's' e s s s s Suiolu tü be uindenN- silence are e crnmisal have oc- of murdel', msnong pe&pIe wno are apparent- 1- good itizens. Tise mystery luere is wisy these people acted as they diti. It la suid that the secret od tise Appin murder -of 1752, a classlc of this kind, has been 'handed clown in Argylishire from genera- tien to generation te the present liMe. Clannisisress is flot peculiar7o tise Scottish Highlands; it suay be paralhieied ta-day in sonse quiet rEuglish conutryside. Thse same- *;ecrecy wlsieh. clampai down on tise shoting of Campbell of Glenure 200 years Isgo enshrouds ,thse iurder of Edward Welhamn in i931. We need not believe that Welham's Dorset neighbours wotstd have gone so far as the Highlanders whose ideas of clan loyaity sent an innocent mant t tise gaIlows; but tise determined silence of tise rural folk 9was tu baffle Scotlanti Yard. First manager and tramner of thse Cloverdale Kennels, at Tar- rant Keynstoni in Dorset, was William Steer. When, withiu a tew mo nths Steer was founti shot near a badger isole, his gun by lis' side, the fatality was accept- eti as accidentai. His successor was Edwurd George Welisam, a youug unrnurried man. Welham lodged in Vise village witistise famîily eofiis kennel- uid, Mary Hathaway, She work- edl only lu thse afternoons; us fuil- lime assistant Welham uemlployed a young mani, Frederick 1Dearen. Tise keninels consstai of a long arrny hut, dividled inu the middle 14y partitions wiids formed- a tunaali office, Here Welhum lkept lis gus, a 16..bore anti a 12-bore, bu a cugboard by lis de-sit Ou tise nuorning -ot October Ist, 131, lue was as usuai ut tise kennIels before breakfast. He re- tu#ned te the Rathuway's house Ier fIis -ieal at ight 'clotlk. Whtn h-e went back tqo the. but. %ue missed a blind spanîle, te ~wliclu i wa-s mucis attached, andi Remnwas sent tieok for the 090g, Thîs was just before toni o'clock reamnen, by his ewn accourut, was enly seme 120 yards fron tise hut whea h. heard a -jhet, but thouglut nothing of it. 1 1 It took im som-e time to tind tise spaniel Wheu ho returued ta, thse hut, Weiham was iying in a pool «. blood on tise floor of thse rffice, lis owiI 16-bore guru ho- uieath him. Deainen rauu ta the villag«e, - Thoras Hathiaway, thse keunel-, nm.aid's father, went back with him. ta the hut. Thse girl herself tellowed with her brother, and 4fter tisem came tise police con- %table statioued at Tarrant Keyn- gton.i ILEFT OUT - teft behind when the parade passed by were 1hhi littie girl and the balloon vert- der during a children's ceIeb-a-- f ion ini Paais, France. j pparently while standing at his dk.The 16-bore had been fired. The policemnan's first imnpres- sion was that it was a case of suicide. He looked about for means by whieh Welham could have reached the trigg-er of the gun whi1e holding the muzzle to the back of his neck. He e,<pected, he said, ta find a stick or a string, There waýý no string, but a long stick of hazel wa7 leaning against some sacks near the office dloor. It was Ma-ry Hlathaway who pointai out that Welham's jacket -was unbuttoned and that his wal- !et was stickirng hait out of the inside pociket. There was a pound note in it. Welham, should have been earry,.ng a&bout ;£10. Thie medical report, with that of the policemnan, convinced the Chief Constable of~ Dorset that he had a case of murder o-n h1s3 harids. Scotlanel Yard were called in andi Superintendent llambrook