'IMES Volume 22, Number ;5 01r011, Ontario, Thursday, March 2th, 1959 Subscxription $1.50 swung int ctiwn ta plan and make hoperates in imes of dîsaster; arriangemenits. The present corn- a good example being the Sping ;mittee conisists J. D. Found, A. Me- H-ii disaster. They suppiy lothing, Gi, Wm. R~eid and H. Duvali, food~, bedding and inedical supplies. n TÏhey wor4ç both internationally and The race mpet is to be heid on air haine. It was ini 1909 when it Wvas Satnurday, June 20th at the Oronol stiarted ini Caniada, and now there track, commi-encing at 2:00 p.m. Thel are-, 1,300 branches here. main feature is to be a colt stakel race ini which over 30 colts are ex-I .-T'iey give first aid, nursing ser-1pecteci to enter. C.olts will 1-be elig- vie~mobile denital, pifj bnx froni .ti Couknies of Durhaam, sick rou service, houne- nursingi courses, ar t and crafts programmles forý veter-ans, lheljp displaccdz personls aii0ý refugees. They a!sC supply;R we W k oh need for bioo)d, and fliat a Ibloodci clonar elinic \was bein e u.T e MrLs. Ch ater g ave uis a ver.y itr sting f ai adwealilfeit we ke -a lot m2ore about the Red cross ad Tcregular, wecing of Heather ti okit was (doing. RbkbLdewas lield fla the I.O.O.F. H l arci 2th, 99 Kntien Capanthe pk aNbeGrand, Sstr attie Wilsoný f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~âi cwrdtaatleRanywoaictigadVice Grand, Sister is maýving away, and Aima &feîlieeHeo assisfing. TinewaF preseted hr wih a cp an igodattedanceanid rail cal show- saucer. cd just anc itçrabsent being ic Hlot cross Buns and ches-,c T h1 t i 1fiAnvrny0 servd wt acepai ea nd soialj te Ldge vii a~s erepresent, if ou br.ouýgit tecven1ing Lta afaiPtHpBwa ilOh nPnl ,z,'v ndarKp % e Miït1<éing 0f PotatoesýI TcDuilam 500 Bushel Po mitato Hle said be tf fiat tus was;I' Club1:1 t'tl fe TwrsieH1,imattî o ifl, oowe j d 1file tact meetng asP'ndut9d by ile Igae Millbrok. Soe discssionalso taokplc on fi;pssblityof a ýi mareting Higlligt a ticmeeingwasan ptates n a a-oeraivebasis, dietra l d rusbrn1ch, de- jfrtcmre. fws pitdouf Ircs P r ,e mo'Jy foi Ille fîý 'Itt .l otecinWthtetrnn iasked to gather flic necessary rsace. Pize money ftor$5t0e90. In rga f oet k ace ver to thie Municîpality the Odd- informnation in regards to a by-law stkfii muttol00. l Aogramhe 0f niovli cs .fel]low's Hall as a Community to prohibit overnight parking and aýdditioni to the prize money the floed teodj uig f teas-n Centre the Trustees felt they to bring it before a future Meeting. committee is seeking te have a trns',V. Recadedms etigIsod meet wvith Lashiey ta dis- S isad_ aln oks lent a ud suitable tr-ophy donated whichi holiday atmnospber'e ta tlhe si'1 cuss the procedure and the set-up. S. B. Rutherford and R. C. For- would be conipeted for eacb year. le"It wvas decided to mreet with Mr. There is'to be no wagering or bet-[slope during the enltre day.rse Theedo inig otie ting rivilges a therace.eventwas arangd by E. Gomme Lashiley on Thursday ifposlertrrprednfninsbtnd Mr. Pund s endavouing o Waerdinuseigothi ossterbtef rom meetingwith the Secretaries Mr.domhissensocialn tocommittee. of the lnigBad fDrig 1 tact arose that the Village was ePlnigBad0fDli- have some kîdIdies rides at the race Johin Preseboskowýski who gained supporting numerous hlsadtoin and Hope Township. A geiierai. petaogVih or e0twýo 0otherl' eadlines luing fthe Soutbern 01n- buildings and the future of the Fire scsona plnng ndu- metl aton, t Oedivision control concluded the meet- ait4çiil.