ORONO WEEKL.V TIMES THIJRSDAY,. MAY 21st, 1959., I feoture~ ~n I ~inbeatahfr conîbination ~ - -~-- j ,nd KFWMDAL iNES T"MS OtN Aft -ih nib.em "Let the lower S HEN 24 OZ. LM160OZ. JAR 43BEST BUY- Save Se -Allen's 43 oz. Tini 6 OR ANGE OR G*RAPE DR S'FEATU RE" - Save 4c Brown Bear J1CREAMf HONEY 2l i 6 ý FEATURE"- Save 4 Lestoil SLIQUID0' LEANERi 6 oz bottie 43c "FEAT URE-1 - Kraft dleese ODELUXE OCS ô8oz pkg 2 for 59C BEBSTTUY BSve - Sayvo te Il ETBY-Sv fl Tder L eaf P,, B k g. ESay foravethe 'W t fMay" 9 p Mitz Pure il oz., botte~ id TEA BACS I Margarine KET-equ U 6 bg 3ceýjg lb i99c 0 for89c~ il FEATUREI' Aylmer Sliced or Tid Bits 20 or. Titi K "FEATýURE" Aylmer Fancy Pineapple 2 f r c1 Crushed Pineapple [ ý8 FEATUJRE'1 . Burn's Spork - 12 oz. Titio 4c Luncheon Loaf 39- 20 oz 2 frt9 0 6"FEATURE" - Burn's Spani - 12 oz. Tin tJ 'FEA-TURE" - Supreme Mixed Cannd ivea ~Sweet Pickles "FEAT UPRE" - Burn's - 15 oz. Tin i Chuckwagon Dinner 43c 48 oz 59c 16 oz 23c I Boat-load Sale of De:ic-ous Golden Save 9e Bonel , eay. 7Rîa 9/ 1~pq R Pfast full eutVC i Banauas 4iI z 9..C SUn4 Steak PMlaoed I l* ~P 02k Hocks 2 lb 29c Asparagus 2 lidi 23C Pswi Lt'e m id s1 re-1à aacm Pglb 79c Tender, yoMtfig he Ontairi, Hot Hus -. 1~ Beef Liver lb 55C Packed - 4 delicjous varietie. ~oin~oe lb39cCooked Meats pkg 29cî CheknFROZEN FOQDS I B@ef - ice - Turkey Pies- 8 oz, pkg, - 2 for,.. ............. .... 63C I raserville - Sweet Green Peas 2 lb. poly bag ..... ......... .... 57C I Sankjst- Delicous Lemonade 6 oz. Tin - 2 for ......................27c SUNBEAM BA1KERY FEATURE SPink, White, Chocolate Layers3 Neopolitan Bar each .. ... >.... 39C fI e We reples to Ihear Mi%. Blake g and keepýng lheru1Wehoe lhe, wilson be feefing ,b tte1r. Mrs. 9 "jL Frd Cda1 oPebrog s Stay- ing t Mrs. Alexandfer at present, il MýisMro cev spent the weeord lth Misi C. W, twat 1r.iandMrs. Paul Mlercer of o ulp pen1t a few days diurinýg the 9 holiday weeknd wîtli her arepts, SMr> an Mrs. Fred Warreni. SFrien1ds of tile ,comrnunity extýd ftheir symýpatliy to the family of l/Irs. rWý ilson, Who passc-d away Te- Th syrmpathy of friendis in Ke4r Sdal is ýcene to the famnily of Mr. ~ John Hill1 on his passing. S M.Watt of O0rono High school owill be the preachier atfthe Sunday 0 colAnniversary Service in Ken- o dal Uniîted Church on June 14th. S Mr. (darlanad Cathicart aîid Mr. ý John P'attoni visitel with the forin- er's auint, Mis, MaPey and Lhe Winn family in Goldwater dwbg h 9weekend. jdisPIa from iere welit 10 Orono! on Mnday evening to witniess the idslyof fireworks. Bigelow (Contnu.ed Fu Oî page 2) vice-president, Quinte region, of tche IOntario Secondary Ï-Meadmasters' Federation. JHis milltary cameer beganýi in 1921,! when hie els in the Qu1een's Own RMifles. in 1931 and 132 he re- Cceived officertrinng in the j Queen'sUneriyCT cose Hewao1.mi.siîonedJieutenant i heHuron Rgmetin 1932, re1ceived hisCaptainýcY W;i t te1 Midlan Regimnt in 195,ad be- ýCame major of the Miýdlanld Regi- ment in .1940, In 19441 he was decorated with the ED, or Efficiency Medal. 1Ho- becamre Let-Cln with the Hasting-s and Prince Edwlard Regi- ment ;n 1 -c. eis also a meinmber of brandi.30, Can)adliati Legion, BESL, i1 Port Hope. Lt. Col. Blgelow i3 narried, livesi in Po)rt ~Hope and i as four ehildIrenl. Hof is the soli of mrs. BIgelow and the late Johii Bige-low ,)fKirby. M.kÀDI Wou N %M *r 2ERY Urt ' hu ot f$3.00 pe I3owmanville MA. 3-5589 THUR, (OSATJR. --- MAY 21- 23 yery bew IchIng oomdy about Z eiryOflhantIng aisem CHRISTINE CAPERE. ornvMAUi AduIt Entertainment "Paths of Gtory" ai 7 - li Buffet Lunchb FORD-EDSEL' / ALES Ad SERVICE Our c pat* ..rvi .guarnt yawr un d i n4 pleasur, CAR VETN MOTORS ROYAL t 1 ,