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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Apr 1959, p. 7

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DECEIVING - Michigon Sîtcie' Horaice Walker (15) seems ¶0 be giving the 0 K. sign for shot readied by George 'Lee. Quite I the conirciry, 'tee maade ca two- pointer and son'k a free thr,;w when it was ruied t'hot Wailker fouied him d-wrrnîiqpIay. Ch îcke.m Big Tiver since rcicken farmersIý discovered c-d-lîivr oil could beý used as a* su'bstittte for, sunigh,1-t, iheàýfe ciowded their poUltrY indoors and turned out plump brdileirs IlUe lin cans ecoming- off an asse-mbly line. Because offInet- ter 'diet and the :advent of auto- Inatlomx, growers eau now Pro- ,dc a Pound off neat from 9 poundsoff feed <vs. 4 pounids, ten years ago», fatten up -a broiler in ,ine weeks (vs. f ourteen weeks). Results: Production has jumped 30(3 per cent in ten years, and -Ihe industry last year r.xu, V. Illonbroilers worth $900 But the chieken growis may have doue their job too weil. Gathering in Dallas ý1st mronth for the first confererice off the National Breller Council, 1some 300 indtistry officiais admittedï te one big problem: Overproduc- tion. Eveni though couincil figures show that per capita consumption of broilers bas jumped rnearly 60 per cent sixice 1955, wholesale prices have tumbledfro 50-55 cents a pound te 27-37 cents. And «wheni it's 27 cents, the indus- try's in real danger," said K H Sinimons, presilent of Plus PoA - lry off Siloamn Springs, Ark. "The weak sisters are going to be squeczed out," said another pro- ducer. Weak or strong, the broilermen at the conference didn't intend to sit idly by. "Amnericans con- sume about 28 pounds of chîcken u year per person. We shouild make that 50 peunds," said Sm- mons. To put a lot mie chickensý- in a lot more pots, the ecounýcI yilans te spend $500,000 on pub- lie relations and adve.tisix'g thýs year to exploit such slogans a <'Chieken Twice-a-Week." Why net push for chicken three or even four tmes a week? One surfeited grower said: "They gave uis chiekien at every meal at the cenference. Myseif, 1 can't eat it that oftený." "'Airi.1 going to die, d-,otor?" "My dear Mr. Jones, that's the Iast thing you vill do." You Con endO When kidneys 4faiPâO t e!Qe xcesa 1 %cide and wastes. li kacle i e < J eest. oten ollow. - Dodd's Kidney Pille Stimulate 'kidneyc te normal ~du1y. You fel ~better-sie pbet- woirk better. ,, , D.lcfd'm. Oet Dodd's at anydrus tore. I4ow WiII Bowiieig Go' in Britaîn? hoky narsd ether Norib mei can mottos i rti ha-ve T-faled'? Can bwigral grip nd keep amasn ubic0 -a, tein'ake Ïit-a maor pa1si 1me inst"ead cf thle mne1ýr il 1as prove7d with the gaesi hvc These are qetonoen poýsetith1ougl1eut the clubs ýte- dayV folowing,_ the ncews. thaýt the 'Pank Oranizahiei 12turning sone off its cirenmas intebola tu]riums. A tart is te be tid - with tJwo ini the London a-a, The- plansý are thlat they w ill be redtext Septemnber. Thiere- fore, it will be quite a whil e- fore we shaîl be,,in te have anoref answer te h uson no heing ýasked. But,unie ite predÎ(it ,tl.t bwigin Br-il ain il e ne nt 0fthe