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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Mar 1959, p. 7

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Like tIre piscatorial paet kt Plainfield, Bob Cary says: For tlhe grassy flayon Bass have in 'em, Never scale 'cm, Always skin emi And there you have tIre stant of a first class hassie! TIre Iassie bing: Jusi how do YOU class hassil TIre hassle being,: Just how do YOU like your bass? WIile .Cary, who also edits Prairie Sportsma,;n, when-ho isn't fishing, belioves tIre distasteful part of some baýss lies in thre skin, üthers will seont that it's tIre skirî which givas a bass that "full- bodied" fînvon. Truth of tIre mattor is, accord"- ing to somo experts, il ail de pends upon the delicacy of tIra îndividual fishenman's ate... What some cal ,,a disagraoable i"mossy or muddy" tan.,, othors îind it an agrooable "îdsa- von" coi obtaleable in store- boug-ht fish. Having pandened tIns contro- versy for many years, these re- seanchers corne up with the ob- servation.... To neutral observera, baýss taken fromn mud-,bottom or mos- sy lakes do have ai flavor nom- iniscent of their habitat . . buf, while some people findtiIs w- palatable, others do flot. To thase who do neot ont themr . tase who do, lry thif, suggosts Heddon... Filet thre bass if it's large enough. If neot, jusi scale it and scrub tIre flesh white with a stiff-bristled brush. lace the pieces ile a collander an-d lot eold water rn on thern for 10 to 15 minutes, turning occasio-n- aIly. Drain, sait lightly, and place in refrigerator overnight! Bornoya, let stand until approximnately rconi emperature. Meit enough butter ta allow generous dipping &Z.?each piece. Now, cornes the gourmet', t.oucht RaUi butter-dripping fish sec- tions in potato chip crumnbs. That's right, crumble tIre chips with a rolling, pin and the rolled fisIr wiil looak likre it's guot scales agmtin. Lay pieces in' a baking dish, pour rernailiing butter over tbemn,.an-d bake-.try. until golden brown and jtlst clone. DON'T OVFEPCO0K! The succulent fia- 'Vor wilI corne close to making you an addict. Muddly fishi and crumbled chips, anyone? How Can 1? By Anne Ashley Q.How cat i1 dry out danp Salt? A. If the saltith Ie shaker be- cornes daiiip, put tIre shaker on the nadiator or in thre Oven until the sait dnies. Q. iIow jian 1 remove ramn spots from Velvet? A. By sponging wvith cleaing fluid, beirig sure to rub always In the one direction. MR. CHEERFU!, - Casey Stengel needs ýno rose-co!ored ~glasses to induce a be00tific expression under the con-tined effects of spring training andt the warm sun of St. ,aier!,*urd, Fia. But when the Yankees hit the road They Get Weil Paid For Doing This! Congress can gel into dobate over alrnost anything- - aven a flbwer. A recent debate ovor tIre comn- parative mnerits of a carnation, a rose, a corn tassel, and even a blade cf grass as a national amblorn tank up tw,o pages in tInt eday's issue of tIre Congres- sional Record. At least hall pa dozen senators became involved in tIre floWery debate. It ail began wIee Sena- ton Alloit of Colorado proposed adoption of tIre carnation as the national flower. No rase man was going Vo tale that sitting down. Thre corn inssel bloc was sWingin.g wildly. Grass had an ardent supporter from. thre blue grass state. Thre carnation, exulted Sern- tan Allott, "grew wild on lIre hlis of Greece before tihe birth oh Christ." Senaton Keating of New York (wearing anc of ttre frnee carnations Senator Alloti distributed throughout tIre Sen- aie, but true Vto tIer ose) could roi lot tIrai pass. TIre rose, said Ire, could le traced back 33 million years on thil continent, through fossils found ln Senator Allott's ow.n state 0f Colorado! Senatar Douglas dîdn't se. Iraw anything could be aider Vlan carne. He invited tIre Senate to corne to Iis office wlere Ire had & photograpî of a Mexican pi«re of sculpture "of approxi- rnately .'100 A.D. in which tIre eans of corn . . . are lmost as largeý as the normal cars of corn today."