) . M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M a- M M M M M M M M M M M M M M a- M M M M. J? rM M a- M M y M ~ M M M M M M M M a Tecam Ensemble, 4632 zs1-6 Se-imla teeniler caf make tuIýs pretty ensemrble il by herseIf. Prhiress dressa la -erfect for surnilug; bright ,I- laýrette buttons on for ciity wear. Printed Pattera 4632: Teen- ig izes 10, 12, 14, 16. Sizeý 12dresa irequlmeasYs%yards 35- ,mch; collarette, % yadcon tr3 tI Prîted iretinson enac h patterfn part Easie-r, accurate. Surnd FORTY CENTS (40e> (tnp.cannot be accepted, use postai nnte for saiety) for hita pat 1e 1ri. Please print plainly SIZ , N A31E, A DDR nE SS, STLE NMBER- Send aider to ANNE ADAMS, Boa 1, 123 Eigh-tiýeeth si-, NewV Torn, -,.Ont. "DarTnn irst; I 2M '19. now, anod everybod+,- thinks 1 'm a nce girl, but it is all ou th, ,surface. Iown deep 1 am sinful and hateful' and just downright nù,goodý iWèr, iy;fathier died i Vwa9.S sent ta my grandmnother. She1 -wýouldn',t let me have any fun lik&e, ther' gl'rIdd-Vso wei). Twart7 1 ran off with 'a man woa irarried, which 1 didn't find out for 10 months . ..1 left hlm right a.way., and my baby wàs horn, later. He neyer knelw i had one. "I came homne ta my mother ,,anud ;tepfzqt.bezv My -m6thler im jly hates mand accuses me of being~ no good. If 1 over do get ý -out' for adaýte FVe got-to bc lit- b-y, 10:30" «I1 have met a very fine younig man, and 1 think mi'n l ove, but she rèfuses 'to lét hlm came ta the house and if h1-e cails up she, won't let me talk ta him. IVve met his paR.ents, thatugh, and, theyý are sweet ta me. Hte likes rùy baby,. and -1 believe he' cares for me. (I've told ail 'my friêidic, am divore&il) "I1-1iave ived through ali the torment I intend ta' stand. Doesn't anyorie evýer stop Paying. I ave no one else ta turn to, and I'm afr-aid to imake any decision mnyr achi. Arne Hirst,' please telllnme what ta do! DESPERATE" ALL MIXED UP * Before you dream 0of the fu- '~ture, 1 urge you ta' make anl *honest effort ta) get along bet- *ter with your mother. 1 do flot *believe she hates yau. Didri't Sshe give- you and your baby a *homne? Hasn't she taken careý * of you bath since? You must *admit that youir elopement and ~its consequenees were a shock, 'and 1 am sure she imposes *these restrictions because sheý * taiaraid you may bc tempted again. You are lucky indeed Sthat she lias stood by. What- *ever would yoýu have donc without lier?ý * You wiil have ta show her >1 that she can trust you na'w. A * straïght-forward talk sliould *dispel lier doubts-1l' you prac- ,s tise wehat you promise. Assure THERE'S ALWAYS HOPE 1Da Annse Hirat: Quite whîle ago 1I wrote you o! m.y pre- dicament, and I've tried ta do everything you told meiP.Nthing lias happenied. There doesn't seemn ta be a single niee man i. the cliureh I.1 attend. P-ve talked ta al mny frie2nds, and they doni't kna'w any they can introduce. 1'm get- fing desperate. "I had one bad miarriage, aS you knowv, anid 1 sufYered a lot. 1 got ta thinking there were noa good men left, that they only wanted woxnen who go ta road- houses, etc. 