ORONO WEEKL.V TIMES THURSDAY, APRIL 16h, 15 test for Golden Hand. Janice Ruth- erford passed sew and darn test Elaine Selhmid, Carol Mercer and1 Margaret TF'aggart passed their Promise, Law and Motto. After skippin g and games we closed with Prayer and Taps, The weekly Guide meeting com-1 meiiced at 7:30 p.m. with the 2nd1 class guides trying their Scout pace,j Every Méinher 0f Tour Faunily W "You Can't Becit Smith Beverag SDrnks thotc fý gue.st . n< 2 -. drink for ony, deliclous, Spar some ond rel à - WZITry one now. SITHII BEVERAGES I BoN News --Y f OTA Ký'A LAD. A 810 AER LOAD... With 5 extra load space for extra PROFIT dollars, Chevrolet Fleetsideel oulper r.m ail other pickups. Find out how Chevy Truck can -profit your bus. There lias never been a truck ae éger for extra work. fie spacleus FletttiU Plck 5% UBiner la Load 4m .Thau CeVtboîal Medols. cubie feet of carryîng space, put your Chevy profit-making class. Get the facts on this job ' 0 UNLOAD IT QUICKER... SPEND LESS TIME AND MONEV ON MAINTENANCE I Chevrolet brings yeu the Iow-cost answer to your toughest delivery problems. Spacious Step-Vans and Panels feature wide-opening doors to save you tinie in loading and unload- ing. And like ail Chevrolets, these handy delivery models are eas y to service, cost you less to maintain. Look inite Passenger-Car Styled Sedan Delivery Powored By lTe Econonikal Thrftmaster 6. 1/ Clievrsiet Step-Vans and Panel Bodies Foulure Cenvsnient Wîde-Opening Rear horts. RoY.ICOL 80 WMAN VI LLE COU RTUOE Savings, too, have a way of growing And just like her Junior Depositors's Account, your Savings Account will growv with regular deposits. THE CANADIAN BANK 0F COMMERCE MONE THAN 800 OBRANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA BROWNIE N EWSt wt We opened our meing t Fairy ring and Sixer Songs. Qaroi Gilbank passeti hem Naturel whiie the first class Guides tookCOhawa would like six volunteerS NEW HI GH SCHO001. (From 1> titir "Guide 1istory". Next wve t ake on a hike Saturday, April1 wen t&ptol niha npeto 8th at 10:00 a.m. The six vo14n-lbut ne definite steps taken to fol- C G.T and took up our collection.1 teers were Gayle Willis, Faye Nich- iow such a course. Troy Taggart and Linda Jackson oison, Troy Taggart, Judy Vagg,, At the meeting two archite-ets' On April 12th the C.C.I;T. meet.- passed *,heir 'bet-moil. Mary.Lynn Bailey and Julie Halke. were employeti for the construction'ing began at 7:30 with the gaine of Mary Found's patrol then pro- Beth Munday will be trying hemBakte three swoos. en teDiangn-MtheMak1Lk adJ ceedeti in the mkn of a square Golti Cord Hike Challenge. We Baewwr aadeith amig This was followed by the DevotionaiJ lashd uensi maing el-ton school andi Barnett and Rieder which is still on the theme of ra-. tehs oueji table. While 'doing cone her to the Orono Cor'ipaflyithe Clarke and Miiibrook. schoolsi ciai prejudice. Doreen Alldmeti, Joare tiou-Captain, Ruth Gr-ady, ex- and agi ee it wvill be an excitxng9 ex- andi aise the Port Hope addition. 1 Bowen andi Peggy Hancock lea'dir.n plaineti that BeIth Munday frem> perience. This was moved by Mr Clare Al-th eoinl ________________ _____________________--lin and Mr. Traniner. teDvtoa Mr. E K. MacKay of the Ontario ete okuptebsnss Safety League adtiressed the Board -We then teok up the busiesL * concerping the valueof tdriv~er cdu- Mrs. ~Cra aircieialte * cation.1 He sa'id that i'theU.S. this frein Mrs. Tong, the missionary in course hati proven most benefielal Hong Kong where we had recently, *Saya~ anti teen-age accidents were being sent a parcel. Mrs. Tong toid oe!P lISa:*.cases in Ontario whee great bene- and- which had ohns h a, reeces oosdrby 'e ie ie ne* -he hissio wih ht pn , e s . . . c o ur1-l s e w h i h in c lu te d 3 0 h u r s o ! n e s e a t1o m I y m e n t i n e ti classroem womk, 6 hours behind the Collection was taken up anti we' wheel of a car along with other in- leamnedti t tie the squame knot wîth structions. The cest cf the course, 4 -as arounti $33.00 per graduate. which we tie our ties. graduate of the ceurse would receive The meeting cieset i wth tapsý A~ a reduction in the surcharge on! their automobile insurance. Messrms. L. Dippeil anti J. Bigelow were ask- charm ev -~ edti t investigate Dr-iver 'Education, The minimum wage fer nen-spec- i the perf eV ialist teachers was set at $4500. with la itn the maximum $7500. Specialists sal- occasion ... aries willj range fro J $5000 te $8000~ 't t was decitiedt t senti eut letters b - children wiîî be transferredti t theSe ic freshing. Done-van Collegiate in Oshawa fromI the Bowrnanville High Schooi. The I< due te the overcrewding in the S te Hamilton GRAPE Bowmanville High Scheol. Oshawa /4 has agreedt t take 150 students for *%LEM N-LIMBoard w eards. te drep ithe pro- . Every class of Insur- * ORANGE .p osai te purchase the Holg-ate ance is represented in Building in Bowmi-anvilie. our office. The follow- * t REM SO At H EALTH REPORT (From.p a ge 1) ing are some. of the * N MI e ROOT BEER j & ~w as at total attendance df 99atl ancvrgsw a LU I ROO BER 66 classes. In addition, 245 1home mioffer:e w cl 0 GINGER ALE visits \were made on behaif of fr VMANYILLE pectant methers. The financial section of the re- AtmblLfAcdn n port showed receipts amune -)t Sickness, Plate Glass, Liabïîity, 153,991.64 with total expenditures FoeB»%ay Hospitalization, $145,973.18. The Counties share cf Livestock, Bolier, Wind, Polie, the expenditure is $62,342.25. The ,1 Hall, Fidelity Bonds etc. per capita expenditure based on a population of 75,371 equals 82.7 cts. OOOPOEI1 The report aise staited that live OOOPOE11 births in the Unitedi Counties in, * 1958 were 1420, anti total deaths FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS 713, for a natural increase of 707.1 Total population is 7',371 -S a~ t RA SAEBOE 742,771 at the end (,f 15 n 71,214 RA SAEBOE as of Deemrfber 31, 19,5t3, NOTICE! Orono ilydro Consumers The consumiers of North Section of Orono will receive a one month billing at the end of April. Yhi'lai in 0order that halves of village wvill be billed in alternate. mionthe. Succeding bulings wiII be on a regular tWeo months basis. It will affect those cc*lsumners north of Station Street. ORONO HYDRO Mgr. E. Dent