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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Mar 1959, p. 8

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i ORONO WEEKI.. TIMES THL ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Authorizeti as Sec ord,-,'s Mail, Post Office Departmeént, Ottawa Founder. R. A. Forrester P6blisher' R. C. Forrester Orono Arec Official Plan Thie monthily review ,,of iite Bank of Nova Scotia outlines that the bousing shorwtage hesbeen reduced to its lowest in 30 years aý:id thlatîit a time J)to now'take stck. Before long, it con- tinued a new generation, whiich made its first appearance as the bumper baby crop in the late 'fortles' and is now crowding its way thrvough the scliools, wîll be mn'rryiri. and seeking indepen- pendert accommodation. A report prepared for the Gordon Com- 'ilssi-o estimated that between 1955 and 1980 the housing stock Tighit have to lie almost doubled, and that most of the growtli would occurI in towns anld cities This prospect is al-arming and alIso challenging. Municipalities thiroughIot\ Canada are preparing for this surge over th next twý\ent.y years and well that they might The niajority are looking towards pann to handle this increase which i s bounld to corne. SHORTHORN SALE (Cointinued from pag-e 1) Conisigniors t o dthis sale were, John l Howdeni, Columblus; Lavernie Pat-I erson, Orono; David Beathi, Oshawaii AlbertWrgt Nestleton; George Carson, Or-moo E. Y R. Osb)Orne, Newcastle; John C 1arni ah',7 '3ack- stock~; Hugli Miller, ,lrmut Garnet tkrdBwavieRo Phulp , Pt tio'pe; JohnRicard Newaste a~d anc BethOsh- Normal Road Appropriations Announced PrQI~sinaiD;rectory NEWCASTLE GI..EA See our ad on page Io issue of the pýap,4r. COM1NG EVENI Theý reguiar meeting of îng Auxiliary will be lield Sunlday School roo)m of y 9a :5p Uited Churcli. The- progr îng planned around Red C and Mrs. R. Chater., gues ýwil acquaint us wtliti the Red Cross ge-nerally ically On the Blood Do. wilicli will be comffig to Spring. Anly of the ladies iii the ity interested in this wo]l ilmiited 10 attend. The und, b-c ding, phione, d-6 A. F. MeKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICiAN and SURGEON Office Houri 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. 7:00 te 8,.00 Saturdays and Wednesdays by appolntments only PHONE 1471 ORONC DR. R. J. TAGGART VE TER INARY SURGEON Phone 10616 Orono, Ont. ii Lwrence C. kassa, B.A, - Barrister and Solieitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones: R. office MA 3-5688 Home MA 3-5551 The village of Orono is on the perimleter of a great dev(,lopment area wichýl reaches from Hamilton to Bowmianville. Being so situated major developnienit can be expected and to this und the Police Trustees have hired a firm of Consulting Engineers who wvi]l this coijýg week be mnaking their report on an of- ficiai plan wvhich has beeni finalizacl. This plan %,,Iich takes in the Villagýe of Orono and a surr'otnlng- area will give drctoif approved, to the future developmient of thlis cenitre, hcca be definied as a dlevelopmnent area. Thfe emiphasis in other centres w'ho are look1intowards thie future haiýve been turnied to such Th- Officiai Plan folhis area\witll defýinerein of rýesi- denialgrothcctmeri growth1 and also areas for in-dustrial expansion. 