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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Apr 1959, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMF-8 THURSÔAY7 ARFi[L 9thy 19e Cou nty Rate IThe niedCounities Counceil sit- ting in Session rcn1~ at Cobourg truc th 1959 -miii rate at 11.7. This is an increase of .7 milis over last year's Il milis. Tra,,rte ,will bring(,in-, anilestim- ate ý,'1,3,Wuuu. Last yarsrate I-o- 3 le- ivso io roli ,1 pryacýticai.l. in commrentig on the brief the lawyer stated that heisa ot~~~~~ i, onil -ef i hre ,was no real1 problei. I ncrecsses By .7 Milis brouight in $734,504l. 0f the miii for this year G6ms wioube se pip for- roads cntutobridges ee This wiliamut o simte(j1~ 00. The oher milis Nwi be fo other uross The boudget ofth Co"unties Cuclwsfo ruh the final day of the session, Apri The setting ofte mill ratepr- -ue oeof the liveliest debates o he woiesesionif it was short Iived. It began when Reeve 1,o iato, Cavan To,,ýwnship, moviuýý, titterie be set (- at 12 .nl which lie said:"Wl give uls a ew in an~ i hthave ,been etr- AND.. r it is your means of identification at the hospital IIOIA TO USE Ir., Always keep your Ontario Hsia nuac etfct handy, and present it to the hospital Admitting Department if hospital care becomes necessary for you or your etigible dependants. ONLY ONE CERTIFICATE is issued te each insured Single person andt t each insured Family. As a precaution, each member of the family shcîutd Iiaxýe a separate note of the Hospital Insurance Number for ready reference in case of sudden illness or accident. W IT IT OES. Your Certificate and 'paîd-up premniums entitie you and your eligible dependants to essential "in-patient" hespital services in standard warçl accommodation of approved hospitals only, for as many days as such services are medically necessary. Benefits' cease when the physician indicates hespital care is ne longer necessary. ""Out-patient" hospital servicesare net covered EXICEP1T in the case of emergency eut-patient care received within 24 hours following an accident. Itsptal servîtes must be medically necessary Ontario Hospital Insurance benefits cannot be provided for 'custodial' or 'domîciliary' patients Le. persons whose medical conditions do not justify use of hospital accommodation and services, and who could be caredforat home or in somne facility otherthan an approved hospital. PREEAID PREMIUMS men PREPAID PROTECTION It is important that your Ontario Hospital Insurance premnïums be paid enon r befre the date they are due. This is necessary to maintain a period of prepayment during which your protection witI continue if it ever becomes impossible for you to pay your premiums. ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION HOSPITAL INSURANCE DIVISION 1356 Ot. CLAIlR AVENUE wEsTr. ToRoN4To 7. oNTARio. ONTARIO 0 l WA. 4-3301 byl qndl gave it its first reading. Would be Hardship %!r. J. Smsn cmlie Cou 'cilrerdn Snow Pîowing- Warden, Garnet Riekalrd of Dîar- and stted tat[ he hadf lost a shlip- lfitn said that 'thie ices r bee pougedforovr awek.on thosemnialte s thlat h Mr7. Brw one u htteearaySetthe, miii rat." thew road M. row sate ta<itad a led tukteii was onl the aed for this 'year. rt n rcia nraewul Aisobth eev oitdout thauerl-(aLarship on -uS." $55,00 ad lredy een spent thIlis Year onGilsniow r emoval and 1that 1this Re V . W. £adig oof wou1d put a large hole in thieir îgee taig: ion a approprýiation. struck tLheir mil! rate and w;e -za Towshi PulicSchols not preparedl for this increase. A Townhip ubli Sohols 1 you going to create a hardship on Th'le Reeve also pointed out that us"le the niecessar-y by-law to hold a vote, Wardlen Rickard pointedl out ta on the dlebentu~res for two new pub- threce of the bigger mIunicipa1itie!