of thse CI.D. arrivei at Tarraqnt Keynston, Emperimeints witlh the 16-bore proved that Welhaui had been shot frony, a distance of abouit twelve feet. The door of the off ice was thirteeji feet froni his. desk. He wa shot, ini Hambrook's words, "by some person 'who stood in the doorway and thrust the lnuxzle of th-e gur through the opening' " The gun, in the superinten- dent's opinioni,-was taken from its cupboard while Welham was away at breakfast. The murderer then waited neaxr the hut - there was plerty of cover hIlndy - urn- tii Deaxnen left ta find the span- If tihe motive of the crime was gain, thie murderer in his haste missed £9 .in thse desk. But was gain the motive? Hambrook began ta have other ideas, -which xere strengthened, by the-,bichaviour of Welham's neighbours. ThIe young mnan ap- et them '. have no 'T. b. ly, hie ,Il- no tneft w as V takiulg eut the Abo~ut Thos, SusebolilDinners "Basebail dinners a-ne grepl f or the fanis and m mayb)e for ail of us," said a veteraru ureber of tise Red Sox. "But 1'm -irua going tl.roigh 4not-ier winter lil<e this oue. 1 coulti have gone out two osr three times a week al winter ili I'd accepted al of the invitations t9ssed my way. Andi if' you refuse, you hear about it."- The basebail diusner has, of cýourse, become an important part ofthtie off-season programn. Il helps ta keep tise gaine before. the public even while profes- scional basketball and hosckey aire -at their peaks ln tise major ýCitieS. But it is getting harder and -hardler to get players te attend, go great is the demand for tise *Standouts- Iu tise case of mest stars, eveni tise clubs usually have te work through an a.gent, ..kho is always ioking for isis 10 per cent. A promunent easteru agent has ad- vised tise players ho representa- no-t te go without a tee, regard- bass of tise importance of tise, affair. Practically every major city on tise diamand nap, and a lot of thse minors, have a mrid-wiuteri dinnor, with New Yorkç setting tise pace. Tise annual get- togetier at the Waldorf is tise, top sports attraction oatie win- ter iu Gotisar. As tisese affaira are run byî tise -writers, wiso have ta foot maîst of tise bis -. and at ta- day's ever iucreasing prices - àt is nat possible ta isand out chsecks ta players. If you dit! it for o:ne, you woult! have "a do it for ail. Tise player has a certain obli- gation t his club, tise publie. and press. But the boys are beginuing ta taik about it and beginning ta wander haow fan: Isis obligation stretches, Thse tact migist ho that sportsý witers, especially those c oqn- nectet! witis basebal, have beoit se accustomedt! t getting every- tilg "on tise cutf" that the:Y sort 0f rosent anybo-dy talking of anything Sa crude ascah ""wat ItchlaJtCh Nead rIy Vers' fint use f soothing, cocu nsg liqnid o. D. .D P', 8, rptlon postivel!y relieves vew red tch-ase wecsansa. rashas," qcal InItaion ehalai-otarlch roublee. Greaseesa, salnlas~.l G"tri ltte lmuýt setiafs' or moue y bacti. Dmk't ;ufer. A* Fou s t fmsitor D.D D.PItSCRIPION MACItINERY AND MOTORS SAW CHAIN 25% DISCOUNT 16" i.S.L. Pioneer $13.50. 18" MceCullocb D44 $15.50. 17"1 Rameulte EZ $15.25. Write for datailiscoi aur campiate illne of saw chein. JAY'S MAIL ORDER, 501<6 SURLINCTON, ONTARIO MECIIANICAL PARTS AND REVÉAIRS GOOD used motars - rebulit and used transmissions, rear ends, elso rods. East End Rebualts, 463 King E., Toronto. FOR TRUCK PARTS IT'S LEVW'5 ALL makes - New, used, rebuilt Levy's Auto Parts Comnpany Ltd.. 1400 Weston Rd., Toronto, Ontario. WB*ECKING, 53 Nash itembler. 