1It w,[1ijalo lyota step program hichwil be econ3- 9cmical fnnilyfor, the imu-nicipality and here will takeite consideratio)n r expansion as well as proper stage development for water and sewage Tltese lattertw are a mnust som'ctimle for the area and a propejjr procedure and program of development can save the txae housands of dollars. Further the consult- ing enginieers :î[if Lý ,-)vidiiig an estimnate. cost for water and sewage in thte aueaj t,, erve thle present exiÉting buildings and homes Theý success of such planniing is dependant on the support ,o f the general pubicwhc of course require s a well informied ,public. It is to be hoped thlat the Orono area plan is welIl publicized and that the citizens take grea interest in the planning for the future We 'understand it is theý intention to immediately release the plan to the pbi n possibly a public .meeting will be held at which tima the vrns.apcswîll be explained. 'With Orono presently looking towards further industrial dlevelorment, providing niecessaryv funds are available for the con- struction of a factory we can see great strides for this areao Clarkie Townlship. We~ must be conscious of thef.uture and a future boomn and must becpared wth sound progress. BACK IN SHAPE This. is the year ,the fashiQn deslgnael' lia e ci:ded to give the girls their waistlines back. The shape of-' thbigs to corne la -shape. Se a host of newspaper writers, colulnnists, comedians and rnHnor wits can now stop hitting or panning the sack. The chemise 1,vill onec more becomne what the dictionary always saîd it was. "A woman!'s undergarment," g7nd the trapeze a swing for g-ym- nastic exercises and ircus acrobats. * Beits will be worn and mal.e whistles have more shrillness, kld by the stabilizing of skirt lengths only an inch or so below Oie kniee High School Budget 19591. Durhalum, County District -High th Oe board a revenue of $372,OO0f forý ýXexpeted lJevy ýof $2$5,OCOfor. 1959.199 SethoolJE oard lias announced an:, The Board met ln special1 session This figuxre was arrived ae usingc to consider the budget in Port N-ope advance estimates of provincial ed- 1 on Thursdlay of last vveek. The fol- ucatio)n grants, expected to bring ilowivng is the proposed budget: DURHAM COUNTY DISTRICT HIGH SCH-OOL BOARD 1959 BUDGET r' r' r' r' r' r' -r r' r' y r' -r r' -r r' r' r -r r' r' r r- r' r- r- r' r' r' a. r' -r r, r' a- r r' r r' 'a t r' r- r' <-t- r 'a 'r' r' $63820.18 $-160,322.74 3,500.00 $371,94j2.92- EXPEN DIT URES Teachei ' Salaries ..............$-.3..91...000...00... Instructionial Supplies ................... .... 30,500.00 Admiistration.............................. 24,80-'0.00 Plant Operation ... ..~..:......... ...................5500 Plant Maintenlance.......... ........ .............. -.15,700.00 Auxiliary Services ............... ...-................... ......... .7 850 .rnprtto................... - .............. .... ...80,000.00 Extraneous Payments ............--................-............ 3,000.00 Tuition Feýes to other B3oards ... ................ ......- 11-;000.00 Bank Interest ......... ..... ..... 8,000.00 Cafteal ..................................... ................4,50.0 Nj-il i hool Salaries......................... ........ .... -... 3,000 00 Çnontinýgeney vF1und ............. .... .....................- 7,307.92 $656,9-12,92 less Recipts .................. >....... ....... >........ 371.942.92 hamn and ilt for, normal worl which SUbsidy amoant tu $1,55-7, $78,s000 will be and :,'774,'300 ýfor to thle cute.This in Ju,, i it 1:f n.rfle"Il t 1ecune -i!