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Orono Weekly Times, 7 May 1959, p. 8

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- - - - - - -- ----~- -~ Making Boots For Elepharit An Englishiman who mk minik shoes for poodiles is gýomng to mi-ake boots for -an elepha tt wvhich i s being t[aken acroqss the Alps this summier in an aiteript to prove the route traveled by Haninibal on his historie nmariI more than 2,000l years ago. Hannibal tool, withi him i'a w7hole hei'il of elephants ta carry the equipmnent and sp -plies of the army with whT]ich lie invaded GaýuL ButJrn Hoyte, a Blrm-ingbam egrer is takinig just one, in the r-e- verse direction, fromn Grenoblte, France, over mnountain tr-ack,ý rising ta 8,000 feeîU south of ht Mont Ceniis Pass, into Italy. The bî4- problem, until nioc, has been where to get, leather- bô,ots ýmadJe for the elepI-ant to fsave his feet on tlhe roli ýh maountain tracks. Wiifrid Hunier, a Danicaster- sp-ciialty boot an-d shloedsge and miaker, hais the answer. For- Mr. Hunter makes anima] fout- wear as a 'hobby. le~ has i-ade~ boots for g~y hounds with split pads and fur wear on exercise; sof t boots for horses engaged on lawn warkP; protective leather boots for cows with foot injuies 'm waterproof boots for sbeep with foot ailiments. Poodies need no langer suffer: the indignity of being carrîed almost everywhere beca7us-e fthey have sueh tender feet that thejir pads becoxaiê damaged by hardi ronds; or pavements. M1r. Hunterc can fit them witb shoes i luxurious mînk or smart white kid, with soles which will pr-ý teet their sensitive feet. Slippery Crooks There's no end to the tricks devised by crooks. Some are simple tricks like that of Éthe wvomai-n shoplifter wvho sneýezed into lier handlkerchief ever,ýy tir-ne she stole an article. Any- fine watching her naturaily Iooked at the hand with the liandkorchief - they didn"t see that 'the other blai-d was thieving. Another' device for distracting ettention led to thc escape of e myan ifi-bm police eustody recent- ly, As prisoners were filing out to a police van 'in the station yard one of them collapsed in an apparent faint. While the a- er's attention was distracted, aniother prisoner escapcd. Some Polish crooks crept intoi a police station one niglht, re- mloved ail the boots they could findï and left the police snoring peacefully. Then tbey carried out, a series of burglaries, but when the aiarm was g-iv-en the police took so long to find thie footware that the thieves got Ai English burglar's method was ta strew carpet tacks round the bcds ouf his sleeping vie- tims in case etniyone woke up and decided to chase hinm. Toac's Tongue IWorks Fast While walking from c(hurch on theý arm of bierhsbd so or niths a',the attractive cutybride rtf a Bulgarlian farmer- gave a little squeak (01 al,5=m when a toaýd sdnyap- pcaried arn the pnthi ahend ol theïm. H- ,e quickly recassuLir ed bei "Don't warry, mny dear," he a. "It's always a sîgni of good Jucký ta hav\e a toad cross y'our pal' an -your wedding day." Tbiree, weeks Iter the bride re(nen-berded that tond whien sile receivedc a letter telling her that a ditant relative living in Rii- mnania had left ber a legncy o A coîicence? Pras u the bride naw fiirmily' believcs, like mnyother people living- ;n "Cen-tral] Europeýan cuntniesý, that tondsl are luck br-ing-ers Anotheor odd blelief aottoads. stilli chrisbed in some parts of tbe world, is that eýach caýrnes ia jewel in its head. It's said that if yo-urplace ai tond on a vividi redc clotb it will spit up the ewland at once swallow it again. Aýnd it's also beolieved,, tha-t if a tonld is killed ta rob it of- the ,jewel .- "He treasuire dislvs lkea pear]I- in vine- Su P yLankýesteýr, the cm- inenit- scientîst, tried takîlI this. leedfifty yearsag by ex- pli wg x h a t Shakespeare mieant when be wrate that the "ugy ad venl)oous toaci" wears a preciaus jewcl ini bis "Thie paet was mierely refer- rigto the beautiful eyes of the 1toaýd, w-hich are like gemns in colour andl bri1lllnce,"' he saidi. -There ilario stone or jewel of anyv kind in the head of any speies of toad - common or, r-are." The toad's tangue is ance'lf tlie marvels of natu-re. It lalog eiaýstic an-d fitted at the end withà a speck of "«glue" wýh-icbla con- stantiy renew7ed. One natuiraiis;t saw a toad catch 300 flics in fhalf an hour and gnats at the rate of thiirty a minute, Walked Miles To Find Short Cut Oid Johin Stow received bis new quilî pen as usýual this year. Every April for more thaii 300 years the Lord Myrof bau- don bas placied a new pen i-n the hand of the quinti mai-bic and alabaster monument ta this famaus historian of London. It isý in the church of St. An. drcw Undershaft, off Leadlen- hall Street, where Stow was buried foilowing his death on Apr)lil 5th, 1605, IRis widlow erect- ed it as a minorial ta her taiiar-busband whose passioni for antiquarian re.searcb. made hlmn the world's great autbority on London and ils history.lir s.hows hlm writing a book. This lean man wîth smiali bright eyes and a cheerful coun- tenance walked hundreds o!f miles - ire couldi neyer af'ford a horse - for miany ycars col.