've always had aý goad ranmre and I intend ta keep it. .'l know you are not running a marniage bureau, but you don't seem ta realize how liard it la ta meet the right sort of!.rmen. 1 think God mneant us all ta enjoyth12 compauy of the opposite sex I hope other girls aren't liravng the trouble 1 am. MlARGIE" *You would be amnazed ta *kno-w how mnany nice yaungý1 *womnen hiave lhad the sanie dis- * ouira,ý,ing experrience. Those "01 wlwrite me Seern th'e Sort *wlio would mnake good wivea, *yet mionths pasa and flot a * single eligible maie gives themn a asecond glarice, Sometimea 1 * hink sýome meni are jut pia *stupid ta let talented and de- * Iigtful womner live anoth-er *year alarie. - tayua fiHas it occurred oyut *brandi out among other groupaý *and find niew frienda? 1I meain1 *women as wel] as men. If one isl warmi hearted and kind, thils * houldn't bDe impossible, sudri *jtliro,-ogh them you înay meetl *others. Look about you. see *what your community offera, -iand make youn cliaice thaugh- *fully. Everywhere there- are * oplar young women wlio, *once tliey like you, are na[ *selfial ir nsharing' their fienda *Give the idea a whinl. *Because yesterday and today *are lnely, don't fear thnt ta- * onrrow, must be. Stay inter- *ested in wliat's going an 50 *that you w11] lie an intelligent *listenien, ,well-iniforired' and e- -o*sonive; mp--eemiber that sym- *pathy and goad humor and in- *nate klndness are treasumed *virtues, and men are qutielita *respond- *Let us bath keep hopîng- thai ' your loneinieýsawil] soan b * ven. One cannut sin wvithiont paying, and thie cost la higli. A gîrl'si wblole friture depends on ber ae- cepting thi act, and ber deter- is-ition ta repay those aShe h2ý huri .. ,lWrjite Anne Hirst abouti your probleni,' and knlow you eauD d1epvrnà upon her understanding and -uïdance. Address ber at Bo% , Il. MElgiteentis St., New, Toroanto, ont. Theý wle'lcway is z ta enagtre smaooth he-itr confidence, and if she wvill *relax these rules a bit she wil- flot regret it. This ta the tiime *ta be humble <hc you have *neyer leamned ta be)' and 'ta *mean every word you say. I*Progve *ýour intentions by *sliowing hier that you have ,ýrôWi üp' Are you ~assU1rning l th-e baby~s entire cace? Are yôu 4.elieving your molther Of uiany *hhusehold duities?' Are yôu go- *ing ta chureli regularly and > trying lta ke, helpful theýre? *If you are really sincere in eaminig youir mother's taith *and leading goad life, it wil] ~show in everything yau do- *in your manneri less bitter a~nd *more respectft!) and la yaur. *1 attitude toward everyan'e. The'n *it won't be long befare she is ~canvineed y'ou are a véry dif- *ferent girl tlian the one who * rmght such shamie ta lier * ail.YOU yourself will soo -.know you are, and you will find *tolerance and tinderstandrýg *wliere Ônly suspicion anid criti- *cism existed. As for this yomýng man, there isl no reason ta tell hinm you *never mnarried until lie con- Sfesses 'lis lave. 'Then it la his *right ta know. You may cal! *me ol-fashioned, but no mnar- vi age that starts with deceit Scan last longf-and there is al- " ways the chance that the trutb * will camec out somne day. It is' * whenli e aaks you ta mnarry Phlm- that you will1 have-,ta' tell *hlm the truth. * Take . heart. Life can bea *beautiful experience. If you * want ta makze yours that, begin Stoday by pnoving you have *tumnied over a new leaf. ai holiday, wth paciaus accoimmodation, menus ta tempt ail tassecs; movies, dancing, parties; atabilize-rs sailing; aind ample free bagg,-age allowasnce ta take cane of yo,-ur business or vacation wvardrohec. FARLY ST. LAWRENCE SAILINGSI From Mntea & Quebec Ta CARINTHIA APRIL. 131H GREENOCK, LIVERPG(M. à - .,SA](ONI4A APRIL 23RD HAVRE, LONDON 5 YLVANIA APRi. 29TH GREENOCK, LIVEPOOL ..