ý lic schiools was being prepared to Bwnnile oorg adcl holdthIle Vote las requested. HIe said{borne h ave already struck t tekf they lhad no alterniative but to h-oldI rates and it seemis a hardship. thle -vote and lb would be hield as Hoo>ton withidrew the motion. soon as possible. It was also statedi that a by-law was being preparedl Reeve D. C. Johinston of Haldi- to dlissolv(e the area on approval mandc Towniship then moved Ia 1fro Iltle Deparbment. Mr. Lovekinlthie miii rate be struck at 11,7 stabed »tat they Iwo(-uld hiaveIo 'Deputy-Reeve J. Brough of B-w-- await the outcome of the by-laws I Continued page 3) before further action could be de- o- Hi. S. Bocard Bui!dinig By-Law ___ r.Lovekin stated that the Build-' (From page 1) ing By-iaw was nearing com-plebionadgeth osuin.lbil and1 that lie would llke to discuss at least a year to build the ew the draft with Council prior to itsl sehlools,", he said. final completion. The department grant is baýseloîe Counceil adjourned to meet again a figure of $25,00 per classroom zÊ on Friday afternoon of this week. whieh 16 are planned îin the Uîr larger schools and five ini the smwl- 1er ones or a total of $875,OOQ, Q 'O.rono Ch~amber was (Contiinued front page 1) The department will pay 7!ý ýpe 1 - cenit of the annual paymnent r- (business section) and a portion of quired to pay off a debenture .f. Park, Centre and Church Streets. $885,000. H. M. Mercer feit that first somne The municipalities' share -ecuië provision should be made for off- bc $1101,334. less $59,500.35 or - stfreet parking. No support was 8331.65- gîiven this suggestion in the form Of COST BREAKDOWN a ,fltiofl Based on a required payment üZ COLT STAKE RACE $53,833.65, the following iýs the breakdown of tbe eighbmuiipt Danle Founid brîefly outlined bhle'ities' sbare of the paymnents on bite Colt Stake Race wvhic i is expectedisix per cent debenture fo- a prn to aittrac- close to 40 lorses bo Or- 1 f 20 years. ono, on Saburdiay, June 2th. Thel Port Hope will11have the largeet eventi is being sponsored rby -de1 per cent at 29.44 for an annual delt1,k '01 no hamoer -with ibe starbing of $15,848.63; Bowmanville wlll ]w- gate opening at 2:00 u'clock. Mýr.linext with 28.89 per cent for an j 1 U-1-0 poinbed out bliat $50000 will n ual pyetof $12,860.86. be ouLieiecd ini prize moniey oi whichý Darlingbon township lias the neatÉ mo(st of lb wilbe mnade Up of eiitry 1Iargesb assessmnent of 19.02 per cn eIC,, - which ajmounts to $10,239'l-6 annu- Admission îo this event bias Deen a 11y. set at 50 cents wibh also a small Thn1 losClarke bowniShip "I giisauamissiein chiarge. Theýre with a 10.37 assessient for an anýî- wni ce no wagering st'Lated Mr. nual payimenb c.f $,8.5 Found. Efforts, lie said, are being Hope Twsi' assessment lW ma'de toI-bring m iSumle chldrcnl's 9.61 per entfoi $, 3.1adN(ý- attrctins scli a er-o abesshare is three per cent 1, r(ý iou1 -1d ciiil ilcnS 1iîsh Pondý . 1$1,615.01. Southi Cayan wibh 2.64 peor c~bwill pay 1,2121an Jizï-- AUGUtC STREET FAIR brook's share will be 2.03 per cnw jMi. i-erb Duvali rcported tliator$0982nuayfrbc2-yr bb ioa,,moorand Trailer h17ad period- been pucliased as the prize for' bbc Inl addition to bbc threene Amnual Street Carnival lii August. schools, an addition ivill have îo bE. Tickets for this draw wiývll soon be mI oPr oeHgiSlolb on sle 16, it as stated. fi) coiînection wîbh the street fairi Building committee chairman, ýMr. Found stabed bliat hie was en- Care Aliin toldc g abbering one deavut~Io 0run bbc feabures into of bbc major considerations of hïe 1te trioni oehilgfesi1 commibtee lias been relief for over-- coldbearaned rowdfiing Zat Bowmaniville Higi PLANNING H le said bthe Oshiawa board has Th. C Forrester gave a brief ouf- jagreed tio provide comdtie lime of bbc course takeni by tLhe 'for 150 studen ts for one year at Dcon- Polie'f-us inslacomnection vwith evan Colleg-iate. 'planaý,ing. S. B. Rubtherford fhen j lb las managed to exbend thie oufli iîed bbc( preliminary plan wbhich lease on bbc Orono sehool for Z. has been complled by tbe Planning jf urther bwo year, but even wibth e Consultants, MUarshall, Macklin, Orono assistance BUS will be f illeýL deait ih anidn fo sbbcareahe 150Oshawuhd ents, unabeold at- Mal ithaningbe forInhbis bak he f0Oshaw hd e n unable to taira t along vwith water and sewa-ge, forced f0 go on shifbs next er

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