ral big timje imney spinnîng amiuse- mnsand succeed whe rnrier Éamnes ha-ve failed. Bri{ish prejudice, somietimies - emdcenservatism, bas always been aginst North Americin gamerîs ettîng' realliy establishied oegr here. Take asebalor exml.A great daoff enter- prise aýnd menney went nIe try- inig te sel] sweat and satovecr bers aït the turn off thie century. It wasý theugiht it would be a gG ting . at the fotball greund$ w ý\ith thepefsins llning -la profitable sme occupation. There was eveýn a naienal league with teamns eper- ating on the greuinds of Preston NorthVî End, Aston iVill11a and DE-rby Ceunity wbicb, even te' this day, keeýps the namýe Base- bail Pr.Btit the Englisb just woldn't let basebalget its oosinto their cricket steeped tradýitions. Our grandfathers hiad ià that baseb)aîl was notbing more- than a variatio)noff bases, or rounid- ers, which their grandfathers used te play. Similar pr-ejudices prevailed about basketball whicb the girls play as nietball, about ladresýse which is a deluxe pas- timie for~ the schools for young ladlies anad ire hockey wbich can neyer be-come established be- cfluse the facilities for playing here always eeonomically tec fewr. These are generalizations, of course, but il is a fact net one s ingle American invent- ed gamne has ever been trans- planited inte Europe and viger- ously tbrived. It may be argued that bowl- ing is Bot a game but an enter- tainm-ent or amusement in the saine categery as dancing or ?1l-the-fun-of -the-f air. Be that as it, may boywling1 is an exer- cise, a pleasant recreation and a big money spinner in the U.S.A. The latest figures fromr the U.S. tlepartment off Commerce show 'Ibat there are now more than 6,000 bowling alleys tbroughout the land. Last year no fewer thani 623. new ones were estab- lislied, a f act which declded the Rank organiza,3tion te -auncb its plans te back bowling as part off the' caxnpaign te meet the tbreat off tele'vision, writes Sidney Skîl- ton in the Christian, Science, Monitor. Director off operations, Ivor Smith, have lbeen telling me about these plans. A survey decided that the two cinremas selected f or conversion were "naturals."> The. one aI Golders Green is wb,,at used to be an ice rink and is therefore structurally comi- -paratively easy for conversion irtp a 16-lane bowlatorium Wlile (lue one at Hayes is sit- u-atied enjy a hamburger's toss away ffrem the U.S. Forces base et Rui.slip. Ahl the equipmlent installed a', both centers will be American mnade. It will not, lwwever, be sdein Aierica. It will b. made li Dublin where an 4meri- cani concern has based itself and 15 daiy expanding its activities aIl over tbe Zuropean mnainland, The $300,000 piece off business with ]Ranks and more t orne if AGENTS WAWED EXTRA Cash w Vour Spare I sbolw v'of rîends oui ~ Gyegcarda iicluicin," SaierGiFis, Wriýte loi Coloýnil dard jLld. 419 ýQil GO eNTO BUSINEýS oaeuwi's ýA1 cul -C1r founcd fil tre.Nu com1lcii its up ,to a0WO Write rio, co1,lrctlii'adiesr dental holealepric, ile1 Sdea1122 StlaI ene1on1 AUTO fRUCIt PARTS r A WEAP EVER SPARI< I Aî Fire Iiitr'pr llua t (ctorca.for better start p)ouer on l Wss ga's $1i75 ea