Wrote The# Vrst Detective Story Thriller M7ritr all over the w,,orla are paying. tribute tliis year to the strange genilis who wrote the first detectiv-e story ,-thriller, "The Murders In The Rue Morgue," the valuable maanuscript of which a few years ego was sold for $25,0l00. Edgar Allan Poe was the man wbo wrote this masterpiece ef logical reaseîlng, in which the rnurderer proves te be an ape. It was fthe forerunner ef ail ether detective stories. Poe is being specially remnemr- bered in '1959 because he was bpx-n t Boston, Massachusetts, 150 yeers age T'he life of this master of the horrifie was as sensational as aîy of hîs bizarre thrillers ,,n d tales ef mystery. Drink, drugs and debt wer'e bis "tbree dogging demons," as oie expert on Poe an-d his works bas eaiied them. They heIped te ruin hlm. Se did bis many- frarttic flir- tations and love affairs, all of which ended unhappily. Talçe a look et this brilliant but strangeiy proportionef mai with the sallow face, the bigh, *bnormý,ally wide forehead, the brooding, deeP-set eyes and the sensitive mouth. It isý easy" te *understand why women found hlm .attractive, He lied a morbid imagination and a teste for the gruesome and the ghastly. Be was irritable and capricious. He wes rebellilous, and while a cadet et the West Point Military Aeademy wag ex- Pelled because hie disobeyed or- ders. But he was capable of in- tense love as he preved wben he married his pretty cousin -Vir- ginle, He was then twetysee and strlying te, becem afaou, writer. She was only feurteen - à cbuid-wîfe. She ha a siim figure, straigbt hair,, candid eyes aid e, pink and white complexion. But she wes delicate. Ber moody, nervous hugband idolized her. They were practieally penni-. less and otten close te starvation. At ené trime their cireumnstances, were se wretched that they were reduced to living in oe little room with ne fire. Their only furniture was a bed of strew with a counterpane aid tweo sheets. On coid dayw?- oe weîfld wrap his frài1 littie wlfe in b1s ever- e-,at and then place their ct on ber to belp lceep lier warm as she lay, slowly dying et consuiuption. Virginia died in Januery, 1847. Se great was the shock of losing bier that Poe sank inte e state of semi-torper. He wished te, die. One niglit a cemetery keeper found hlm moaning pitleously, haif-frozen, on bis wvle's grave. 13y a big effort of will he raI- lied and tried te forget his sor- row in. work. Despite their nmis- ery bis marriage te Virgina had enabled hîm te find some ef the peace he souglit in contrast ta, the sinister nightmare of his thouglits when he draîk too much or tookç opium. Weird, macabre stories con- tiuiued te fiow from his pen in rpite of his recurring fits of de- pression. Be became a niaster ef the art of short-stery wrtin g Se well did lie write that theora are critics to-day who declare stories, 'The Teli-Tale Heaýrt," is a masterpiec et suspense. It des-. cribes how a miad servant mur- ders his egedi master, dismecm-. bers the body and conceals it lie- nenth the floorboards., While police question hlm closely, bis guilty fRfs cause the mnaniac te imagine that lie hears the loud, insistent beating 0f his victin"s heant. This be-. cornes so unlieaable th&t in a final agony of terrer the mur- derer screamns lis confessions. Mystery aid horror themes drew Poe like a