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Orono Weekly Times, 21 May 1959, p. 6

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SL NN4RSTj ioU/L 1£>u4"et2? t o "Deýar Anne Hirst: Mly famaily mnoved to this townl just a year agadi 1was lucky enouiglito get a job as secretary in 'the 1- Lt st epartmnent store here. E. iryting çwent fine unti 1 'f il Jin love with the son of thec -w r. We are planning to get ror' Ïed, and my family and his in 'ier know,ý it. But he bas,ý nyr toid his fathar, nor giveno mrr i ring. "',Va hardly eo go ta places, th, t is friends dû; he says hac do r't want us seen around toAwni togCether, In the office, haý ha-,d(ly speaks ta me. Is hie ash'amed ai me'! My family are wonïderful pIeopie; wVe belong ta the largest church here, miy fa- thar has an imaartant civic posi- tion and myw mother belongs ta the twýo niceat clubs. ,i try not ta feel hurt, but it lgeting,- under m-y skin. What do you say'?' UNHIAPPY 7FIANCEE" U ~ the laqds mother has ac- *cepted the fact of the engage- *ment, there seemai no imme-. *diate cause for alarm. That lia *doesni't stop) and chat duiing * oti-ce hours is not important, *but his not dating you pubElcy *and avoiding places where bis *own f!riends go, is something elase again. Why <oesn't he Siant theni to meet you? There- seerrs nothing to ha- ashamned o f;- youir letter was too long to * rint, but your love seems * aep auid finre. He should be *eagec ta show ail bis friands whatà a llcy çhap he la. *Asi a matter of course, bi,, f ather shculd be told and that *thc lad apparently fears to~ do, *Pet'ltiaps ha thinks bis father *has other plans for fii, or r *alizes ha isn't earning *enough ta marry now, or mnay- * be he is afraid of is parent *and puts things off until a 'more auspicious time. But hie * mÙt 1now that the longer lie wtsthë, more resentment bis e atber xnigbt feeL l is difficuilt e ta understand why bis mother *perniits this silence ta con- Look? Jif y-C ut "PRIINTlED PATTERN 4784 ,1111-W'-CUT blouses. Pin paf- tarate abre -presto! Cut, ouf coiLî ,! blouse instalntlyv. Top oDff al "orsaparafes smartly. PrintdPatf.ern 4731:Msss z: 12,14, 16, 18, 20. Siz 16 topske 1/2yards 35-inch; mid- dia yars; iwer 1½ ards. Jiff eu luanapiece. PiLddirections on each paf- ferapsst. asier, acc"urate. eriFORTY CENTS (stamnpa pannot be- ecepfedl, use postal nota fa saiety) for thiis patteru. lee print plainiy SIZE,ý NAMij AD l-DR I:sS, STYLE tinue; hasn't she w,.elcomied you The yon man is not baing faiir ta you, and yau shoulýd teil him so. Whatever bis rea- *M so, t is not good anougli; you cain't ha a fiancee in privata * nd treated as a strangar puib- * lcly. If bis father stiuggasi,;ti tat the annouincemnent be-: post- Sponced for a while, you will wait; but it is oniy fair to )be acknowiedged and received( by the headi of the fami, M Tis is your right. Your fi- ces neds, 1 suspect, oly a lit- *tle 'prodding ta behave like a FAITH HEALED 111M "Dear Anne Hirst: Tbe latter you printed about the busband who drank too mucb and ledd bis family! through anxýious years of povertyý,bas iîmprassed me, trerriendou siy, 1 had tbat prob-. kcm, but I let, mine go too far bc-fart 1 asked bhelp from the O0nly One, who could - and did -give me strengt"h ta conquer ,Every city bas its skçid row o! men