52 Pon. tise, 51 Chevrolat berdtop, 31 Cadilae, 53 Consul, 53 Austin 51 Meteor, Van- ,guard. Hilinien, 53 Wlllys. East End Auto Wreckers, 465 KJug St-, E., Tor- onto. EM. 6-4884. - VERY SUFFERER OF PAINS OR NEURITIS tY DIXON'S REMEDY. ,OS DRUG STORE OTTAWA Express Colect ECZEMA SALVE INIS AUT, A Wi A Fit-e I rgardiess lea tho: f -Pre BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE TOJIACCO. confectlonery store, $1,000 week)y turnover; 3_ apartusents con-- pieta, 2 four.room one art e rsed, 5-. room apartment for owner. Building and 'business la modern, only 4 yaars *1d, wýtàr 3- 'car garae, Onse oftthe fluait corners in Kitchener, A down, paymient of ,20,000 ih paeded on the Propeity sud business. A real oppor- tunlty for anycue looking for a good , future and secturlty. For Inspection Cali ,ùr write William Harth, 2283 Mararete Ave. Kitchener,. Ont. FARMS WANTED PARI! wanted: tIdaaily located, 200 alcres, excellent building or no build- ings5. Stete price, furnlsh picture. Box 161, 123-18'th Street, New Toronto Ont. FOOD DISTRIBUTOR F1214 WRITE for aur 1959 price ist. We bave a gIood suPPIY - Quality aind Variety. SOLVERSTEINS 135W King St., London, Ontario. FOR SALLE SEVERAL different makles of good ulsed mJling-machines. Let us instail one uf tiiese or s new Wýoads in your barn on trial wlthout eny obligation. Dist- ance is 11a berner. Phone (collecti or write Irving Ka.yas. Gîsls hn as loy 114-r-4. !mjPhnPa- UNBEAKABLE 01S14E8 SAVP $5.0 ou 20 place Trqditioan dînner sets. Assorted Pastel Colours, 4 tasci çinner plates, sida plates, bowls, claps, saucers. $750 full price, Send $1.00 witls tliis ad, balance express colect. Glen B.'VW'oley & Co., Ajax, Ontario. $1 POCKET RUBBER STAMPS $i YOUR naime and address (three intes) In n(eat Plastic container wlth 1n1c pa4. Lane Stationers. 937 Victs'ola Ave.. Ntia. gars Falis. Ont. Dept. W. FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE EENFREW Creani separatar suppleg, Exchaenge Bowls, Parts3, ai mekes, Eléûe- trie attachuseut. Hlulse Separator Sers" tee, Hillsdale. Outaýrio, FLOWERS-TREES-SHRUS EVERGREENS, SHRUBS, ROSES BIIADE trees, hedges, Christmas tre seedlilga. lFree price llst suid acivc, Lsndscaping doue 75 miles radius. THE GOLDEN TRIANGLE NURSEEX' R.R. 3, Spencervilll, Ont. FUR FARM ANIMALS 'THE E furtrade la wavlitig for top quel. Ils' nutria fur. We- have nutrîPs for spriug deivery that grade exýcelle-nt luù New York. Stewart's Nutria, Box 164, Dryden, O;nt, W J, Stewart A. C. Thmpson. HELP WANTED HARDWARE SALESMAN EXPERIENCED àman for cnrcos n'ud builders' hardware sýales, al ben.- fits Provlded. Excellent working condi- tions. APPI llu own ri andwrlting stat- hng Pn'evioa expenlence a g e, qtc,, ta Box 179. 123-8th Street -New Tarate, ont. INSTRUCTI4ON ÎAEN mrlBookkeeplnig, aem - shlp Shorthand, Typrewrlctlng, etc. Lee4g rsns0e. Ask for free cîrcular N, , adiati Correspondeuce Courses,. 