mnagnet. Bow lie revelled in writing grim- tales of gbostly-haunted tombs, murder, shipw;ýreck, premnature burial and reveng&e is hnunting poem " Thet Rayon" caused a sensation when it wes fir§t publîshed In January, 1845. It is about a lover who Is lemnenting« his lest mistress when a raven cornes and perches on a bust fi is chemi-br, Be think-. it isý supernatural andi that its frequ,,eytly repeated an s we r "Nýevermore" te liii trantie que.s- lions echees the -voice of bis dead iitress. Son-e readers have dleclared thet the poemn's haunting refrain, ceused them to, have niigltmares in which the reven always ap- peamed. Poe received only $10 for the poemn. Yet when the mnanuscript 'was seld sorme quarter of a ce-- tury mago it fetched $60,000. What inluenced Poe te write so mnucli tht itiakes peopes fîesh creep? Sorne experts wb0 have studied bis terrer tales closely say ail thoe rmurders, tombs and eerie vaults about refleet bis con- stanit 7ioîgiig fer death beceuse ef bis miserable 1f e and lierrow-. ing boybeed, for he -wes Ieft an erphan bc-fore bis third birtbday. Others thinký that the grisly tales ef spooks and graveyards toid bim by sailormen in bis youtb iîspired 1,somne of bis mnost fantastic plots. Exactly bow Poe spent bis lest days is not kuiewn. One story is that while travelling te Balti- more in 1840 lie fei lite the bands of a ,gang of ruffians whe were ini search oef accomplices or victims. "It was an eletioneering day for a nemnber of Congress, and Poe was carried by bis capters i-te an electieneerlng den, where lie was drugged witb whisky, the story runs. "With other victimis ho wvas then dragged f rom polliîg sta- tion te polling station aid forced to vote for a particular> candidate wbose ticket was placed ini bis biand," As a thriller wïriter Poe could .hardly have imagined a m.-ore macabre story than that haIf- th e X-1 5 is de! u intIo la the ond is speeda% As cf _March 31 the most fam- ous poemn in the English tongue on the subjects cf agnosticiîsmr and wine bibbing hadl been in publication for 100 years. On that date, a hands1omeý centennial edi- tbon of Edward FitzGeralcd's "Rubàiyat" vas publishedi by thte Colby College Press in Maine. In 100 y e ars, unnumbered copies of the "Rubaiy at of Omar Khayyam" have beei4 soif - cer- tainly more than a million - and the market is stili boomning. Amnrg leading U.S. publishers of thie poem, Pocket Books re- ported 330,000 sales between 1941 and 1953; Books, Ine., has sold îomne 76,000 copies in eighteen s.uccessive printings, ai-d Double- day has 'sold about 107,000 copies tince 1946. For more than two year atej the poem nfirs4 a ppeared i n g-j lund. in 1859, heralded by onlyl two minuscule advertisements, not a singie copy was so1d. In 1861, a Celtie seholar rnated Whitley Stokes picked up the "Rulbaiyat" on a bookstall and flared with exitement. He pre- sented q copy to the poet Dante Gabriel Rossetti, who alerted the ~ poets Robert Browning and AI-. gernon Charles Swinburne and lhereby others. Copies reached Ralph Waldô Emerson and James Russell Lowell in America. What aroused the inteirest and admiration of all these men was a wonderfully inventive and musically magical. rEndeprlng of the eleventh -century Persian poet-astronomner. OmLar>s senti- ments were bound to appea tot FitzGerald. A son of Suffolk