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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Mar 1959, p. 2

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-- O'RONO WYEKLV TIMES THURSDAY, MARCH- 26th, 1959 - - and, .defeated the Cornets by a 7to 5., hiscore The Com~bines had command1 i,,nt of T-ands and Forests' iech- Unem plo ym ent And Inflation N t-3 ane V icorsO ve Com ine ofthe gamne and eseilyso in, anic- at -Minden, whiie xnakinga the latter part. snow shoe trip recently into lus Cl e T i l- ~Y7 ~ v1~ ,1 1 ) Combine goals were by Art Ren- lntcamip i 11indon Township, . l s ly JLflked States Dr. Vivicin W iln '...... lampfl iOf pl1 4j- nick 2, Ted Degray 2, and singles about 12 miles niorth west of Min- tion. Hle said muc~h lias been dn to Sid Arnold, Keith West and Geo. den, had a good opportlunity 10o size George Westfail picking Up tssists. Westfali. Junior and Raye West top up the situation for that particular Dr. R. P. Vivian M.P., Durham, by the Diefenbaker Ministry in thi, Napanee Cornets Wedniesday Less than 15 seconds later, Rennick iped the playmaking idepartment area, He reports %hat ie~ Passed in a recent report on the County but that much more needs to be rAght edged th~e Bowmanvlle-Oroflo again beat parrishi with Westfajlwith two assist apiece. I oghserieadwhcisteover both the Port Hope-Cobourg done. Quoting the Minister of Agri- , C-ombinies 3-2 to capture the Eïast- pickig up another assist. -~naine given to the herding place of ain, thd terbor hou e rdof sta-cultre, Dhe VFlonurae fouglof ern Ontario Intermediate "A" league Napanee came back at 2:27 whien. DEER I N AREA SEEM TO deer iiý winter, and a total of twen- tiosns, sion ha p thloutet, ofthe aknss, Dmpr.tian saids fo o! dumponhi fr heseon cn-Gerow scored on a pass from B3rady. B NTRNGWL 1ty deer were observed. Ail seemedprsnseio o!pram twohe otipratsestob - sehamtie i year. Itwstesxhgm rd the sheon score at 11.28IN WihELL ~itrn fil el ep things were of paramount import- taken in the Conservative Gover- of the best of seven. The series nssists going to Gerow and Good-1 Th.vrl fei la hsW thue very deep - snow. Mr. Austen ancd the matter of Canamploymnt, ment'ds lograne insituio rogamn st09d at three games to two in favor fellow. Th1 vri ffe htti \ in-oticdt tbat the (leer in smaller cad pth n matte o fiCana' rfin- iprovd form thediituto ofem anc of Nqapanee. IMc-Kewon took credit for the win jter's severe conditions «Il have on ycas appeared to be more îively cilpsto ihpriua ee- mrvdfr rdtshm hc 1'15 seconds past the hiaif way mrarkthe deer herd in the Lindsay DXst- i *e lrgr yards. AI-, ence to the problems of inflation, is vital to enabie more young mnen The- teams battled to a scoreless cuaeyfrcs The Durhaan memnber said thà.t to get started in farming, and top fIrst perîod of play. !in thie final period. Martin picked rict can not be acuaeyfras thougli tracks of two wolves were, as tessinporsesvr a Up the assist. asyt iýe- o'eite~as s ntigo dctehnssodotinrlintoachlernization and improvemnent of Aminute and 37 seconds o! the! in Ncapanee on Saturday hope! In some areas the deer that they had been successful ino thse sto mttieatin teo m anxsigf s Second, crop second period, Art Rennick put the mounted for the CombineÀ we bue survivin Athen iou of er thei qus1favio nr can be considered in relation to insurance to protect farmers ag- MO' nfront with R~aye West and they took a command of the gamein ewl.JmAutn u eat BO' nboth. Dr. Vivian saici the importa nt 1a inijs t the ratural1 hazard(s of droughlt f act is thiat thie policies o! the Dief-,hall, fr'ost, etc., third, soil and waitert enbaker government, talken in re- conservation measures which will lation to _ondfitions everywhere, at preserve our ability to produce a- home ad abroaci, wvere prving bumdant supplies o! food, the mnost !yery sound. imiportant subject 'of ýagricultural. Opposition Exagerates....con cent. On the unemployment question, The fourth step, Dr ivian saici t. ~~, Dr.h Vivian ciimed that members o! As a rura re-deepmen scheme t.."~~~~~~~~J - ...PvfrA ' "the opposition trieci to make much -wich 0i11 provide opportunities 2 ~... \~i~t~ ,t-ý'in fact they appear to have tr-iecifor- consolidation o! sonie o! thle S. .