OfONO WEUEKLY TIMES THURSDAY, A I bd.JILVwinJiU with plent: i i, after pur-poses. 2 to 3lb average LCO" 000000e000e000e04 ~fl4S - Take Advantage of this Unheard of Price! 12 LARGE BOTILES 0F IGA Royal Guest GINGER A1LE SAVE 4c Stokely's Fancy TOMATO JUICE Q.T.F. -Fancy Aust SLICEIJ PINEAF Red Seal - Save 1 CORQOE SALMC FRed Rlose Orancie TEA iLS 1'lb59cJ 48oz rain-Save 4c 4LE 15OZ if )N ,,tins ' P Ko i Sae0 pkgof6 19C [.00 & 3lb$1,00 SUGAR appearance, 1 Thie large main reading room is si deeorated with the mnost moderna] furniture and draperies and of par- -' ticular, interest is the mural done s 1y)Williaml Winiter, depicting the varlous phases of Librairy hf e. Myr.~ of chij.dren and he has atr f Winter is famous for ehis paintings îz their expressions rfost artfully in a] this muràL Off ilie main reading t( room is the .Youth Room. ilesigned ej to accomnodate particulo.rly High Ce School Children and with nlost of "r the books they would néed or want s1 to read in conjunc+ion wvith theirC Sehool work. Miss Fet±erly, thle Chief Librarian notes that it is 01. ii great importance to cater to the r needs of these students 'in order -,o a keep them interested in books dur- a ing a time when they might so eas- ,, ily drift away fromn the r-eading-ý ha- 'y bit.A mralby Isabel McLaughlin decorjates the wvall area above an o- t peni fireplace in this rooni. Special 'y literature is available in This secý-a tioni for. s(Ldentls wishing furtherPl readng o Voctionl Gudane nd c a e r h i e a u r e . u l t A reference section, Board Ro9m bi donce in teak-wood and tikbroad- -y, Oshiawa , catalogue room, fiction is readily a-- isic room and filmn lb-r es the main floor of Music, both sheet andl ailable for a nominal e are excellent faciIiý iig to the records in uis, pr-ojectors and rente~d for very small in the Library is a 'e auditorium also us- Me Ciîuren'sL.brary, a inosten~- chanting rôom scaled to size for the small readler. Off the main roon, is nother even more delightful ..a tory room complete with a good supply. of eushions for sitting a- round the open fireplace and listen- ri to the Librarian read the fav- )rite stories This smaller room also leads 'outside to a tiagstone terrace, Indscaped with trees and shruhs nd the occasional bench on whicfr to sit and enjoy the air. A permnan- nt Puppet Theatre is built in this chlldrens' area and shows are helci regulardy Everyi, Saturday afternooii special movies are shown for the hildren and tI¶ese are well attended 0f special lnterest are the drap- ries in thie building; each room hae ts own diecor and a maost attractive range of patterns and materials are used.. The building g-enerally ù, acredit to the city of Oshawa and qomething of which any community might well be proud, On the afternoon of my visit tof the Library 1 was guest of the WVo- rlen's Týyceum Club of'Oshawa wh> arranged the tour, and also the ap- pearance of Mr. Liemi Hambourg, 'iolinist. Mr Hambourg is a son -cf Boris Hambourg and a member of he internationally farnous Ham- bourg family. At l)resentKem ('Continued on page 5) Having wvrWten, somne years a5,b nd ppaSsd ith hcners the re ui>red exýaminati c the Ontarlo In- C,~a~o De Pat en t, IwIIbcrrying on the insur- ante busine in which i W associated wvith my late husband, Lae y Hamilton, 0 Ooure many cliejs I appreciate your former business an iltrust yjwiII favor me méith your con- tinued patronage. W experience in the past wil en- able rne to ivetyo the service you arterentied ta expect. FAB DETERGENT - 12c; off Giant size. 69C. CAMP MAPLE SYRUP - 7c off 16 oz. 42c STAR LAC POW DEE iK1éof 31b. pkg. ........... - ..... 10 $o .0 (Mr@.) Sadie Hamilton Orono, Ostarlo lai extra large UL IOsize 8o's 49mu Season - Now is the 'rime to Presev ineffapples 4 for9 c case. of 12 $29 POINT I'IE-ATt EG Service Gucaqn tees Comfort wA1 Economy! v J DAIRV FÉA3TURE - Save lOc 1 FROZEËN -,FOOD FEA-ruE 12 oz A FRENCH A9o cut !)'C FRIES pkigs Be Sure to Ask for Your F'REE Gopy of the Family Dividend SPRING AND SUMMER CATALOQUE UPPLEME YT /7 S and MONEY SAVING VALUES! Ail this for a Iow annual maintenance ChargeJ plus the cost of the oil you use. Not only is it the finesi kind of heating service, but the mrost eco- nomical and satisfactory. Phone Us Now For Details For Yo-ur House Orono uel &LumblerLiid I rnOntario -Phone 41 b GRADE "Al, tREýDRESSED Reqular or Ovent Readly w ith Dressinu J ROASTING OR FRYING 11 'n maki 2. We furilS any ernergencysc vice whicb may b needed durýnZ' th yea,,ý Me Durnef.