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Orono Weekly Times, 14 May 1959, p. 2

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't t 4 't t 'r 't t 't 't r. 't s'- 't t 'r 't s-. 4.4 't 't 't t. t s- t- '-s- 't s-, t -e 4 't r. -e '4 'r 't "'s- 't t- t t 't t -s'- t t t t t t t t 't e-' 't' -4 4- t t t t t t 4. t t t -e t t' t t t t t t t" t 's' t t -e t 4- 's' t- t t t t t t t t '4 s- t t t t s- 4. &'Faith For Today" Theme 0f Bay 0f Quinte W.A. Conferenoe With the tIheme 'Faith for Today'4 ~the eighth anial imee-'ig of the Present Awarcls i .Association o!f the UnitedChch of Canada wa~s heid in Trinity-St. T o Cont est \Xinners Andrew's Church, Brighton, this week, the president, Mrs. W. C. Ives presiding. On- Tuhirsdlay, May 7th. Mrs. Rowe presented the winners of the "Does the Clhurch Challen)ge 'remperance Poster and Essay Con'- You?', was the subject of a rousing tes wîth prizes o! books and monley. address by -Mrs. C.,IH. Searle, Cor- These prizes were presented on1 the respond-ing Secretary o! the Domnin- behaif o! the Orono and Oshawa !on Çunceil o! W.A Pointing out Temperance Associations.' that the census showedl 2,407,8416 persons adhering to the 'initecl The winners were as follows: Church while church records shu,,,l(A) Posters-lst, Boninie Couvier 955,303 memibers on the roils, shel2nd Francis Tennant; 3rd, Donna 'set forth a searching survey as toiCouvier. ,,-easons given by individuals fer thej Consolation prizes: Shirley Shar-, - 'ifference in figures of those flt ron1 Peggy Jane Hancock, Barbara actively participating ini the work of Keast, Arnold Wallace, An-n Gilbani< our chiurch: sui icenly r~aiztios fot (B) Essays-lst, Shirley Sharron, 1Are chiurch li nzton o 2nd, Mary Lynfl Bailey, 3rd, Jean .doing ufcety important work-Gay to capture the imagination of suchi people? Have we too mnuch trivia? Consolation prizes: Terry Gra- 1hlam, Peggy Jane Hancock, Alan' 2Z lu the churchi really working Hieron, Michal Fagan, Jennifer where the people are? Iarratt, Wayne Kennedy. 3. Should we have another liard We *sh o tan the Temper- look at oui' churcli organizations ance Association for their interest setup? and encouragement to the pupils ini 4. Do«s the Church take the whole tIlts Way. blame? Is the Churcb entirely toe ensaMyltPM a blanie.Music Night for the pupils of O.P.S. Reasons for non-participation in- Everyone, took part in this program eluded sucli as: "'No one asked me"; "I went to somne meetings but they werè f00 boring - now I just tend iny mnoney"; "Members are olderStud ents 0f I people and like to do things as thiey have been done,"; "The church does n*ot spend enougli to meet people'sa ~problems'"; (the~ chureli spends al Present A' Pub lic SchooI Ausicol Night mhe montey givtiu iL) -ms i women do not want to kinow about social problems - they want to 1e The Orono Public School ,held and "For The Beauty o! the Earth" <comfortabe." their annual Music Niglit on- Wed- The Giee Club concluded the pro- Finlly "her i son1uch,- nesday evening ini the Trownshïigram wlth two numbers "The Finll, Thr~ u O UCêWtI' Hall, Orcono. The entire puzblic ,iGirl I1 Le! t Behind Me" and "Now ress and gossip and, cliques infl1 oo took part ii.te- r,ýa Thank, We Ail Our God">. The Glee chueligropstha 1 on' wpt o ývhch proved mnost successful- for1 Club sang in excellent harmony 1e exposed"-, »d the -speaker to the many aduit wio attended. Tlheland are certainily a credit f0 the urge, III plead with you, don't letcli this thiing get into any local church cidren presented group nurkbers, school. - cliques are unchiristian - gossip) and musical numbers by the Glee Club, The program was augmented by pettiness are unchristian - if we re- and individual numbers. a numbe-r of individlual presenta- peat