(! hU I'JU,,j'UU ) - We oui(ild lie to take this opr tion,j tuniity to tliank our frienids,re- tiv'es an nighbou)lrs foi, their at Theamont alottd te own jof kindne ,san messages of sy f sIilps, withie tot lal for cnsrctonIpathy during the cpas-inýg Qf aLe in brackets, follows: t oved fathier. WVewol also thanll'k Rev. Long for his comiforting wordsý Cartwright - I$32,000 (1,00;and also NMr. and Mrs. H-. Barlowýv Cavn $5.00 $30,000(); Clarkçe for their mlany acts of kindness. -$70000 ($40.001l; Darllngton- The Cobblediclk family $130,000 ($8U,000); 1{aldîimand-ap $7,O $40,000); Hamilton - $75,- _ __ 000 ($50,000); H-ople -- $55,000 ($205- D 000); Manvers - $32.000 ($1O,00); LE ET-A IemoilHoptl South Monaghan' -$17,00 $8,- LWT -tMmoilHsia 000) Muray $37000 L3ýü() Bowmanville on Wedriesday, Mvarchp Percy - $35,00.$2,0 00,4Seymaour . 5199, J. Arthur ýBlewettl inbis1 -- $40,000o ($15,0()-); Cramahle - 85tli year. Beloved husband-o__tie $52ý0ù0late Ruth Ella Hamnm and delar $52,00 (30,00).father of Elvini. The epaate tow cfTreto~ Resting at the Morris Furiceral The epaatedtow of reno-nChapel, Bowmanville until Fridayl lias been aîlotted $60,0U00of which noon.T;ýhen at Orono United Churcli $42,000 is fur maintenanice and $18,- for- service at 2:30 p.mi. Intermnent 000 for construction. P ronio. Cemetery. a, The amnounts tllotted to town, wNithi the figure for- construction in brackets, fllqyV Bowmanville- -$3,3,000($500 Camplielîford - $18,000 ($2,000); Cobourg ---$80,000 (3.00;Port Hope - 0,0($00)' Thie amount allotted to villages wvith tie amount for ,onstruction in bracIkets toflow: Brighton - $13,o000(300;Cl borne - -$5000) 1, -fu HstIings $5.00($200);Millbrook -$, 00;Newcastle $300 LiBERALS MEET (Cotinedfromi page 1) DIED LITTLE, AfdH.-At the B&ow- f I m)ra HsiaMarýeh~ l6th, 1959, Alfred H. Little. Ag-e 86 years. Resting at the Barlow -Euneral' Home, Park St., Orono, Ont, for service at 2 Marçli l9th, 1959.1I Intermenit Oronio Cemetery. 401 TO PORT HOPE (Froni pag-e Carry-Over Work. Carry-over work from previous years: Higliway 401 - graçling anid cul verts from Morrish road to - iliway 28; from Port Hope to) Co- bourg, from Cobourg to 1.5 iles east of the Hmlo-admn Twvp. une, from the platter point t-oý 1Vetrnonivmtroacu, roau aiiowanýce wi(ith te Frost Governlent. Ne rom- lots 22-23 Cramiahe Twp. to; sid tat Liberals mut in' cor- 1ighway 30; intetrch anges at HÏli v,,erts by showin g fliat they are pre-wa 2, Port H'ope, at Mill street, at paedt gvebttr oerniment! lots 32-33. Cramalie Twýp.; at Higli- than the present - overnment in[ 9y 8 power fot 17 ears. He îlustrated Oth - ,structures w:ll bcebuilt a hi!s reak1wtirfeec luh Coate road, at Ganaraska river, disstis acionwithHieFrot gv- lope Tw-p. at lots 10-11, Haldimand cýrïnment by saying thal every ti'me Twp-), at Cobourg creek, at BîId'l Mr. Frost dismisses a cabinet mini- Lake lots 17-18S; road allowanees at ster it is like. a surgeon operating lots 32-33, Clajrke Twp., at lots 16-17T for- amagan growth--- "We Clarke Twp.; at lots 18 -19 Hope* hlope that1 lie got it ail but we ean Twp., atlIotS8-9 Hope Twýýp.; at lots neerle sureý." 6-7 Haldimanid Twp., it lots 10-11, MriWodyr said that we have Faldihfandf Twp., at lot 10 Hiamilton a chnie elonmvin1 Durhamn Twpj., at lots 28ý-29, Haldimnand Twp. Couny: hirt yers go Dra was primarily an agricultural econ- orny Today thle econiomy is ba4- acd betwveeni agriculture, labourt andl small ibusiniess.The Liberal, Can"didate saidj that lie felit it blisi dut 0togiverereenatonto al thî-e goups on equal basis and l ieý ,said that thelicdmyof Durhami-, jLe the economiy ofOntarlo, must funictioni as a iunian that wve must adlminiistereuay for ail groutpsý