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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Mar 1959, p. 5

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Ma ss T B 'Sui On M.ýonday7 evening i, the Orono T1ý,wx Hall an arganizatioa] nal met- tin for the district af Northumber- land and Durham was held in con. nection with the approaching Tub- erculosis survey. Dr. Hawk ai Ca-, bourg, chairman af the Northlum- berland Durli Tuberculosis As- sociation chaired thie meeting.. 1I The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Phorne TU 5-5216 P.O. Box 62 Port Hope, Ont. -Buy Direct and Save Ctmîii5sions" Monumnents, GravestLone,. Engraving, Goldleafing PROVINCIAL, ELECTION ~ey o ~DurhamiCountyvLiberal Association A m feet in oNteEcast aie fte castie recently, laid prelimînary 5-tn t E mu? j qý 1)1ls for the foirthcoming Provîn- Estrict In recJuedareportý A film was shown ta thne enthius- from the Coirmmitte, under the iastic gathering en-iphasizing thé cha1i-manshiip ofE.R Lovekin ofi co,,ncern) which sho 'uld be 3r egistered Newasle wich previously badi -with this disease. Alil toi often, it beeni set up to deal with the sale of! w %as pointed out, people f eel tht eiîbership tickets and advertising TB is on the wane and nomw not ta program orte ibr ary i .be worried about. This is flot so, ithis County. The Com-mittee report-ý ed plans for the mebes irivei A complete survey of the tw.inlandc also for a series of adivcrtisiigi Counties i.s ta be rmade thiis su- settij,; tiebaýs1cprcpeso mer in which it is Jhoped that: every1 Liberaim one wvill participate. The survey, of! The-Eeutv also reýceivedý are-, Icourse will inâcle Clarke Ton ipr'rom a Commnittee, lundeî h ship and the Police Village of 01,ono chomnsî f Glen Fy Presi- and Most important is for alae.dent ;f thie Bowm-ranville Liberal A house ta house canvas is to be Association, with referencé -Lo pro-, mad inwhih crdswil befiled gramis and mieetings To be spon.ýsoiredj mad Inwhih crdswil befiledby Itle Association in the forthcomn- out and whien everyorne will be en--ig nh.Thfrsofuhmet couraged ta take the test. The testmg'li i-tosuhnp- willbe he ubeeulois km estings wîll be held in Bowmantville Iwii b th TberuloisSkii Tstwith-in the next thirty clays and, wvhich is flot painful in any wvay ev- wiîî taki-e the formi of a dinner .ýe't- at whichi time the Bowmanvile Aclinic will be set Up in Orana Liberýal Associaton will be hats1 aon June 18 and' 19 fram the haurs the mlembers (if the Durham County of 2 ta 5 and 7 ta 10. At this timeiLiberal Association. everyone will be given the 'Skinj The meeting was under the chair- Tes' ad ten us reortbac in mnshp o EloreSctt,______nt three days when observations of the j of the Caountyý Association, test will be recorded. On the second-1 0 ed visit ail persans aver the age of' CELEBRATE BIRTH DAY farty years will receive an X-ray. (Contiînued fromi page 1) It was alsa pointed out at the1 meeting that there axe definitely resentative an~d Sister Mae Aluni no dangers firam thle X-rays whIat- was aiipointed tac)àttend as Sýcholar. sa-ever. The Rebékah Assemibly ta be held Ini the Ujnited States ane persan il the Royal York Hotel early iin every five minutes is cantacting TB Ju4e. while in Cantada one in every fifty Happy Bithday Greetings werel minutes is cxontating the disease, sung ta Sisters Irene Heran, Mae!, Allin and Sadie Hamilton.i ORON~O -TEENAGERS Business being completedl, Ladige (Contlnued from page 1) ws closed accordling ta the Ritual.1 Immecliately after the closing of lead in praye 1r. L1.odge the '"Teens Grouip" taak aver 1The Orono H-igli Schaol Glee clubland under the capable leadership sang, "Adaramus Te", "Ye Gates,1of Mr. John Fordi, with Jaohn Tam- Lift Up Yauir 1Heads", "Naw Thank blyn as MIC, assisted by Phil Long !We AUl Our God","A Gotta Home on- The Tub", Jim Gamsby at the Ilin--Thazt Rock", "O0ace Head Driuins and Cornelus Maartense onl No% ondd andl 'The Lord ils the Harmonicai, proceeded to enter-l You and Keep You". tain th1e gathering. The dlance roau-l N1,ormian Rickaby gave th(e ser- tines and the Fashian show Wvasl mon in a manst effective mnanner. 