gentiity, he had gene to Cam- bridge and soon retired to Suf- folk aigain, to a life of warmn friendships, boo-ks, inusie, gar- denings, and depressing religious doumbts. His scholarly friend Ed- ward Çowell described him as 4.a kind of zlumbering giant, or sulent Vesuvitis." It was Cowell who led hlm to Omar, and in 1857 FitzGerald wrete t-hat "Ornar breathes a sort of consola- tion to mre!" Two years later - 2 fuil 29 years after he had left the university - FitzGerald, t 50, offered that consolation tot the English-s-peaking world. A Book of Verses underneath the Botigh, A Jug of Wint, ,a Loaf of Bread -- and Thou Býeside nie si>iging In tise Wilderness - Oh, Wilderness were Paradist enow! "Whet de you d-ink J'or s3u- pier in this cold weatheri" "Tea witlh rum." "Does tihe mixture sui.it yoti?'* "l'il gay it dees - My wife dir'inks the tea a.nd 1 drink th~e run." ~oUh py end trdnquil Imtend et for a e igU5 nIg's ip, ïte. blets~ occoreiag t. direclitos IN* $1.00-S4.95 '8OesRrs sr tiIs togetiier witli wvant liat. F.P. BON 39,Ottawa. Ont. FARMS FOR SALE GUELPH: 100 Acres productive landS frontlng on a hardtep rosiS; good build- insa with hydre, wsten on pressure. fi-il price $11, 00. Othen fariaof 100 acres andS up, priced at $10,000.00 and up. Call Guelph TA. 2.6e920 or TA. 24650 afttr boums. Forsythe and Gerrie Real Esalea Brokers. 20 Douglas Street Guelph Ontario. DAIRY FARMS FOR SALE Irving H. Miller Ltd., ReltoI', Presc@tt DAIRY fan-ne. Ottiiwa district. Alil azeS. Somne wibh large dairy contracta. Wth and xitiiout stock and<inachinery. Wite for listings to Gerald Jiiorris. Mýetcalfe, Telephiona 18., TrOBACCO FARM FOR SALE Tobaeco Fan, 134 Acres 41 ACRES, BR grenhouse, pack barn, stock bar-n, 6 kilns et' tireS, ail eut-buildings nearly new, good 7-rom bouse with inalde plumnbiag, $50,000 lu- luding tarin equipment, $15,000 cash, or would consIder a good home and soe cash, or an incoma property. Farïn is located lni the Brentwood, Newv Le- weil district, and is close te stores, schl i.a.ndchtirches. ..Ui3CE E.IEKELLOIJOH, REAITOR 47 TFFEM STREET, BARRIE PHONE PA. 8-4869 F OR SALE- BRITISI1 Seagul Marine outhoard Alc. tors. Idea! for flehermeis. write for prices and illustrations. P. V. Mc- Cavour, Saint John, N.B. BULD your own Germati penduluni wal dock. Instructions $3.50 postpaid. AMatthews Enterprlses, Cottreli's Cove Nfld. "ONE Standard SawmNill - 54" X ' trame with 48" Diametar ciraulan 55w. Apply P.O. Box 292, Guelph or phont TA. 4-1391" ORNAMENTAL 3 year Austrian Pise Treas la individual tertilized fibre pots ready te plant. 3 for $2.00 prepaid. Froni tha Gard ens of Eden, Ede~n Ont. PRINTE» PENS. 50 - $1450; 150 - $30.00. Send 25ý for sample with our imprint te Bauman Pinting. Elmira. Ontario. /'SCOTCII Fine Xmas Tree Seedlihgs. Fameus French blue sirain. On-tir now. Sprlng seilvry. Laike Slmcoe Planta- tions, Box 1, 138 Letitlp St., Barrie, Ont. Phone PA. 8-26752" S110 POTATOES POTATOES: Foundation seed for sale. We- have Seliago andS Huron, sizes A andS B. Johin aid Fr-ank Mutton, R. 1$. 6, Brighton.____ ____ jFCOTCH pines, Austrian pines, w.hte Ï ne end blue apruce eeadlugs. Culs- olplantlng Write Richanr(son Fais Pontypool. 