wît1-in tlie e-onommy iand not t n group to the detrlient of anothOe. He saud tha it wuns a mîstke fo labour to think that the CCF ,vas the onfly political party that could represent themand stated thlat lie was prepared to "go to bat" for labour antd 'was equally preparedi to assist the other two groups lu Ilhe econbmny. Th rexreeting of tlie Durhiam- Counity Liberal Ascainwhich Ïs nIow preparîing its figit fortHe fOrth(oing ,c-ampa-igii flu support of Mr. Woo0dyard vwas seltfor New- caMsie on Mardi 23, 1959. SAgainsýt Fife Los7 Onily Insurance eau giv: you f3protection against 'oss/ Check lo Syour coverage for aeut e f placementvau.I Ph. 12516 IC P, s. 22 Oronol. portable equip- AUTILEAL Peter 32 6,de ClR"lT~satBrke The iidcsi~gcd aneed in-a milewes oÎ ron toseil by public auto ât 1 00p n hapon*l Sat- urde, Mrch2lst, '23 liead of cattie 150ý liens, haýY, sirw as potatoes, urtreanid an eclln ot of farm mahnr. Trscash, Ino or rermodefting your present *e Floyd Ni ctèi Ison Phone 2191 Orono FePundations andi Septic Tanks pou»red. Formis available The RUTTER -GRANITE COMl.,PANy Phono TU 5-5216 P.O. Box 62 Port Hope, Ont. "Buy Direct andi Save Commissions"! MIonuments, Gravestonesý, Engraving, Goldleafing InfivanceServce Sadie Hamri;tcn LoyHan4lton 'Every class of Insur- ance is represen.ted in our office. The follow- ing are somne of the main Coverage-,s we can 1 Soffer: Automoliler, Life, Accident and Sýickuessi, Plate Glass, Liabîiliy, Fire, Burg1ltary, Hospieaîization, L.ivestock,, Boiter, Wind,, Polio, Hail, Fidielity Bonds Etc ORONO, PHONE T 'R14 FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS Lerey ilamilton REAL. ESTATE BROKER W. KA LYCTT8 . A.I Baitner andSVIIitor Tur lthe0freSales R. R. Wadl'e forQ.C.m MAn S, ORON Phione5r1' - oros, 1TED JACK,ýSON 1Auctioneer and Valuatg>r 1 Conducjs Auction Sales of al im andi at resnabl rates Commnunicate with him at port parrv, rOiltario, or see is îclerk, .S Mor~ton at Orono for date. LIFE 1NSURANCFv Pension Plans; Educafional Poliies;. Protection andi Saving Planus for Children andi Aduits; hUrtgage Ii. surance Plans. F. E.LYCETT Oronc. Ont. Phone 11711 Typwriters Re-mington Portables 4 Models. Free demonstration. At $1.00 down anti $1.00 a week. Up to 20% off oni demonstrators. OSHAWA BUSINESS MIAC HI NS 329 Simncoe St. S. Phone RA 81211 STAFFORDI BROS. fnoumîeiltaI Work~ Phione Whitby 552I 318 Dundas St. E._ Whltby FINE QUAL.ITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS0 Let us erect a handsome, dig- nifieti monument over fhe rest- inq place of your laved ones. It's not expensive. Anti seeing this lait tribute wiII give you endiesi comfort. Oirono Electric PHONE 129 CQNTRACTORS FOR FÀRM and 1flOUTSE WIRING APPLIANCE SALES Prompt anti Guaranîeeti Repairs te al kînts of Electrical Equipmient anti Appliances Such et Motors .Water Heaters T.V. - Rodios -Stovs -Irons RECEIPTS s u rp lu s -......................... ... tegislative Grants Pupil Attendance Grant $173 x 1293.03=r$223,694.19 6-4 Rural School Sections at $150 .,.... 1... 9,600.0 Transportation 791,,,of $52,660.20 ....... 41L,601.56i Capital Outlays $5 x 1293.03 , ...........,... 6,,165.15 Debenture Grants (as last year ....... 62,399.1 & Text book Grants (Gr. 9 & 10) spent .... 2,180.11 Tuition Fees to other Bds. 791,', cf $16,205.30 ........ ......... 12,802.19 Niglit Sehool Salaries 72(/ of $2.4138. 1,755.36 Refund of Association Fees ..*..... . 125.00 Tlfeec in Superannuation . e r... ......... ': 4

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