~~m LJ, ERNIA MAY 71,H HAVRE, LONDON ' CARINTHIA MAY ""TH. GREENOCK, LIVERPOOL I SAXONIA MAY 21 ST HAVRE, SOUJTHAMPTON I SYLVANIA MAY 21 ST GREENOCK, LIVERPOOL I i ALSO FAST, FREQUENT SAILINGS PROM NEW YORK L ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- - ------------- Correr Boy & Wellington sS. 1Toronito, Ont. TeI- EMpire 2-2911 nfie t: MontreOl * Helfla - Saint Jehn Quebet - Toronto - Winnilpeg -Edmonton - Vancouver tier tlowf ifl te pit,. i carrvyitI the water and sl'Ùdge awayv. Since thlen we hav-en't 'nadan trouble. But it started uthink ing about the inconivenience ci modern conveniei!c-s and the necessity of a cortain (amount aIl is to mnake th'e besýt use of the, joys of mode'x-n ]!in,-. On the fa1rm the Ccellai u1si2d to flood bcainal ut thè,e was natural. dring antid it cventually t0ok care of itself. The septic tan~k hd beer n hi uce foi, nyers -ithout , givingý any, trouble. The prcýss4re ss temn didn't have the force be i4ind it that we hiave here but it was adequate for oui needs But the hydro service, 1 admni. %,as far less 1efiîient tchan vhaf we have here. As Ïar as we. know the power hias been off only twice in twýo years "Int hs district. And theni for flot miore than ten minutes. We think that is quite remnarkable. And here'F hoping its good record con- tinues. When the hydro failzs almost everything gives up the ghost. It is one2 service w*i' wou1-J hate ta be without. Ba1dîng Buyers Shop ByMail Th-e latest thing at Sears Roje- buck is hair mail. Out f rom Sears in discreetly iinmarked whit e envolepes went 30,000 ca- talogues devoted wholly to its new lïne of men's "career-wvin- ning toupees." They rangýed from- the close-cropped lvy League erew eut ta the lon-haired Hla- lywood model. Balding buyers measure their crowns with a. tape sent by Sears, autline their open spaces crn paper, pay $109.95 to $224.95 for a totupee- 20%,ý dow'n, the rest ln si-x instail- ments. With proper care, which means alternatingc it with a sec- ond wvig and send.ing it back ta Sears3 every maonth or twa for a, dry, cleaning (price: $5.50 ta $7),> the toupee shauld Iast for two' year>s. Furthermnore, b oa st s Sears: "lt la as iindistinguishable from the real thing as a falsie." Sears estimates that 350,000 U.S. -mnen wear hiair pieces (alsa known as rugs, mats, doilies, divots). and that 15 million could use them. Sales were short until majkersý st'arted ad- vertislng hair pieces -;inma-jor magazines and newspapil-ers five years ago. Since then, afflua] sales of sueah bigwigs as HOIlly- wood's Max Factor. & Ca., Mali- hatton9s House of Louis Feder Ine, and Joseph Flelseher & Ca., (Fleiseher will' ruake the Seïkrs toupees from imrparted hair> have climnbed close ta $1,000,000 eaeh. Total U.S. sales are est!- mnated at $15 million a vear. Says Louis Feder, a wlgger hi- self: "We ha've put across the idea that a mnan is not comnple- teiy dressed. unlessa he hasý ha1r, too."--From TIME. ISSUE 16~ - 19519 ANI4IPSTW Q%4Fan4Co*î~ o This house las trxng-ety quilet now .-no, littie voice cryilg out in the night; naaisie ta wake uIl up at five -thirty, in the mornig. No taya to fallavcr -- naoOne ta dres ta «,go walk" «- anid ta, undreas again ha<lf ýin tour later - and no diapers ta -waîsh! Ali oilwhica'b m-,eans aour wuee grandsoti has garne home- back ta Mummny and Daddy and baby brother. Now 1 tam won- *derîing what Big Brother's rme- taction will bcesepeciaily as an e day we were laolirl thraugli a mal orden catalogue and at one page T said -- "Laok, ROsaS, theres Mumrmy - and baby."