Ma'1'Iy 14th , $Oroô i Vark) -~ ~~io. ....~ isk In Orono i 01otoF 7 rn-ade up of bothi hOin PleSholoatTii e danaerial dis- ilas t£ilnaiedngottinsand haveiThurday,May 14,laitl be the nire tw ne teches for the com-oprtny for> adults of this ingsehol erii i~ Sprenbe 'fhe o rec-eive their third and~ r's meetMing on Sciool tits1omngyer wllhae ,n olio Shot. Thie Clinie is being îeek Mr1.VW. iH. uextra room addd andgi lce a fie- ln the Oddfellow's Hall, Oronio charge of - 0 ubIcsc hows o os4:30fo 00and il %t for the W gîn frin 7:30 to 9:00. held mi ue-I wi gan hadume t'oattend arand comnI [a lth. The -sof'fthe publi chütol a pî- yur polioim nzaon amber WHllbeu !Pa and wil tdcg ft i titi is c Srciea$150. extra allovvantc 711make a a[ can yer60ta w es, ais nd classroom iThe basic salary thas hsupi orfda e-,îlfa10oe nis reryhedset at $300000ith anngai support f the byMim. M. Lunn who has a tWOreases of $200.0W to hnmkir lUee asks for a ueîslev f absence. MNrs. Raye ýW~ f 1 O agaîn ;A-.n entre tw"eof$ ine and ti-Th Là n.:r.îaEV'YJ er haýsa1so been setu f ed tu taÀ, ai"n v h~ e~,~Îaph >a '~#h~e um as ast ~ ~ ~~bl~ ~ r~te~ ~ 9~i14a ýbýniapprovedot dsaskednif hey2 é " " i ~~ cueti~~1of at least a dfsply ~o ~lAi we'~ period. If the perifodf Use 21d-1 +1~ a à,A17JeJ "0'I 1h f~ie hn foui; w kt - &a~si à~î -1u ' e t i ia4~llwne-wudb u Port Hope E4t .=,medirite Lecti T he Baniifarn division is 1arU ,orted o bs~iptÎ~n $~L~O~ t,~' ~3t ITe'ea'gers. Enà o o oa e sP " e.t ,,, lYear Wi'î Paty rn5lyèsrsn Th1Q enid of a anot'hEr yeati'5 pneet- n s lis0rone ied thurd Sua fit On. Or ,no Stage Pengs_ý i r e Qon ited hi urcha At ta in , it- le plan nedf as ida it 4b,' ctieyer scrd n e Itdr-ýà of theé~ettihg, -to ShtW sornfi lIms 't nglit '- int th l prsenf&tîop ofthe ttrai tetwhieh was ý, "you ,Can't Take It With Y<" pi-eseflteà to sev'era1 grdttps eailer Thle three-act comenLl rovided two' 'é argest audienceever f0 attend fr.7M uý bq> 1 lese ~pays i hefwoIsiiip Hall, d~9aig ~ ri'oao.' ~ ' f loor- lamip . hi ~na Tlle hlay presen ted both' on Fr1- and Mrs. -Argus CurItiý ýay and-'Satturday feiiieg, olst thlem apinsin uelçi hit a- rcor'd attendlance 'o a gethèr'- Theî ddIré-s cw over ie hundIred. Two hunjtý- TVIiss a-1el Gé ced antd thirty-five attended on - idfnigth%,'vith a~~' td'g# er~nadArgý î- ono '4 i. As tr -coon nemnbers i0f flche " s ade use ii-,kI ïin hleirroles. fori 1aville, ,IV'-ilëma g ,hjgtr' Your many sire Initermediate thiis year, is f0 lie iae.The thireet awOronjo and Po., Iored licne ingthat thne granti gastes for Grüoe i-e tobe mon T . ue- ay 25 - GO mai Bwmanv for the 0Oro 1Rink \had hbeen re- iays. Junci- Or'n-o- t Port Hope. Ceivc fîoh tfe Proincein te b iorbas"ebali Orono)has en- Jne 3 -Orioat led debf of b~ i'i whch as bei mg le Wc. P ans erie c m lt d J n 5 -O o o a o or Titi anoun fo e tanserr l f0NeCasW e. HHome G-eame mpojpist qé an op OF *w)Iý. Ti'il lUn y eol 1¶W' T U '2, tîI. lu 1 t ý.