3500 BAIES of hay. Elgin Barclay, 1R. R. 2, Chatswo4htt. Phione Clutsworth 166- MPG. SURPLUS OUTLET Dreas, Skirt and Blouse ina tenial, plaýin andS printeil broadcloth, 3 yards for $1.00. Linens 45 Inch, widthi 2 yards3 $1.00. Plain t'iannelette, éssorted cel- ours, two yards $1.00. brepe assoted co1ours, 45 Inch 2 yards $1.25. Corduroy ïtssorted colours one yard $1.00. ZiPPei's assorted sires and colours $1,50 a dezen. Satisfaction or money nef unded. No C.O.D's Postage prepaid. 185 St. George Si (t Corner Lateprl. St. Jerome. Que. GARDEN STOCK GLADIOLUS Baîbs, 25 large $1.00, 100 $3,'00 - 100 medium $1.50. W. Witney, enoa, Ont. PIULF WANTED PIMALE *WAN'IED: Graduate - General Duty Nurses and Laboratory Techinicien for eialI bosýpita1. <looc$remuneration. for furtiier partictlars %vrite: Sasperin- tendent, St. Josepls 'qener&ý Rsîltai. Little Curnent. Ontarie. INSTRUCTION EARN moei 'ookkeeping, Salesi-1 abip, Shonthasid. typewnlting,4e. Les- $oîse 500. Ask for free clrcular No. 833 Aanadlan Correspesidence Courses. 1200 'Bay Street. Toronto. MEDICAL' P4)sT'S ECZEMA SALVE ËANISH the' fornient 0f dryczm rashes anS weeping shIn troubleâ. pest8 Eciema Salve will net disappoint, yeu. ltchhing, caling anS burnlng ocze. me, acne, inagwormn, pimples andS foot eczema will respend readily to tht stainlesodonlessa otment regardie8g ot how otubborii or hopeîess theY 55cmn. gent Most Fr**e ecÏp fPrie. PRICE $3.6 É JA POST'S REMEDIES iff5 St. Clair Avenue E.ast TORONTO MrtDiAL '~IF yous have a heiatllprb1em seiid £G free prîce, Ust of famosia riedios. Backha Iiidian Rerne4y Coinpany IT'S IMPORTANT - EVEIT SUFPURER OF RHEUMATIC PAI*4SOR NRURITIS SHOUWD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNROIS ORUG STORE 333 ELGIN oTTA&WA $1.25 japresa Ccti MAGAZINE~S INTEESTE InDaîry Goats? samip1. miagazine, "Thee Weat". Box 30 B. Port Coquitlam. B.C. MItÇUELANEUS BUY at discount.prices! YMake buge sav- ings on, Applismices, Silverware. Watches, Houseware,. Tools, Toys. Cat&. logue !W. Paul's Mail Order Servie., 2032 Taylor, Springfield, Mo. NURSES .WAN'TEPD GENERAI. DUTY NURSES OPERATING ROOM NUR8U CSRTIFIED NURS#NG ASSISTANTS FOR a 70-bed General Rosptal Ln & resort area, with an expansion pro- gram. Good personnel policies. Resid- ence accomimodation. Aply to Miss Katharine King, Director of Nurslng. ROSS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Lindsay, Ontario NURSES; -GENERAL Duty Nurses required linme- diately for a 500 bed hospital. Basic Salary $245,00 per month. Good Person- nel 'policies. Pension Plan. APPLY Director of Nurses, Kil CIENER-WATERLOO HOSPITAL, ,Kitch~ener, Ont ari. REGISTERED NURSE REQUiREO IMMEDIATELY Margaret Cochenour MemoriaI Hospital (MODERN 13-810) LOCATED on the laiçe in Red Lake nurses' residence beautlfully f urnished.~ SALARY: $275 basic with Increment plan. Maintenance including uniforra iaundry, $30 per mnonth. 44-hour e;eelç. Hlolldays: 4-week vacation witb psy yearly. Transportation expense will b. p1aid after six montha' empleyment. APPLY STATING AGE AND REFERENCES L. MacNAUGI4TON, MATRON COCHENOUR. ONT. OPERAIING ROOM NURSE Immediately eOSTORADUATE PREFERRI» APPLY SUPERiNTENDENT 0;& COTTAGE HOSPITAL JX BRIDGE ONTARIO OPPORTUNITIE$ "MIL013ER BUSINESS OPPORTUN. ITY! We supply yoti with cataloguies, names f111 yeur orders. Big profis. Write- Fred's Enterprises Import and1 *Export, 322 Pinnacle St.. Belleville. On- tario." COOlD Incomne possible raislnig Hybrid Red Worms for fish hait and soli] ig- provement. Write for bookiet. 