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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Mar 1959, p. 6

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"erAnne Hiirst: WilI you tryi te sav,,e mîy frianid before it ltoo late? We aïe asmt, and I love b-er very dearly. She -von't listen te aryonie's advice, but he awaysreads your col- unin. She is 17, and hasq_ been r ating a boyv (wbo i s wvorthliess) for eîghit months. lie has ro ambition, lneyer> hold' a job long-, he bias a vile temper an dine sLf-oto.H sded ful tu bis ifaily", 1b' S Cven been: arrested -T ar frightened nearly te -death. Vinmafraid he us dragging' ber dlown to bis ew levland lhe cornes fromn a fine family aýnd is b-oth talente'd and popu- 1,1Lar1. Why she_ stopped seeing otîher bc-ýos .11lneyer kniow, bu-,t sihe hatalken bis wysfor lber own. She- is at log-geihead-s witbh ker famly bca:'use tbey can't stand hlmn; they are scanize at the heurs se keeps, and sbe_ rows- witb thert! ail tise time. lIer moIuther is gecing real' ly 'sick. about the wbole tbing, bu-'t MY friend does't seem. toLesee it. "YeSteýrday 1 beard that they expmct toeepe! How they wiýl live I've ne idea,ýbiutt 1amr',ie!P- less and almost distrâcqted. What can be, donre te wvake lier up) befo-re she ruis ber, ife? FRANTIU VPtRIEND"' TRAQEDY AHEAP See thj-at your friend learns *this fact immieciately: In yeur- *state, she cannqt get married Il to anybody witheut ber pa- *ents' conent until she lu 21. * if she tries it, tbey, can bave Itai ul d 'Ei3 That nay give bier pause, If, sie izScs positive thie bey, *s lwortb marrying -wýhy basn'tý *she put hlm on probation o *a year te prove it te others? *A few ideas: He ïI s te tget a job'and show h e can keep it; * Begin earning bis famîly's *respect, and that of oth-er1 Swortbi-while people, giving up *entjire!,y bis- dissolute cern- *panlionis; *Make bimself Orle of a group *of young men Of good repIlt e *pursuing constructive activ- f ies, if tbey'll have hlmr. * -Or is , the girl se blindly *in love she is afraid to Put *hlm te the test foi- feasr beý *wouid lagh u er face? Yetu and 'I sbudder le piie- *ture ber future witfih hlm. Week's eSew-thrifty -t e- r- r- r- r'- -t r- -r- r- 'r- d Son and rather WHOSE iDEA WAS IT? -- Spotfing her fus'hion -double supposed!y throws milady ite a daeiCnqý cured only by a new and different ensem1ble,ý Theso iserhoever, aren't chagriried at the simnilarity în their dress. Queen Elizabeth and Princess Margaret, rightý, arrive et a ehairity film performance. in Londori, ecieh wearing a black velvet dress and fur stie. . Tie d teo a wveak1i ng wh io, dafl e s 1ý moraiity, fisumbs bis nose at tVise l!aw, who bas no means to *support ber, se wilpay ýtise * price of bar folly. Siserigbt *flnd hersait daserted and tais, *nisbedi,'te creep bacl- homne *and beg forgiveness. Sh Sia ias read mny counsel te *oiser dehided youn-rgstLers wis *bav,,e 3trayed from rtiserigist *patis. Te pursua bar desires, *sie scorns tise tenats etfler *Cisulrci-s and family training. *It is nerit likeiy site would fin- *lis rcading ibis columu feday. .à I arn serry for lher.-More *sorry for bier t aualy, for yoý,u *anid othars wbo bave loved h er and who stand iselplessiy *by, watchiugý her plan ber * wn rS .WY LIFE 18 CRUEL!" "Peýar Auine H1-irst: Youi are rny last hope. I bave lived wlfh my isusbaud for Il yaars and it lias al beten dreadtul. 1 canuet beri ay longer. "Ha loves fis drinlçing ,aund sa do tise friands ha bias; ha bas staycd eut overnighft andi latt nmc alona with tise childre-n, and te tbaem ha is rne f aiar Ha neyer faites tbem anywisera. I haizve te uac himr about their clotises. Ha deoes buy food, ancd taf'aabut ail. Ha bas aveui sfruck me and says lha bas isa rigist te! "How eaui !sea tisat tisechul- dran ara cared for, bow eau I protecf mysaîif against iim? Ha, m-rakas enouighisroney, buit iflu nef for, us. "B-is family are lovely, and are hurniliatadi by bis condut-and very fond oet me. My lit e la re- ly cruel. 