CRONO WE ua Orono-High. School News inging Sideats Share Souday Services measies, Chicken Pox, Cau't Stop C1et Cl .4 44I5~ [GA EVAPOCRAT-ED - SVE5r HUNTS TOMATO - SAVE 5c CATSUwÙrP 2 ()z29 PILLSBURY PINEAPPLY, CH-OCOLAE OR WH-ITE SAVE 6c. - 17 oz. Pkg. REGULAR OR GHUBBV - SAVE 10c. - 2 Reg. Pkgs. KLEE àNEX 29cZA' FROZE1N FEATURES 6oz fin 5 for 99C Pic sw ee t STIRAW -7B ERRE S WITH- DRESSING 13UTIb'h49c Pkg 45e -6 oz Pka. 45e oaf 6 es pkg 24)c UBS Braunschweiger, Liver & Bacon, 29Ic /I2 ' r Local I<~A Store ïE NEW IGA IG & SUMMER vlgValuesi 'UNKfIST TRAiN,ý LOA 'D FEATULRE Nutricious, Fresh Flavour - Perfect for Juice! 0. N 3 s i e13 a zEASY TO PE-EL, NAVELS SUN KIST ÔRANGES sîze113 dozen 45c U US. N o. 1 CRISPY FRESHj jLettuce 2 soid heads 25c' OU.S. N. NEW CROP ARRIVING DAiLY iASPARAGUS > lb 39c The Vegetable Powerhouse - w cf- - i f i .fl - .1 lof<O igi t.e -Cn , ef LENTEN FEATURE BILLIONAiRE (SAVE 4c) Siud Srines 3 oz tin 2 for 35 c HELLMAN'S MAYONNAISE 6c off 16 MOTI-ER PARI<ERS INSTANT COFFE 5c off 602 BLUE BREEZE se off glai NUT MILK or FRUIT AND NUT VAN KIRK T.V. BARS DIVIDEND CREDIT BOOSTERS Bright's Red Pitted - Save 4c. Cherries 2 for 3 5c l\ 9 WÊ Le stoil 16 oz 49c Kellogg's Cereal - 61/z oz. Pkg. Special 'K' 28c BAYER - Bottie of 100 Aspirin o: aEjar si.1L4 tat size 77e each 290 aC z'S 79c ENTER THE IGA FESTIVAL OF F0005 CONTEST! 5. FREE HI-FI 250 Free Electric Cciopenezs Entry Blanks Available at the Cashiers. Rtrenebr contest ends Saturday, Mlarch 2lst. liiIli -N? by Norman Rickaby On the Sunday which concluded Education Week the OHS Glee Clubý made two appearances and certain- ly made the best of the conditions that prevailed. In the morning they sang at ýOronow United Church along with !the regular choir at the speciali Eductio Sudayservice f-twas, unti-foritunte tatabout hall f A We group was absent. Somne had mea- sies or cuekeupoxand th;sha tocl atend service-s at tihei-r ownl i churdlies. Those present, however, ýworked ail the harder and sanig rthe Hallelujah Chor-us inconijunic- tion with thel hurchchoit. They tai ù S sang two ot4her anthemns. Th, the evening, the Cu san a TîntyChurch in 1Eowmn;- uslhigh standard. Mr. Ford, 'Lhe gr.ouip's conductor, said, ln arecntnteV, that 'thle Club wl be siningl this coming Sunday evenling -at ithe Teeniagers' Sevie t oo Church. They will1 be S Il,,gg ive selections without Latini. Their acmale anthemn at tliat time wl be, 'Jesus Joy of Man's Dsrn' with Joan Allin at the organ. Urge 3-8tage Port Hope MLpI IA thr-ee-stage mse map to con-1 trol town dvlpetin di ext 20 years could be peardata cost of $00 said i.l. Percival, cpen, t Ipbli1- meetcing in UM@ *»fu .bdIv bv I utW g...hbtW tt If~ s the vWr U.du tuqM*ç, *um. wanmh.,. f«w an cor> boduVW p muenvt bfl Usr tm e.Yn 1ke ti ftdl, pers«W a tentio ww bU irs d.tivme, to..Phone ri bMaU. u «-M kwsUÇW 'Giono Futi & tomber Limiteti Coancil lT. Sponsor Pay-W bat-Yu -Pull Party by Carol Yeo 1 MNarh 2th, the date of the no n-thý- ly O.{.S. dance is eingooked oýn as a special evening b1,- ie studlents wil e po Ie nraiet îgtestaiff;as to"thty1'ýpe o-f tal- entthe will dlisplay on1 this ocýca- s~~~~~on ~ ~ ~ ý bu t ssil eedrkms fun an goodspiritceae a h ligtedby tuentTalntNight. A noveladiio isasben yuul"bookiets rno beg made bythe.Co iTe price7s for, fîftycentsand itC-11e ane 1of U so borosth i-Teenls cleto danjee mrnsic consists of the latest discs. A regular 0.11.S. dance plus these added attractions should mk the Friday nighlt party 'an evýein bîgger suceess tha'n the usual tp rate student festivîes., Port Hope recently. tAddressing the meeting. caJl1ed by the town planning board in tw hall counicil chambers, Mr. Percival outlied the value of'such a vnap. Planin ii. legislation \was desig,-n- -edi to control and guide for maxi- mrumi public benefit ail developmnit 1within a munliCipality. Land should be developed i logical pattern, and n1ot haphazardly, lie said. Sueh a* map would provide a graphiec chart (Continlued ùon page5) OLO SOUTH Orange Juice,, The flavour and colour of butter la- Nature's Secreý RPrPESENUTINVG 50,000 CRAM PRDCeRSJ Ohdhe hea6U j - MCA REéN'3 FUEL" 011 meanbg&lETTEul Itvlg ORONO, ONTARIO 1 ý,