and womniacýause thay did not follow the Bibîe's teach- ings. God is faitbful and just, but Ha wants us ta bc led by Him avery day, not Ju~st an Sun-. cays. ý. '41 pray that this mnan doas nat let bis drinking get the best of himj , 1s I dd.1I ost rmy 7Wife anld mny two children for nearîy a year before 1I found the way ta ba flnai again, 1 can neyer b. tharikfui anough that 1 was lad back ta God. K.L." * Behind your latter lie * months 'of biartbreaking itam-p- 'tation that required a-il the *courage your new;ý-fou7ndl faith * provided. *Your experianca wvili inspire *others, I hope, ta strive more *earnestly for the belp their cburch stands raady ta give. *Thara. they can find the faifb *thaf wiIl siistain them (as it *sustained you) in their strug- *gie for th-e good lueý. Wben any problem faces yol, Anne Hirst stanids by to offer ber ,wlsdom and experience iu solv- Ing it. Write ber frankly at Box 1, 1.23 Viliteeiiil St. New Tor- enta, tOnt. and be sure your eon- fldelnce w1 VMnet b. betrayed. Bad Check Artists 0f ail US. criminiaîs, the pro- esoalbad-chacck artiat la probabiiýly tha most dclappýer. B- tween 25 and 40 year-sofale, lhe is apt ta sport a iodge en'rblem-r or a respectable Club's badg-e in the lapel of bis cansarvative suit. Ha is aiso likaly ta bre bighlyin- telligent. When 50, convicted checkfar erswre gi 1n Q ests, 4ý2 par cent scored higher thân 110, wbich is the !Q ai onily 25 Par' cent ai the general popula- 1tion. But b h asalo likeiy ftalbe a m-an driven by a "deep-saated feeling off insacurit." Thlis portrait a! the bogus- ,check passer was paintedi by Dr. John aci oal t1tha Amren- can Psychýiatriec Assoiaion mpeet- ing i Philadeiphia. After a study ai 300 chîeck offende2rs in mental institutionjs andi penitentliaries, the Umvarsei.ty îa iDColra1do psy-. ch,1iatnist founidthat mo9st oa iitem wrata baidcheckaaiter"ta pur- chase frienýrds and cdamonst rate aiffluence" or to raýliave repressad feelings of hsiiy A womni getting off a, bus -,as sean dibraayta placeapak age an ithe seat. A feilow passan- gar, alighting jat the sam timaini, aiskad bar iwhy. "Idoitev eryd ay ,as the, e. w orks ir la th bus Lost ProIp- r jRR~ Rula, avorybody, are you still yawning aiter baing robbad ai that hour's sleep witb thea lcks cbangad ta Dayliit saving time? Na good protesting now - the tinie ta do it was'six lnonths ag«o. But no ana thinka aof it then', and sa we go on year affer yea,S.m, people liking the change, sanie disiika if, othars mast toierate if Oh, weîi . . . Wali, it doasn't seeam possible but we cestainfly nead rain. Juat imnagine that, aftar a'.l the snaw-,ý ice aind near fioods wa experi- anced just a f ow short woaks ago9. Oue uigbf -reeently webaid a tbiundersbiowocr but it didn-'t real- ly ama-iunt ta nyhngno ven auioug-h rain ta lay the- dusf. Sceems as if WC are ney-,er satis- lied vwith aur weathaer, doasn't it? And yet 1 think even~ the .aatherman wil adit we have reason for camplaint. Howevaer. thora isn't riuch we can dlo about it axcept La proparad. "Prepared -for what?" you a,--. Well, 1 mean ha epadon 'a nica dayq, ta~ ~ ~~~c da vrtigadget onl with wThatevaer job bas eauwaif- ingý for a warmi, sunny daÀy - wh-lethier it's wasing blankafes, puitting in gýardan or ciaaingl winidows. Fit the ýday ta th)!e dead and youi halva thea work. jobs in the bouse can wAait- many a icrhe --,ai be dnjust as; wel! inwtveathar s in dry. Tbaf's what 'm f elling you ,.