11n certainly enijoyed by ail. 4Mrs. E. i his sermon Norman read the .rw rendered two solos and ledJ1 Apostle's Creed and stated that it 'in a sing sang. was the profession 'of faith which t Gord W atsoni was ilhere tLaking had been hianded dlown through the lMovies and some eveninig ii the: Christian Churches. He entitl-ed Iis n3ear future we hope ta beý able ta i talk "Why"v andeand his rea- îshow the pictures ta the group s0 sesfor the bellefs aof the ideas e- tey1n c të'ieve r5eiÔ bodlied in t1hiý Creed. A litarty vote of thanks goes ta1 The speaker explained the Creed ail W110 tooki part ini theprgam Phrase hby phrase and referredhlis mi jwho helped the pertoirmrjc-s get audience tao lis uçesadn freadly. Lunch was served aile thus' the Creed. was Lte, 12th Birthd1ay I OpenAlDa 1 Wedellsday Miss Audrey Billings, Oshawa spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billîngs, Miss Marion McKelvey, Toronto was a recent visîtor with Mrs. Fred Brimacomnbe. MrIjs. Donald McLaren, Oshlawa spent Sunday with- Mrs. C. S. Mc- Laren. Mr. Elliatt Dunbar, Peterbaro, Mr. Alfred Ellîott and famnily, W%ýil- lowdale visited wîth Mrs. W. )Elliottl and Mrs. F. Brimacambe last week. -Mr. and 'Mrs. J. C. Gamey re- turned homne from DaytQna Beach, Flarida on Sunday last. The Rangers, Girl Guides and Brownies are holding- a Mother and daughtetr banquet in the Siundayï Sehool rôom of the United Churcli on Wednesday, April lst at 6:30 p.m. Mrn F. E. Lycett attended the On- tario Basbil Association Annual Meeting in Hamnilton on Saturday of. la,-t week. kGrads three and four af thel No,~ 9 Publie _ S,chool toured th.e Ce- dat, Dale Dairy and the OvonGo Times Printing- offile on. Thursday of last week. They were accomipan- led by their teacher, Mr. George Collins and Mr. Wm. Allun. Success shone on the students of the Lesl<ard Public School when two groups frQmi the sehool took part inf the competitions af the Music Fes-J tival reoently held in Peterbýorough. A 'Triple Trio from the Senior roamn, M Pollard's, took becond i p)lace in eleven entries in the Ru- rai school division. The Junior room ç Jiî,,y P. Long's, placed fourth At the Sunday miorning. service of tHie Oronýîo United Church ti welve wýere receîveCd into the Church by Professioni of Faith. They wxere Mr.ý D)onald Goodie, Màr. John Shetier, _îr. Aavli-henMS. Roy Pat- ton, Peggy HancocK, Ainne GiILank-, Deanne Challice, Charles Reid, tian eo, Cliffor-d Long, Donaldj ChIaILce and C (raig in.Asji- ing the Chuýrchi by transfer wýere AMr Lamne Boîs Ms. Freeman Edy,L(Y Mvrs. WVesley Elliott, IýVlr, and Mý,rs. Lloyd King, Miss Marilyn K-mg and[z Miss N"anc.y King. CARD 0F THANKS We wish ta express aur sincere thanks ta relatives, friends and neigîibours for their expressions of sympathy and acts of kindness dujr- ing our recent bereavement. Also- special thanks ta H-eather Rebekah Laige, Rev. B. Long and Rev. G. Bruton. a-p Elvin and Frances Blewett AUCTION SALE The undersigned lias received in-, structions from Mr. Frank Devine, of the Park, Plaza Restaurant and Service Station, Highway 115, one mile north of Or-ono ta selI by pub- lic auction on Saturday, March 28th at 1:00I p.m. sharp an excellent lot of fumniture with the lnajority- be- ing near new. Terms cash, -no, re- serve. L Harrs, clerk, Jack Reid, auctioneer- '~UNITED CNURCH ~ Rr.Basil Lonig SU!N DAY, MARCH 29th Orono- ilan KI :0 P.11. SUNDAY SCHOOL- 1l0 a.mi Oronio 2 p.m Kirby 2 pan, Leskard NEWCASTLE 3831 JACK LEES SATI FACTION GUARANT EED Agent for Acadian Cleaners and Pressers Ltd. *j fOOOe900.O.O000.