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Orono Weekly Times, 14 May 1959, p. 8

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OtRONO WEEI<LY TIMES TI44Jn$AY, MAY 14th, 1959 wh ich ind at parent -aws. vident ig the Schar.- .n 11Ïho ing of Clarkel Township Council at v -ono) Police 'Trustees were present ai ïew BufldIng By-law, it was quite appý ;t takeato in eniforc(inig their byv sns in he Bu>tildiiing By,-Iaw ýwas ev crnent of the By-law. m~e w'ithl a jacks poiicy of enforcinl CAttPecan le done, bin conroing the lI(ý igs wi are- being placedi witi riLip. The present by-law, ahoughi is atal worthiess if it is flot bein: re thian a teec collccting agency. we eýnforc-ing of the by-lawv was onc nedof. Thiis wa,ýs quite apparen3t - th-e special meeting, held on Wedni f thie present by-law are being b, enf lc tese conditions or penaitie offcnders. Councîl, consulting withi he procedure to lay charges agains ly been v ~beiing lt and the needl is t appoachis certaînly need- ws is a miust. The estabiish- thier mlust and is now away Of the Township and we be- fut ure. bee2n for the past two years whbat action they couki. They trol B-lý,-aw, and have taken ultanits draft a plan for the termed a littie too fast for rid the special Meeting point- ýer, stated that planning was nkrupcy and hie also p)Ointedj of the Townýtsiiip. ouv' Orono Players c2s ang .h their director and other back- lie mmeuded on the fineprmne pre- eek-endt The play 'Nou Can' Take It Wh ie atament and presentcl most capably by on) "aIe bped that IbMstype of entrtinment a the Village of Orono and judging by the loewho take part and by the ever-groWving hould be ssurned. cent such as poie ou the Orfonostage ',urpased by noue. The art, it appars, Cs haut the coury and Litte Theatre grups nnerus entes.Thiis we' feel is most grati- aneof woeoeetranetfvr -the ouU la great part in- Ibis f ield is qcer- gma estvalwhich cones ta the ilg alsoanoherfeature which is bign ~n ioa feature which. furîhters thi, rt bw-ady for this years festivl, whicb is spon- dr Bordîhere are five one-act piayswbc rono stage, ebre is assurance o! another, nk Yo)"," i the Orono pflayers andteias lie Village such fine entertapmcnOf Suchj Accuse Govt. Price Fixing The 85 imemberorgaisatonsof the Ontario Federation of Agriýul-j ture ata mein ecnlyl T onto, accused the Federal GoveI-rn- menlt of"rief ixin iv i es", through ils nwpoiyof dfc iency paymntis and 4onsumer i1li'sub-ý si'dies for major >:arnproct(s. Thel r~etng nanmouly assd ares-1 [pin t hse tadtlgah 71LthoPim inse Deenae inade- rig en- h reoutowhich lstron,ýgi.y factor protested tb.e "indliscrîinïate usýe o-fý ithe (def icie onc a nsadcnue esday subsidies forfarmproduets",%V8a, troken passed after engthy and stormy es be- discussion by- the prodttcer reprs- thecir ettvs The milk pr-oducers, hog Ist ofu producers anci others affected byl thie Fedel Q overnmen-it's replace-1 T-e re- ment of Mast ear's stiiation pro- lilties gram in faývour of the -new policy, an in- largued that their members' indus-ý ished try- would be, crippled by the move, itself Prodlucers of milk for manufactur- -Ssary ing said that thieir marketing po rntrol gram had alreiady been severely, chi al- damnaged by the r-eduction in sup-1 mun, ports alid the inltroduction- of aedi- letime lrect subsidy to prodclters. j TAýYLOR--TrQasured mnemorieý o Meýmbers deait with other reo- learly beJýved dauglite, bi uitions covering freiglbt subsidies, Lo)rraiewh se d awvay y 8 legisiation ion feed purch-asing by 1954. fmerms, increased tariffs for eis- We miss tu-e sound of/our foot- cerated chieken and turkey hatch-1 steps, ing eggs imported fromr the US-'\!A i-id your voice sinG y ou have aind policy statemnents concerningi gone, In our iis yosl M live on. iLovingly membered by iM Turkey Gtrowers' Association