a rumor, orthn it evenl, îthat The stage was decorated wih tOins whichincude a iaïIO olo, îs gossip; ther'e is so mucli that 18 papler musical cut-outs. by Margaret aidditon, worthwhile, wliy tear someonel solo by Janîce Rutherford , a pian6 downi; give your loyalýyty f0 our' Mr. Lowes ptcia ho le solo by, Beverly Tennant a vocal chlurch, leave your ifferenoes at 1S-11ool, elcomcd thLle large audience trio by Anne, Cajrol n D Gin il- the Cross - if there is bitterness in anid called uipon John1111Hancock 'who banik, a vocal duetbjy 'Ellen Milîson your sojul if shlows in yvour face". acfd a aster of d'eremioies. andAneAnttU paosoob Donnie McKenzie, at pianio solo by Mrs. Searle stated that thle es-1 The Gleeoc Club opndteMsclPeggy Hancock, a' vocal fluet by sential goal, the etral role o! the prsetaio ith wlnmerLînaHge n hre hro, dlur-ci, is If0 bin1g mn10 God, and Whn Was A Ja"ad"om a q4uitar solo by Robin Taggart, a to Our feilow men; the u ltreS1 is Thiro' The Rye". ballet' dance by Valarie Mýercer, a usedby al fr mariags ad 'la- lTe Junior pplgae n ,piano ý0solo) by Mar-ilyn Tminblyn, tisms. We are failing f taik_1',about, "hDsSýdï' lQiarsl yDieRleo th-e thing-s the churcli does - we sn TeBsSn"ad"h a n utrsl yDn oesn mut no or p§rcanid do aStory ! oo Rbet"fMs.Lun' Gad tofo!lthe school peene job o!fubi rela tions forit. rosag No aTeday Fis vr" pesîgryhnband numnber list those people we need in the ' he upis ! Me. arstotshoo church's ranks - don'f be apolog-et-cie ppl fMs altý,,3cO_ edr &bout asking th-em - challeng.e tliem!i sang "Cielite Lind(o" andff lic o-eedr A r-i,,trtioi o 20 deegaesback Car". The senior rom of the Mr, Collison, dîrecto.r o! music at A regist rationho! 200 delegate ~howd atendnce irl ail ciglit scýhool sang "Polly Wolly Doi"teseolsoebrieflytakn ______________Iothe________ te teachers for their 'c Bperafion Presyte le. ofretigy of Qihe St ereay finithe presenting the Musical niight. annal roeîngof ayo! uine ae Scr.tay ,f Mssinay adHe also Paid tribute tf0 Mrs. Lunn Confer-enlce WA were read fromlMaintenance Fuin d, was asked ïo for' her work as assistant director o! the, firsf annual meeting o! the new?ý- give information on1 thie . Setor plan, ithe Glee Club. est Conference o! ',ewfotiiiIaiid now in ifs fifth year o! organiza -_________________ W%.A., and also from British Colu--tion. Beginnîng withi 16 participat- bia Conference W.A., Manitoba TFor- ing dhurches in the first year o!f h R TERG ANT onto Hamiltoni,MntelOtaaI the non-denoinational plan there andi the M\,aritimeis Confé'rece \W. A. weîe 51 dhur ches 'lnst ya-.TeUn MA N Y Th e Communion service ýwas presid- curiaging financial inoceases were e ovrby thie pastor, Rev-. R. BI. nof fIhe 01nlY benefit, but for lhe,~rri Green. FoJLlowin-g flic friendlyfelohi o! a lur.cdheon! ser-ved in the uc hall byfIBigtnW.,re- ing's fo eCneeceW.'v d"ent 0o! theBa o Qine-'fe with 1phases a !ew yelars ago most ingsomthig o mssion work,!ý. growig, wvidening out. In the past, the principal fask was f0 look affer the î pars'onage tc., ut no a"n vision; lie 1-however stated i s greaý disppontmntat finding so teý wvtoien attening Pebteyofieï aI meeings.lie als'o calne m r mo'ers, o îv ecora m-ent rae tier thndspagm t ings f msios svital work. meetings in fie autumrn at Triniý United Church, Pet erboroughi. .motion wvas also passed fo enabý tie conference programme f0 sexteaded f0 an addLionlal hlai If desired, billefing in the hasteý city being arranged for. Mrs. Searle, who accompani lier liibn is vwork as Assoý fr11 mnpoero! the -churel if was somIIethîng f0 o Ogeh;men's clubs have been !tormedl; ifrig flic loýdcal ureS and to ootlier arasdoertog"ethert. Thoe pamphfletî thIer ifrain iss S. Benft re ttnto f0o litrature sow in heýr disýplay t page 4 