> Senator Marlon of Kentucky lad the last word, Irowever, as le triumplantiy reminded Iis coleagues tIrat "it was grass tIrai was mentioned first In tIre stony of creation." As in*DaIl debates, il was flot long before verbal thrusts were isharp. Afier al, suggested Sena- ton Douglas, a rose may bce beau.- iful but il is at the sanie lime a ymbol of war. Weli, at loast ane war between the houses of Lancaster and- York. On the contrary, suggested rose spokosman Keating, the clave of ponce mugIt appropri- ately carry tIre rose in its bill, since the rose is the national symbol cf a number of nations. ,,0f ail bhiegs wýe are seekieg ta' accon-pliýh in tins worlld,> said he, "one of, the foremost is a dloser relatioesJip with our friands and allies. So perliaps the adoption of the rose as the national ilower would tend ta affect cdoser nelatioiiships. Senaton Neuberger of Part- !and, Oregon, the iRose City, camne tUp swiegmng wildly ai tIre carn> tassel. "Mono roses," Ire ob- senvmid gnow in Oregon than iin any aller state and, unlîke tIre corn tassel,- tIre rose doos not neýd price support toe enable it ta fl3uirish." Sonator Bynd of Virgieia, singularly slent about -tIre ap- piebiosserm (ho is one, of tIre biggest npplegrowers , in the state> aIma lei the corn tasse] have it. He said le liad "no relatives wIro are members of thc anti- ,Saloon League, but tIre organi- zatian might well have good neason tb becorne concerned about the malter, ince îtit sla tact tIraitIrhe people of tIns coun- try spend $10 billion a year - $10 billion every 12 months - f or thre liquid prorducts of core and saine of tIre other g1rains." Senabor Morton, loce promuo- ter of grass as a national sym- bol, took a swipe a carne and carnations, inipantiaily. The carne tassel, Ire said, is flot a full flower, but menely tIre maie floWen-, tbe nar of corn eïng tIre female 41ow,,er, wites Josephmne Riploy le the Christian Science Mvonitor. * .CLASSIFIES ADVERTI AGENTS WANTEDP FOR $ALE GO It4TO BUSINESS for yonlrse1f. SeflOur exciting hofuse- wares, watches and ther products cot found in stores. No competition, Protý its Op to 50eQ%. Write now for freù colour catalogue anti separate confiý dential wholesale price sheet. Muri'ty sales, 3822 St. Lawrence, Montreal. Farm Machiriery Agency SHOWING GOO NET RETURN SELLTNG every lind of farmn machin- ery. truc'ksanad tractors. Weil estab- lishied in territor$', doing over $400.000: can ha increaseti to $800,000 Per vent. For confidentiel lInformation call 7Mr. Glicksman. RU. 7-1741. Çarlegninl Reid Estate, 342 Oakwood Ave.. Toronto. WANTED-A REPIRESENTATIVE WITFI Pa car to enroil MSotor Club mamm- berships le this area fu or part-timie. Write for free tietails to 00131,W. Ontro Automobile Âgsoc!atioxn, Box 817, London. Ontaio.. SALESMEN or wvomen to seili teluxe Catholle anti Protestant Family Bibles. FuLI or part time. Salary. commissioni and bonus. ApplIv Box 183, 123-8th Street, New Toronto, Ont. giving phone nuniber andi particulars for personal Interview. AUTO, TRUCK PARTS, TIRES A WEAR EVER SPAR1C PLUG A. ire lijctor spark plug for truck, tractor or car, for btter starting,.more powavr on