ORONO WEEKLY ry TIMES THURSDAY, MARCH 26th, 1959 ~~Gb(,f«0fobfl'e.o.9.eo.oeoeoooooo.eo,.oo.*foo..Oe Rit OUREA2TER Swift's Premîum Smoked - Popular Family Sîzes - GrYolVac WraPPeil H M oees Ully cooked Swift's Premium Smoked Shankless- readly to eat COOKED 'PIOC%',NIO cs Niblets Branti KERNAL CORNi 14 oz tin 2 for 33c Heinz in Tomnato Sauce Cooked SPAGHETTI 15 oz tin 2 for 3l1d Jewel S-ýHORýTE NING l 1 lb pkg 2 f or5 1çc JOHNSC'N'S KLEAR 32 oz tin $1.09 Sreeze - Blue or White Detergent -5c.off Swfs Premiurn H einz Fanc'y - 20 oz. Tin Tomato JuIIct -Ige 37c lb $1.39 2 for 29c ïoil 29e FROZEN FQODS Libby's F.-Ozen Strawberries, 15 oz. pk ................... .. >...... 39C Birds Eyc -Tasty inners, Beef, Ch;i.kený, Tutrkvey, i1 oz. pkg. each 69c lýor lb bsea (You take your Savirigs ii No. 1 New Bri Firm, Snow White Fine C POTé ÇOIlb bi Tropical Goodness - Lar- PINEAPPL 'Ontario Hot House RMUBARE Lusclous, Juicy, Anjou - PEARS Vitamnin Rich - No. 1 TANS Extra Green - Fresh B-ROCCOLI French9s preparec Suýprer-ne Blanche Supremre Spanish Grmnsby Sweet G Aylmer Manzilla 8 oz. Ice Box Jý Goldecn Hour Assý 1 lb. Box EastE Solo Mar-garine,1 S un arnh ot C ro Suprr-eeBrand lI 15 Denier, 2 pa 7eln SUOT4 at.99cea ~4bA~ aw~* ICENDAL NEWS oPi TIhe Women's Institute met at tire hoeof Mrs. Bill Turansky on SWednesday evehning, M,,arch -8th, j ht1 the president, Mrs. Martin _________________ Aln,ý,,ý,in the chair. The roll eaM was nswro dby ingig al'li Te meetifng was opened with a!Rogers Sdanga jig or telling an Irish pfrayer aller which inspection wa-_s!scn j try rs. Jack -ýtaplton, conver- cnutd Mr. Aslett then described H[awvk er for Citi zenship andi Education, a gaime to the boys. Every week thel Hane gave , a good talk1 on the new, indius-1paitrols cýompete in gaines. Thre pa- wouîdi ries of the country. There was a trol ho cones first in the contest the tin $feeling that the yoiiitger generation wins 10 points, the second with 7 knee.1 did( not get enough traininûg in econ- and the third with 5 points. to dlie o)mRiesand the parents would like to This wveek's game wvas to sharpen could1 - Isüee the girls get mor-.,e preparation the boy's eyesight. They were senti, ue-t fth lnu1home economies, The miotto Wvaslout to find lte SIpso paper thlat mnai j"For our Homie arid Country". After were placedl ail over thre building.1 Thle - closilng the meeting with "Th-e fHans Bosgraaf's patrol, the Fox of a c IQueen", refreshments and a social Patrol, von again' this week for therei jtimie were enjoyed. A vote of thanks tjheir thir-d straighit win. RusseIl and ev was tend(ered Mrs. Turansky for ____________________ Sgi\ ing hr homne for, the meeting on _________________ lkness, FulIy Cooked inths i(ccatsionl. V V A M 0n Thursday, Miss Susan Miller ~I HAWSof McLean's School came in f ifth Counci of the Townc ÎLE linher age group wvhen she sang a solo at the Musical Festival atou 'm Pet c'rhoreugh. George Joncas,,. whoN I I has now movedt to Enterprise withi am his family, came in f ourth. The 1bcidren from Kendfal School went of the lb 59c J[o the Festivýal ont riaadr tThehp d Thyail found it ms neetn tins jand it should hielp them lu icomipeti- ., 101S i ýLItlie.of C*larl lb 7 e ' n Aril n~1 th SumaryDayIn regular meeting, dated March of the Womnen's Institutes of Dur- the Township of Clarke pssed the follh tamwill ýbe held at 2 p.mf. ilue Sjoddcfellow's Hall, Orono. Corne one,ý Resolve that the necessary