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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Mar 1959, p. 6

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I ANNEI41IST "Dear .Anne Hirst: When we niarried six years ago My wife insisted we live witb ber mro- ther, and 1 was so in, love 1 fell for it. I hav'e not had a real mnar- agand 1 arn Sick of it. My wif e tooký her rnother everywhere, and they entertained their friends la1 our bouse, but 1 have to take mry pals to restaurants; they have- neyer been iavited to bave diner "I gotý disgusted, and lef t. Theri my wi-fe promised mre a borne of our own, and a ffaily. We m-oved into a furnishedf apartment- breshe continued to invit her miother and their friends, but ag-ainflot mine. We have no chul- drea, and ypou will understand that 1. arn glad of that, "Agçain 'L lef t, aad thi1s timie I zaid i t was for good. But last wjeek Il met my wif eacietly and she adicmitt-d that shie missed mec ,., ,I1just hýad an offer of a position in another city, and this tLime I Put my foot down, I toldl ber if she would go vith me we eould try once nmore - oatb-erw,,ise Iwaqs 1trougb. "Even if she agreeýs, I arn Ihaif afraid to trust ber, 1 thiak she will alwayý.s be bier a'otber's littie *You are taking a chjance, yes. "But if -Vou stili love your wife, 1 think it, is worthi the risk; if *it workýs out, you wil 1ave *yo)ur reward. You twocani * buici a ood life, toget1er amog e friends and sur- ~roi-adings, away f rom ber mo- *ther's inifluence. *If your wife refuses to leave, *witb you or is not corJented *there, you wvill know there is *no bappiness for ither of you *anid you will be btter off ~'witbout bler. *If she doces consent, be sure ta *devote your leisure bours to h er la your new homie, intro- ducing ber to youtr frbends and s eeing- that she. is too welI Soccupied to miss bier mother. *It- will take time, but you are 1 patient man. 3ILTED "Dear Anne .Hirst: 1i ust doar't 'Triple Treat peiesize enables you ta use tbe hre, there,evyw re Daayas a dr'esser-set or to ptlgtbric-a-brac. Welcomne t hie. Patrp 95;OOcr want to live! i arrn stili craLzY about a mhan 1 dated for seven moatbls. I don't know wblTy I can't get over hlmn, because hie made mne care for bimn and lef t'ame fiat. "I've tried dating otherls, but I canjnot forIget hirm. Somnetimes I'd just, like to rua off - wberc, I dlon't know . . , I uess rm-Y family thinik'n a problemn and I expect 1 arni. But wbat carn 1 do abouit DESOLATID *Insteal of seeing yourself as *tb'e romantie victim of a man * who only w;on your love to * iave youl, try to understaad * that no m ran mrakes a girl love *hlm. She is attracted, lie i S at- *tentive, s50 with notbing mo111, * than that to go on sbc builds *ail bier hopes on himi, 7t c *findiou that one day lhe isn 't *there. * I does not matter wthe 1 la d cbanged bis mmnd. You rnay *h1ave been toi easily won (or * toopossie or maybe an- *other, pretty face tem-pted hlm *more. Obv-iusly, he is not * wortb theaffection you stili * waste ýon bis memrory. WbVly not * charýge it off to experience andcl n ex t time be m-ore slective, * ess thàsty to give your heart *away? *In these circumsn Ltan ces, your * best cure is an active socia lilfe. *Cultivate other iatercsts that *demnand concentration or en- *th-usiasm, and you wfill bave *less time to feel se-rry for your- *self. Wbat a chance to show * your family you can tlake the *blow like a lady! * av fitb la yourself and le your future, anid you'l1crn *out 9]ai niht. A separaticon Is often thle ans- wer to anunhflappy marriagýe. Il youl are given a second echance, takie it it hope and a ne-w Ioyalty. . . Amne Hirst's opnin -will guide you wisely. Write her at Box 1, 123 Elghteenth St., Newv Toronto, Ont. "Man of Iron"" Was ,A Weeping-WiIIie 1 11) accordance w it h a cn turies - old wedding ceustom', a pýretty, blue-eyed Czechoslova-iý ian bride forced herseif to r ý inmmediate-ly aftîer ber receiit miarriage to a youag, farmer She wept inta terbad kerchief" which will be pre- served for hurla, witb ber "sc that she may take to the grave the tears she Shed on tire '1ap- pîest day of ber if e." Tears rarel.y get streamning head1lines aowadays. Why arc thyso seldlomiai the news-? One reasoni is that we're -alý crying less, People doni't