- . Ci hampisfips when lie Hll and M-ýuiipal BuLildling camel. ippdoit the creek, again provýed i are the Meeting. It was ex- ing. b is harldJiness by aPpearilng in bath- Pr-essed that çPossiblY the use of the MncplBunlding would tlesseni 1 LaIt'eHydrO 1 tn it was -E1e bàwro-ate ià%grlnkstheTi ?:I:;t :x:couple of year-si ltinted OUIt that the OrOI1oCrrn- 1Dý.mp:Brouk nd Ted hat iicould bouse an 'area m-ission bad reeeived a PYebate of who skied iandanhydra trucf;,,,15.3 picinga gadnatured mi-oos,,e were am"i supplieýs along with village of- -,-- fth Bj lrt-hd a y omd btoftecanvafie.This would Ithen allow the ÇG "--pAt old Armnstroag aclfd as judge aeaite rsntfrehllat tlie costumes adbsts wcmecal ulig ntex-, were oordtabvSierLuchanat aya I otme eec-rsnf avuire-dfIle sale of the M ayte,zBok Ke-nnedyristictDpt rsdn clet ncplBulig frtca from ~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r l Pat Pe r3nd1ser G oiada e r w111o. e 0f fl _ _ výisB>tî,ýLý L rsdirii r caabË cakeribyoaren Alored wa Distr itDu:ty PreLiiýl,sient-t il î die aatvBni n an ave.I a 1947~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tha eahrnadewa l- rurend utte aniiunc- iia te heeairail re1 stituld. AIlvtrs were ie u iîrolAa oky omPlbidig meily hntedc arat wlcarn by te Nobe Grad.i irv-ceerpndved culd b aa psedfo ayen.ThIe Vice toibo !r lathix iviionaisel Grndrpatd o teVi 1în ittle NHL pLayýdownis. Mlra m 0tctxae.btM.Ptn iKryhdkit Committee. Maniy Get \We(Il Wshswol)the cbampionýshîp a te e- ThIe runIn-atlare i dgs tw-,o rîeunsweaters for- the littie wer ~ t asoSymýj lpatycrletpaydawasatCamlp BrenIae eoe eleing and Ic hlri.Tisnj,,;se taltCand ne 45th Weddinig An-!carmnstated that as fhey had Wfr.can cildren. Tis mkes sevenl niversary 1card. ra od- Éi a fi Sýat1,Ii l iigTiese boys playd real goad no dag catcher te by-,l,"aw wns ofkniftin achinle. IH bs also of- Stanhfg ommitees Siser Bt- band i hokey Il ~easa andccc-Pttt use It as dcide to dver tercl t kni up ome oolwhie ty Majo eore erigluc t litnilydeservedtir ictoryv. Th'cy1 týise fora dg-atbeda that !pay\- Ibdbe oae, aa4i o twa ecet fnerlsSiser acelîmIinai1tedOronio Atomrs ia the met ould berecevedin tc he sm uroe Auneported on Ithe rcit rmrun aMlbo where alsothje ianto $.0for eeydcap- parted an lservini.g lnc or hi. O-- i ute theh'1 ie runlng ai crafts tieyhad ieenxvrkngon caled wti. Ther ere e a db S, BMRthefad Iat lte A2. a iw arl u SistSer Lodlges. A eciptfrm fie' ic eua etn itetcQaR7l drn i îîe r lsdwt as Tuswasth Lagesdoatin a U iwa heIld omesday a'S.ifer-1 paniaca or grt'uttretoroto.tiaha msomne areas aif Pu province, icig ana xtenî!ison aý) i fl Bri Part Pcnryî Id ul ag -iela fne ii atcnaoo aiu t h t b oui that quaity sai prime im- Tiere wns aiso (consieab dis-,OPugMS e parane fda uad te 00]3sii ussiari nregainbg file types ai fer tvsa ittm ilgv n-avsf taaMs ias Of the M4rbvse l itieid oul ttt ïand ýitwas pintcd -1ouit lat nalrcp'iýrt aif Ie vwark aifile Osaw Uion wio rcad file Scriaun tuf suphte at- 'Ple tagie\ C dg. 1sr:la ai adSitturc esso from St. AMank'"s 'Gospel, a'au SadieHamiton eing fiefw re-teitcapr.ens ilowfie ig rahlm ws tanatbettr qabty , esenaties. ic fficiai visit taf prts were renddad ope erc nvbaeqLuaitýy, but lbave cntn-tfua dcde aiciue uWifh tcDsrc euyPeietWl eea tm ilbtrs wr ud ilyo supply. Î-cs10 td