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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Mar 1959, p. 2

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r - ORONO WEEKLY TIMES TH~URSE8AY, MARCH l9til, 1959 home of Mrs. Noden on Centre St. Also caught in the'blast was the the centre o! the Orono Fairground Wind damage last week in thefor decades. Village amounted to very little comn- pared to other sections of the pro- Danage also existed to the roulfs vince. The gale blasts did howeverof barns owned by Gordon Power llwin a larg-e window in theand W. E. Armstrong on the sixts 1 Council 'of the'Township of Claike Notice to Electors of the Towuiihlp School Aiea et Clarke In regular m eeting dated Marchlr1th, 1959, the Council Of the Township of Clarke passed the following Resolutioni. Resolve that the necessary by-Iaws be- prepared for dissolu- tion of the township school area of Clark- and to establish 'the Iformer sohool sections nowv formed in t:he said Area, as SohoOl Sections No. 1, N o. 4, No. P, Noa. P, No. 13, No. 17, and, No 1 respectively. The said draft by-law to be presented to Couticit as s-oon as possible, i, thé undersignied hereby certify thé above Resolution te be a true copy cf Résolution No. 34 passed in Counicil on March llth 1959. Il 1H. E. MILLSON, U Clerk. AND DISTINCTION . Chevy brings you dtemort ex- çiting lhues . s -tle that wl Ftay nou' over the year. -' g -< ' Malzgic-Mirror finish nteds only washhng to retàin liew-car £hcec for up te thrc. ytkrs. A 1VEW CHEVBQLET MODE, THE ELEGANT AN» GLAMOROUS t ; e INTERIORS ... SYoull wAonder how any car priced so lowi can offer you so iuuch luxury and comifort. I3k~Z5INSTRUMENT PANEL.. ' Chvrols's ideeasy-to-read instrume-nt r-kie rarvel of fulnetioal 1design. sce it.. Only Chevrolet coiald ta#*Ihioiiithis ? -door 1hfarulttp beatity. .. and priee il 80 1ow! TtL's here today - Chevrolet's spankingL new Bel Air Sport Coupe, wearing thie mnost attractive price ta- you'll find on a hardtop anywhere. And that there'S even more to this beauty than meets the eye. Youi'll find that every Chev - rolet brings you- standard equipmient extra-value features that you. just cani't buy in other cars, even at extra cost. Côme in today and look over Chevrolet's glamiorous new hardtop. Its ai' your Chevrolet dealer's, now. YeDO ORS .. . Chevrolet's vide doors mnake _geýtsing in and out ýo eiasy' ..lyif. buy ~ Hrtd~j!I U C- 159E %oOuRTIOE 80 WMAN VILLE OId Time Pin9 Seventy years ago, stands of vir- gin white pine or "yellow pine" a:s: they were cailed by the old tirne- loggers, covered most of! flaliburton, County. Today, however, due tpc heavy logging and forest fires, opiy. scattered inidividuais of this oncrL- proucd race are left. One such lotiely,- giant was eut recently by the Hodg.. son & Son Lumber Company on. their limits in Harbyr&n Township,,, (Continued page 3) Conicession o! Clarke. BO C ' ~ On Wednesçla y uight of thîs week BOC's oV n 3-1 G~a ire s kthe Orono Oddf ellow's Lodge was~ host to the Cobourgi Lodge. The Co- dates in the Second Degree. IqndrChua bourg Lodge înstalled two candi-lin ires Wl ith Napanee was served an. d a grand evening I enjoyed. Ire Napanee . Cornets now lead series by 2 to 1 with a 6-5 victory. the final league series by a 3 to 1- Art Rernick neted two of the Coin- C-0unt. The !ifth game of the- serles binie Igoa)s wlth %7estfall, Keit-h t is understood taat the Special j is to be played in Napanee on Sat- West and Germain picking up sin-, even;ts committee o! the O0rono urday njightý and the sixth gamne 0on gle couniters. The Combines in this l Chamber o! commerce are flOW1 Mondi(ay in Bowmanvîlle, if1 neces- game tralled by 5 to 2 at the end' planning for a special HLorse Race sary. lof thre second but tooik a decîded event t. be hield in Orono on Sat-, Thellocal Combines lead hyv Rayeiedge in the thlrd, to- threaten the urd(ay, Junie 2th. The event is to West on Saturday nighit o z i dCornets. be an a4ternoon affair. One fea- ýthe Coesban83cut i! tuire of thre day w .,iii be t Colt Stake ot yan83cun.Ti Race and it is expected that Close ýgave the BOCs their sole win toi The Napanee Cornets again add-i to forty horses will be entered in date. Raye West scored four