anff__________ the United DPairy and Poultr'y C- Soperative dnc., were acceptedi as memibers o!' the OFA by unanimousý vote of thef fuli memibership-. OiED jLU XON--At, lir rsdne rn R.R. North, on Tuesday, M y 2th, 1959, Janie Bu .ess Luxo--,, age 84 years. Wiiè i o 'the lat y'Richard Luxon anddr motherof Lur (mrs. Georgeý Pollardi, Mroi anid James. Restingaterlate res- idence for service'orb Thursday at 2:00 o'ciock. Iîiterm t Or 0olio - etey. Arrn ee sby ris Funeral Ca , wavl .MCvUTTON;- Sudd nly at R. 4,. Eo0wnmaevlle on CTesday, ay I2lth, i95~ eseyTheodoro MAu 9 orm er emplo)yee of Gode Tire and 11 Rubber Co.,.e oot)i i 7Oth ya.Beoe bsc f Culia vile.Sevie i the Captel ne9n da lt200occiene u ag 0years So ftiplat r and Ms. Geor'ge E .ekNecsl and dean bter of IaMreI.M Reiat thie ew dorrisFnea Chil, B m .0erie11 h I tapei ou aturdya:0 'ic. vI ' ~~ pOn 91 ,rono j Fouindations and Septic Tanks 1jflouse For Sale9 poured. Forms available The xecutor of the lsaac ------ ....- oWinter state offe rs forslj- 9 t h e s v - r o o mn e d b r ic k h o 'sd - - j ~sdutedaI Pecorner of arn g U and o bledik Street S. , O. la lt n 9With Ry Win AeY. PreiecedSadie Hamilton FRAgaint ire Los* ..Every elass of Insur. ane s ereene.î Cus * cnvssOrn ndviintyfoU our office. ThIfllw 0,in are some of the Yo ýr Donation t he 3 aicoeigsw Soffer: Automoabile, Life, Accident and 9 SicknessPlate Glass, Liability, S Fire, Brlay s e an give yen Livestock, BolIer, Wind, Polie, prtc ans e.Oekail, Fidelity Bonds etc. - OuiP flus aentvalue uae j0- ORONC> PHONE 1R16 'lS CispIay Is e opes iegreosyPý156FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS Res. 1252 i~orofeà The househc)ýid effect ,o! Mrs. RobJýert Stewvard wiIll be soldl by pub- lic auction this); ,Fniù1ay evening, May l5th at 8s:00 p m th Durha mf Coun"ty aes-re Orono. Terms, cash. Jack R' 0, ,utctionteer. ~ BailkipngwAHoe or remÔ'eiling or rsn n o fd a 'A. F~. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIA-and SURGEON Office Heurs 2:00 to 4:00 p.nM. 7:00 te 1:00 p,.m. Saturdays and Wednesdays by appointments only OLASSIPIED SEOTI Those wishing to pi4te is this A boy's bicytJej year and form a tenni, clud are ask- near new tires? - edi to be at the par1ý ti Saturday at 1:00 o'clck whlen gel erai dlean- up campaign of tl--aea,4ill be ield aaloig with arr Ilil Plans foriRS thep sumimer, a-p 152Chev. 'ickf- -0condition.EPho eMOT The rgf et f the Even- ay21, atl, 'oki he n od tb ite Chrcl uny Shoo rom.bus, el1 r.Jim by ii be thelPoe23 o spae.Comt dff bring a frlend. !insra OROMO DR. R.. J. TAGGART VErERINARY SURGEON Phone 10616 Barrister and Solicitor OficMA3-5688 Hozme MA 3-5553 In the Offices o I. R- WaddellQC MAIN ST., ON F riday 7 pi. - .m Saturday9a..-5.m iA CeepoK 1i8Oon and' Specialize in F Furniture ý Coneuit me f( Phone 5 r 18 TED>JC iAuctioneer and aond', Aut rc,Sale Mhoron and Ocim o dateae sUran4ce Plans. ý F. E. LYCETT Valuator , arni and Sales cr tenus% - Oron, ,c KSON Valuator sj cfaiies TyvPwriters Remington, Potable, 4 Modaczl,. 1Free 4demrnstratîon. At $I.OO owna $,O00a week. Up ta 20% off on demon strate rs. OSHAWA BUSINESS MACHINUSS 329 Simcce st. S. Phoqe RA 121 STAFFORI) BROS. Phene hitby552 318 Duiidas S.EWib FINE QUALITy MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Let us erect a handsome, dg nified monument over the rest. ing place of your loved cnes,. ,,,S not expensive. Ani seeing this iast tribute will give You endless comnfori. Orono Electric eIIONE 129 COINTRACTORS FORï FARM and IIOIJSE APPLIANCE SA Prompt and Guaranteed to ail kinds of Electrical 1 anid Appliances Such at Motors- Water T>V, - Rodios- Stoves.- ILES Repairs /Y Heaters -Irons er. Rt. A. resr tfawa Tirme For Action asastitif i thie present Ltr ~tII. ce e PHONrz 1471, Orlonol, Olnt. 1 1

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