'il de wi7;hnafeiverye advise. AT THE END" * if your busbaud spends tisa " mroey tise famii-y needs on " himself aud bis pleasures, you> " eau take bimte court for non- *support. If ha str-ikes you * agal,ea tise police. *Youi have eudured tee mucis *for tee long. He needs aà min *te handla hlm. Tise Court ef *Domnestic Relatîons (or a mag- *istrata) eau, tirow tise fear of 0f tie law into hllmi, and I *hope you wil net hesitata'zany * Hogele wiil nef lika youc ( *forif, but ha will learu tisera *are ways fo profeef womrenl *ri trm uisause. * Wouid bis peýopla tke ou *and tisa chiidren fer a wiile? *A t rial 1 separation nv1isf *1 staia ehlm ise t -haf ha secs bis * mariagfias reaced a criais. * Ue will nef reliis tise attend- ing publuieity, itisr. *1 wisb you bad writteu me *ti- 'urng fthc early yeava ef yotr * r11riage. Now if may ba teeo 1 lae itIhope yeu wil try. *Youl wili feel -baffter for tise linig as ýýthey seem, ean Iead te, years et decýeption thiat destroy onle's vary eharacter. Stt*y on the righit path, il lus youir hast insuý-rane for h-appiness. . . . If you have beau tampted, write Ana Hirst ýabout it and lat ber straigistaýn you fait. A-ddlre'ssbe at Box 1, 123 Eigbtaenth St., Naw Toronto. Ont. Q.11w shauld a divercee' sign lier name se that sha will net lie inistakenl for the second Mrs. C rlsCaInfield? A. By preflxiug ber -iuaiden name t e br former huisbaud's surnamae, au, ar.Jeyce Smnitis bTis is lMonday rnorning- LoModay or white Mouday -wbicis? Maybe bofis. Yaer- day 1 bad tis columu written ilu tisa rougis and for onice I1ad' meL'ndtise -weather 'Wrierc 'waz-eo need -if bad .bée lovely day and Ise ws v indication ofthtis ice and flood, patchas wouid Éet away nicaly, Tisa roada isad been iigracida and it looked like fair dri1viug cni tions for awhilc. At fiva 'le thi i mornig 1 feoked eut etftisa win!dow an-d il waa atilîl fine, But tbrea heurs 1! Part- Der wokec me by exclaimiug abouit tise snew. So lhere wa ara, back te a wiife worid - and 1 dor't mean iuaybe. Four incises eT lJoose f1liffy stuiff covcrïng tbe, grouuid already andcnig en as if it biau neoinention ef stol-,5 pinu1. Sý) iucis fer 1tise veatiser record "wbafaver wilil lia, will ba" and tisere's nofiiug ecaui ido at tisa moment -xeepf make tise basf of if. And I wauted teL- go shopping tisis moruing. But netrio\,, - I know wisen te stay puit. I guas- lil put on an Okia- boirna record and lister, te "Ohi, whaf a beautifuil roruing" - juafti e gainlupractica for wheu, waeaui sing if oursalvas audý raa-liy meanif i. Fer we, shahý sorntime-you-'l sea. Se day we'll wukac up and find tisa ro- binas singiug and tise crows fM'y- iug - and tisa,viwIl bc a beau- tifufl meruing. Iuntise reantime tkere is erle nesitem tisaf oversbadows fýal aise - aven tish atsa.Ts shufting, dowu et tise Avro Plant at Maltou. Thousýauds oe skiilad wxorkiren and itechuielans tbrown eut et work trem towns, výillages and farnsz. We shail see tibe full impact oe t hwhera wee aýre living neow as w'e ara righit in tisae i ofaettise dîsLviets mosf affeCtad. Evan four et our close neigishours - yon - ried îmen witb ,famlewr 1ai alenand wa ca'fiink 1whaf oueaurtistisey wil do. W. teud juat siek ïabou thtie wisoie trugie bsns.Wietber 'tise Arrewv should or sisold not have beau contiriuad la uatiai- ly a maffer bayoud caur lundar- standing -aIt iseugiswehava Our owu oDpiions on Isae mat- fer. But -wa do 1bnk Itisana alternative wiork p r o g, rarn isbould 1have beaui providad. And et course we don'f like tisa dea eto beîng dapeudeut ou, tise iUnited states te supplarnuf ur defauice program wban we hrave skilled men lu our ûw-n couin- f ry wbo couid isandile if. How- ever, wisoever la right or wroug m-akes ýlittie -iffareuce uow, tisa thing lais ow 3wa are-,going ito cope witlh thea present situation. 