- now juist Vwatch rte gaftin 1g cauti doingthe wrong tbinl o th-e wrOjg day. To arr sl uman"l Partner bsbeau busy di,,ging the vegatahi grdn dwe n ha comas int o the hausce'I hear various gruints and gon.MuLs- i clas that haabeau practicaliy inactîvealîI ter are poetn ta quit. "ha'sTh1se aif quit- ting" is his asa."l'vr e t 'f( get msi into working sha--pe soma-itiim-e." At thafI 1give up )ar- 1guing. As for me 1I amî stili ryngta ectch up on a a klgofCor - raspondenrca o etr rmfm ily, friands and "fana-'." I1am-s111tl answanring inquinies aoq a ier ing aid. Meaýnfime, nieces On bath sidea ai aunr faily ýseem ta ha producing 1babieswhlse- and il ai tbf mboy'vs. Oves'r la1 Egai nse pbewDemn wa the Ias uvvn mi eoa ai aur brsncb ai the Fifz-Gerald clan. Ha was imarnïýOc ied a nda tolit fie girls-È -the one fuIe yaars aid. And thýen iatw i gat' wor'd Uh i îe hd pe sented him iiwîtb a son -Rgs 1dad.Iwas tbnilled .- a son ta carry1 on tha Fiti-Gerald namae!, And off course hP lihad ta hoý an Edwa-.rd, althougbIimgie h wili ha calied Rager., Ris' great- graa"t-grandfatb-er was Edwardl and strange ta say for boa ime hali-uiad ;In thasamaebouse, at WVoodýbridgae, in En_,Ian, at tle sae imre as Ediward ,Fîtz-Gar,- ald, poat and transla)tas' ai Omar !Khayam.î We kno'w f bis because in samre ai bis Imemoira tha poaf sas"My namnesake is still i therooam aboya e ebut sa far bas not et trÎad ta borrow any Imor mnyfrom m ne!' ILijusit got oves' that, sur- prise-- and ift was a surprise- wen we got an noucsun Card! from. ileca Babs(arfa' sidaa>fi the faml-ily) ta Say sheý aiso had a son -- a brother for twa previons girls. Sa agaîn tbae was cause for rejoicing. And thora wasanaotber heur borru te the Clarke famnily just recently foa a nephew anid bis 'wife in Ans- tralia. I'm talling yaui, we shali soon he suieitedl with boy baý- bies. Thaf's what I tbougbt yaster- dlay whieu the wb%,ola tribe was bor - ndneyer a girl amang thom. Dave, Eddie and Jerry proutdiy 'brought in -, bunch af mayflowers for grandmna. Thon tbaey playad araunid for awhile. Thay bad just niceey gane when Rosa and Cadnic camrealaong - accorinpanied hy thair ;parsents, 1 ighlt add. Duringl the waak wbaln aur own yaungsters ara nat aouda littIa 'fwo-yaar-Old -,ilfran, next door carnes aloag and keapa us from being' fao quit There's nover i dull mo- ment aro-und haero. Srnnefimes if keepa us busy f4> gel in an oc- casionai mucb needed anoaze. The othaer day 1 was daead ta the worM wVlen thora camure a thunl- d!eraus 3rapp)ing e t the fr-ont A littia boy on itbe streef cauldn't find bhis miothar and wan'ted ta knwif SI-ae were lharo? 1 wonder - do you airer look at -ypur grand-childreu or the cbildren in your na.igbbotirboiod and C]pondý1-er \wýhaf kîud CIOffa $wos'la tbey wii ha called an ta face7 Tink aof that history-making avenLtlithalubs Jusftaken place --the ap ofg i the 'great St. Lawrence Saa.Taday's chul- dran xii i grow up and f ake lt al for grntocd. And in fan years time people wil zîp along 13100r' and University Avenue 'in no, ime aýt ail. If wilI hocf aken vary muich for granfad fo and. no ana il ramremeber the huliahbaioo that took place airer increasýEd( taxýes. A