each for' 12 Or mlore L M MiU st South, bramlptoil l»BWfCHICKS B3ray N 1%yJue bolrcik mediatide hiPmlent tiahyoJLi atrtiluai pu pos ullet, erelýs. Some Ams. pullets,. bora. Balrgaiins cion day. breicockerels. eueiprii local aenor wite Irpa H71 John North , 4amnilton, Ont. P001(KEEP11NG SERVI BOOKKEEPING Serice. By per moentit, records kept. Auditax 93 I 11rb'tWat1 tarlo i'OCIET Boka.Dollar bill je a rjy nw Wetelrn, Advenl tories. Postpaid Inquire nio tiffes togeth(er with wsnt a 3192, Ottawavý. Ont. FARMS FOR SALE CU ELPHI: 100 Acres produ<c f ronting on a bardtop road; i1 lnigs, wth hydro, wa-ter oor fuil prîce $21,000.00. Other f;ir acres anti up, priced at $10. up. CaIl CGuelph I TA. 2-6920 or alfter hours. Forsythe antid EsaeBrokers. 20 Doui11 Oufelph ni ro being loulawed Ibecause exces sive rwym a; with it. It became lawl siïmply by making it1 which' it ii to.lay w&,t rowdlyisml. There are serious1y c( championships in A m bowling, with four cii men and for womien. TI for singles, doubles, tÉ AIi-events. 1 wonder h it will be before there similar championships ir and whether 1 shall bc right in predictiýng bow' stceed whére 'illY tlÇot ericiln imports have fail, How CanJ '1y Anme Ashley Q.How can 1 concea places 0on sloes? A. ïf the scuff ed st rubbed witb petroleu before the polish is ap scratches will scarcelly s Q. How eau I1lceep 'pal Iid of thse can has been Iý A. If a 1i. is not, aval -the paint can in which ulnused paint 1-as been] 1 sorne bot paraffin over t and it will not harden, Q. flow ean I easily iedicine by drops? A. If il is te be meaý drops froni a bottie, try the finger in water and' ing the ru ioff the botti place. Use this place frc te drop the contents. TI will corne eut quite evei HARD DAY - Next timne you> have a hard day on the lob, thînk of Pot Judge, aibove. The St Agnes soccèr .p!ayer ila shown walkin-g-off the fielddof-- ter a tough game wvhich his teaim lost. CLA SSIf 1FIEI0 rPRM tIBLP eWANTEO 'une'JOb A uaýrniet iman to %work on fruit farim I <heSiOn itutateti on Niagara River Beitevard. P, 'ligiotil Applica t siouilcti ,e experiencet inl samles fam wrkandti lahantdiutuglfan nme-, eeo llat cbinry. 'Reply, stating age, exper'lence, referenoes, also 1num11ber' in famoily, te po. pBox 10l). St. Catharines, Ont. n~' nuu~eFOR SALE, -on lr'of BEITISil Seagul arn botoard Mo fo i tee tors. Ideal for fishemen wr'ite fOr ai hO- Pricea ant illutrations. P. V. Mc- Mîrv Cavour. Saint Jh.N.B. - 13UILD vont owvn Germais pelndluro riRs al docýk. Instructions 33.50 postpaid. Maýtthev;s Enterprise$. Cottrells Cove PLUG N-fld. tins ore 'ONE Standard Saw Mill - 54" x9' h9 1 50 framre wtbl 48, Diamoeter circular sw Kieis Applv P'.0. Box 392. Guelph or, phono SCOTCH Pinca, Austrian 1pines, white pipe anti bine apruce seiig.CUS- taOerder tons pianting Write Richardison Farina antii somle MFG. SURPLUS OUTLET and cocu- frsSllirt aýntiBlouse mrateriai, ýalan Le_- plin anti printeti broaticlothi, 3 Yards ot Id oeavr for 5.0 Linens 45 inch, wltithi 2 yards cep1t.t ee $1,ol0 Plain flannelette. assonteti col- t,:very, 120 ours, fwo yards 3.0 Crepe lassortedi colourls, 45 inchi 2 yards $1.25. Corduirey, assorteti colours one yard 31.00. Zipperas 'ICE a ssorteti sizes anti colours 31.50 a dlozen. - St-cto- or mioney' refundeti. No maii'.20 CO..a Postage prepaiti. 