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Orono Weekly Times, 21 May 1959, p. 2

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10 YrsOf Progress ~~ea ~ ~ .'~ .f~ OrtoNO WEEEPW This oward-wïnni new film is 1w av ilable to 41P your community/,organize its! own s ety councîl Traffie Wcidente arfatalities in your commimnity can be reu e t ctvities of a Safety Couneil. Many 0OnUmommunities now have local cout+eiIe. The fact~s prove tliey are serving effetively-anid saving lives. To show the "why" and 'how" of safety, uneil organization, the award-winning film "T BROKEN DOLL" is now available to any civic-min individual or organi ýtion in, your eommunity. n lIvd Produce by the Attorney Gener of Ontario and recogni ed by the National Safet Council as the best filmn ofiits lkind, it Can helpyu organise your owu local s'ety council . 1- ,e tsh to obtain the fil *'THEE3ROKEN DOLIL" for showin in your commuin .y, write to HON. A KELSO RBE ATTQRNEY GENERAL Itporiament Mlinga, Tronto, Ontario witt Pre~mier FROST The 1,estt ear-s, beyond ail comparison, have witnessed the grea st development in the history of our province. In th, t en years, Ontario's advances in the development of réources, business expansinadhmnbtemnt have been unsurpassed anywhere. ...1ledynamnie economniç creed of the Giovertnxent Premnier Leslie Frost hiks been-and continues to be- MORE PLEOPLE,, MORE IND1ýSTRY, MORE XQBS, M4ORE WAF MORE OPPORTUNITY, anld from these moRE PqRoDuc AND R~EVENUE TO DO THE JOB. Greaf as Ontario's prog %has, been, unde-r Wise ar sound Progressive ýýnservaî1ve policies, engreaÀ' jlfogiýe.s lies ahied iD A I id A of ES, ind Presentation of the medal waç, planned to econcur witir retirement plans of Lt. Cul. Bigelew. He leaves the armny at the end of June. Attending thre ceremony was Col. M. E. Clarke, ED, commanding of- ficer of 13 Milîtia Group. Col. Clarke, who replaceci Bwig, Carr several months ago, called on Brig. Carr to make the award. Officers and men of C and D ~1 i 1. 'MUNICIPAL AID If cash i4iore ini Ontario P-C Go'verrwnient policies have jfq4ched an hltm igh last lightene4d the burden on every ye-ýi. Great strides fQrward have mun~icipal taxpayer. Provincial /'been >made in the orderly mat- aik fhas increased from $82 k ming of fatin products. million to $310 nîiiion annually IRriçe stpports are a realitY. Î. ini ten years, HUMAN BETTERMENT j HOUSIN~G Ontario's advances inl hOath, Vigorous gqvernment action bas educafion and welfare are abated the acu te housigshortage. unequalled. Investment in hum n In 10 years, 42,O0 new dwelling betternment bas rsn from $40 units h v b&plpeted, a million to $329 millijo cyar- record wit hout equal on this about haif of Ontario's total continent. 1958 saw an all-timne& revenues. Perso nal incomne bas hig of 64,000 completions. r Éven Greater Progress Lies Ahead JUNE 11-VOTE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE Pubiled y *Me Progresive Conservative Asyoc ialion of onarto. r -7 j Lt. Col. Bîgelow received his sec- ondary education at Weston and ~Lindsay high sehools, receiving-, his BA in science at Queen's Univer- sity Hle specialized in physical edu- cation at Ontario College of Edut- cation, and also received a special. ist's certif icae in science and aý Hlighu School Principal's certif icate. lie is president of the Durhamr county branch, Ontario Secondary Sc.hool Teachers' Federation and la- (Cqntiniued page 3) Bancroft Prfrcipcilshilp At thre Durh~am. Çounty Disticit 1 urther be done in the construction Eigh School Board meeting on Wed- of any new schools until the Con- nedynight in Orono, Mr. Warr en sultat ive Committeè h1ad reported to W. Watt, principal of thre Orono the Counties Council. 1This réecom- High Scirool, resigned his positionli mendation was accepted and passed Mr. Watt has accepted th~e principl at thre Board meeting. ship of the 600-pupil Uilir Sch4ol In the. Orono H-Àigir Scirool report in Bancroft. Thre staff of thl+s sehool '1. asntd htnorpacmn ni~mhes tent~seensI41. Wtthas as yet b.een received for Mrs. has been principal of thre Orono St. John, who iras accepfed a teacir- Sehool for three years. ing positi<on at Burlington. At the mneeting on Wedniesday - thre mrembers; of tire Board voted tol recommend to the Counities Consul- Former Oronoo tant Committee that thre existance II of tire present Hîgi School Area be Boy Hionored maintained. There was no opposi- tioný voiced to. this motion. The Ar- ea Boardc is to meet with tthe Couni- Thirty-e-ight yearssevc were ties ConsuLltative Committee pre omm.ý-emoratted in Port HEope on pro uesday iight when Brig. Lyall N,ý. to the month of June wlien t tsCrra rddLCo.PJ Bglw Commtýittee will report to tire Coun- Cprncipa of Pot Hoe .H4igScool, tics prnopauncor op id. cho A report of the Building Corn- the Canadian Forces Decoration. mittee of the Board also held a mo- The ceremony tonk pace at tion recidmmrendîng tirat notiring RCSCC "Skeena" at a parade of C arnd D Companies, Hastings anda t1rince Edward Regt., cf which Lt. Col. Bigelow is commrandfing officer, YOU CAM PACK INTO A DAY IR tra) O'ntarin i- -a land of gay resort ad ln lakes; Heavou cen gofor laze Uby the ble1-r1thevery were's a welc me mt ouif f1or eve, one. hxeJan heLreyurlftsya. ~~9~1~ Ne wýcastI1e Comm uity Hall FRIAY,:,,AY2,2à Special àci-ot of $25.OO wiIl hold draw:1 for $500.00 il - I ~1 mmazzmw Are Yeu Protected Against Fire Loss? ÔO n Insu nce eu give yeuf pret tion gainst tom. Chek, o your c rage for' adequate r...fl Qplacement value. aN..F. PORTER Z&ý Ph. 12516 Diqcover how to explore Onitarla ty tthe ro yOuwnt ta p&u w 180 Pi. LIatio. thaï - k RONTO.Qrt- ARLD SENO DFR.E éTEA,,RURE AB8OUT SLuTHWESTERN OTRDRAD A'qL) A' P7os t Ofc . KNOtW OTAiK ETTeR

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