less~ gas-$1.75 each or 1.1.50 %ach for 12 or more. L. M. Ring. 143 AMI St. South, Brampton. EASY C9ICKS SIZE up Foutr rquirements, prapara for spring markets. Bray ha, hume- tiate shlpment dayold and some starteti Dual purpose pullats and cockerels. Sorie Ames pullets, also Leghorns. Bar- gains on tiayold haavy breeti cockerels. Ordier Apr'll-May, broller chicka now. Priceliat avallable, Sea local agent, Or write Bray Hetctiery, 120 John North, Hailton, Ont. SOOICKEEPING SERVICE. BOORKEEPING Service. By wnail, $M.0 par montb, records kepi. W r t te. Auditax. 230 llerbert Waterloo. On- tario BOOKCS A,. MUST for WVrestling F'ans! Canadian "TV Wretling" llIutrateti, $1.00. Over 150 photos, tonies, Watson, Ninislçi, Brazil, Midgets. Sports Promotions, Box 3, Toronto 15. POCKET Booka. Dollar bill bringas9 riearly new, Western, Ativenture , Love stonies. Postpald Inquîre more sertous titles together with wat lBt. P.O0. BON 3192, Ottawa, Ont. FARMS WANTED FARM %wanted: IdeallY locateti, 200 acres, exelt buildinig or no build- ings. Stata price, furnIlh picti4re. Box 181. 123-leth S treet, New Toronto Ont. FOR SALE BULDyurow'i1 tienian pendubapi wal lcwk Instaructions$3.150 postPaldl. Mattbewis Enterprlaça, Cottrel's-Cove Nflti. SCOTCH -pines, Austnian plees, white pipe andbide apruce saeetlings. Ctis. tom planitng. Write Rîichardson Fi'na, Pontypool. DOO)R Trïm oit style; some ruadec; hlpge plates, stutis, etc Resapiblem fonget i on. Indoors; walls, cabinets, etc. Extra large for gates, ha-ros, stables. Catalogue 10,,. Sagamnore I1111 ,Studio, Ipswich, Massachusetts. $1 POCKET RUBEER STAMPS $1 TOUR nanme and atidres thre unes) la 11eaIt plasýtic container wth ink Pad. Lane St-ationers. 037 Victrols Ave. Nia. gara Fal1s. Ont. Oapt. W. SEVERAl ~dilerent tuakes of IfflOd useti niilng-machiiles. Let us iestal one tf these or a new Woodis in votun'harn on trial wthout any Obligation. Dis. ance ls no benrien. Phone (collecli Or write îrvimng Raves. Glands Phone Pa ley 114-r-4. VAC-A-WAY Seati Cleanens, Cleans andi grades any se et froni carrot to bean. Write for litaralure. Dealer inciuiies inviteti Townsand Enterpriqsa. Shel- boumne, Ont. 1954 CHEV. Stake with covened van for milk haulage. Excellent condition. R. G. Stewart. 571 Carleton St.. St. Cthar- hies. UNBREAKABLE DISI4ES SAVE $5.0 on 20 place Trqdition innen sets. Asortad pastel Coloura, 4 'each tunner plates, sie plates, howls, cupa, saucera. $7.50 fuît1 price. Send $.0 with this adi, balance express colac. Glen S. Woolay & Co., Aax, Ontario. national floral emblero in 'the Senate cauicus room. Petals may ba expected to fly <as Senator Allott dafends the carnation, Senatoür Douglas the corn tassel, Senator Morton roots for the blue grass, Senator Scott of Peninsylvania lauds the rose,i and horticulturit Walter Bur ' pee speaks up for the marigonld, Two tramps were sitting at the roadcside when one rema-nrk- ri' a mian wlho never took advice from anybody." "Shake," spid Iis cùnýp,1ni0n. 'm a mac wha took ativice MERRY MENAGERIE 3 MORSE drawn aluminuni milk wagonis la excellent condition. MUJ 4-6641, R. G. Stewart, 571 Carleton St., St. Cathar. ines, Ont. FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE RENFREW Croani seperator supplIeî. Exchange Bowls, Parts, ail miales, Elfe. trie attachint. Hulsa Sepanator Sen . ,FLOWE RS.TRE ES-SII RU BS EVEROREENS, SHRUBS, ROSES EIiADE trees, liedges. Christmas tr*e seedlings. Free rice fist andi'advIc e, Landscaping done 75 miles radius. THE GOLDEN 'TRIANGLE NURSERY R.R. 3.Spancerville. Ot INSTRUCTION FRIIIi ore I Bookkeepinf, Saleprman