fat aIthepu00' Busil Gî iub l 199. noe 1 IiLt.mn iad rs ocad r.MsI fie annual crop himpravemient Coni- itresfcdentor by séndiag a docl- nder NewBsnesfl DsrctWliredpes Oeand Ms.Wl.tis fweence la Tarane itMfle vaious lar entry'ee totahfe Ontaniadeparf- Rprentntîves for tic cmegias eda poý--lem alfled"Tecna grades wene on display. meht i agricuture, Bomnil.year' 1959-60 wverc appoiated, be>ing BaclssBiei Sale". an Cinres eatinil, Beian, wsSisten Olive Milîson and SisuriBet-, Hyma 502 wassuagad i me- er Of 900 cars fillcd ouf)n tic t Mjor. igcisdby al repeating tcwih va-iaus grades, appr-oximiately >2eetdas peietfn199 an ise adie Hamn-i1ton will ttend Lor' Prayer. ftr pencen inicaedthe pnteredA. . Diryapl a seretry-fhe Rebekail Asscmbly as tic Rep- Mlrs. Rowe served a cup ai tea 1'- lhe tew nfairlo N. 1 grade. treaisirer. (CoHnued on page 5) *and fruit bread. IThU is ~ ~ ~ ~ uI, bin eo"edtntieRe - ow sI is CLkis$0.0 seý fems a e nagreo'sslig- dlciy i apia i Toa date a- umbenai volun-iross wa Itrtd lenfils.a taileCmag Ciainian, , Smt~ewti e t f fewv .B.Rtefrd and ta otisf ~ rona ec Cros will re tu ,ras1, if a ppears in ,Lthfe be sio a with a Red Cross is omparable fa Jas[ year. Blod 0uoirsCIlilc whien cloors canva"--ssens Jilauve yetLte be wiil1be asked ftû &ippantcie GIýC i iic, tram so tt a fina'l report DonationsaibîOLI il zllbe used to ive- ta came somefime lanfthe taugm-ent tic supply of bl(od rasma inlocalespitais. Moite initirm-atiofi j a this- scileme wiii lie publisiled Campaiga objectiv-e la the whlen il ldefails are arranged. lForm Poultry TeenAgers }HoId Red Cross; Programfs Out-i -ý bveigSevcOvernight Parking On Th Drhm4-H PutyClubEeigSr1e Iiie d At E Ve.AÂu xiIi ary ThMainhaS7treett Discussed-M miet Wednesday iii the boaAn evening church service in theM a n S r e ic s ___________________________of the Department of Agric-ulture!ono T Tn1Ite hrhwscnut offi 'ce to make plans for the 1959 do u'dylstb h Teen-1 En he Su ary ehool roo cih aCee9j nt~oultry club. i gers of the chtirchl. This groupý The Orono Police Trustees met season to warn against an-y possi- Evenîn Auxiary mt Marh 35tha 4-HClub or Du- cpuedteeties- tionMody evening when discus.. biîity of snow or ice building Up on g d attendance. A report from the ham county and considerablein-!wic fair congregation waspr-so followýedj various fields of Vil_ the roof, The style of roof, it was p~~~~~~~~~~~~~ esy~ etn tOhw a Aniirsvt teresitfiassbeen shiowý,n. The meeting sel] .. lhe service was also support- ý age worlk. Arrangements were ai- sttd woul not lkl colleet any given by Jo Barlow. A discussion decided to purchase Delb chfr-ks.ed by the Orono High 1Sehool Gleeso planned for the Trustees to meet snow but on the other fiand it is' iolowe rgarin th Nusey, s Continuied p)age four) club which lead in tÎhe singing. of [willh Mr. Lashley, Comimunity- Pro-ja precautionary measure. ta lwhethregrdi £ve nin u îry i. n rs.Wlim Wae0 _____________ _thie hymas and providedf a num-ber grams Branch and also the\Water výiuld ta:ke on thrat epniblt.Courtice (observed their twenty- baloo u,- f~usicýal selections. Miss Joan iResources Commission iii Toronto TeTute gi It was dIecded t hey wouldl help o- fifthi wedding aniesr lastbol1011 ut Allen capably played the organ with Thursday atfternoon. If tîme is Lk Ontario Development Associa- SDuxing the evening the guests Mr. Johin Ford conducting the Gleeailable