&I e 1, a i J . Uoo tigh oo lic 9l A în~dhitinaf y da i e lviib e on riay Ma w2ialth Twnhi Hl,v The n purp(oIsé of it itiane Tir f0 SeDltawé ilaiss o h beauty We ofr donceJOnJulie the hr ee fiitbe- a st,,s wiIl ed asosdhfor- LveT e t h' aut QuJee w.1.ti be rseetedj weli 4~o n olmlst ith heLor- nblyn Presents' xco0 Aid a hom ' am~nes i e xî xoo Ainai St lijdgd nth le basis Of their re- IbvIa 28s - cobourg at Qroino. tc1I hei' I'ita/ Meeting o hrî-frCi Juné- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ý -! et~roo a le7hW l3j~Isnafn a if,-", vwas fthe messaýge., We are - ~ port lHope at Oro0no. - a~ hl hya ttldquiet'tapiilgdpeopfle, Christ shIowsl ue 8 - c no isi aspai by-irs. Stapls.noprîal but loves ,ail regar-Ll leSs0ot race1,-,or red. Tie resdeu, 1rS. Drun1111imod, The Dvfonlwsbrouglit f0 a fl -T-end fic hetig wif, a yn clou(se wif hpraerby Mrs. W.Cob- B y ý-ati t, cý' t al lonMr.bledick, foilowed with a due,,t by blyn wo ooch À* Uf lic de- Mrs. Cbleikand Mrs. Joncs. OfrSP sung 0lrup2 V Robinson en- ,d M ernbe ilier topic for)t the afternoon,"Dsla- ___________________coeing Neighborhnod-. " was given,. lar Eltn orsepianto, solos by Ffr siigtlkwsbsdo V Elaîn ~'orcste',s-passagos -omMath. 27 and Luke1a Buverl$z Tennant andi Karen Fag-an. 1 if)wlirh werc 'read by M' Tebblec, arn Ann,. Carol and Dona ~Gibank lire- Ms Walsh and Mlrs. Ochamn sep~teCIa. trio- vocl nmber. Mrs. Tamb-lyn,-i spokýe of neighbors as of The chulclren presenfed their' being found la difjerent places,,I sic iefhéhrs wîthi a pieture -of then- nc oor, on your SItreet, in another ancM selves, mouef jcd o0,, doley, wbh hto\wn orcity or maybe another Arr th)ey liad prepareti at tbeir fegillar, cufr.Wc influence peopie5 by a I mneetings. Also a "Toucli and Taike" gracoussmie, akndyded ou e booth t was operaf cd. tsyon the road and elscwhcre f on Mrs. A. A. Drummiond, president whjich in, rn(unknowingly i per-1 liacd of the Oronio W.M.S. Affernoon h;aps fo us) 1issc t nated l Auiiro sono fi Msio ls-can f lecions. Wc have an en11 Baid, spok ebriefly on the !work of inescapable responsibility- in life' A th]e MAission rand-. Po do gwxldlthe resulf eai1 be simply ecd mr-s. B. E. Long poureil féâ', assis-iti-renclous. There are' no10stni- de ted'l by older girls of thç in-ýImcI1l nd ions to i-1In a neigititour, because peri ncmbers of Ithe Miss;ort Band 1scrv- therere e]]no l,-iitti-. ons f0 human A ~d ~anwibcsandi-nkis.need anid men and nlattons will bem, tmijgauîy supporteci b otersPete Lon an IsbelChell' al r-aten thei rtrstapperane wth the r- Seasncdartsts of the caýt were Mary u-tbrfor andA1,1old Wal- 0f~ ~~j,, th pay l r i xlyleant stîpof wa îrpied byu Jhn.For D1oal Seale, oh Tailyande [to, peialefees;TedSa el pollcfy utit Taggart, tickets. Orono Amateur Athieti, Associa- uioiadis f0 be presented again- laS lnth firsj week of June. Theply a written by George, - aufan ad îos Hart. On- Friday nilfon telev *ýiih Mloss Hart was * întrvinvt on Person f0 PerSýonl adalttitis time he coln'mented that flplay 'o CnE'Pk f i Yo "as rmeof the best he dee Pupils 0f Mrs' M. H. Staples Pi'esent May Musicale The May uiaepresented by pupis of Mrs. M.L2IL Staples, Mms JeneStPles and Me1s. Marie Ped-' of spring flowers dccoratted flic i ano anidtbes Mrs. ÎM. H. Stapfles wef-led those present, and expressed her aýp- preciation at seigso mn ouf wXho were infcresfed lamine iclt Jon Grad uly u rotBb biatc Bee, Dogas -ti'iTov Pei, IGaeyLytetf, FreoondeGr- ham, an Gra ald Face Ric- -Sharon Taln Ju Hack 'rf6r, .Sarilon.Au- aiy ai e iii 'e ~ ~1o a- roun