185 St. George W r i t e. St. Corner Latour). St. Jeroafle. Que- ""100 On- bc. -SCOTCH Pinie Xm)as Tnee seetilins Fa'nious French bluie strain-. entier-no Spigdelivery. Lake Sinicoe. Planta- 9rosS tos Box 1, Barrie. Phone P'A. 8-267. ture. Love -r UNBREAKABLE DISHES p O. B1ox SAVE 35.0 0on 20 Iplece- Trdition dinner s;eta,. Assorteti pastel 'Coours. 4 each -'dinner plates, ide 'plates. bovvis, cupe. saucera,. $7.50 f ull pice. Senti $1.00 with - this adi, balance express collect, Glen ctive land S. Wsolley & do.. Ajax. Ontîarie- good. builti- ipressure, GARDEN STOC K 0man O LADIOUS Blbs, 25 large 31.00, 100 . l,2-4650 3U.0()0 100 medinuin 31.50. W. Witney. er'rie Reafl 'Elona, Ont. ___ n1 Street HELP WANTED FEMALE "WA1NTED: Graduate Gencral Duty Nussanti Laboratory Techuician for aunali Iospital. Gooti remiuneratiois. For skittles,, funtlier particulans write: Superin- eoffithe tendent, St. Joseph's Genoel sptd ssociatedLittle Current. -Ontario. ful a1 an ANTEOt 'Woen, intereaý,tet in full, tenpis r part tiane work canvassing for te. ins Ladies' Nylon Hosleny. Firsi: quality boeut dtee ,nerchantiise, gooti commissions. 'We aise 'welcome Chprclsh anti Club groups, sellin5 us D their membership anti ondutedc frie-ots. Please contact HIGHILAND erean IOSIEBY' LIMITED. Falcon Rd., isses for $L ATOML hese are' _________________MALE _ eans- andc NURSERYMAN wanteti. Appîy Pin. âo .long ILaven Nurseries, 475 UppAr ,lfdie Rd., i~w.long Cookaville. Phone AT. -0)941. are s s uch n Britain INSTRUCTION e proved EARN more! Bookkeepiflg. Salesasselu rling willI ',bip, Shorthanti. Typwriting, etc. Les sons 50e. Ask for free cincula2r No. 33. ht' 'Ain- .'Oanadzm torresp)ondenlc roiszrsr1290 ed? -BySre.Toronto. LABORATORY TECHNIÇIANS I? FOR Cheiiitry anti Bateriolegy de. partent ofa Trono Hspialwîth- y Science' Degree or specializing in above, anti havIng hospital expeience. Thes-, il scuffed sre permanent positions with ensiployee benefits. TORONTO GENERAL H1OS PITAL, Wellesley Division, 160 Welles- hoes are ley Street Fýàst. Toronto 5. WA. 1-4111, m jelîy Local 38. __ plied, the MECHANICAL PARTS AND REAIRS howA. FOR TRUCK< PARTS iIS' LEVYIS ALL mates New, uiseti, rebuilt Jut if thse Levy s Auto Paris Comypanv Ltti. 1400 <st? Weston Rd., oronto. Ontrio'. lable for MEDICAIL i a iîttle [F you have ealsealth probleis senti for ef t, peur free price list of fanious remedios5. he paint, Elackhawl IntilanReei nsnv P 'cton. Ontario. GOOD ADVICEI EVERY SUFFERER measure OF -RHEUMATIC PAINS 'OR NEURITIS SIOULD TIY DIXON'S REMEDY. ýsure-d by MINI(O'S DRUG STORE r dlipping 335 ELGIN OTTAWA moisten- '$,5Express Coliect Dm 115 on POST'S ECZEMA SALVE h m 1 h c ZA Ni'SH the torm nt o f dry ceem a he drops - rashes anti weeping skin troublen. ýnly. Post's REzemna Salve will not disappoint you. Itting, scaling anti hurningcze- ma, acise, rigwormr, pmmples andi foo9t ecremaa ilS respot readily te tIse - " ,, stainlesq odorless ointmient regartilesg of how stusbborn or hopeless tses' sieain