cry la 1959 q, often aýs theyv dîd la the Victor- ian cra, althou-gh wvomen are stilI tbree tines as prone t,ý tepars as mcn. Science sayýs th- wom-en wh,7o neyer crie,s is not normal. flesearcb hows tb4 laugchteýr is now more titan 400 times more prevalent than teaýrs. n there are still somne people wbo-,- occaiioally laugh uonti] theý tearsrua own heir cheek s. Accordiag to psychologist, some people are al cyrnih vreof tears - tears thaýtcut 1 -)1-nothing, tfl1uxu rous tears of elf-pity. "It on11l; needs amo'npa- gr7aph, thie skildpotaa an emotional scenie iri a nove1, a play or a filmn and sribaa Maniy peopJe %weep," a apy "Even er ofpîy r n- mreare idie tears 0O11y tearS of joy are truly er of action., These are tea1rs of ýimpulse satis- fied anid lbopes tflfllcd," VcïývYyoung cblden ,cry ,vo- cally long before tbey s'hed their first tears. Not until a- baby 1q three or four moùntýs aIdd (o tears, flow, becauïse ntil then' tear lands are undevelaped Bîsmarck, Germ anyv' "Ma.n o lf -1on ," a otnsu et ta 8ACK IN LONDON, - Waoving to thie crowd at cilLondon Arei Prime Minister Harold Mcmllnarrives home fromr his 10-daoy veisi1t to the Soviet Union. Most peý-ople will remember the winter of 19-38-59 and thbe tbaw, thaf followed the big snowý. Frozen culverts, flooded x'oads and barse'- meats are the order af the day. Buit evei tbey are itihor îrdoflleiý' compared wvith the tragiÎc loýSs of lufe caused by collapsýed IroofTS at Huntsville- and Listo-welI. It seenrjis ~aLmost impossible that such acci- tlents could bappen wtou waruing. And yet wben you coni- sider thec weight of saow on many roof-4ops bas been estimatedi at seventy-twa pouinds ta the square foot it is udrtnalMli pl.ysent-w by the square foot area of any roof and y,,ou b ave a terrific lot a! snow. Fortunalïteiy, most of the snow, la this distri'ct bas been on the grouand - and we areci-cle ta tbiak we have more th-an our share pledi up on this one acre or and 1artner lbas La regular network of little ditches aid canais at the back of the bouse,, - pIlus a sort af catch-basîin where be can leave the water tO fil] up whihe work's on the ditches. But stilI the ditches over- flow as the w'ýater seeks ways and easta fîi,d its own level. Thec only one wois happy -and dirty -- is Taffy,. Ie' spends h lall bis t-me paddliag up and down thihe es,qctc'iuig watcr w th bisnoutb anywhcrc it bappens ,a0uge ve!ittie- pile'-s of fro0- 7Zen 'snow. One day lajst we-ek it looked like a ,,,,(,da taYogo shiorpping, so 1 went f0' Cooksville In th-e rnrinciaadAppjlewývood la th-e afte cmo. iBut a!aS, I hd' realized how f ast it could tbaw once it got started. Along thes service uroad 1Iprninto içoois every so ofteni and there was f wayv of telliîag how deep the wvater wals unili was' la te r-niddle a1i it otntl te ca did not staland 1 fouaIldawy of getting home that wsmostly/ along [tPhe ighway. 1I w"a s-w"i sb1- ing i lhad wings ta keep mne awa froip tlýc water li1ke the crows that are no«î flyiagÏ arouand la increasîagrnurnbers. As 'For Marcb 11. 1Iwouldn't say it cameý la either ike a lion or a lmb 1 would Say it was more ike 'a seal. But at aay rate it's Marcb-ý niy a f ew more we-eks aac Iwiil be June, with Easte-r ?n0 tween, Can yo-u believe iJust Imagine some day ahi thîs ice, snow and water w-ill bave dis- appeared. 3Maybe there -nîghL evenl be water la some af thedr wells. But that I wou Da'tbak on. Tbe frozen ground prevents thje excess moisture seepiri n m the ground, and thus ta the wellsý thle waiY t sbold. la soýme homes it is 4"water, watler everyý,-wbeîre and niot a dr-op ta drinký."* 0f course there has been more thani weatbcr to worry about tbhs week. The'.partlal shtt-dowii at Avro stîhi bas people worried -and promises ta moake a good political football. What will be the final ouitcomef it is bard ta say. Some of the mca around bere bave already got other jobs. One or two are talkingabu returaing ta England, others are going ta the United States. And are the doctors ever busy, In aur familyv, Ross managed ta choke on a' toy metal bell. It was touch and go for a little wbile. Hie wasý bluie la the face w-hen Joy-and Bob rushed hlm ta, the local bas- pital. By the time they got there he bad maialged ta wllwthe bell. X-ray pictures revealed its whereabouts and it everitually