the Trustees intend to meet ti. po~gS .Rtefr Baby Band Leaders, whn 3itable ithe UAW îHall. One ildred aareeetraie ihdnig n lb ihe laning Conu lnts frwho amiGardn tas terrpe pla 5,ce was ecided upon; but, the4 f1ity relatlive's ald friends from: UI ayýne, Bailey, presîdent of thlare aftnuue ln o hlsnaie er wo hItaglle hirtrJgthrdt7eprsgo ise1,nte hrc n ach1,1934. aaTe-gropened the sber-j Janes of Orona, dughtersofM-- ryFound re-cad thie suriptfures and discussion ,aid if thie present trouble'I paringprbien alng helain craeof pil and \white car'- is the son of M.Edward Wad.ffe, o----tw he CIrman i was autltioized akcgolehce asnraig .oBiwthntkovrtentos fi er, two sonrs, te-er'flnR ,Bwavie ra ~ . ocnatdeTrnoWthCm . M. Mrce'r sai htthe, Trus- meti~g .~ hadraigrupto.ai ilyaa ifee-ya-od on, to coin g t iei orie2 ~~.Ub 1 yt aetencsayrepairs te cegoing ta ,ýhave to flace tis Sciti.wsrac yMryRt~ n nie ouutfon ber yeaslag 1 M. andMs.Wale aae H .Mercer pointed utp> blm ut feilt that firtïth erad IaMthl hnra ngadic isBvre er.lvd aMpeGrove. " ta ew bttrjies ha1-d just benIn- Bord suld ltrX te make somne iar- nertidga le byal e iouug, Mr.o Jack McuKenzey of Tarante Las, Sundcay at'ternoo.,n, the-! Fl1 a tld nte okrn eefr pof-the-stepak in ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ýf coprsr ih h et fwa atr0eremnonies and M. uai edin'aniversary d1ay, Mr.i___ S. B. Ruthierford stated that be gflic ie oitd u ta plnt Apom Unsd piese ws01 aeeéH eki tu Bwnavilean Ms.WaeeneraiedsrensTrstessbul nwbe ma,ýking this vwas not the responsibility of red padresan peenedte adreatvs t hirhoelaCorSOd ohe ature who fr-owneýd plans to lhav\e iasidiewailkxeddIh rses but that possibyte hîonor.ed couple with a beautiful! tice. 1o n the OhaaSki Club'-s cariva t the Staple!is property ,at (the southold ie sm asitnesei __________________________________________ scbIïedlfor last Sur1lIdaychan.ged a,!inte vlaeif Ithenew vschl-ool s adlv if the lot (if available) were a mespeaker, lWIrs. Chater, was Irer tune and thlislwe k Prioviedt be j pIacediÀn thîs ý,area. H wsto uicp lot. ýýome' space, it was inrdcdand tis being Red C-ross O o o C an e o S o s rperftect day wi-thI blue suîrniy skies havlte Counity Egne view fel, couki possibly be arranged Màjnthl, she took 11tatus lher topc. and niear zero temperatures. thlis problem ll enlj-g wihtat, on back of the fire hall The chairman Sihe told how it was or4ginailly h 1ri'1' ICo Hill. Plans shouki also be or- suggestedl that overniight parking- Out' Thid made I gatakingc nied or-w ter spl 1,forfire could be governed by a by-iaw ln w'sthe lOOthi Anniversary. Thiýdtsadieasuriirouniidings forpoeto.S .Rtberford stated the buisiness section., Mercer and imii ai the Red Cross in -the begin- thle, animal costumes which weletha- ths B'Roec uld ecm'uhrodsgetd ta fi nin wa toaidthewoudedin The go-ahead for a race meet inOlarlo, -Nrtum-berlandi Pter- any anid varied. Many of t ple te pr ojets he onubcto 0f we're o b rouhnI o time oftwar, bt nNw iteherp as Oronothasgiventon FrldannifhteborougbVictoriaiHliburton and 1iý o ut i hls sJîolQws ieno Fiayngh iaiuro adnewcomers to the club wore cost- th scool hae to be enforced con ail of Main we,-«lll lapeace time. and the Special Events Committec Hastings. fin addition there is ex-;um I and Miii Streetfilgin. Thl, 1l!otpfhoru I Jthe Orono Chamber of Commerce p edt b n o wocasiid aie hland pictd lie1inthei