Sent Post Fret on Receîpt oM. Price PRICE $IAB FER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 5L. Clair Avënue East TORONTO Mu cu s IN THROAT YHUNA'S PINK< TABLETS for tIse nos, afi throat, dropping of --mucus dis charge, sensation of a lump in tho irnt and other disturbainces. ASK YQUR DRIJGGIST Both Depariment Stores And Tarblyru Stores A Product o0f Thussa IlrbaUt 29.8 Danforth. Teoosto MISCELLANEGUS ATTENTION Poat Card Ceilectors! Re- ceive 15 Scenic Post Cards of Puerto Rlico. Senti 3100. Bea Martin, P.O. Box 10365, Caparra 1lfeights, San ,Juan, Puerto Rico. SENSATIONAL 35.0 Value! Beautiful- peari jewelry set - secklace, bracelet and .earrings, Monieybaclr guaranteel Send 3.00. Austre, Sales Co., 68-29 Cen- tral Ave., Glendale 27, e o. TRI$OVIUM '#lsosp'ýatle Is 1&al for cleaning rugs, lUches, flos's, pailstmd surfaces, Linoleum. Fuily <iuaranteed, Sent postpaid 500 gallon. Write: Bob Corlise, lHart, Micisigan, IT PAYS TO USE, OUR C LMIFIËD COLUMNS NO Î a a AD VERT ISI1 MISCELLANEOUS TRE Original Carter Pam.ily! Baek again aller years of silence. For list .fReors etc. write: Acmne Distribti- tors, Box 3062, Greeneville. Tenn. NURSES WANTED GEnERAL STAFF NURSES AND CERTIFIED NURSING ASSISTANTS ARE needed for our new wlngs, wbicls conta;in operating rooin and recovery roomn suites, obstetrical department. sugcland medical wards. Weil planned orintation, and Inservice programmes. Good personnel pohlces. Attractive pension plan, 40 hour week. effective June 1 1959. Apply: Directer of Nursing, Toronto Enasi Gene ral 110e- piti, Toronto 6. NURSES GENERAL Duty Nurses required imme- diately for a 500 bed hospital. Basic Salary $245.00 per month. Good Person- nelpolcie. ension Plan. APP LY birector cf Nurses, KI'TCHENER-WATERI.OO HOSPITAL, Kitchener, Onta rio. REGISTERED NURSE REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY Margaret Cochenour Memorial Hospital (MODERN 15-BED) LOCATED on the lake lu Red Lake mïning district and tourist ares. New nurses' residence beautifufllv furnishe-d. SALARY: $275 basic xith increnient plan. 'Maintenance including ulniformn iaundry, $30 per month. 44-hour weel0 Holidays: 4-week vacation with pay yearly. Transportation cixpense wil be paid after six months' employmient. APPLY STATING AGE AND REFERENCES 1. MacNAUGHTON, MATRON COCHENOUR, ONT. OPERAJI NG BOO0M NURSE Immrtedicstely POSTGRADUATE PREFERREU APPLY SUPERINTENDENT 0F COTTA~GE HOSPITAL - UXBRIDGE ONTARIO OPPO RTUNITIES <COOD income possible raising Hlybrid RIed WNorms for fish bait and soit im. ,rovement. Write for booklet. 504. Un. imited supply woüirmls andl eggs avait. aible. Bill's Uive Bait. Northibrooke P.O.. "MAIL ORDER BUSINESS OPPORTUN- ITY! We supply you with cat alogues, namnes f111 your torders. Big profits. Write - Fred's EnterprÏses Import and Export., 322 ?4nnacle Si.. Belleville. On- OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN MAKE ',Iney at Homye! Small want ad returned 4000 quarters in. one month. $2.N0 for tbis ad, and other necessary Information.. O W. Lemimon. 