CR0140 WEEKLY TIMÈS THUW4BA^Y, MA5Y 14t, 150 1ward uiide-stPndiri, the Bijble W .A. Mveetuv' - There was a Marriage centres o fthe marriage in Cana, and Fouir IWays of Lookig at It is a stady On <Ceninis.d frein page 2) the four Gýospels. soch as the 'new constitution and h~hadaIr ,"Ccinduet (i ,f aNeLn wvere $6651 to the Wornn's tioinary Society; $12,652.66 te ionary and Maintenance Fun( Local Churches $154,47442; S Citizens' Homi-es $1,840,39; ý iMrs. R. ifi arôused the lively tiani Citizenship. Leadlersl-ip Edu- Visiting Sen.ior Adits; The C)iurch interest ai»d enithusiasm of ailpres-, catiion, isâig and Christian Fel- anej Senlior Auit; You Cani't Be enlt as she- related her impressions lowship and other active chirmne, Hduman Alone" on leadership; Ste-w- of the leadership training period at as well as those of the Presbyteries, ardship in the Lif e of Womien; Fvive Oaks Christian Educationishomed very material progress at Keeping Up with Teenagers. Centre ý-at Paris. She spoke of the adl je' s. Mrs.Geoge Jaulof Troito ws wlcomning atmosphiere at the Cen-' askd t spak n Pogrmm-Plan- tre, whiere Renfrew Presbytery was Th ne itmfoff icer-S.wspe nigg in onhe staned htathe only memnber of ihie famyily ýi sntead'ntledb r. 1ere sing in Ilg thee117adelegates;-the the nwConference Presidettbein)g chairman shoiuld be appointed and, . giamnce itphgrame17aningeMr 1,GE.Dobbs of Belleville; Re-; a committee formed at Conferec thespiriuaMIeadship. Foe Oaks 1 l ceayM H .Trk Presbytery andÀ Local levels frCnr is a dream flot yeyt comrplet-;Port Il le; TMeasurer MIrs .M.. Pro)grammne lanning. The newled; money is neuedç or its colic Hobbs, Mllbieroo;Corresponding Study Paclut for the W.A: yarbe pletionm; ii is wrh of ourcnti dIi-s.JE.MrEee ginnig in September is in the!butiýonS. vle a Rs ~ttd ~ x iaands of thie printer. It wîl oti rs db thUeiigpeiet mWeral for eîht mneetings, in-. The detailed and encouraging anrs. W. C. (,Sves, who durminglher1 cludting two on Africa, Inside Nor-1 nual reports showed 113,415WA.trioffic aedeteadin thiern Rhodesia, and Women in m rembers in 1958, raising a total op spin-d leadership and a smnall morh- Chianging Afsica; tmw to heop to- $M38,3443 Among cotiuin2nowa rsne ohr Miss- id; te ei-or sQcialý mil cac -Skirts ses WYNe have a new deal ini Dresses., Skçir4ý, and . Blouses. . A Comnpany that makes, thetýe goods have ag'îe to ship uis ail new Styles every Tuesday lof every week aný we have the Privilege of seliing these and ýdn the balanQ back on Mlonday of the following week. This give you a, goelec~-ô new goods also it will make it P ss ,'e to seili you a>a very srnall profit. Corne ini and see thes à 1ew goods this -ýyek. We have now in stoack a Cottonr Dres-ses insizes 9t Priced fro)m ..,. $,5to rs <s-a Le1rj e skirts and BPlouses to mchl ýolours white with black or flowred otton, size 12, Prcdat. . 99 5 and $1095 P~l~s ,siz 12to 20l. Prid t....$3,,25 aind$4.50 Store Opem P' ay s - ý --Uiý Friday & Saturday Open AH Day LgiIjgç' ~ '-w- -s- - -- I - .- - I a..o.hfi o dcw Q botti. of Lemn.n Limo ..,my favorite drink, And ... I always maki sure its a other thiritqunh1 * e I f i I Mode and atted by ... I*WMANVILLE ~1 Mr. tand Mr. litnlitt o navlevisited ter~n r.F. f Briracome, Sndayeveing. Mr.W. Elliott andi RossElot fUSv -n Newcastle Dry CleaDers Local New# ÏMi% and Mrs. Clement H. W4ebb, Midland, were guests of his aunit, M!ýrs. H. Walsh on Sunday. SMr. and Mrs. Clarence Allun, Or- ono spent Sunday visiting 'in Ham- ilton. Visîtors with Mr, anti Mrs. Chas.1 WVood( Sunday afternloon wvere "'r., andj Mrs. Neil Wood. Gail and Sac- dra, Lakefield, Mrs. George Crowj- ther, Charles and Jamie, Newcastlej Miï. andi Mrs. David P'hase], Wayne adKathy yoe Dorothy Dunflop celebra1teçi er w!i ten of lier gîirl frienis present i I PlusnbIng Supplies BRANIJRAM-HENDERSON PAINTý FOR AIL PURPOSES I J UNITED CNURCN rtev. Basil Long SUNDAY, MAY 17th Kir-by ci-oro Leskiard --s- SUNDAV SCHO< Orono . K lrby- 9:45am. 2:00 pm OPEN DAILY 8:00 to 5.30 DM CLOSED WED. P.M Open Fr. te 9 p.M. RE. LOGAN, Prop. Phione 11816 Oron~, Ont.. 4~ 's -s- s-- s-' -s s- ,L%Éke Ont_ ........ ... liott, endal, ast indy 1\11% and Mrs. Harold SSceil and O faily' ij visited Mrs. Gladys Gajmsbyý over, thle eekýend. MF. anld Mrs. Douglas Forrester O'M 1S Lynda nd Brce of Osliawa spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Donald $taples and family. E [ tast week a miscellaneous shower I E"I àk was held for Miss Betty Bullock, - -- W brideto-ye~ at the home- sof Mrs, u Alldred. After B3etty had thanked the girls for lier Iovely gifts, a NlnHoe istQaiy uotNyo, lundi was sered by the hostel-s, NlflHsFrtQalt uotNyoe1 MViss Marilyn Quantrili and Miss, Denier. Sizes 9 to 11. Pair49 Joan Alldred. M1r. and Mrs, Neil Porter and White Oxfords, Women's Dety Oxfords with 9 Miss Audrey Billlnigs spent Sunday fo cshninleadarhSp rt wit Mr. Oive in~3ocayeon ~ size 4 to 9. Pair................ .... $4.09 1,r. and Mrs. Dick Wood and f family, B:'owmanviJle spenit Sufiday j wvith Mr. and lMrs. Wes. Wood. OSeilH s lpesLde u rm r Mrs. C. A. Cummiing, Toronto anid Seeal7oe lpesLaisf-tr11 r Miss Audrey Billings, Oshawa spent blue, gen or turquoise. Sanie îdty as the Îweekend with Mýr. aniMrs. Caýrl o we had :a few mionths ago. Siz to 9. Pr. 98eo M.Normnan Andrews spent a lew Sale dis'-um er ats, regular $3.98 ce eb at d on al fo r, o nl . . . . ...... . ...... .1 9 Ms ith irhdy astWeneda lsh'Un's ie U price $1.98 reduced to ..'98,. Mrs. H. W.Jewell1, N ja"aFa,O ~sri Tîu-saywih rsieber ti1HazelBis 1pLipstick formula 77, heals as it n Mi- S el P n a de o on o s hll des t choose fro i 79C. g ~ ~ ~ ~ ( 'ln athselineutocokrbyflasts, 2regUlar 79e ra-k f, 'h1 OrocoTeeehCI 0taffYgiFmîlS omb52 c cr Mry aneandMr.W. E. Davey : istçovrteekeditMrdMr.Daceï Found lanid ramily,g Lad'ies' Sportees, elastic waist-bandj sleeveless ~ondon. o wM1l not shin streteh, as'sorted closse Visitor's at the Parsonage were small ' -edium or large. Each...' ..$19 FaHs Mr.and r.Art Lonig ançi - ramly Peeroroghanç M. ad CaslViens and Bov's Sum b-fCaps, assorted U .NJr-s. W. A. Long, Coe Hill, who als-o sylsandf color,ýs szes51 6' to 7 3/8. Each . 19c. steddthe play oni Friday night. f OnýitC Sunday m Illnea teOrn o îCho0colate -s assorted d-küges, creams, lhardcland soft 3azptisý:m was condfucted by thiein;- -~ cnrs 2 do ..2e pud9. teRev. Basil E. Long. Those be-ý,1( o U -. 1Pon 4C iýbaptisedl were Haroldi Evere-tt 1e. Ceouvier, soni of Mr. anid Mrs. Ever- SAVEÎTI ÉSERV'OJSL ett Couvier; Deborah Lynn Han- REYUSL rock, dauý,hter of Mr. andiMs.Bn nid Hanlcock; Ian iia Moat RO O 5 TO $ 0 ST EO ocof Mr. anid-Airs. Jak Mffat;OM ftO 10o ST R S-usan Arvilla Partridge, daughter Of Mr n r.John iPartrîige; I~hrsoperEarl Robinson, son of! VI.anid Mrs. Gerald Robinsonj; Jan- ~fM.ani Mrs. Kîn]as Schoenmaker j Mi.ý adMrs. S.aB.-Rutherford);cd re~s toSasTatea oof Re ftrth eture. iAND Evenings SHIRT SPECIALISTS - DRAPES - RUG - STORAGE Free Pick-up and Delivery în ORONO - KENDAL - KIRBY ENTEI3PRISE -WESLYVILLE PORT GRANBY NEWTONVLE WELCOME.- ELIZABETHVILLE PORT BRITAIN - NEWCASTLE L. AG~CIE -- rono Shoe Repair,. Orono; L~Pajiince's a' Newcastle; Porters -Store, New- toInville; Star Lunch onHigIhway No. 2. Odorless Cleaning j Ail garme!)t ,retvrned in Plastic Bags NEWCA TLE i ' 31JACK LEES R E PA I R SA"-TI FACTlION GUARANTEED »Agent for Acadian -Cleaners and Pressers Ltd. f:ý 1 1 4 s- s-- '-s s-'- s-- s- -s' 55 -s- s-s -s- 's-- -s- s-' 55 '-s -s -s 5- 55 's- s-' s-s -s- s-- -s '-s -s s-s -s-' '-s- -s s--s s-s s--s s-- -s -s- s' -s s-s --s' 's-' -s- s- --s s-s s-' '-s -s '-s s-s -s- s' s-' s- '-s -S .5'