TIME$ THURSDAV, MARCH 19th, 1~9 Garcien Fresh - No. 1 L ETTUGE 2 large heads 29%'c golden yellow 2 lbs 29c Table- Ready GREEN ONIONS pollyo bag of 4 bunches Zesty, 'Iýgorous - No. 1. ý R AD'-)" SH ES 8 oz cel1o bag New, imported ASPARAGUS extra fancy Palm Gardien TOMATOES 14 Snow White - Cello CAULIFLOWER Large size 25c 2 for 1 5c lb, burch 23c oz cello pkg 1 9C 1 2"s each 33c WiII Have for- Next Week .E A ST"ER- 'L IL IES 4 to 5 stemas ATTRACTJVELT PRICED Clark's Bceans witb Pork 20 2oz Tin 2-37c York Bread "N'" Butter l1e<nz iloz. bottle 1 Ketchup 2 for 45c. 16 oz jar 27c Quwk or Instant Qats - Large [ Quaker Qats pkg 39c Trewe Kotex Sanitary pkg. of 12 LEMON JUICE Napkins- 2 for 87c 6oztn3fr25 Tide 'ot' o 5 Detergent giant 77c BLUE BRANO BEEF Blade Borie Removed Blade Roamt Tender, Juicy 'Short Rib Roast; Tendler, D)eI'ioous - To Bake or Fry iPork Tenderloin i resh, Youngj, iPork LI<'er sliced Pork Kidney SwiftsPe im Stniaýl i nk - 1 lb. Cello Breakfast Sausage Bologna by the ,piece Prerium Bacon 2' lb lb5J-3c lb 57c lb 79c lb .15e PDb29c pkg39C Alen's Fancy i APPLE SAUCE 20 oz tin 2 for 35c Se-otties- White, YeIIow, Pink FACIAL TISSUEtnS 400 pack 2 for 59c Kraft VEILVETA CHEESE lb loaf 35c I FIROZEN FOOD$ S( iRupert BranciSilver BrightEN CI P IRupert Brand Halibut' Fish and Chips, 20 oz. pkg ....... .69C M ew NIE EOP D..TAR CÙI I TereIsE ESY TO BUP ST T he 0'glS1<CO A WEEK PLAN 91,YhIe 9c reéach àruz You. eu ICORNISH'S Phone Orono ~High SchooI jTo Clarke- I (Conthiýiued from pagI,-e 1) in - the Orono area and at thirdI sc1hooi in !MiIIbrook for,-t50 upils, 'ie TUe ree schools have been giv-1 encr approvai by the Boardand alsoi o y the Department of Euain 'l t is expected that a meeting wilil be hield in Orono early nAril 1 SCOUT MEETING~ TUe,' nv<ting wvas opened by a ~ra<'r sidby Mr Asllett. Then the parswent inito their corners to study their tendlerfoot tests. Mr1. Asiett de,?scribed a new gamie whiich was to bepiayed in the Park. A candie wsplaeed in the Park whîle Aid on his knee. The vwinners of last week'Scon-. test was anniouni(,cd and the Fo)x patrol camne up withi ten points; thec Panther patrol next with 7 points and the Nighthawks with 5. After this we had a discussion lin whieh wp <ve eide~r1 1hat ina e I i I I I I I I I I 'I i 1Mr FHodsen was ireil as the lnew, prcpi-içÏIaffoi the îji±iorojok school.. mr. iaLodseni,ha en years expJer- ience in H-alibutloni, tawkeville anituStratford. ~Discussed ýeL the nmeeting wIas thiree options on properties iin Mill- brook lor ýihe iew school andçI WO Options in D)ariigtoni. No definlite. action was ýaRefl. Mrli. A. MGegrof Bo-wmianVilie investigate the, possibility ü!~ pur- chasing the Rdigate property, north o, ,tu iowmn-zivii1e scnloot This was seconcled byMr Parker, Bow- É'rom information at the meeting it is s Iwwn that the Department estima-tes -tne cost oi Lme tiree nrew schoGois to be approxiamnateiy ~i3U0.wiicfl înciIuaes ouldînigz It is esti-nated that the annual debentures for the elht 1municipal-1 Ities w1l in amuilttJ 5383 l6 of tweny yers i wncn Prt ope 'oulci pay $15,848,63, Bbüwmanvill Clare $~582.5, dpe $-D7J41 It wvas also shown that the De-1 partment of Edlucationno pays ai ouîldîn grant n tUe asis 0f$2- 00per ca '-oMdand tat Shlop), HomeEconmicsanid Gynasiunsi are eligibie for the $25,000 each. per ciassroom with no0 gruant for ShiopHm Econiomieýs or Gymn. I tsso ~~-<-0~<~ P .9 miaples on either side uises this scouring action to keep snow froma accumnulatîng on the travelied road. Now is the tîme to study your problem and to examine the mneth- ods used by somne of your neigh- bours to control the snow prob1lem. There are many fine exaniples of conif erous windbreaks and rows of hardwvood throuighout the Lindsay District. Perhaps a simîilar arrne ment of trees will