ORIOWEEKLY TIMES TMURSDAV, MAY 21S4 '159 Local News Iýjr. anýd ý,. 1asSo mke IVftÂP~ I~ IVU IILIfa reeiedtheir C itizensh.,Iip papers on vITecas le UDry UIIa j Friday, May t. Mïr. and ~Mrs. Jim Rickab pn SH!R SPCIAISTe ~ RLJ - RAG Lr ~knd ithi friends in Belle- ÔRON - <EN - KI1,-M.-(l Giý!raandl son Terry kNTIW-ISE W ESLYVII LLE settefore part, o,, thev(e.k on FORT GRANýBY N E WTO IE acmigdfsigtp WELCOME ELIýZABETFïVILLE Miss Mrln cKlýelvey., Torontoi POýRT CR; MN - NEWCASTLE sp)envt the weekend with Mrs. F.1 Paunes t wasle Pote'sStore, Nev- $eanSixhLîe onvlle StLuch n Hghay ol'U r. ami, Mrs. Milton Elliotti, Bow-1 g. ~Brimacombe S-unday evening. NEWCAS 3831 JACK LEES M1r. Lecamen hias ailldkndls of an- SHOEREPA R nal flntv(er and ve-etable plants SAlI FACTIODN GUARANTEEDfosae Agen forAcadan Cer"erE rd PE7sstMrs.dW. Ellio)tt, ber son Mr. AI- Agen fo Acdia Clane~s ad Pessrs td.fred Ellltt and his wife, Willow- iw aPeterboroughi. NW DRESS'ýES Üi D R ESS -'ADE' Our Sui mer Coittns are a yv- Eey ig eac week--There ar ene Evcesror and tw -piece f ashion/ crisp tm ob and r f resbing for daytim fi m-ai t b wear. Many 'easy- er' f abricsas with.g reouirip littie or-,Ao ironing. A i nfd WEEK WHITE SHOES-. eis sea' ching for white 5ht n.ow and uow is the Liy them. There are sari- àfiat heels and pumps h wedge or illusion heel gay 2arr y of s SiZes 9 t'Oo9 221/. Pr çeX ..$6.95 t<> $15.95 $.5t 69 COTTON BLOUSES- A good setection of Cotton Blouses. Many are dirip-dy et- MCAIS ton and sleeveless. Varickus style MCAIS and colours. Sizes 12 to 20 Priced at......3.25 to $4.5c. Leather Me a-Isins for men, wo- mien and cildrenU, Ia-for COTTON SKfIRTS -lorg .Ai sizes S1ilim styles as well as fuifl Skirts dWomen's ..... .$2. înujplain 'shad'es and f ancy dec- M e ns........... $4.95 signs. Sizes,142 to 18. IIýe r Priced at ( $495and '95 Children's.... . - Store Open 9' ay Evenings; Friday 8& Saturday oper Ail Day Wednesday.ý a l u muu~ uaw M~~a1 LwyL.E Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Ca'>Ma,' Michael a Mark pent the week-i end with lis par-ent.s in -Picton. O 1* Pm Mr-s. RnieWs is a patient ii*iu m WM* 7 the Bowman;ille MAemnorial Hospital O j T M 'S S Mr.Tos.Leisspent the week-1 9 endi with her p)arents, Mvr. and Mrs 1 RanberyMontreal. bsIùh I beenj visitiniginrno Mn.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1Z WilanDvywthlssn o ose, FirstQuality " Nylon, WLby'spntt1e Weeken1 atO Denier. Sizes 9 to 11. Pair........... 49e CoeLak~e, fishing11. KenFdal A fods Womnen's ctyOxf--ords withi - -- ize 4to 9. Pair ................$4.09 TDie meigof the Womrre's As9 soiaio as hield al:t 1ie ihomie of :'-e piesidenýt, Mlrs. G. Cathcart, on i1 Special Hou-cseflippe--,, Ladies fur trnim colors Thrdyeven1in, May l4thl. b]ue, gree r u/ uose Samne quality as MrîsLloyd Glass iread the scnip- we hrad ae' m ths ago. Sizes 5 to 9. Pr. .. 9e wahig hedicileeme", ns Reg. Ellitt gaarain on the AJ Sale of La ies' umm-er Hats, regular $3.98 sam subect ntoing Crist s1 - n sale for onfly............19 uiit.Mns. G. C,-1-athert-av an! intuetin tlkandsad haton o Chuildrien's reguflar price $1.98 i'edued to . 98c. very oten £undï cheerfuLness in! Peoule whV*Idn't seen to, 0have uh o e caherf laut. A tordofa O ael Bishop Lp ikformula 77, heals "s it time wbe soe. f the students ex- b eaDUtrie, sades to choose trom....79ic. prssda ih osec anLindiai-ltfjs9s illes away a1dý the Principal asked Kotex, ,save 19c. while the stock lasts., 2 regular î9e, I hrif she wouLl.d like tocorne along,g sùyixig that it was abouat six miles awy.TeyfolweIhe ra-iaf Famnily Comb Package, 12 assor1ted combs...25c. traks, f or about six mniles, but there wvas io indian school in sight and - eandthey had aniother thre e ~Lde 'oteeat(as-ad levl mile te alk. They \vère very tired Lde5 pres 11si asbrd 1ev1s wbhen they arrivedi back, some of o wi,.ll Ùot shi)k or streteh, assorted clors., sizes the older boys and the Principal f small rwedi- or large. Each.......$1.98 bavîn 'g to~ carry, the younger ones. Mr.Cathc(art mnindthat she fPl wven-t to the Ida school later, but' Caps, Men's/and Boy's Sui er Caps, assýorted byý boat. ofM.R.Eit, styles an. colors sizes 6 /8 to 7 3/8. Each. 19t. A coîmmttee o irfR.E l q Mns. H-. Fstrand Mns. M. Luxon wvere ae o rag f or lunches gCh ocol1ateS assortedf ges, creams, hard and soft * to be served ocm Field, wih Letrs !/2 po d 'fori-. .25c. 1i pound 9c, stobe 1held 4 in edlti ro Ju71Sh. Jit was annoacedta a ba za arg SAVE TIME SERVE YOIJRSELF' l2t from 3 to15.ooc)ock. Burgess t i) bdte r-st an nd poke f the atr socsh a them, also Aecîting a poem:entitled E4~~ in g~ving ber home for this meeting. lRev. Rasil Long SU NDAY, MA Y 24th, 1959, K.inirby 9:45 .m 11:00 am 20 pm -"~~D AY SOCHOOL 1 Onon - - 10:0a.tn SHl...EET METAL AND Ptluanblnug Suppiles BRANDRAM--HENDERSON PAINTS FOR AIL PURPOSES OPEzN OAILY 8:0a.m.. tO 5-30 p.m CLOSED WED. PANM. Open F1 to 9 p.m. R.,E. LOGANI,Prp phonel 11816 Orono, Ont,. ~r ~rerre~r - A rlyF n-Lb a i e "7'sRp entative. in arn County BACK DOèNALD MDNL EleeîA CFïCadidae rThis Ti-e (DuhamRidilng ýCCP Assoiation) -~ ~ -r ~ -r' --r -N -N -N r ýj