of the! ed to' thieir playoff hopes and de-1 this class. Also included on the card leight goals and also counited two feated theBOOs by a7 to 5 count. will e abot thre racs o! assists, Other BOC goals wvere by T his victr ptthoresha matrehoses on which mr{Keith WVest,,Copelandic, Rennic iadii thse series by 3 gamnes to 1. The wageing estfail.Bowmanviile-Orn Combine golals pr-ivileges 1 il be avaiýable. The (I vol ,Cpln;Wsfl cormitee s onsderngarrange- O Mody 1nîght in Napaftee tue svere boy Degra;,Cean es!l con-rnitee s cosidring1LConets went out ini front of the Arnold and Keîth West. ients for other features o! enter- taniment to be placed oni the stage infron t of the stand. It is alsê m carniival gamies might be promoted. Mr.Doal thpe attended ISlIhown At Fa rm Su ve Producers' AssociatiOn on Monday As a resulito! the Provincial In r) der tý' o provide more direc,- at the King- Edward Hotel, Toronto Farmn Accident Survey now being Win ofarmi safetyv promnotion, Mr. conducted by the Extension BranchH.E Wiht gricultural Engin- of tise Ontario Departmerit o! Agri- eering Speciaist with the Extension Miss Janlice Rutherford entertain-: culture, thiere has been a con-sîder-;Braniciso!tlise Departmen1t, assumesý ed a nium-ber o!. her young friendslable demand for ïinfeormatÎin deal- nlew responsibîlities for th Branch'si at a brthday party on Friday o! jing with farm isa!ety, state's T. R. s-ifety program. Mr. Wright will last week Janice celebrated her Hilliard, Director o! Extension, 'On- work closely with tise other branch- ninth birthday. i tario Department o! Agriculture. es o! the Ontario Department o! Agiculture, and withi the various departments o! the Ontario Agri- cuItural College concerned with farm safety. He will also work, closely with the Ontario Depart~- mnent of Transport in support of safety education, and with the Home Ecôniornies Service of the Ex- tension Brandi, whenever his %vork can be of assistance to it. Ail matters concerning informa- tion, promotional aids, educational exhibits, and displays dealing withl farn5i safety should lie directed toi Hf. E. Wright, Engineering Scienceý Building, O.A.C., Guelph.. Ail mat- ters affectiri, the organization of the Provincial Farmn Accient .Sur- vey and farn safky councils or as- Oroiie Ycekly Timtes sociations should be addressed to, PHONF 19r1 ORONO rhe Director, Extension Branch, 1Ontarlîo IDeparttment of Agriculture, Par liament Buildings, Toronto. STRAITFORD TEACHERS' COLLEGE ON!E-YEAR AND TWO-YUAR C,6UUSIS are offered Ieading. to an Interin Elemnentaryv-SchooI Teacher'a Certificate, valid in the elemnentary'schools of Oýntarlo. TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 8, 1959. Descriptive bookiet "Teaching in the Elemen-tary Schools of Ontario," fre on request. ACADEMUC REQUIREMIENT FOR ADMISSION: ONE-YEAR COURSEs Standing i eighit Grade 13 papers, one of which shail b. Ent-gLish Co_-mposition or Rnglish Literature. 'Ci EARCOU RS E. Secondpry School Graduation e i f the Generai Course. INTERIEWS ITH APPLICANTS are conducted by the r -itecofSection. Secondary school students -r1iinii enitering Teachers' College should apply forinervewthrough the principal of their econdary 0<ho ther aPPlicnts should write to: 1THE F1~I4,STRATFORD TEACHERS' COLLEIGE WATER STREET TOWNSHIP 0F7CLA RKEL NotceIo Property Onr Notice is herebj gîven to property owvners in Lots 27, 28 éýid 29 ini Concessions 4, 5 and the southern one quarters of Lots 27, 28 and 2? of Concession e in the 'rownship of Clarke that the Councilï of the Towniship o>f Clarke propose passing a by-Iaw to dlesig2nate the said area as an area of sub-div;sion control and to be known as Area of Suib-Division bontrol Number 1 in accordance with Section 24 of The Planning Act, 1955. This by-law wiill be read 'ï out at the regular council eeigto be hl in thCourciI Chamber, Orono, on t April 7, 1959> beginning at 10 a.m. Any interested per- son wishing to dciscuss this b-a in cotincil mnay do so cluringa the second reaclinq of the said proposed by-law. H.L E. MILLSON, CLERK. «V Seeou authorized Chev;rolet Dca'er -1 CALL US FOR ESTIM-AT"S jHARRY E. LYCETT j 0 PNT() 33127T 1 ROY WÊB m- N 9 C HO LS

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