solve your prob- but knotty. When it is coftsidered that the average white pine eut in this area today contains only about 250 board f eet in the whole tree, the remarkable size and value of this specimnan of a bygone era lem. If you require assistance in th;e use of trees to soive the snow prob-. lem, the Departmient of Lands and Forests will le pleased to help. FORD-EDSEL SALES And SERVICE A 1 Used Carît Our complte service guarantees year round driving pleasure OARETNMIOTORS Phonfe 3,251 Newcastle, Ontario ROYAL Bowmanville THI F1.AN ST~MA. 3-5589 TEULS FMLRAND SAT. Nor The îoonfly Nimht Laýst complete Show at 8:30 In colour MO.AND TUES, -MAR ,p3-24 Complete Show at7 am 9 >p.M. /7 4;- whnre'presentatives of <the eigtit four senties uarded it about 100 "IkTie hr old,'nb e cout muniipaltieswilihe pésen aiog fe tva on four corners. The at- ready for the passing of their ten.- wi th the Board whîo wiii exPlain- tackers would trytIo ge[t throughi derfoot tests. Some of the boys the proposais and seek apprûval to anjd ligh-t the candie. Both tleaqmsI sh'ow much promise il, their ability issue debntures for the new Sehl-0s. wvere very successful in lighti ng it. t learn to be excellent Scouts. onthwy to the Armouries One Mý,r. Carroll Nichoils, Hope Town- of tUe boyls fell and we had an eX-1 We then closed the meeting tili ship, mnoved that a 4100 pupil schoolIcellent ch1'anc-e to practice our Fîrst nex.,t week with a prayer. be o)uiIt in Clarke Township on the ________________________________ "Stapies" site. This was seconded Carlos Tamblyni, Clarke Town- Reforestation Supervisor- Urges sl4ip. Mr. R R. Waddeii moved a amendment to the motion YecomI- mýenjding the "Hlooey" site, nîorth of Plan Now For Vindbreak Trn hfis receiývecl no seconder. Mr yIwîn Coivilie, Newcastle; , Wthon of tUe worstWýinlters in then mioved an amendment wo the the memiory of tUe Lindsay area Old Tirne Pine motion recommending the sehlI fs becomîng history, nowvi the be buiit in or near INewcastle., This time to plan your windbreak.'PThe (ConthIued from page 2) wýAas secondedt by Mr. Parker, Bow- heaývy snows anId prolonged drifting abhout1 12 miles nortii east of tUje inaviie ,have clealy shIowný the probiems of! village of Haliburton, travel in farm lanes and around This pîne, gr'owing by itself on -a The vote was called onitUe a- jÏarmn builings. sadfawso1 ~cietfr n înendiment which lost 6 to 5. The adftwsoexlenfrrad %Oý o tlem-otion by C. Nicholis, Bects of evergreen trees poe quality, having no rot' in it what- voteon Ue rry soever. It yielded fiye logs, 12 feet tri buiid a sehool on tie "Staples" iocated, Wl protect buildings from ]1 ýfu fwihwr efcl site carried by 8S to 4, I is ner-col Wlitl'winds and traveîîed clear and free fromn knots. TUe butt stood that if adequate wvater suppiy patnways fr-om drifting snow. ýA îgwaue 8ictsisd and ewaé dspoai s fot aaliblecominaion0f pruce and cedar, bark at the top end, the next two at the "Staples" site, on investiga- three rows widie, gives good prote- g btwe 3inhsotetp tion, the site could be rnoed O io.On udewhtcaad end, the fourth log measured 35 the north oithte Village. one hundred spruce trees at a cost. -nhs hi te to ' ws2 Forrsgoin wr cetd f $2.00 will plant 300 feet of wlnd- incheswieth o ogws2 athe netg of teachers. two The total volume in the tt'ee %vas f rom Ivilbrook, Mrs. Goheen Hardwood or deciduous trees àcan 3021 foot board rneasure, of which and MrY*ý'Inigtam, one from P0't as be used to cause the wind to 2721 f bm >vere perfectly sound Hope, Mlr Walmsiey andl one frorni scour snlo- from laneways. The old and clear while the top log <rori Orov, rs. St. John-. fashionnd farm Thne wvith arnIw o ani' ,b,.100 board foe w1-- 'I i i 4 i 'I i I 4 i BANANAS p i 4 I ~1 i ~1 i i 4 'I t i i i t I i i i I i I i i