5Ne. Un- limited supply worms and egge avai- able. Bf l's Live Bai', Nortlibrooke P.O. OPPOIITUNITY. Salesmaîi or nianuifac- turer. Owner of patented life-saver for tractors. Almost unlimnited possibilities, no competition. Open for partnershlp or will license to rellable party. Henry Loi selle, 282 Sherbourne St., Te'ionte. SPOT Cash for Spare lime. Generous Nevi Plan; Easy; Pisasant; No Deliver- ung. Write McAllister Agency. Box 632, Medicine Hat, Alta, OPPORTIJNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRORESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING ECHOOL Great Opp)Orlullty Learn Hirressing Pleasant dîgnified professilon; good vwages Thousands of succeSsfti]l Alarvel Graduates Amnerica's Greatest Svstema lustrated Catalogue Frce Write or Cal] MARVEL I#AIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 Eioor St. W;., Toronto Branchesý. 14 King St.,W_ Hamilton 72 Rideau Street ttawa PERSONAL "TIME is Close" will inform you about the end of our world. Write to - Ambrosia", mysti eadition, 52 Ossing.ý ton Ave.. Toronto, Canada. ADULTS! Personal Rubber Goodal 86 assortmant for $2.00. Finest quality, tested. guarantead. Alailld in plain sased package plus frac Blrth Contro] beoklet and catalogue of supplies. W es t er n Ottribuïtora Box ý24-TF Regina, Sask. LOOK 20 YPARS YOUt4GER AND improve your appearance. Our proved hair renovator ill banlsh grey and white iair. and give your hair natural iooking color. Testimonial let- tei on file atteaýt to Its efficacv. $2ý50 per bottle. Money ordar or C_.O.D. Villard Perfumnes. 1368 i3Sherbrooôke Hast. Mlontreal. Que. e e ~ POULTRY AND M#VESTOCK behi pullet e~r Map , Juêp K-l3 and Aigst d elIvery. You pan gave îov- ère! dolars per hundre4d J3uy a flock snd seé the' bggereggç, aid, b.tr In- high rate of lay and Muger egu proitt& Hatchiag a&l popuieF egg and dual-Pur. pose breeds. let generation broilNi Turkeys (reasters and broilers). C&At-- aals future pigs - Blue Spetted hy- brida. Also registered, ixnported EpgiilI- Large Bîsêka andS Landrace mwIne avaiL- able. Accredited Aberdeen-Angupï oit- tie. ai]. ages. Catalogue. TWEiLE- CfflCK XATCIEYRIES LTD. FE)RGUS OTU PROPERtIIS FOR SALI DRY Goodm and Shee Store. Only on in town ot 1,000. Stock appr. e12,000.09, For sale ai $13,0W0.00; $3,000.00 dowp, Good icorne. Please no letters. Corn~e clown and see this business. Ar-nold Via Pypen, Realtor, Port MeNicoll, Ont. FIlEE 100 Different forelgri etamp;g witb order from our pacicet List. IIaPPy Hours Stamps. 1240 Dun1ss St..W Toronito 3. Ont. NEW l1959 U.S. Canada catalogue now ready; send 20< te cover cost. New Wffay Siamnp. Lawrence 1e, NMass. STAMXP COLLECTORS, 50 WORLI FR'EE to Iitroduce our forelgný approv- ais, Victoria Stamps, 101 Adelaide South, Lindsay, Ontario. 50 NMALTA diff'eient: $1.00 -Approvalà, 20 vaýluable covers: $LM0 -cins. C. Pace, Dargens. Malta. STAMP8 AND OI0N~S T'REFOIL CertifIaiS Empire' VIkiigud Mixtures, towest Prices. Edlgar Evans, Dresden, Ontario, GET profit and pseasure lni colleting elu coins. Get our .1959 Canada. Nlew- foundlaud. U.S.A. buylng book with latest prices, only 23C. Helmont Coin Cornipassy.499 Belmnont Ave.. Winnipeg. w~MMER PROPEIi'IIES BUY, Sell, successfully, Port CarInLng Muskolca ares, specializing lni sumnmen properties. Cali 