- lecting and transcribing ancJen)t documents and delvîng înto Lon.- dan't fascinatihg past, But his findings, published in "A Survey o! bondon" 'In 15,,!8, wvere, in effect, a "short eut" for people wvho wanted ta learn about London during the riegn of Qucen Elizabeth i. Somi-e experýts think St,;w probabiy knew Shakespeare oc' at Ieast passed hlm often in the streets. Hle certainly knew Be ' Jouson, who relates how anc day he and Stow mlet twa crip)- pied! begg-ars. Stow askzed tbiem what they wouki tlake ta acccpt, hlm ias anc of their arder, At the age a' eighty Stow acûtualljy receiv.eçi as an ckow legmetOf biS pbLt)ic sCeerie a e - CLASSI FIE D AGENTS WAN~TED EXTRA Cash ,, t'our Spare lime. Ja show your fi Od ur MIl occasion Greetting Cards <icluding Reffiglous) Stationery, Gifts WVrite for ramples. Colonial Card Ltd 489-r' Queen EaSI Toranio 2. GO $NTO BUSINESS Ëor youraseli Sel]i ouY em'citine fouse warea watches md othe r oduts flot founid m tores Mo ometittflon Prof its up ta 500% W Vrit, e nw ftnfree colouir catalogue and separate conui. dent1iaiwhiaa orice shet M' rrav saipas SI 1f lawrtence Mflntrai BABY CK-ICKS BE prepnred for- comnings markets, or. dler Bray June-July brailers now. i>omipt sbipmeait daiyol)d and somne StartedI dual purpose pullets and eock. erela., Some Aines pilts, also Leg- hornls.Sp1)ceiaipi-tees dayold heavy breed cochmeas. Request picelist. 'See local agent~ or write Bray liatchery. 120 John North, Hamnilton, Ont. BUSýINESS OPPORTUNlITES AEN and Wami)en seli aur Colored tel.. visýion filiter sereens. Terrific seller. tnforiiatioii free. Wnit e: lrlhert Agencias, Rockçvile. Yarmauic)thl, N.5. PROVINCIAL manager wsanted. Oppor. trinuty for an aIggre'ssive sales organ'iser. Pr-ovinciail office set up in bondon. Top proposition sella ta farnmers, and motor- issoi-oass Canaida. Agents can also apply. Excellent commnissions paid. Ap. ply in writing ta Box 184. 123-lth Street_ N-ew Toronto, Ont. Once In A 'Lifefime Opportunity WORLD-WtDIE FOOD CONCERN SPARE or" full tinie. steady incarne aul year round For reliable etrsoai Ta d,, 1i v î ifood producita tW aur retail stores. rhere Ia NO SELLING as ail out. lats are establlshed. $675.000 cash re. qui-ad, hh is fuliy secured. Send naine, addre,,s a nd plione numbar to 200P QUEZ( fT. EAST TrOROtIT0 800KS SELF-MATERV nn YOGA bocks. lai.- teresting free atlgeWite today - "Books" e6591 Mribarough, lBurn- aby, 13.C. ".SCOTCH Plie Xla Tree seedlia FaosFrenchli lue strain. Order now. 'Spring delivery. Lake Simcoe Plant. tiops, Box 1, 138 Letîtia St. Barrie Ont. Phone PA. 8-2675.- VIlGTREl/OIL, niew hay and pasture leglune. See O.A.C. cirettlar. Choice of commeiteal One or certified Two. Pre- pald $.10 pound. M. MafVIear. Rouite twa, Richmond. Ont. SAFETY SHOES STEEL toecýaps. Bouts or oxfords. Mlen'gi sizea 5 ta 13. $7.99 Postpaid. MEGGINSON'S SIfOES, SaultSSte. Marie, Qaifo, FUR FARM ANIMAL$ ABVERTISiNG ENJOY the atniosphere of a fr.ienidiy 6,40OMed Down-Town hospitaI. THEF TORONTO WESTERN HIOSPITAL 399 Bathurst Streeýt Toronto lias vacancles for GENERAL STAFF NURSES $255.00 per 'month at present with an- fluai incremients tû $285.00. 40-hiour 5-dtay work week WRITE giving f ull details ta: Directcr of Nursing Service. OPPORTUNITIES SPOT Cash fer S-pare Yhne. Geniero%.t, New Plan; Easy; Pteasant; No Deliver- lng. Write MVcAlister Agency ý,Box 632. MlVedicine HRat. AMia. l de Mp SVMMER CAMPS FOR BOYS ANDOGIRLS IT'S ROUND-UP TIME AT Roling Acres Ranch, Varney, Ola Boys and. girls, B5 to 16, alil-wet.îf holidlay. 35 horses, staff cf 20, Rates. weeks, $75, 4 weeks $150. Broeburee, Phone Durheni 307W2, or write dire4 r CHILDREN 'S CAMP for boys and gi 6-17. AU land and Water sport8 undkt coliege-tra!ned leadership. Reisterzé Nurse. HRainepcooked apeais, Six ilYaaii# anid hanses ta ride at no extra ces,'. Screened insuIated cabins. Aqua 'Pla- ing and Water skiing. 29th vear for' Canada's outsianding Cami-p. Iligb1g recom-mended. Reasajiabie. Dr. ad e Martin, Du-actera. IWrite for fr'ee fol- der: "Wildwood". VaudreuJIl Quebec. FOR SALE NURSES WANTED N N 4 N N N. 'N N. N N s' N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N N N N N 's N N N N 'N Nj N N N -'4 'N N s] N. N 'N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N * N N N N N N N N N N N N N -I N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N s N N 'N N N N N N N N 'N N 'N N N N 'N N N 'N N "N 'N 'N N N N 'N N N N N N 'N N -N s 'N N

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