0 4 N t., y ~Iih. chool.News -Lru At Septenîber Draina Festival i j B No Dealers Please - This offer is flot available to Restaurants andi Hotel 0-perators 14 ozý lins ql 3 2 oz3c jarc I 12 oz -SAVE -B-NIDA DAiRY FEATURE lb 79c, FROZEN FOOD DEPARTMENT STOKELYS GREEN 2l1b PEAS polly 4J IGA ORANGE PIEK E SAVE lOc TEA BAGS pkg of 60 59c SAVE F j,ï,TEX,&'ISK 15 oz 2 for 45c F AV, c Pkg.ocf10 S.O.S. PADS DETERGEFNT - 100 OFF 11LUX UQ'UID 24 oz tin 77c SIMONIZE WtTH 1/3 MORE PREE PASTE WAX lb tin 87c GOO-D LUCK -4cOFF MARGARINE lb pkg 29c Qýarden Gl4ves Comfpletely WastiaWle anct ff Colocur Fast. 2 Colours. 1 4R CATALOGUE SUPPLEMENT i by Pete Loucks Solthaill op"'e Clbo 99wopreasjited the\Q oneewhrQIS irls Iact play "Iielena'5 tisband" at this Ve« o H year's Commwencement Exercises b aeo le were~ asked receintly to submit the.. adln le play, to the fortheonaiig fal festival' The Orono Community Park '.a of piays whichi s held >jnnually in the scene of an exciting basebi1 Oroaho, the first week of Septem1elr. game Wednesday afternoon we Mtr uch i~0tI the ffll S. girls team, fae h yWas teluctanly dclned. Orono Public Sehool Cmot Mrs. E. Samuel, chairmran of -h The action was fast, loa- zs Dram Coi-iitte, he urhariin catching- the spirit of th-e ga3me Counity Agricultural Society, in hieîromteriin ae upre5 invitat ion to M'r. WVatt, sugg-ested. As the oider team had a slight e&-e- tht"Helena's Hlusbaýnd" would belatlie end of the third innilng f a výery- suitale entry. -,, Samnuel boys were substituted on ti-e Pbi j thoughit also that one o'fth plays f cho'ean hesbtiue i thle f'eqtival sh.oufld crn(fr'ir- hales R,RapKendoh ono. Bar-rett, John J{nokand i 'on d T'he cýast at irs ece h n Taylor. Mr. S. B. Rutherford id vita"tion wîth f1enitusîasm but Ïfur-!Pete Matneacted as oumpi e1s. thrstudy slowed that ,cceptance (Continued page 6) woul e a]mot impssible. The i- -- irtdifficut'v!,N layin the fact thatish" thie play, especially amid the i tour of the east of five do flot eàxpect difficulties of the first week of te to returu t o O.H.S. in the faîl. This autumn tetm. would make afternoon practises im- Although t he of fer hiad to betr- possible and since MNr. Watt, the dir- ed down, the cast remain gratetll ector has a staff meeting on thie for this invitation. The cast are- Monday evening there could only Patsy Reid, Kathy Foster, Corneýis be three evening rehiearsals. This MNaartense, Andy Sutch and Pete- w<ould flot be sufficient time- to "pol-1 Loucks. - Charge Ont. Govt. (From page 1) being made apparent to the peopflei and that Frost continues to talk sur- phisses of revenue account, when the fact of the matter is that thle Province is incurring huge deficits on the capital account. The speaker said that this deficit would have to be paid for in the future and it would probably be our children amd our grandlchildren \whO would fbe bearing the great share, of this ex- pense becaus e it as reachiing such proportions that we woufld hardly be able to pay for it in our life-i fn. e said that we w'ould not Ieranything -from theCosra t ves <aboutt repaying ouýr incea(-'-sing1 de-ficits uiitil after the election and if Mr. Frost again forrmez a Goveru-i ment we wold haVe a repeat Of the7ý situation as recentily/ occurred in Ottawa when the -Diefenbaker Gov- ernmP.ent finially admitted that the huge expenditures mpade !ri. fulfill- ing election promises havetob paid for so-me time or another and consequently has inicreased our tax- es, as vvtness the last Fedleral Bud- get. He charged that the l!iefen-~ baker Governmenit had ini two yeaýrS spent an amounit equal to the a- mounit the Liberals were able to, save and use to reduce the Nation,'al Debt during the period from tïhe end of the war until 1-957. Dealing wîth education the speak- er said that the cost m'ust be -take"n off the real property taxation. He- said thiat the Department of Edu- cation tells the School, Boards wh,ýen and how and where to build schoolIs tells thiem what to teach and when to teacbi it and, inshort,, has takýen away the local autonomny of the School Board aiqd ha,7viing assume--d tîhis local auitomnony thie'Provinial iGoveirnenst shouldi now be eIet ed to pay the cost of edlucation andY releive the home owxier. Chairman of. the meeting xas El- more Siott, Hope Towniship, and Presillent of the Durham County Liberal Association. The pke Iwas introduced by E. R Lovekn andi thianked by Russell C. Hon3ey. Other speakers at the meeting we-re E. R. Woodyarýd, the Provincial, candidate in the forth-coming Provincial e'lec- tion, Who tliscussed with themet ing the variotis aspects of organiz.-a- tion of the County and Mr. John M.L Jamnes, former, MP. for Durhamn. Alil this for a Iow annual maintenance charge plus the cost of the cil you use. Not0;11Y is it the finest kind of heating service, but the miost eco- nOmiiýaI and satîsfactOry. Phone Us Now Fer Details For Your Hloule OrnoFule!& LumeLimited ponoý GOt-oPhoe 181 T ablerite Red- or Blue Brand Sirloin,1 Wing, Boneless Round, RumpJ SAVE 7aý, 1l Phone 14816