51, E. D. ilîner, Real- ton. SUMMIER Properties, For Sale and Wanted, Wirite i. & J. F. Anderson, Brokters 2 Manoer Rd. Eat. Teronto 7. SWINE ADVANCED RegIstry Landrace rerylce- able boas-s and bred glIts fs-om da=s s3corlng 92. Glts sireS lby, or bred te, G.oval Solomnon î18th AR1043. highest scoring boar in AR in 1958. Maland Meadows Lendrace Farm. Eissons Cor- ners. Ontario, LANDRACE - Exceptional offeingZ, toP quality breed lines. Select now froni oui large lierd for your founidation stock. Reesonable prices. Wrte Phone or vlslt Johin sfkma,, Picklvlck Grainge Fa.nm, Lakefîeld, Ontario. TRACHERS WANTEC TEACHEII requined nuk'al school, Dutie., to commence September 1959. <Quliiie4 preferred. Apply statlng qualif ca*lions, salary expected aniS lasi inspecter. te Sirs. SUla Godfrey, llckls., Ont. PROTESTANT experien-caiS teacher pre- terably maele, for- S. S. N~o. J, Gosfield South Essex County, in a four rOem sçbooi in the village et Rutiaven te tench grades 6, 7, 8. Please s4ate qualifica- tions and naine of last inspector. Duties! te commence September 8, 1959. )drm. Alta Wig1e, Sec., Treas., RuthveD, Ont. SOUTH Nissouri Towvnship Sehiool Area requires Protestant teachier fi modemn oea om schoi.on paved road. Satary' achedule: minimum $2.800; maximum $3,4M; $100 par year allowed for experience up tq .5 years. Apply statlng qualifications and naine 0f lest Inspeetor te E. H. t>uf fin. R.R. 4-'Thoral- ASSISTANT PRiINIPAL, commiencing salary $4145 wth annual increment $275 te Max. $5535. MarrieS male preferred, boeuse guaranteed, teach grades 5 and C and supervise school sports. Famnale teachier for Junior gracies coin- menclng salary $3700 w1tiba~nual in- cramnent te Mx $4910. Prefer techer with Music qualifications $100. extra for each spactil certificats u sa4 Kindergarten P r i im a r y com-,rnnciflg salary $3700 with annual incremaents to Max. $4910. SpecIill ertificatýes used at $100. each up te $300. Al above positionsili modern sI achoo Apply in writing te Secretary, Publie Scho Board. Sinooth Rock Fl'ail, Ont. giving fuîl persons! particuLars with namne anS d dre.ss of yens- 1at Inspec- ter. R.C. SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD CITY OFSUDBURY In1vites applicafions fromi Catholic teachers for aLixillary, klndergas-ten, aid reguflar classes for onening 0 f achlool ln September. Minimumii salery, $2,700. ýlmximusl- ary, $4,200. Auxziliary ciass;es. $200 addt. tional. Rinderganten classes. $100i addi- tional. iMen in charge of sports.-$"00 additional. N4ew teachers given ful credit for eacb yvear of teaching xperi- ence Up to a 1niax-imuni of ive vears. Beinefit: P.S.1., Cumulative ad leave plan. SaLany acliedule -sent upon request. Apply stating a ge. qaciatos x- perience and naine- of lastI nspeaco t1: W. A. Foruet, Admninstrator. 162 Mackenie Et., Sudbury, Ont. R.C_ SEPARATE SCHOOt BOARD 0F WOODSYOCK, ONT. ;NVITES APPLICATIONS FOR POSI- TIONS VACANT'Y'IN SEPTEMSER 159 TWO achools i oPeation htuWell. equipped SALARY $,80Par annuin lugradlu. ates of reacherýs' Collage. Additinnal salai-y according te expý-erlece. Ontprlo t êLASiFIG ADVERTI$ING N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N. N N., "N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s- N N N N N N -s N N N N N -s 5 N N. * N N N. N N N N N N N N N N '-k N N N 'N N N s N N N N N s - ----------