by-Ia' lb 4 3% (201me ail to see the fashion show of tion o0f the township school area of C c h lovely things the ladies have former sohool sections now formneci ir j made al: -the sewing classes. Sections No. 1, N o. 4, N o. il, N o. N o -i respectively. The said draft by-Iav, 3 IThe Young People's U'nion gave as soon as possible. Y ~ Ib 4 lCe an exoelleuqt -Show at the Variety j Cocertat he KndalHal on at-1, the undersigned hereby certif urdy nghtand there was a big eatreCOPY of Resolution No. 34 pý Ituru out. WVe hope that this is not' llth 1959. sk lss4cthe last anid that in th.efurew skinle 43c il have the pleasure of seeiig an- other concert put on by our young _____________ people. Much credit is due to Miss,à _____________ iled n a avgaret Hayden, president of tr ed the -.solo".ists atlthe piano. The j1 Ifashion shov as qLute o)riginaL.W n as fomReiani hie)I Miss C. WV. Stewart took her stu- 1F u nRW ins w ickz dents of dhe Starkville Scjiool to the rdosation at Cboutgwhere they ~ooersperformned over the air- on Saturdayl SALES An~d SE mnorningý. Those who hecard them-i enoedteir variousnubrÀ i Used ~~1~- O ~~ S 'At the ELichre Party field Ouacmpet srvcegur niý-htlat, hewinner of the ladies 0%ew iprize was M1ýrs. Knox and the gent's rvn la I, rs. John Stark. Therc was a draw rVn pla for the blanket and.c the permanent, ge size 121i Iwihwr won by Mrs. Jim Stark .E 2 for 5 5c j d Mrs Wmn. Mercer respectiveîy. - C E- - .E for -5 -Mr. and Mlrs. Ralph Geachi and l amily wvere supper guests of Mr. L B 2 C Mr. ai-d Mrs Jack Carscaddenowere Poe35 Fancy Large for dinner a week ago las ___________________ cl 5str, ozjr32fo5c à, :1rkn Mutrd8-oz. jar ....for...25c à-%upor4 tufe Olnusivl. eslFo...Li3X. 'The oneslC ý a r i. 4.o.... a.. .... . ...3 c jcC O K EN D AL, 0ON T AR 10(In Color) ýorted ChocoIates I er Wrap .. .. . ........... -89c hneOoo ~Also 1 lb. pkg..... ..............-26c ----D uce--th- oss Euin2ttes, tray of 12 .... 39c Iaeh J '..Jlop, 51Guae IWith Abbott and C ir for .. ...... 1.. .. .... $1 49 j l atinees Both F-riday and Satuirdl I LLSTR TEDI W'REIIETIN ~ _ S NDAÀY lMIDNIG HI I -AfD TK~ A Fr-. ~MONDA anJTUESDAXY With lvis Pr-es 3owman'il VIA. 3-5589 MARCU 27 and 2 Costel Io Jay afternoon 2:')0 pm. U, MWARCH 29 S TMARCII30 *A ilIorror Show 0oW 8:30 .O4~4 * Swift's Premiumn Grade A Broiler, Cryovac Wrappedi - 4 to 8 lb. aveïlage BuTTEmR B AL L T UR aKent BKgOKFILDSAU SAGE jwft's Sliced Sîdce EVERSWEET BACON Il Reynold's, 12 inch F-ou W a-cl onsPanther Patrol cýame d and Craig Hlind's Night :came thiird. ls BoSg'raaf was Sure be 111t live the nighit becaCise uf ny scratch hle received on his Hle \vas afraid hie was going of blood poisoing --when we nýot get the cupboard open ta~ e first aid kit out but Pie ged to live through i t new boys have not had much chance to get out but now is a promise of warm weather, verybody is raring to go.- ship of Claîçe i Rool Area ke i lth, 1959, the Council of ýwing ReEýoIution. ts be prepareci for disslu - Clarke andi to estabIish t. n the said Area, as Sohool 9,. No. -13, No. 17, andi, w to be p'resentecd to Council fy the above Resc*Iution t. )asseti in Galuncil on March H. E. MILLSON, Clerk. DS E L ERVICE car$ antees yearr.ound Newcastle, Ontario 25f pou', Closed Good Fr1. s N N N N s s 5 N N N s N N N 'N N * -s -N N N N N N N s N N N N N N1 N N N. N N N -s N -'s N N s N $ N N N -s N *5 N N N N s S .4 ~1 N N N s -N N s- N N N N N N N N f N Phone