< t grossiy exagerate the unjemrploy- small, uneconomnic units into those - ~ '~" I ent situation,' le said. Dr. Vivianicapable o! providig a reasonable 2 :y~tt//9.admiitte i that it is true lthen is living for, a family. The iatest cenr- tt~~t~i::.,.~ ~\ stilia pecntg o!ihe labour sus returns, Dr. Vivian said, so c r' - ~~~!orc tILI neei to be more fuliy C a3 c!ai Canadan farms ....»t.. .V~~t~~ ix~aan............................employecinec a f ulle],rnmeasure ! grscahico of ess thaýn I tiI~tui orkopprtuityand coseqenty $200per farin. Tt is evident the nimore ae-oepay, the fact re-1 -wopu im mrnh s'A that these atio is greatýjly ipoeiaray nt~-tr aiy It ~~~Epr isud th hpean te pcttin thnt the end o! our long winter wii ExitTrd fectd ce eNlyet an hrfore, m-ore-ý alo ineclosely to the WOrdst ganulcuptoie sai. ution toaDr. Vivian saîid, 'Our <-t ownsiuto wilI, in no smail mna - Rising CoMstpiral sure, b)e influenceci by world coný- u 11aTh probýiem1s 0î Lunmploymen ditions. At present, continental t--and o! iflion are coseJ, inec Europej is;suferiig aneconomi 2 to the rising spiral o! costs to the setback - we hope o! only a tempor- La-.. osmeD. Vii stai 'In this, ary nature - but it does affect. our' ...... lue, the people AL CLiaada, can do j xprt trade _Muchel o! this lies !n~ mruchi o-selves .if we are wiiiing the continuing unstable political N- tocosîerte over-ail pattern, and situation~ recentiy agravateci by the toi take appropriate action, that is, to Brerlîn problemn.' -lm ikep thie costs at a minimum wliileý aceeating production o! articles' The Berlin situation is one of the for which thiere is a market', Dr.' Most serlous international problemns -Vian saici. . that bias to be faceci in some ie r '~~~conditions, at homne and abroad, Dr. Vivian stated. Russiismkn t- re uchtha wein Cýaaams a desperate drive to stabilize its ownr t- rodce thie finishiec prodiuct and 1 position for the benefit o! its own, producei tasligpieta epe iciuding the policies o! 71.n oplto !te aki e omnsi dictatorial rLegime,. t-.'arc tobe rul suuesfulin ur n-l Th,,- world situation can be dang- decor.We m-ust not price our- erous Dr. Vivian said, and a ne~ se1lvem out o! our own or other mar- standing o! it is the primerqust 't- ' kets. This is a challen etobt for being o! help, adwt hs h manaemen ands iýclauen ou1mn full rgaîization that the. social and .ufactured goocis,' the memiber ecoflomic probleris o! the worldi that . caimiec. cani le-ac to war, can best be solved .engaged !i the production, process- by action i the f ield o! political 'it is equally a challenge to those baeoisrte ,a h edo r ' ~ing andi packaging i the distrîbu- ate - tioni o! Our primary products o! ag- ricuLlture,' Dr. Vivian cniud r therefore if behooves the proces- t-'- sor andi wholesaler o! the food pro- ducts at a level consistet wîth the purchasinig power O! the home 1-akýer -. an-d also the buyer for ex- 4AlN1; poi. t. This is o! partiular impor- r~~i Jl as' wha ue cosmrla o aï AL S FOR ESTIMATES for the.c sam-ie produLct off the stlore, I 1RR E.L C j P'ine a3RI Farmers Need Credit t-' ~In connection with Ï0oo, Dr.n- iT Certainly. Other women do. Vie ian saiti the position of the f ar- I t-t- ~~~And they use ecticity for dozens of other household tas ýkS too, mrms egvnfi osdr-, .. .-- becauise modern electrie applianrces make it so muich easier toe ____________ be a goodi housekeeper. IIIII~ -T W S-I UC ARK'Ee MUodemn electric aipp1ijinces canl help you do0 ailkor orkljj"ý r ~~~faster, miore effiinty . . . whether you're polihing for,~O % - doing Jre Iaundry, cleaning the house, cooking dinner, or washinrg dishies. It costs so littie to enjoy the wontderýfl con- Keep vacuum attachments o ie T r p ry Oe venience and freedom of -mroderni electrical living. in a basket ta carry wvith Ntcýi -eeygvnt rrýryonr nLt 7 you ta each rcom as you Ntc 5hrb ie opaet wlr nLt 7 t getf 1criiy 28 iejîd 29 mn Concessionis 4, 5 andi the soth r-loe Youti more out of life when you get the mnost outp ofletrciy 1 dean.kýri o oceso 6i h

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