, I recýaîl the pass- Amsin25u. Sehool childreni Jin awa f w o urfnetac-bytery W.A. Bay of Quinte Confer- Free.Lai, pleasebin lunch. ers. These tragedies greatly shocked enle. Mrs. Ives was introdued 1w, Everyone weicomne.a- the studient hodybu teytagh Mrs. J. C. Tamnblynj. lier talk,"ets__________ ___ us soinething. They tauight us that tak.e a look ilt W.A."ý was miost in- Pire, no matiter where or how it is1terestingý and inspiring- She said iGO M ING EVE NT lived, e. runs smnootll-y. One fhe aims 0of the, W.A. were: 1. To lThe regiilar meeting (of the Even- musiac~pt hè ad wth he ooddeepela the Spiritual Life of the iýg Axiliry ill be hieldc on Thurs- anwse innier tl ngha flcorg Womnen of thle Churcuh. 2. To del .daMrh1at81pm.nte to) sce u ls thriough itimes of disap- o r1rmofsric.3'lroalSnavSholroi fte1rn pointent nd gief.E-vanigelism. She spoke on each of Unte Curcli. The programn is be- thee tpis ad sidal of these iplnned arilouid RedCiross %work Our years within Oronio's -wlstig ol eacmlse oti Ms .Caegetsekr haecrn n gn.Although of thevin strength but with fthe helplwill ac-quaint us -with the work of! can nove for~et the ot ionel Master. Shiealso spoke on te Redcrossgerllanspcf fee2linýg we had whvlen we walked ýout P rm lnig n 1oe ih e!yonteBlo oorCii a batflEaster rmessage. x hih ili bec (omiing teo rono this tlle old (doors ;for, the iast tniwe M1F.L ,ttako r. vsSpig are ready to meet what lies bfe fr &.M hettakd r.Ie; iiiig us. We have beon vory fortunate foria, hlegn esg hc Ayo h aisi h omn we avebee taghtandguied mQst appreciated byr ail present. ity intor'estodl in thîs %work are cor- wan e ex een tug'rp nof toaces who Mrs. Neil R Paiaey was presented i l yinvited .to attend, b-c anexeldtfgrmup f enation wh with a smnall gift, Mrs. Allen si i ________________ gave.a so' Émfunaino ow sorry we were to lose a omil- ACINSL wich1- to ba se the rest of our life. ber of the Executive but wishied Thle undersi-nod lhas roceived in- To you, Mvr. Watt and your comnpe- ithem weli in their new homne. Mris. srciosfroni Mr. Marshall Chat- tent staff, mýay we th1e 1958 grlladu -Lopg macle the presenitatîon. The tertonl, lot 32, Concession 6, Clarke atos take this, opportunity to C0fl'_ meeting closed with the Benedictioii Tjwýnsh11, 1 mile nçurth ind a hl voy to you our deepest reýspect,-ad- à&1Xd a soc-ial 1tîmue en10yed. uews fOon osi ypbi miration and gratitude, mile wêst of-. auctioo00 ..sharbpu liet ~ b r lleein V dyMarch 2ltst, 23 head of ctl Fellow Students, 'yot who are. iiambe eeig 15 hens, hay, straw, oats, potatoes, going- throtigh these four years at] 1- furniture. and an exc_ ellent lot of 0.H.S., do your -tery best in ail your j - 1(Fýromn page 1) farmn machinery. Termis cash, no undertakings and make eaqcIhday squar~e feet. reserve. Jack Reid, aùctioneer. counit. Enjoy your games to teIR C. Forrester supported the by-, _____________ fullest and pia yurhade thearrylaw ating tha~t in his opinion the'. on vour frnnnnAaos nlnal z: ivt ,I h'tran, ,v e nnncsaii-as, a r s t<>>>IO1..o.. J Phones. Office MA 3-5688 Home MA 3-5553 LUWAL Lawremoce C. Maso@,IBA. Barrister and Solicitor- I 'a.,, -1

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