ORONO WEEKL.Y TIME THURSDAY, MAY 14th, lffl 5g 1,a ý4g _ _ g WHIEaROS W IT BEST SUg 0 TISSES 8ROLL 39 ] *VWHITE CR~OSS CWHITED PICKLES HTRS TISSUES 8 ROLL8 89C '16 o KL-EENýEX - ECONOMY 40O's - PASTEL COLOURS WHITE, YELLOW, PINK ar~ gTISSUES J FOR 89c~ o DVýSON'S DILL Plain or Garlic BUY! ~Pickles 24 oz jar 29c Catelli's Cooked f WELCFI'Sg SSPAGHETTI Grape Juice 24 oz btl 35c f U3 25C WELC H 'So Y 2 8o g Grape juice 12 oz btI 20c APPLEFORD'S FOOD SAVER -KV-P. f ~ Wax Paper 100 ft roll 29c ~ i~,~o7o o~o ~Oc~~O~O ROSE- BRAND - f3 ~ET UV Suc g Margarine 4 lbs 99C Û; BE N 3 GRANULATED REDPAT g tins 8c U A REDUk of~~ o WRITE ba f3 su ! pi QNLYg E. Smth's Comnpleýte 9" Cherry Pie ineludes f LO~~COArV f3 SALAD DRESSING - 32 oz. Jar........ g quar85g FADEEGN 12c off Pack - Gian pkg.......8 Sg tnRED & WHITE INSTANT COFFEE z jar ........ .... 35C OG D 20 OC OC cz~czB&1VER~ BRAND LUMp CHARCOAL 5 lb. bag ........49 Tedrfls, ag ed Swift's Premrium Grade A Oven Ready Pre-dressed v Teder crsp, arg he~lsTender Qrown ' lettuce 2 for 25e CHICKENÇ Cyoaclb 35e Palm Garden - No. 1 - 14 oz. celio tubeSwf' Premnium oels -CryVcNapd TOMATOES each 23e 2 - 3 lb. popular szes-g Fine, Flavourful - Large Size FULLY COOKED 1RAM l- b 89 f Swjt ilceri Sie - l.saedpg CANTALOUPES each 25c EV1RWEET ACON lbp; f Garden Fresh ESwft PEiu BSCO PieeeJc CORN-ON-THÎE-COB 5 fgr 33e0 HEADCHEpe1n"-siecllb 3" U Superior flavour - Fane>' gradie Swift's Premium -- 5 delicjous varieties SSPY ,APPLESrý 3 lb polly 33e Tasty Luncheon Cbubs 4fo q GreenPes lo 2 for 43cg Brocoi pea rs :, 1 oz pg29 KENDAL NE WS IAt the _Sunday morning service ýin th~e Kendal Unîted Church, Rev. R. C. White tookç for his subi ect "The f Sacamets"and the ser-vice for Mriioner0ol Slein &nuiii chidre i tere Apt,11 d an1i he f3 Chrci. Dboali Joan, daucus *to, Mr., aii('ndoMrs. (kantmThereli lrf othy J ell BrceG.Watecr, Lnd Litl lenad one iah child f3in re fir and iVJîf.s tthaodileî deI ae'in BarbaracJeanandltha wlar f3o anve itres h tor>' abent ti d oTh,-i is feet when only a day old.Mr.f Alva Swvar-bick was the o)rganist. We are sorry to heuar thatý( Mr.o Bl 13ake Alexander was taken t o ýie f Bowmavill MemrdalHospital on Saturday mrig M.and Mrs. Stan The(rteil of Toronto and Mrs. Doug Carter of s owmaniville were at the cuc Service on Sunlday mornitngan I 'vls{ted with Mr. and Mrs. Cla rence Therteil. Mrs. Gordon Price o-f LPreston and'l Mrs. Edith Ferguson spent a few t jdays witb their mnother. Mrs. Alvaý $war-brick. . and Mr-s. Wllfred' Ro ' ugiley Ross, David and Donald Rogl~ fOrono %vere Uý'inner guests on Sunday. MVr. Alec Little of Torianto spentj th. weekend îwith bis imother, Mrs. Mliss Marion Thiertell is home' frorn owinanville Hospital where 1 he underwvent aýi opeiaiion for ap- I pendicitis. ý jMr. and Mrs. Gordon Marti-neli 01 Roseneathi spent the weekend 1 :itb lis mother Mrs. H. Martineil. f Mr. Bill Curtis visitedl Mr. andu SMrs. Argus Curtis onl Saturday eV- 1 ening, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ca rscad- den were dinner guests on Sunday and Mr.Raipli Geach visited, GUIDE Thie atedaceatte Guidle rmeet- ing on May, 12ti1 wa,,s svnen e 1 caî-useo tecQmng ar ate given ermisifor the Guidesý_ to wear. casual clotb-ing otbner thian tir uiformis fo)r the remnaining î Guidemetigs JudyTamlynpassed bier second class Ntue est. Tble project for May is camp11 gad- gets to pjrac2tise square and round Mrlis Rutherford, R1anger Leader, blas gr-aciously ivited tiýe Gie ndRanigers and their mothers toý ýholdJ our, clo(sing mreeing at their farm 1at K-irby. Eacb patrol wiili Captain Ruthi Grady promlse 1 that we could have a basebali gamne on uedY, May lh1ifithe inecess-J 1aryý busineuss could be finlishied by t1ý igit ocok Wve clo(sed thle meeting wvithi a new: g ýame "Freel Tag". D. Gîlbarti FORD-D8E SALE@ 4d SERVICE Our Vtsed Car, ý4kvic guarantees year round driving pleasure C#.#AR VETH MOTORS Phone 3251 Newcastle, ROYAL Bowmanville MA. 3-5589 TONIGHT ONLY - MAY 14 FR1 - SATURDAY -3MAY 1.5 1 .In Colour U:NDrAY D NIGIITm,-sMY1 ant MONDAY - W DNSDAW JMAY182 PaulNewmaJonn Wodar ,CiAd,ÇiT ) ïomEdy N SColo Tiur E / -1i 4S2) TUE "MISS OftONO" F ,SPONSORED BY THE: OROM~O HI-TEENS TOWN FE IÎL19, NO FRJDAJUXES5th Dancing Ir m 9:30 p. viii 1:00 a.m. PAUL IJ OCOLA AND'nS ORCHESTRîA VONO'S BEAUTY QUEEN WILL DE CIIOSEN AT THIIS DANCE $3.00 per coùple - Buffet Lunch