ppassbd ]throuigbhlmH~is throat was raw% and bleeding but apanlt f rom that he apparently suff'ereýd no il! affects. In Dec's famnily, Art is in bcd w-ith the f lu; Jerry is stil up tVO bis eyes la miisehief. One day he pulled the pop-up toaster on the floor, breaking the mica and anc Have You Ever S-een A "BIel oon?" AI] over the world thlt 'IOo;!i ilas becomeic one of thebggs news stories oil our tirnes. And every\,day ý,scienisýts àriý le-a in,- more about it. lathre ligibt of r.en- l'n ow ledg",e, it's oddi torelc that the Gr-(eek philosopher Aris- totie blee that the moon waS a PerfectlY smioob and rounO, body ai-icithaýt its ý markings wer-c the co)ninents 0f the worId r- Now we know th'there ar craters on the moon poal causied by mneteoric bomibard mnent, thait lhe mssof ithe mnolin is a-bout one igt tai 0oth ear111 and tilat its diamýeter i A strta boy ttU mloon Vwil] one -day collide it the earth was aacince(d by)PFi feýssr Herîar utIhe has- tcd t,,l o expliýn that this w1:1 t ha-ppen roriaewmil1ion year' C moves nearer theer the A odaY (on themooiseqýu% earth 'I i t haýqt eans bot 2,000-hour \vworàking1,2weýe k 1There ls nou raja or cloud ofn the nmCoor and wbea mn utimaty ea nh1 the mocon they w.ili gaze up e~ ask hchapar lak1 nman could jump -isix-,titres hge oni the mcoon t'han on neartbi Soeimswe sy"nein ablue moicon." Raps thire ev-,r been a, blue moon? Yes.ý It was, -een duriag the' 19 02 ec1ipï, The oons srfaetough cu if f frýom unigtby the paingH1C of th)e eartb s ýidow,rfece ligbit from tbe ealrtb's atmoj(s- phere and wasnoticeby bue. Som-e couirting couples niairry- wbeni the mloon. is new becausei 1theysay Tit's asm o f ] .happy begicnngs and c a sig1 t hat they wvil ney-er quarrel True orualeOnly new mo hioncymouconers can answ,ýer tht witb any certaiaty! We doni't yet kaow wýheth-er the moo a bs n effeci on th-i weatber, altbhougb maniv peopie, st ili believe that a, halo, roundi the moon indicates rainand that, elemient. And they are having, dog troubles too. It wouldi seerou their back yard 1b a readezvous for ail the dQgs in the rieighbour- hood, their owa lHItl dog is kept in the bouse. One morninig there werle no less thanl ten in the yard at one time, alil the way frorn toy terriers ta Germnan shephierds;. Dee phonerd the police and the Humane cSocie- ty w,,itb itte esuit. One of the cheeriest peopl around here is oui egg-maniir - a Dutchman. H1e cornes every Fri- day niglit. At least hie drives the cai and a littie boy delivers the eggs. Last Friday the father Caile to the bouse himrsellf witbth ce eggs. "M' ' ittle boy -- he's sic 1k with flu; other boy, he ftell at school and broke shoulder. Bui-È1 have lots of boys. One sick or gets burt, other.s work. One, twoj, tbree, four boys. Lots of boys * . 1I'rnluky*Well, 1I do't knowý any place where boys can biýe more tisteful -- arid have imore fun-,than onýr a flarim. Tho fatrmer is lucky -and so are the boys. thé bigger the circle the n)ealur the moisture. Weathery men say that the okid saying "Thiere's alwayýs a change after thle lew m o ol" Is flot borne out by wveatber records. Astronomers calculat.e toia.y t h a t the temnperature & tlhe mi-oon niav be as higch as 214 deg. Fahrenheit by day and &2 o asminus 213 deg-. LFare- heit by nigbt. Some believe iU possible that the stirfao.e of the mn o o n iigt be !onînally cban.gig with th-e extiree Hue appteare-d before bis comn- mnandingl officer cb-argÎed with using insult;iung ianguage to, a "Please~ ir, e protest-ed. "I was only nwrvgaqeto. "Wbt qeston? sapped the "WeIl, sir, the sergean lt said 'Wodo youink i-iI arn?' and I told lm-." W-olnder lTopýper Easy, easy Printed Pafttera! See the diagram -n - ou car se-w this terrifie toppOl' la 50 littie timne. Have it ia wool or cotton txIÀeed for every day - velveteený f or Pvenirng. Printed Patterra 4841: .iss Sizes .12, 14, 16, 18, 20; 40J, -42, Size 16 takes 211 yards 5-iach. Printed directions on cach pat-. te-nu part. Easier, accurate. Send FIFTY CENTS (stampi cannot be icceptedl, use posta note for, safety) for this pattern, Please prlat plalnfly SIZE, NAWE, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order ta ANN,,E AAS Boy 1, 123 Eightcentb, St., New Toronto, Ont. PRINTED eA P. ctcicke

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