1290j BaY street,'Trno MAGAZINES AFýRIlCAN VIOLET CHAÏTTIR ALI, cualMagaluq feW micsp tiolet caeeasd culture Ina Çaada, Olut ai od MNgaaelOtro MUCUS IN THROAT THUMA'S PINK~ TABLIETS for the nase and throat, droppIng of mucum dis- eharge. sensation 0f a lump ln tthe throst and -other disturbances. ASIC YOUR DRUGGIST Both Department Sfore, And Tamblyn Storei~ A Product of Thuna Met-ballt 238 Danforth, Toronto NURS~ES WANTED GENIE RA1 STAFF NURSES AND CERTIFiBO dURSNG A>ssisTAurs -AiRE needed for Our niew wlngs. whkch eontsin apersting room anvd recavery room suites, obstetrical departmnt. surgical and medical wards. WeILk plnnel orientatlon âSud lWitvice programmes. Gond personnsel pol1cies, Attractive siension plan, 40 haur week, effective June 1 1959. Appiy: Director of Nuraing, Toronto Ewst GeÏièrai «et.- piti, Toronto 6. OPPORTUHITIES FOR M'N AND WOMEN LADIES ta sew et home, on their owan machine. Oppartunlty for btgh earn-ý ings. Appiy Box 240, Gencoe, Ont, STIJDENTS EARN ex.tra money efter school seiling subscriptlons for Saturday Evenn Post, Ladies' Home Journal and othor leading magazines; good commissions. Write D.,1E. Wilson, c/o Davis Agancy, 1431A Yange St., Toronto, OPERATE Home Mail Order Buslniese cAle and Womau ai ages>. Ten Praven Money malng Sources. Only 25é, Batis. faction assured. Captain. Box 5Ol-CA. Reading, Massacbpsetts. SE A I4AIRDRESSER JOtN CANADA'S LEADiNG SCHOOL Grest Opportunity Leass Hairdresslng Pleasant cllgnified profession; goed wages. Tilausanis of successful Mervel Gl'sduates Amnerica's Greaiest Sy.rtem fllustrated Catalogue Frc Write or Call MARVEL NAIRDRESSING SCMOOL 35" 8100r st. w., 'Torente Br nches: 44 King St., W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street Ottawz FATENTS F'ETIIEESTONHAUGH & Cocm pa lsy Patent Attarneys. lEstabished 1880. 800 Universltýy Ave., Taranto Patents ail cotuntrle. PERSONAL ORHOROSCOPE by <rinent Englilih astrologlat. wlth exceptionsi peýrsonalj readlng offar. Sesd suov.th, date, birth wvith 230, SIRDON BERINHEARDI () Markham Ont. M?,AR the people'i gospel hour, Buts- dswith Canadals radio pastor Perey P Rockwoad, Chatluam .(1)15 830) 3:3« ,P.m., Orillia (Dil ! 570) 1 p.m., Niagara Falls (Dit1600) 5 p,m Write for froc book of messages on "Bible Question% Answered' b y Pastor Rackwood, .O Boc J.660, HIlîlax, Caniada. GREY HAIR? PREMATUE grey haîr la embarrasslng, Look years youinger with Kabuil EBn- ulantne. Successfily used aven 50 vears, easlly epplied. Restores naturel appeeranlce. Doas not stalu). This 1ril- liantlne gets rid of grey hein. lResuLt wjthin twe waeka. Campleta, treat- msent it (two botties) $3.50. Maoney Orders prepald; C.O.D. collect. Satisfao,. tiou guaraite'ed. Kabul Products Reg'd,, 480 -- 89th Avenuýe, Abord-a-Pofo ADULTBI Persona1 Rluber CGoods! 36 assortmeut for $2.0, lt-nest ~aly testod, guiaren.teed. Malled iu plaluu sealed package plusz free BJth Co)ntrai boOklet aud catalogue of upig ï tr llî4rbotorts. Box !2-TF. CULLOD-EN MOOR HfATi-ER PERPF/tI MeadebyFae Ieres lcieol Olft for Scts Perfumer*$1.75; $5.25; sud 85.80 Uenld 81.10 for Trial Of-eî?,> TOllef- Waters 8$3.85,; Tekumt $14 O-Eluternt~o~ ISpecialties, od PERSONAL "ADAM to Armiageddon ' brief httvV bock free to bible reaclers. Ade* Box 149, Dorchester, Ontario. LADIES for the best lis cosmhtlcs, try Peggy Newton Produets. Free cat&- logue, beauty chart. Bern's Novelty, F.O. Biox 945 . 