P.O. Box 62 Pot'npe. Ont. MonumentSavesoe - 's'9'~a~ v Tûday elenient nearly 1I taxes; ai national Manuf adians w of living Canadiai CRONC WEEKLY TIMES# THUR'-SDAY, MAY, t4th, 195ý Site A ilbino Deer 3t ghsar t nervals ol oGnly a f ew Mutes apart and after eacli flili th brd return's to the exact N ear Blackstock spot from whichh le took oft utter Observatio ~~another fliglit. rmffen Osraiion onevening !lighits &Frofitent woodcock are particuîarly interest- tWenty, sucS flights m-ay bce »2ade in ing in early spring and several o! an evening, extending until well af- these birds have been seen flying ter dark. in the Gooderham area as early as Deer Season For 1959 Aninounoced Aprîl l4th this year regardless of As the result of Onitario Regu-ý the fct te grulidwýj, s olation 71 of 1959 the Open, season totatly coerd by 'slow. For grounid uningdee wijllbe Monday, dwligbirds woodcocký are very ~oehr9h' audy oen erymigrants. br2s,159 ttoeprts of the early ror Echis man " Lind-say District lusuallyopntth coc ~eî'ors hs atig ligtsh~tn~of ithese aiils. Tiis in- over, the particular area hie daiims cludes thle townsip o Soervli as the broodinig ground for lie andevil 1 is mate. These miatig fliglits take place for about a one-haif hour per- iod each evening, comnig at dusk usually during the mo'hth of ,April and until about the middle of May. This year the season is un usually late as thiere is stili lag quantities o! snow in bush arýeas 1 througlhout H-aliburton County.-t Observation for evening f ights o! woodcock can bce taken to best ad-I K vantage in small learings adjacent H to low lying poplar busSes or swamps. Commencing at dusk each f maie woodcock rnay 1e heard utte-. ing his distinctive "beep" followed by short spirallinig fliglits over the area o! his- nesting mate. These which included a variety o! num- CÀA.D, grow Sig It was well attended by tbe par- people d ,ents and public who gave $Z5.00 ap- be provi4' Sproximately, i a sllver collection.1 1 and those parts of the townships ofI Laxton, Digby and Longford, and Dalton lying north of the Moflk Road in the County of Victoria; that part of Peterborough County lying north of that part of the Kings Highway known as Number 7; and, the Provisionni County of H1aliburton. Hunter Safety Training On Monday, April 4th, 1959, twenty-five graduates of the Hunter Safety Training class of St. Mfary's Boy Scýout Troop No. 2 wýer-e pre- sented with shoulder flashes in St. Mary's Auditorium, Lindsay, by Assistant Senior Conservation 0f-1 f icer S. C. 'Simons. This troop led dli HONG KONG -- __________ ROUTE .~z 3 hrs. 25iri 4 ~ _______ VAiCOU VER - .AMERICA v by Paul Meehan, wer'e instructed 1*, Tony Walton in Hunter Safety. Recently another class o! twerdý- two pupils instruced by Pete Ha~ lie and Lloyd Cote finished th0z'- course successfully. Constables Raîpli Fountain andI7 Gordon Dawson successfufly ini- structed a Lurther class o! nine ptýa- plis on 'Uunter Safety. Aibino Deer Seen 1Mr. Victor Malcolmr of Blackstoeký-.. Ontario, informed this office- recen-î- ly of an aibino deer seen feunl in Man výers Township. This rcla a calico buick which has- beenri m- ported several times from aipne Towinshiip, t t t -J -J- )W4 TO LIVE WELL<- )'St marnufactu. ng inclustry began to ificantly abhou 80 years ago when the l ided that r&e of their ineeds should 16l from Ca adian factories. Tmanufaeuring is the most important in the-anadian ecQnomy. Lt provides half of ail employnient; it pays high tnd it is the great-est contributor to our 1production. factuihg will continue to provide Can- vith.the world's seceànd highest standard g ftepeople of Canadawil Buy THE L COMPANY0F CANADA LI1 ITED G - lA "'H'.1AMIL TON M IRAN4TFORD TORONTO

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