ship, Shorthanid, Typewrlting, etc. Les- sons 50e, Ask for free irculer No. 2S. Canedian Correapondence Courses 1290 Bay Street, Toronto. MAGAZINES AFRICAN VIOLET CKATTER ALL Canatilan Magazine fq-r Afnican Violet care anti culture in Canada. One, year's suhaciption $,0,Chatter 278 Thorold Roati, Niagara Falls, Ontario. MECHANICAL PARTS AND REPAIRS GOQI) use i motors rebouit anti used transmissions, rear antis, also rode, Eat End Rebults, 465 Kng E., Toronto, FOR TRUJCK PARTS IT'S LEVY'S ALL icakes -New, used, rebuilt Levy's Auto Parts Company Ltd.. 1400 Waston Rd.. Toronto. Ontario. WRECKING, 53 Nash Rasphier- 52 l'ont. llac, 51 Çhevrolet bardlop, 51 Catuline. 153 Consul, 53 Austin 51 Mleo, Van. guarti, iihIan, 53 Willys. East REd Auto Wrecktera, 465 ing St.. E.. Ton, onlo. EM. 6-4884. MEDICAL NATURE'S I4ILP- DIXON'S REMEOY FOR RI4EUMATIC PAINS, NEURITIS. THOIJSANDS PRAISING iT. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 235 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 Express Collect HEMORRHlOIDS ifurt! Safe, painless rr. miova lntri any cases wth Turp-Ease Orden Totay. $2,00 jar. Moniey hacl guanantea. Turp-Base, Inc., PO. Box ý339-CL, Atlante "1, Goorgia. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISII the torment of dry recza rashes andi weep.g akîn troubleiS. 'Post's BEzemna Salve wlll not disaippolet you. ltchlig, sçaling anti burnîing eee mia, acpec, ringwormn, plauples andi foot ea awil! resp<>nd reatiuly to lb. stainless odorless olltmant regartiless of how stubborn or hopeleas thfy Sent Post Free on Roelept of Prïce PRICI $3.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 28.1S t. Clair AvenUe lhast TORONTO m ucu s IN THROAT THUNAS PINKC TABLETS for the noa. andti Iroat, tiropplag of mucus mils. charge, sensation of a lump In th. throât andi othea' disturbances. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST Soth Deparimera Stores And Tam blyn Stores A Produecltif Thuna Herbalisit 298 Danforth, Toronto NURSES WANTEO GENERAL STAFF tNURSES AND CERTIFIED NURSING ASSISTANTS~ ARE neetati for aur new wlngs, which contaîn opengting room nd ani covery rooni suites, obstetrical deparlment, surgical anti metilcal wards, Well plalneti orientation anti inaervïct programmes. Goord personnel poicies.' Attractive pension plan. 40 boum. weak, effective JuIne 1 1959, Apply: Dinactor of !Nursing, Toronto Fast CaneraI Ilos- plîl, Toronto 6. GRADUATE N URSE1 pl 45-BEDl bospital ln resort areaApl Director of Nutrslng9, Huntsville District Memiorlal Hospital, H untsville, Ontaric, 0F INTEREST TO WOMEN NATIVE Girl goot Ilucký "Tiki" charmes, obtaînable only froni New Zealand, $3.. lais $5, grass .skrts $10, South Seam SuppliO, B ox 3414, Aulcklallci. New Zoal- anti. -OP-PORTUNITIES FOR >.4EN AND WOMEN OPERATE Home Ma1;il Order Businesal1 Men and M Women (Ilaes.Ten provan 'Mone nalgSources. Qnly 25,4. Salieý faction asaur(ti. Captai BGOx 501(-CA Reading, MaSsachiusettS. BE A KAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LE.ADING SCHOOL Great Opportuity Lenro fIardrasslng Plez.aat cdignýifietci profession; gooti wae.Thousanda of sucesaful Marvel Graduates Anc's Grealeat Systeffl IlLustrateti Catalogue Free WVrite or Cal i MARVEL HAIRORESSINe CIO 3818rS.W., To-roo Branchas: 44 Ring St W Hmilto 7,2Rdeu treet Otta.wa PERSONAL ADULTS, Personal Rubax Gootisi 36ý aSssortm1ent for, 32.00. FiDeSt qullt'y teatt, fteeet i alet inleplain sealeti package plus frac 3ith Control boolitlanti cataJlogua of suppliasý. W e st ern Ditrihtors Box 2-T Reginia, Sask lIBAR the Peoffla's gosplho rW Sun. tinys, wth Canatia',.s radlio )aStop .c-rry F. P.ockwood, Chathemi (Dial 630) 3:30 P-111; Oillia (Dial 1570) 4 p.. Niagara Falîs (Dial 1600() 5 p.m1. Write for frac book of massages on "Bible Questions, Answemed" by l'astor Rockwood, P.O. Box 1660 fialifax. Canada. ISINO o au S SAVE! SAVE! SAVII Filmis developed andi 12 magna pinîs 10 aibuni 0 tS m-iagna. prlats In album 40e Reprints 54 each - KODACOLOR Developing roll $1.00 (not inoLcudn9 pinital. Colon priaIs 35d ecdxirQ.