1 saay we" b'ecause if -la ik to !affect eeryu Ilt s imdi- 1raetly. Yesfarday walîsfened and w..atclied NwaMaigazine and iisWeekc TV, and we wr ce2f,-airly net re-assurad by auy- f hn we heard - er by tise n0wý,vs-sf0Iry by Pilip Deanca le ib11is irnoruing's paper. Maybe I 1 st 'e ue d teç) mucis yesfer diay as lalýt nigist . had, qufe -a dream.ý I tiogist I was trai5ped lu a ie Id, 1 don't ltuow wiara, -ind. tise were low-flying plarnes corn-ing at me frern avery direc- tien and 1 didn't kuow how ta get away from thiem.1Itried te yell and coldn't .-yuko tbe nýighfrarisis feeling tisat glvas yetu. If ail seam.ed se crazy when, I weke Uip but 1 guasa tble reality we aettially fface is just as coufushug as trise planes of my d-.eraa. Lef's see now, whait happen- ed aarlier lu tbie week. Well, I was trying te figure eut moat of tise time why peopla tailk et a nasal condition as baing "just a Coid". Because thaf lu w-bat I had - just a cold -- the- first I've lad lu about tbrae yaars. But if I do't get thiem lun quant- ity a-id -whcu Ie get Que about al I eau do la grin and bear i- as f ueem) te bc leri te botis aspirte aud panicilLin and I1 neyer, take a. Chance ou tryiug tise mauy cold remadias that are 50 freely advertised. So al 1 do la go frem room te roor, carryiug a box eft kiecuex along ~~bme. Oh, but for fwo nioru- Sgr 1ý3'kdid have breakfast lnilied. Tisat was raailly oretiinig! 1 isafa meula lu bcd at any timeý but if seemed like tise easiest wvaye o keeping warm whren the oatside temrparafutire -wag hever- ing ai-ouud zero, Tise reaf ef our heusebold la full of pep, includiug, TafTy and Ditto, They ara up te hi usual tricks, chasing eacis otiser arouud tise bouse, kickiug up) tise scatter mats anil causingc confusion genierally,,. I thin1% the parson wb io uriginally gave loose mats tise naine of "seat- ter mata" imust have hadl a few ~dogs and cats arouind tise place. Fo isa ats can sure ucatter ail right. In the bal I neyer know wisere Plilflnd thein next. if it were not for our animais thiis would really libe a quiet bouse -- excapt, of course, whcn tise grandsouis corne arouuid. If lu nice te 'De quiet aLt ime's BitA lnCHEA -,,hP. ax - Sait john -QuIAho MotfcGa5- irop ff - inliplg - Edmnlor Volicouler Tise lbig rm'a.n saDL ;a11 chair inu hisNe Yorh homýe' and askýed a ques,ýtion tha he'.i « ften Pas'ked before: "h? This tmthiougýh. ha was1 asigthe? question neita.a Valiant nation1al eeb ycami- painin agin-st juveniie deltn- quency but as b1ear-tsicY father.- ' Paalyzed trom the waý'ist down from thfe a-utomorbilea- cident a year ago wich ended b-is days as one ofîmai01 1league baealsgreatest cat'che-rs, F(,r- mer Boky ogz Roy Campianella talked oï his 135- year- oldso Daiodt f tbree bonys, in afaix i "'I've etre nsciïsand before ynhgroups aIl ove r \the country. Wbeniever spk te boys twbo hba)d* eer, lu trouble 1 asked tbem te bno wy miade tbemr think aboutthm selves and about wby tv hey didî, t.hesýe crazy acts. 1-Nw 1bve te ask 1Dav e why.