p -~ OROrNO WEEKLY TIMES THURSQA ~f1 / - - -_________________ -HEADQUATERS FOR Sp"ering Cleaning SUPPLIES Yor k 20 o Be ans with PorkDeep Brown 2~Z benswih k ae ins9 Liquid Aerowax Heýa1 Spic and S'pan.a.v. 4c ,-wl m 0J e w e l Shortening, save 17c S AVE 4c IGA Faney Applesauce SAVE 4c Cheer Detergent g' 4c OFF MONARCH Date Square Mix i19 Tinz l«Ès Dlant 'size 79e- 9oz pkg 35c AYLMER - SAVE 5c1 Tomnato Soup SAVE 4C - CUT RITE Waxed Paper WITHi FREE SCISSORS Liquid joy LU Gallon tin- èave 3e "9C 39c 10 oz tin 4for 45c 100 ft roll 27c 'large size tin87c DAIRY FEATLJRE 16 odzjar 45c, JUST TWO 0F OUR MANY MEAT FEATURES DY WITH DRESSING ShouldrRoastlb 30e IJU 1 T K AS-T withDressing I4"" il il AIJL NEW! IGA SPRING AND SUMMER CJ,,#"ATALOGUE SUPPLEMENT h Wondierful Free Gi.fts and Mo-iney Savinýg Value. Now Avaliable At YOUR LOCAL IGA STORE /7 -k y y J- J- 3Approve New Schools Darlington Opposes j' OUR ' PO1NT HEATI ~ I je Service Guara'n tees Com fort with Economny! needed duripg t e î » C repair worn of de. fective parts Of extra cst, 4s l e m al ua haic deliver. iles of top-quality Dil of the right grade for yeur 011 burpner.1 Alil tis for a low annual maintenance charge plus the cost of the oil you use. Not only is it the finest kind of he-atïflg service, but the most eco- nomical and satisfactory. Phonte Us Nowl For De ails For Your Hous. âlOrnol Fuel & czLumber Limited Wonq0fOam ! phone 14816 I The tentative approvaij to coni- YOU CAN'T TAKE strut three niew High Schools inlT WITH YOU the Durham County High Schooli (Continued from page 1) District hias been grantedi by threel ,Tunicipalities Io date. The thr-ýee t With You". schools are to be located in ecbithi This play won much acclaim backz west Darlington (Courtice area),Iin 1936 on the New York stage and Clarke Township (south of Orono) hfas since beeni presented most sc and in Millbrook. The three munici-ý cessýfufly thiroughlout the world. ipalities approving of the construc-,1'llepa a rte yMs tion are- Cavan Township, Clarke, The plra(,Gwa-eS. writtnabyMos Township and Millbrook. These a- noted for their excellenice in 1 ucîi priovails were given at their regu- ýwrs lar meinigs this month. wrs T'he Towný- of Port Hope have yet Plie play thlis y'ýear is under the to ee sinice being askeci for their drcinof AMargot Samnuel who 'is apoa.Hope Tow\nship) is io hold ýÀomngte lrge caLst for hr 'à 1 Ida ÀM ib 4449C pkgs Bucket of Values 1 Plastic Pail, 1 Darling Sponge. i Bottle of Lava rine, 2 Tins of Old Dutch Cleanser, I Bottie of Windex and 2 Pkgs. of PulIldog Steel WooI. f 1 g Alt for Only Famrily Corner Feoture BOYS' SHIRT AND PANT SET- Boys' saniforized cotton boxer short and shirt set. Beautifully made for long wear. Easticised waist. Red, $ 1 blue, and Brown. Sizes 2, 4, 6. JUST TWO 0F OUR MANV' PRODUCE FEATURES FOR AN ECONOMICAL SPRING TIME SALAD U.S. NO. 1. large LETTU CEiie3s mchic B IVAlANASgift of the Tropcs2 b "25c FROZEN F0O0 FEATURE 4 12 79cHI-LO 4c OFF ()z79CCHEESE 4 ;R SPREAD 7ý a sncialmeetng wth heirrenr- ~ - ig i in Ie . Wlf1 DAFRLI NGTON BACKS Tecs nldsMr uhr N !EWCASTLE frvaeGteM renJohn- Proma reartin te Ties-a- si, Jîm ord, inmPollard, Tirn jizete arligto Tonshi concilGambyGeorge Coillns, Anl Mody agaýinist ettv p alcRnaGavle eB t h r e e p o p o s e d n e w s c hI o o ls . l d y A l t , M r l i b r n i a Thýe report cîîms te cuecîsîonws(upeo ter h ae e ob ithe resufit of controversy over 'the chs 1toplyminlor parts. locaion-oftheproposed inew 400 pupl chol orClrke Twsi. Te-cs s-ur.tl racis T h e co u il i is i n ful a gre 1Jme nt It iree i h t s a w e k n r a d es wIlh th-e prope-ý-sed shool for -400 flrthei deut. pupils for Drigo and thie 150 i ced rontis ventlure wl pupil school proposed for, Millbrook, b ~dt epfnnesune lington council is, in agreerfienit vwlih Reeve \eRoy W.Nichiols salid Dar of lies .n oheae Under theaine conicernied, thiat the site for the, ClakeNewasîeschool should be an, abitration board decide thie site settled' by an independent airbitra- for the proposed new school in the tion board. Township of Clarke. In a letter to Ithe varjous counicils Newcastle vîillage onleprsd Deputy-reeve Jack Brough sU- its opiniioni thait the location for thie gested that couincil set Up a ernM-. Clarke TFownýship school should be mnittee ta investigate the possibilityv in or near Newcastle, rather than ji and the cost of Bowmnanville with- thle northern part of the Township. drawing from the High School areaý Rev .Cunningham. f New- andf going on its ownvi. castie, expressed the view that týhe Counicillor 0. J. Presson feit tht lmater sol be brouight before a councýil was dodging the issuean boar f arbitration. said thie schiools hiad ta be builît. Counicillors A. E. Thomplllson anid Deputy-reeve Brough said hie a- Fred Srnîth monved t ïhat t ownship, greed, but failed ta see why Bowm anl clerk Walter uniebe inlstructed ville taxpapers shauldJ pay'for them.ri to Wrteth chiooI board. Reeve WD. H1igg-en moved the Reee îchlssaid Da),'rlington mlatter be left in abeyance and a uncl wuldabide by the decision commîteebestipa nsiae o tielbord T arbtraon sggst po ssibilities. included in the com-ý Caudilr homson sugesedmittee are Reeve Higgon, Depu-)i- the board be set up ta settiee what he reeve Brough -and tw clerk BoDb termned as "the NewcastIte-Oroyno" Reynolds. djispute. Mayor W. D. Carruthi-ers- told the BOWMIANVILLE CONSIDERS council he mentioned the possibility WITH DRAWI NG of the H-igh School Board iviýding,, Bowmanville Counicîl will considi- at the meeting with coundil repre- ýer the possibilityv of withidrawing sentatives, Apýril lst. He said at that ýfirm the DurhiamHig School Ar- time he feit the board could becorne e;,. This was disdussed at their Mon- too large Which would result "in anâ aymeeting whien it shelved a pro- unru-ly situation." po-isai fronm Newcastle Counil that ieiaet