4148 North 38th Street, Phocenix, Arizona. BE A HAÜRDRESSER ,OIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Harcressing Pleasant dignified profession; gond wages Tiousands of successful SMarvel Graduates Amerlca's Greatest Systemn Illntrated Ctalogue,,Free WNrite or Cali MARVEL I4AIRDRESSING ICIiCOL 358 loor St. W., Toront o Branches: 44 King St., W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street Ottawa PERSONAI. AUTIIORS invited subit MSS aIl types (Qncluding Poemis) for book pub- lication. Reaseniable termis, StockweLtl Ltd., Ilfracombe, Erigland. (Est'd. 1898.> ARABIAN Mypnotismi! AMmd projection lnstantly, at a distance. Comiplete. easy self-stucly Course, send $5. bIll (Air. mailedi $6.) to BCM/IIGYL, London W.C.I., England. ADULTS! Personal Rubber Goods! 36 assortment for $,0.Fîneast quality. tested. guaranteed. Mailed lnpli sealed package plus free Birtb Control bookiet and catalogue çpf supplies. Western Distributors. Box 24-TF Regina. Sask. LOO0K 20 YEARS VOUNGER AND improve your appearane. Oue proved huir re¶oýr4tor will banish grey and white 'lasr, and give your hair naturel lsldkiaig colon. Testimonial let- ters on file atteat te its efficacy. $2.50 per bottie. Money order or C.O.D. Villard- Perfumes, 1368 Sherbrooke East, AMontreaL. Que. HEAR the p)eople'â gospel heur. Sun- days, wth Canada's4 radio pester Perry F Rockcwooid Chatham (Dal 630) 3:30 p.m.,; Oriie Dial 1570) 4 p.m. Nia a & Falls (Dial 1600) 5 p.i. Write fer Iree bok of messages on "Bible Questions Answered-" by Faster Roctiwood. P.O. Box 1660 qi ax, Canada. '"TIME la Close" will Infer-m you about thse endiof our world. Write te "Ambrosia", mystic edition, 52 Ossing- ton Av,, Toronto, Canad. GREY HAIR? PRTMATUR8I grey haïr Ile embarreassinW, Look years younger with Kabul DirU- liaistine. Successfufly useti oves' 80 _pea1ne. 1es-ei sa n hi BrU 1 ALTS i»4DSit-or.u yl 1 POULTRY AND LIVESTOCK V<OU cen mlte extra rnoney onà a largerc perffliageO f eggs Yo)u seil byraising K-137 Icmberchiks. You ml nmake extra income becu_ Kimnberchiks las' More large egg S. in Randoni Sampflt Tests last year Ktsnbers averaged7% large eggs. They ilve wefl, bavýe rela- tively goed resistance te Leucosas. Or. der your Kimberchlks niow. Fiatching a11 popular egg, djal-pjurpose breeds, First generation broilers. Tur)reye (roasters and brellera). Canbda's future swine - Bl1ue Spotted hybridas. afise imported English Large Black, Lassd- race. Accrediteti Aberdeen-AnruSs t- tle, Catalogue. TWEDDLE C1IICR HIATCH1ERIES LTD RERGUSONTARIO STAMPS AND COINS CzAiuhiSï Ru-ssia - 2-5 dfeetoi only 25 cents with approvals. Excelo Stamps Company, P.O. Box 218 Station B, mOntreal1 2. Que.- FREE - 100 Different foreigri stansipe' with order frons our paclket List. HaIPPY Heurs Stamups. 1240 Duntise St. W. Toronto 3, Ont. GET profit and pfleasure în collectlng old coins. Get our 1959 Ca.nada. New- foundlland, U.S.A. buying book w;Ith lAW« pi tes, enly 25-. Belnmont Coin Com'pany, 490 Belmiont Av. inn"iPegý, Manitoba. NEW 1959 U.S, Canada catalogýuenw ready; send 20ç' to covercotNe-a Stemp, Lawrence 16., as RED BERLIN Spe'cial - 35 different sta.p5 254 4fith fabuloUs itusalan ap- provals. C. Pehr, 760-86th St., Miami Beach.FIa.