<I.e(,o.foO<, U AND NOVELTIES o 9 Our assortmerit is now com- plete. The early shopper 9 ~ ~STEK has ~a wonderful range to choose from. Special Mens' Strechy Hose Li 100 p.c. Nylon, as.;orted colors, fits sizes 10 to 13 Pair priced....57c. Men's Work Soeks, 100 p.c. Nylon, grey with A whit-e heel and toe. Pair for .............. 79c. Boy's and Girl's Fiction Books, a ide' varety of popular tities to choose from. Each...... 69c. f ri Bobby Socks with triple roll cuff, sQft white-cotton Value. Priced iper pair.................. 39C.e. Slips, Ladies' Rayon Haif Slips, Elastic waist band, filace trim on skirt hem, white and colors, sizes medium and large. Each for......... 98C. Outstanding Value! Satin bound Rayon and Nylon n Blankets, popular big size 72 in.' hy 84 in, assor- S ted cMors. Each for ... . . . .$4.9~5 Coat's and Clark's Speed-Cro-Sheen Mercerized Cotton, 100 yard balls, assorted colors. Regular ball 39c. Clear-ing price only........... 29c. Outstandling Value! jumbo -W ritig or Note. Pads oOKid finish. Stedlman Red Star Value ....... 23c. j oFeather Bed Pillows, size 17"'x25", soft comf ort- able and restful. Each................ $1.19' Closed ail day Friday open Sat. tili 9 SAVE TIME SERVE YOLJRSELF ORONO 5C To $1.00 STORE ORONO TINSHOP ALL KINDS OF I SHEET METAL AND Plunibing Supplies BRANDRAM-HENDERSON PAINTS FOR AIL PURPOSES OPEN DAILY 8:00 a.m.. to 5-30 CLOSEO WED. P.MA. OpeinFni. ta 9 p.m. RE.LOGAN, Prcp. Phone 11816 Orono, Ont,, hiuraice Service Sadie Hamilton Leroy Hamilton Every class of Insur- auce is represented Ini ou~r office. The foflow- ing - are some of the main coverages we can off er : Autom~obile, Life, Ar-cidet and Sickness, Plate Glass, Llabiity, Pre, BorglMy, HpspitaizalIon, Livestock, Boiler, WInd, Pôoi, Mail, Fid.ftIy Bond eftc. ORONO PHIONE IR16 FIRST MORYGAGU LOANS Lcrsy Ilamilten- REAL ESTATE BRQKER j, f 4> '~ 1 N. 's -s s, s -'s s t', -s -N et- -s "s -t -t- t-, -s 's -N -s -s N '-t -s -s -s -i -t '~~1 -s -s -s s --t -s -s t-t -s -t-, -s -s -s * t-i ~~~'1 --s -s -s -t-- -'-t -s N. 'N -t- -s -t -t-, t-, t--, -s -s -t-' B3E READY FOR EASTIER! EXCITINiG NEW DRESSES Wh &ývP Aa ae' ri 1rfnnf flrpR,-ýpq ~i àvarbity f fma- ~terials and colours, There are sheaths, fuil skirts,2-piece dresses in ~pure silk, linen-litke weaves, ncovety checks and rayon prirts, Sïzes range fron 9 to 22 112. A real choice for Easter. Priced front $12.95 to $24.50 GLAMOROUS JIATS New excitirnj styles f ro mthe classical sailor, to the large glamour khat. There is a widte choice in srnartly tailored or softty ferhinine styles. Some have ribbon trim, some have flowers. JPriced from $2.95 to $9.95 BLOUTSES HANDBAGS Tailored and dressy styles ta wear with Add that finishing touch to your Easter your suit or skirts. Thereis the tuakin or over- outfit with a smart handbag in calf-grained bipuse style 'inr otton# rayon, niylon andi plastic. calf or Miorocca Ieather. Black, brown. terylene. Sizes 12 ta 20. navy, beige, tan and red. Pxiced f rom $3.25 to $7.95 Priced from $3.50 to $10-95 ta ~ au smrtet cs- SCARVES, GLOVES ILOSIERY SIIOESscarves, Gloves and Butterfly Hosiery. Styled t neln orsiretcs We have everything for the best dressed vwo- turnes. Suede or leather with hïgh heeIs, cu- mna n. ban heels and fiatties. Black, brown ancd beige Inr Sizes 5 ta 9. t r o r Pried froin $S3,25 to $12,00 Strgor Ore Tursday and Saturday evdning Unitil9 Store Open Ail Day Monday i I s I i I i s I 1~ 5-,' N 'ArmstrO ng 8

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