2Montresi. POULTRY AND LIVESTOCK THE repeat orders we are receling fromn customers who purchased K-M~ Kimberchiks lest year and who tell us, they have made mûre money out oî Klmber Pullsts than any other breed or strain they have ever had, hapg amazed us. One flock will convince yeai that K13~7 Kimberchilks are best for early large eggs which bring blgger premlums, better Uivabillty znd lesm Iaylng house nmorteilty due ta Leucosig, higher rate of lay, strong shell textixr% less crecked eggs. Order Kiruber pullets todey. Hatchlng ail populer Egg. Dual Puirpùse Bree<is, lst Generation Broik- ers, Turkey (Roasters sud Brollers). No pietter how you look et it, Blt Spatted Hybrld sows give you maxi-. mum benefits of crass-bred mothers oe. yaur market plgqs. Also selling pure bred, imported, ilngllsh Laýrge Black and Lenidrace Swlne. Also Accredited, Aberdeen Angus Cettle. Cata1ogu(e. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCIIEBIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO PETS FOR SALE BRASS Name Plates, Ma-ch-line atamled with your name end Address. Redl let. texrs. For Keys or Dog Cllars, Three for dllar. Pete Wite, 150 Rilw&Y Sttect, Woodsýtock. Ontario. POU LTR OUR April gesling prices are lçwer thie year. Aise hetches through May, June. Circuler on request. Erie Geose Parus, Dunnville, 0ntirioý_ PHOTOGkAPHY SAVE! SAVE! SAVEI tilrme deveiepeo. and 12 magna prints ici album 60e 8 mane prints in album 4P( Reprints 50 each DeeoigKODACOLOR DeeoIgroll $1.00 (flot inctudilng prIntal. Color prints 35C eacli extra, Ansco and 1Etachrome 35 mrm. 20 ex. posures mounted ln slides 2.5 Color prInts from alides 35* each. Money refunded ln full for unprinted nega- tives. FARMERS' CAMER~A CLUB BOX 31. GALT. ONT PROPERTIES WANTEU WANTED, 100 ta 1000 acres or m1are cheap bush lots for cash. Box 182 293- 18th Street, New Toronto. Ont. STAMPS AND COINS CZARIST lius3ia- 25 different init ~only 23 cents vilth epprovals. l<xjélb, Stamps Company, P.O. Boxz 218, Station B, îîdontreal 2, Que. WANTED 014 and recent coin. pana- dian, Newfoundland.tUnitted States~. Best premniums. Send 25* for three lffl buy. lîng lists. Ml. lMerley, 212 fc'Iborne A4ve., Troronto. OLD COINS, BANK NOTES Alay bring ranch profit. Send 25e 'cÔlns or staùmps for buying list. Paudl 1,11brt, 1745 Prince. Windsor. Ont. 20 FOREIGN Coins $1.00. Gold' Sver e1gn $15.00. 1958 Canadien tJncircfflated Coin Set, $350. Scotcbhi11ghlander Badge *1.5ü0 Coin) Buying îl4st 25e. Cown Hobbiles, .617Codsell, 'liownr, vlew, Ont. SWINI WESSEX Saddleback gilts and boars, al 4kgems, registered or unregistered, ldeal for cross-breeding. Wessex/Lapdrace, Wessect/York, s ow s avallable. Dr. Mlurray Smith, Veterinarlan. Çharing Cross, Ontario. VAÇA'flON RESORTÉ Florida Round VNUSUALLY nice hatisekeeplng cot- tages and apsrtmnents neer Clearwater. Private beach rlgbt on beautifuil Gulf of Mexico - world's safest béaclh. Ex- tensive grounds, shade tl'aes and pati4os. Itelexlng out4eoor living,. Conservat1ve rates and rel lospltality brlng .aur guesta bjck year Pfter vear. - For Brochure WRITE LOUISE JONES, OWINER GULF PLAZA 19420 GUL.F BLVD. tndksn Rocks Becch, Flot-id-a WNE used woaden silo. WVrit* 5ýtatjng price, ise. condition and alge to George Smsle, R. 2, Dubln, CIDAR-WA LA Arnaxng, Lab Tos&ted, do-ltyuref erushed arometic redod e qdc&ya? mix wlth weiter. brosh on. Ccdarizes clasetG, chests, walse permanentrly et a. fraction of th40 eost of a teedea 11)nîng. 11;pounda cavera 40 sq. ft. Losta Ony *895 Prepeld Senid cheque oýr Money Orcler ta SLEEP &REUEVE NRfVOUSNSS Te, b. happy end tronqui ieeod of etvau U orfor a goe nlght'a l,ic i TABLETS sstaeOfr Sav N N N N N N s' 'N s' N ' N N N N N -s- -s. N N :2 N N N ~'1- -k- N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N '-k N N N N - N N N N N N N N 's' T N N N N N N N N N N .~-' N N N N N 'N N 1 335 E