FLUFFY IN"TANT POTATO X (5 cents o ..7 oz. pkg. 28»- REGIJL1AR OITEX - 12s - 2 PXGS .. ... 79. JUST TWOQOF OUR MNYPFD EA T UR E S! SPIG IES SWE1FET CORN TIMOE er. i A R liENT FulI af FREE GIFTS and MONE~ UES I Orono'High School News I Mjrettes Reorganize For Term s Last Show corps Rouiiints Ctatd Ey Meinhers Ey Linda Aill was csn fý( turcaddae welas Cdurinýg somePysald- the O.S±& SprinigCncr,, y 28., Girls' i d came, Dettat Carlwright 33-7 By Diane GAdbart On Tuesday, afternoon in the h rn ihSciool Girlsz' luncroo ofO.HS. indaAfi Sotbal tam ived U to its usual was chosen from tche four triessanad atihursday when it di aketh plce n he ajretes dfeaedCartwright -.S. 33 to 7. CCIPs acaed y Jan fin OterThe gaine-r was played under sunny ranes iclcUdMay Rei, Daree- isi h rn ak Ransbexry and Susan Ma,;or., Atýs tne Maoretes ae:pefowmbngjThe lneupMfo rno was as fMl on Mlay 2W, it is n îessry t at nykw : an Kno , J.an Alldred, Iearn ti hrc ewrutn adpoih ageyTyrreil, pMary Founid i two1' outiULieS wi4-iae enl aeonAlnHahe ttherford, prevîously presented by this gop ee accPatsy Joncs an,,d ! oý acomli -t, the glsare Linda -Allen., For hegreater part pracisng during Phystcai Educa- cf the ganir the Cartwright teai tîQ px îdsau CLn ortw"e, n-memer wee . Fcost, R. Mackie înys aet eloiLi tne schoounder eS.Daj. DvnpseG. Wilson, dirctonofItr. at a-i Ms.StS. J. Wer-1ry, C. Kozub H. MLeod, and JohnL.Mcke Donot forgt"Beath (of Spring", the nnul Matim fetival of (O.H. ý S. fatur-ig h( Gee -C]uh an-d the C ýorps of MjrteThur-sday%, ay! 2,8 in rthe Tonshp all in Ooo curtain tne 83 p.m. Tickets are available f rom- any niember of the GIee Clu&b or Majorette Corps, ol nlauy be puiehased~ at the door. Tle routines have been larige3yi c>reatedc(1 by thfe girls thexnselves with1 iguidance, directélr and "polishîng" Gy Mr. Wat ad -AMrs.St. John. Speialmenonshculd be made (if the efforts 0f he aptaini Joan ,-Al. clred ardo Mj3rttsConn-ie aid U2aricriySp 1 Sal. THE; ROYAL YACOHT -0 i-Clud ïcrmb ed"ship toshoetl J pone ommncatOnSadar, ani eletroicdeph suing deviae, adkin~ llenàiidedthe tea-i gretly îil h ~ree trïiples an d N. %ameit sored ahome run for Blick- sý4i ë ,î jin thet 1hird i-nning. Mr. Ruth- erodeur able umpire, escaped "The ËWrl have surely got thies years' basebaîl season off to a good start, declared soine of the specta.. tors after the gaine. Sttidlents of grades 10 and 12 whe would have been takinig Thysical. Edtion during the gam-e were per-nitted to sece the entire gamie, bit grades 9 and il wvere not dis-. misduntil ïafter teirninth per- bdregular cpass. Narvy, SWo are justifiably proud of Silice her first voyage to Tobrulk in 1954 - whn she took Prince- f ha -! n Princess )Ane to jm-eet * îrprnts -- th"e sleek Zsh,-ip has cone~ d embrsof theRoa Fa lbn ae vïis ito imore than tmry ntios.Sh is prýeseltly caringPrice Pili ýna to f * tres u te Pcife: henshé re- * ania" illread close tLo 110,000 Lric ua r'anrîee or l wt*h comy ~< e 5eoo , e reîaý e in!by banan ned ~ earWr r5- iecedftî il: fective pzarts or oliurer e oe t. ». CCtrols 0f your hew s csot - ol bu ri-rat'mea extra cool, Se tif e re- - cdnr v n, if s u effi bn, am ý:wi w-U ej whî ý ,iu) h ra e - e ett - at Albsfor a wanulane cecre pi s the cos of the o ou u s oony sith fietkind ofhetn se ebthèmt eco-- nomical and stsac Phone US NO For Detaî ls For Youï FHouse Oron F [ Luj berLild Orono Phone 14816 P.ht-,rt.e IL48:Eb