- Hle gave the pictures a perfunec- tory glance, ther) tumnied - t pages quickly ta the Ltoy sec- tion. "T ru ck . - there'a aa truckV' hie exclaimed deligt- edly, as niucli as ta say, "Naw there's somethi'ng reai; worth -geting excited abou.t.", How- ever, fromn a phone cail under- stand he la qulte interested in the flesh and biood baby, anid in the fact that it eau cry. We misa aur little fe-lîow ve-ry - mucli but stili it la nice ta sleep witliout keeping u ne eai open for a possible waiI of woe.. As ,ve gnow olden we forget how,ý one smail ehild car keep you tied down. ujuat ca't1 ïeave a wee toddler alone for a minute. The last daýy Ros was here I went out ta the gar- age for my car keys. When 1 came back 1 could neith e- see nor hear hl1m. I called nndù call- ed, werit tlirough every room- zand down ta the basemeitt, but ùot a sign o! hinm anywhere Then J. heard a slîght sound. 1 found hlm .-.ini the cup- board under the kitchen sinik, 1 erouiched back 0 f the plumber's goose-nieck, eyes -gleaming with CUNARD TO EU'ROPEI m is éh i e L 0 ouiirse ilu gyo o weather our baby-sitting job would have been a lot ensier but god w ,.eather 13 somtethine. wve didn't have anourid here at ilhat tinie. Anid now lt's En ster u nd did anyorie ever think af. aing.- îg-"I'm dreamng of a white Easter?" -Much less did we ex- pect ta sec one. But yet a white Easter la whnt we've gat and thnt's the end of It. Enster Sun- day ;vas nice and bright any- way. But when it cames dowa ta fuldarmentals does the wen- ther miattei, too mucl after ai! 1 The Easter message is juat thse same as always, isn't it? A mes- sage that ta remnember helpa- us more tiow thari it -aven did. We are living la traubled timoes and we certairdy need the as- surance thýat the Easter message bringas. Incidenitally, one of the finest pieces o0f Easter writing ;have read just receatly is a story by Phylita Lee Peterso-n in the.April issue of Chatelaine magazine. Do read it, .1 knowv you will en)joy it. It imakes what we may regard as mun- dane chores of the day seemn -0 v e r y wor-thwhile, Mary minds and 'Ivartha handa are a-, essentia] now airs they ever -,ve re. WXe spenit Easter Suriday in Toronto vwith daugliter and fa- mily. We welcomed the change.- It was,ç nice ta get away framr. the sounid of suIMP Pump and pressure system., We dlscovened that thle reason) our sump pump has be-en going most o! the timne lor the last thrçe weela be- cause the eavetroughi outiet beý- ;ow the grounid la frazea salid 50 the water was just circulat- ing around the house. Hearing the pumrp every ittie Wikiîe uý Fashia'n "must" fo r mothen- to-bDe. -Tius graceful top la woai- derfuhIly- cooil for sumnmer. Pocketa ta trimn with emb1Oi- d ery. Patteimn 723: mate nitymsej;' sizea 10-12; 14-16 included. ýPat- te-ra pieces, embroidery trans-ý f er, directions. Send THIRTY-FIVE CENT,% stampa, cannot be accepted, use- postal -note t'or sa!ety) fer thisý pattenn ta Launa Wheeier, Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New Tor- onto, Ont. Pnint plainfly'vPAT- TERN NUMBER, yýur NAM-C and ADDgESS. Send fan a copy o! 1959 Laura Wheelen Neeý,dlecna!t Book. [t lias lovely deaigna ta) onder: embnoidery,., crochet, knitting, wvesving, quilting, tays In the 1boko, a speciai surpriseta makOe a littIe girl hiappy - a cut-ot doîl, claties ta colon. Send 25 cents fan this book.