____ SPECIAL Offer - 1,009 MixýjetiSam Plus Caniadien Silver Dollar Prior to 1956, Plus CaznadIian 1859 elit. $4. Deliv- ereti Liited Sulpplyv. bRust Order te ,TIVP COLLECTORS 0 WORLDt FýREE te introduce' our foreigu ppov a'ls, Victoria Stapa. sý101Aead South, Lindsay, Ontario. WANTED to huy cofins. Silver Dotlars, Gold coin.s, Canadien Cents anti ansal Nickles, Single coins or , Collcections. Send list to Poast officeBo 98, Chaýt. hemn, Ontario. WANTED Canadian, AmiFeian ard( Spanish Coins, Pap)er Money and GolI,! Top Price. Price List 15(. 454, es2 oe land, Toronto, LE. 2-2704. WANTISD olti anti recent coins,, Cana- dian, Newfoundland. Unitedi St,«etes.. Beet premiuims. Senti 254' for thfe6' 1959 buy-. ing iists. 'M. Mairley. 212 Iloîbornle Ave.. Toronto.____ 50 MALTA different: $1,00 - ',pprovaei!.; 20 valuabla covers: S1.00 - Coins. C. Face, Dargena, Malta. SUMMER PROPERTIES SUMIMER Properties, For Sale and Wanlted, Wite J. & J, F. Anderson. Brokers 2 Manior Rd. East, Toronto 7. 5WINE ADVANCED Reistry1 Landrace service- able boars anti breti gilts fro',n i- am scoring, 92. Glts ired by, or breti to, Goval Solomnon 18th A11043. highest scoring, boar in AR nlu 9588. laitlëailc Meadows Landrace Fn.Eaatons cor- niers. Ontario. LANDRACE - Exceptional off erillg,, top guasilty lreet i nes. Select 00w froml our large herd for your foundai;tioni stock. Rea)sonahie prices. Write phone', gr visit John Sikmna,, Pcwc<Grange' Fapu, Lakefielti, Ontario. TEACHERS WANTE0D TEACHER for Senior Roons of S.S. end 4, Orford, Duart. Kei)t Couinty, Modern achool. Duties to comlmence Saptesaber 1959. Appfly statlng. qulliÎt- cations anti salar-y expectetito l-oard Sinclair. Se..Treas., I>uzrt. ont. TEACIIER requireti rural achbool. Dusies to commence Sep)teraber 1959. Qualif lad preferred. ApplY statinig quailfications, salary epecteti anti lst Inspectr, te Mrs. Elle Godfrey. Hekkla, Ont. TEACHER requireti for S. S. 14, MqlIa- bide on No. 3 liighweay, Elgin County, commencing September 1959. Please 3taÀte qualifications, experieuce. and zalary expected to W. A. PiselPs, Se-c. s'etary, R. R. , .Ay'lm'e, Ont. TECUMSETH TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA lalein eti of 6 teachers for, rural 1'- room scheels commnencing in September. Schools are ln SJincoe Çounty around Beeton, 40_50 miles nort)i ef Toronto, Salary Sch'edule Wnmmfor Short Terni Cari. $2 -inimum for lst or 2nd Class Certificate........30W0 Annual Incremient.............. 20 Allowance for Experience Mas? to 3 years) yea4ly.......20 Mxmum ........... . ....... ....40 Please ytate qualificationss, enperiessce, religion suid namne 0f last inspector. .1 , Nugltofl-Newten obln$Cn, 05$. R.C. SEPAR-AT îC.HO. BOARD 0M WOODSTOCIÇ ONT. lN¶VlTES APPLICATIONS 'FORPlIS TIONS VACANT IN SP~8~ W TWO tachools in eperaflon. both wl $Aquipe, - pff er annum te grasha âteàof Teachers' 'Colege, Additiossll 1.lesy aceording te ex perience. On4tart* Hespitnl Services 1nsurance paId. APPLY stalng age, Marital statuS, auaiial nsd referetrces to JAS. E. PAGE 2s2 FIFTH AVE. WOOOSTOCK, ONTARIO ru.. SUARATE SCHOOL SOARD CITY 0F SUDBURY uinvtas applications -freIn Cathtollé

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