ORONO WEEKLV TI?45S1 THURSDAY, APRIL 1t6th, ORONO WEEKLY TIMES LOO ! THIS 1 TOLS ___________________________ standing1e ng pcues an erono Fgjè Thusdaypr 2prs 23 ith'ha to 300 HedSOCE BL CAR A. THAI-rste Clr The p remi sl r ti yar wllarutdu r u belse . .Fr e stngv n o Wedfl0rds and 2 The~~Th Durham Far*r- fth anSl n ln TherugSor Salrerwi beh aneld 1 IS s to thank a my dear muia ~meswl aeseilin the Oron M icipal Thirsay Ari 2 i te eat.offriends fo-v rthe ma j kind and Everyone is, welconme. a-C the good beef district at the Dur-, thoughtful ýxpressi s of symn- OMING EVEN' hiam County Sale Arena Orono. The paýthY extenced to e and to my BASEPALL NOTICtE sale will commence promrptly at 2 amily durink the le! illness and Will ail boyf interested in b as-e - The Evening Auxilia p.m. 170 head of Durham and tTierè-psigo eoe oi~ri bail please meet in t 4i Arrmourîes tixeir eurmei ford steers, ranging in weigt m om on Wednesdlayl night, April 22nd at Arl 16t t 8.1 t 500-900 punds. Ope and bredMrs, L, Winter o'clock to or anîiize teams and te Sho ~~ !t~ r beef and dairy heifrs. Anumber of - etwt r usadPr Church. 'The Ouest peak registered andi grade hereford buils, Board with a vie te d wig p rs Rjdx o eel' serviceable, age. This is a farmers, her n1 iod e tpcw e o producers, auction where buyer and 1CeFSAEmy child teo be better seller ineet each year. Plan te at- CO ING VENT tihe Werti," i wrnntn tend this large sale. Cattie are sold! 1n Pa1 D9s, n ,.2z14 Reserve t e d eof Tuesday, F-ederattad oV: en's I in sutabl lot by te pond T rmsooeOtro e 12. onie 9r2. Or- jnsial osb h RRun 2, renýo, April 21st f r t Orno H-orticul- Ontario. eash, Jack Reid, Auctioneer. tural Secietý C-d-8 Everybody Velcoîne. In any weathier clothes dtry indoors, aut'omatica,ýý.ý,,ý",' . fluffy and sweet sineling.. or, with jiusit thlerg amounýrt of dJampness for iroing. L aunidry i s onm'y onec üf Étie1-, a tSkS yo0u n do q -i cly easily and econom-iclly with1 e étricity. ou getL more ocut of life when you get the mnost uio e t01ty Es y@les YLIVE BSETTER E LE CTR 1 CAL LY MN Prefesi.nI Directery for! A. F,. McKENZIE, M.D. igs, PHYSIClAN and SURGEON ter. Office or'urs n. 2:00 tg 4:00 p.m. 7:00 te ~o , Saturdays ail'd Wednesdays Iby PitONÉ 1471 - ORONO iay. SR DR. R. J. TAGGART bp VETERINARY SURGEON4 *-IPhonà l"616 Oono, Ou*. Liani- b-p>-- -Non -- 1lawue C. L'man.a, I.A1 'ulte Barrister and Solicitor Or-l eOWMANVLLE, ONT. a-p Phones. - office MA 3-5688, fmreMA 3-5553 9R. W.KAY L L BA. Lar I In the Offices of R. Pt. Waddell Q.C. îo. MAIN ST., ORONO a-1 riday 74 p.nl. -, 0p - ~ saturday 9 a.m. -5p.m. t' Telephone t138 Oronoý a-p JAK îRZEID A i' GALL US FOR ESTIMATES j IARRY E. LYCETT j Ph~~ONT.3R2 Aucioneran~d Valuiator Specialize in F arm and Fu!rniturè Sales Consluit nie for terms and date Pligme 5 .r 1 es- - -lroi ýl Aucioneravid Vàiluator 1Contlucts Auctioti Sales of aU sMin and iat reasonable rates Cern nwitb , bbnai' port peorrvý, ontario, aor see bis Ctierk, A. 9. Mor-ton at Orono for date. LIFE INSURANCE Pension Planis; Educationai Peitclesi protection and Saviings plans for Chitdren and Aduits; Màs$gqaqe In-J surance Plans. F.,E. LYCETT Orono, Ont, Phone 11716 Phonc- RA 81211 STAFFOR'D BItOS. Phono W'hitb-y 552 318 Dundas St. E, Whitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS ANDS MARK ERS Let us erect a haiidsome, dlg.y, Inified mojnent ever the rest- 1 ing place of your Ievedloes It's not expoînsive. And4 seeing Orono El fiuectr ie FAMand IIOTJS1E Free sirae APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guararteed Repairs to ail kzinds of EIectricaI Equipmenk and Atppliahoes Such at Motors- Water Heaters T.V. - Rodios - Slrnres - Il-ons