~& Ansco anti Ektachrome 33 mcu, 2 er poS'se aounte lites $.2.Cool prnsfroni litas 354 cdi.Mon refundet le f ull for unpninted nge- tives.ý FARMERS' CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT, ONT. PETS FOR SALE BRASS Name Platesý, Machinee atrmped wllh pour natne and Atidress. ReU let- tera, For Kays or Dog Collera. T1r fore doll1ar. Pote Waite, 110 RaLlwaY StceOt, Wootstock. Ontario. POULTRY OUR Apnil gosling prices atre lower Ibis3 year, Also hatches tbrough May. June. Cinculan on reiquest. Erie Goose Fan. Duneville. Ontario. PROPERTIES WANTED WANTED, 100 ta 1000 acres or moe cheap bush lots for cash, Box 182, 123. l8tb Street. New T7oronto, Ont. PROPERTIES FOR SALE VACATION PROPERTIES BOBCAYGEON - Kawarthas - Hall- burton. Write for our 1959 piciture cala. logua. Neweil & MAcnerney, Realtona, Phione Bobcaygaon 81, or Mintien 31 STAMPS AND COINS F~REE -. 100 Different fonalgo stamp*, witb entier froni omr packet L Ha Rppy Hours Stamipa. 1240 Dxntias St. W, Toronto 3, Ont. CZARIST Russie - 25'different inint only 25 cents witb aýpproý,a!r, Excello Stamrpa Conppny, P.0, Box 218. Station B. Monitncal 2, Que. WANTED pld anti recent coins. Cana. dian, Newfountland. United States. Ilest nremiuuma. Senti 25ë foqr Ibrea 1959 busy- ng lats, M. Marley, 212 lioîhorne Ave.. 01.0 COINS, BANKI NOTES M1ay bnlng reucb profil. Senti 254 eolBs,, or stamps for buybng isI. 1Faut Thibert, 1745 Prince, Windsor. Ont. 50 MALTA different: $1.00 - Approvala; 20 vluable covers: $1.00 - Coins, C. Pace, Dargens, Malta. SWINE WESSEX Satitlebacklt s land44 Ioars, ail ages, regltenet or unregistreti, 14gel for cnoss-breetileg. Wessex/Lahtfrae, Wessax/York, o w s uvalabmle.I Dr. Murray Smnith. Veleninanlan. Charing Cross, Ontario. TEACHERS WANflD R.C. SEPARAJI SCHOOL BOARD OF WOODSTOCK, ONT. - INVITE$ APPLICATIONS FORPOSI- TIONS VACANT lm PTMIR3~ TWO schoola le operation, hoth vw.ll, equippet SALARY - $2,800 per annuin là radua'ý &tes of Teachers' College. Addliola *alary occordirig te experteece. OctanIe Hospital Services Insurance pald.. APPLY stalleg ège, marital statte4, lualificatlons andi reieremeek t* JAS. E. PAGE 252 FIFTt4 AVE. WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO WANTED LOGE WANTED MAPILB, Elin, anti Oak. Write P'.O. Boxr 441, Paeeborough. borough. CEDAR-WALL Amazing, L&b Testeti, 4e-il Vourself. 4rushat saromatlc redw ootieae t a z, ? lx wltli waler. bnusb on. Cetanizes closaIs. chests, walls permianently at s fraction of the coat of s cedar lnîn. 5- poundsi covers 40 !sq. f£. COtSI Only î$5.,55prepzîd Senti Chaque OT Monaz Ortie:l t WELLINGTON INDUSTRIES Dept, 51 We!iingten. Ontario -tired tut! -rest diriurbedl When they are troublad hy bacbache, that lired out feelinrg or disturbed rest, inany, many wirnen tbm 1teDodd's Kidney PiIJs. These conditions can ho caused hy' excens acids and irastea ini the syastem ani Dodd's Kidney Pilla stimulateo the kidnays and aid their normal action of remecving tbese excesa acids and iastea. Then life seomae hrigbter, bousairorit lighter! Why doncl't- you, Ipo, try Dodd's? ONOW what do 1 do?,"

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