ý Daw;vid's explanation, afler êudm-itting te police tisat he anid a 16-year-old 'buddy ,bur'glarized e Queens drugsto,-e: "We wer3 acting a littiecay. T he CamrpanIella bo' S troubles hDegani on Washingteu's Birtbdady whun en hand fix'e ether. boys squared otin a vaca-nt lot for o fist fight. As othier beys gathered te watch. rumible- censcious police swooped Ln. David was feund /gvflty o* 4uvenile >çlehquency, given a stern warning-, aild ordered isý- eharged in bis mother's custody. Thie police, bowïever werien't satsfed.Tby questiouer Dvi about' a's - druý- store burgiary -- and Daividi re- pertedly admitted that be cand George Deirnos kicked în the-- plate -glass door and rau o'(-f with $'9, 35 packs o!, cigarettes, and two tubes of toothpa;ste. Hfis mother, h, mentionced ",the cblstant teasing ,. Oth1eCrs tire always nsking wbether' the boys expect te bc great basebal men. Dave was ve-ry sensitive. about tbat. Hle wantfed ite be a - Iis singig career lu uver, for a wbile at least, and îl- fDavýd Campanella escaped a detentinu homne wneu bhis case came up, hie miglit be sent ItePa strict board- ing,, cb1ool. Ona punisthment h-e rnigbt ou glad te get but neyer -will is a sp)ankiug, frorn bis f atiser who, cried lu auguished 1protaeSt: "Ilt's a lucky tbing for' yeu thrat I'm li a wbelchai."From,ý NEWSWEEK. Modern Etiquette - y Roberta Lee QIve heard that Its now proper taek ikup bonées at the dinner table te ont off then I. this true? A. The biard and f ast rule againat pickitig up boeas in our figs lteetarinig pracariously - but wbo wants tei t be tee quiet? Daugliter looks se pretty mu thblu whirl-skirted pincafore. Colorful embroidery trimis reck. Eutton front! - she can dresa ail by he(rself! Pattern 866: em- brediery tranisfer, patterui chil- dren's sizes 2, 4, 6, 8 included;ý directions for sewiing. Send THIRTY-FIVE CENTSý (stamps ciannet bJaccapted, use pestai, note for safety) for thbs pattern te) LAURA WHEELER, Box 1, 123 Eigbiteeiàth Si_, New Torentej, Ont. Print plainly PAT- TERN NUMIBER, your NAMF and ADDRESS. Send for a copy of 1959.Laura Wheeler Needlecraft Book. It ha-Q iovely designs te order: emrbrel- dery, croceeba, ltitting-, waî q-uilting, t.oys. Ini tise book, a special1 surprise te mnale a littie girl happy - a cutout doli, clethes tiecele-o!r. Saud 25 cents 'Vr this book. ISSUF Ci - 1959 At sea widh Cuniard. tomaorrow. .ne bacds, niewfce and eld frieudu, only a few eneaniug Ldays awavvy. For tise meut deligyhtftil, mest rela-xingwa of uaaking ypur holiday dreams corne true, nothing can surpass thc thr-ill o( a Cutnard oceani voyage te Euirope. unitcrise te far-off lands, 'i wth Cunard, ail pleasure s take o ncuw exeitiug ~ ~~ndngservice .eteialm o esuit cvey ture. .in shiort, tisie per-fect seitriih for i lid. you wIll nesrrfor-get See Your Local Agent- NO One Can Serve Y au Btteýr Qu-kwhip np thasa sunW fun saparates în a jiffy-daugis- ter will livje lu, play lu, lova tisem. Maka sevaral versions et smock, shorts, pedal pushaers in nio-ir-on cotten or seersueker. Prinfed Pattarri 4707: Cbild"s Sizel- 2, 4, 6, 8. Siza 6 srnock and hof~ ake 1¾ '2yardls 35-loch. Priïitd directions on eaeb pat'- tafilipaIý t. Easier, aceurata.- Sed ORTY CENTS (stamip-a !--e b accpted, use postal note forsafty>fer- flua paf- te ~rri les pýria plainly SIZE, NAI , AIDRESS, S T Y 1, E NU3I,ý II . Send kr-rleAf'NNE ADAMS, ox1, 123 Elgýisteautis St., Nawv TootOnt unide:rthe p-ressure of m idetous- age. My bestadvc aadu this, how'ever, is neft[0eikbos ilu, a restaurant or at 'a f ormai dfinner party. Anywhereeaie, goý abiead and pick tbem uip - Xut delicataly, and euly after cuitting off meostef tise-m ea t. Q. WVhat is a goe)d cesà,ing for a frielidly lattecr from a a Nveman?ý A. You can neyer be euit >f place wiis "Sin-er'ely yours." Q. When a mai fimds it nîees- sary te introduce hImueIsf, dees ha incllude tisa "MIr," befor" i nama? A NO; be uSully ay, Iarn Harry Simmonqýs," or, -11Myv narne lu Sim-mous," unles 'i-ha bas tie titie ef "IDector," whicb Is then pre- fixed te bis namie. Ceepi huabanda lu bhot waterý won'f make thiemtc-sder. Cute cîîd Co

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