lot more farni land wi]l b ave dliaappeared and probably no one w-i[l kno-w wbere To- routa anrds andîfon beg'ins. W,,e don't neadl a crystal hall ta show us the future--only a lit- fia commron-sense and imagina- flan' ta nake us realise Îhe kinjd ai wonld ail thesa new babies wili griow Up in. But evan imagi- nation carnnafforsee whetbes' it will hoe a peacefuil or -a bappier vorld. Hwevor I bave a auneh tht lot ai aur presenit trouib-les w'iil evenfluali ha straighitoned oufý .I stili bagen ta that faithj tha I enionied ls ek Mo'nvie aBoJx Of f ice Glenn Ford, it' ertwonty yaars as an în-an&ouûter among Hioîily- wood's stars, bas suddenrly b e- caethe biggest, box-office drawv ;n Ilne counfry at tHc age ai 43. Vlsited on the set off bis 561b pictui-ra- recanfiy (a comedy, *1f Sfarted Witb a Kias"), Ford was askd: Howcoma No. 1?" H quickiy 'tbrew ýa monologua on the couvarsationail fie. "I bairen't thle faiptetde, Tce still boyisbi-looking ,yactas'de claýrad. lns utbegan fa happan -fa me wýhen I cama ta) M--Min 1954. Before that I'd beea t Counii wfRita FHay- .worfh and Bill Holden. We a1 isfarteOd ouf ftog,,ethr.Patience waswba Ilearned at Coilumýrbia. But.wen1Idid 'Blackboard Jungle' for Richard Br-oiýs at M-G-.M, 1 was finially allowad ta use a, lot af theorýes I'd had ste- ing in the back ai tny liaad for "Lika mysali, Dick Brjookcs b2- haves in the luxury - of 'imper- fection-ugng fthe itUtie higa thiat happean spontanfaousiy when the cailera i3 tur-ping. A door sticking, for example, or wban *1 match doesn't ligbt on thé-:, irai- stroke. Or, most of all, twapa- pie talking at the same tima, A dfirecfor with courage wilIl say, 'Print lt. That's the truth.' -If's thiaý absenceaoff the aid artÏfici-» ality that bas matured lioth -Mvn ovla ndmiie audiences. "Ycu can't fool audfiences' any more. Bafore, an idea mr£ie star oa nc, wba bad the flawless face ai a modal in a collar advar'- tisemnent. Fortunately the prem- lum aw 1-s no longer on. baauty but on trufh. l'in aneceoff any actars in ithe business now wvho dani't bava tû go ta 'the 'correý,- tive' make-up deparfmainnt early eacb morning. 1 wear nio'ufake- uip. In ta way the lines and fiaws in my face show on the sereen. This la trutb, and people wan t fa'sceezbaractev.s on theî secren wboara real. "The medium b as cbanga«d, and possibiy that's why mny eareer cbangad too. Hollyw%ýood iï mor'e and more adrct? and witers. miedium.- The picture wththe bi-aostar is no longer an as- surance off suecess. It's now a teaam effort, and as an actor l'ie bean fortunate ta find my plac, ta fit battes' ut o the m-edïui. tMy approacb ta making maiies is simple as falling off a dolly. I read a script and if l can-,halievo in the character and the stary lina, 1Ido it. If 1 can*t, i do't ." Anothar big reason. for Ford's current box-office doinaneca 15 thaf ha blas appoared rocentiy in saveral goodl comedies, and thera la no doubt that ioie audiences3 hungar for fuin these days. Glenn- Ford comnedias do particullarly waelî. Why? Unilike the proifes- sionial gagman mirvies, Ford in- terpolates credible subjectivlfty in al ha doas. As ha explained ,t- el! don", play lt asi comady butl as serions drma Ocean cto thinkz he's fnha's hast the audience. If yaou examnine -care- Sugar-Sweet Daugphter iok3-0o-ep'retty là thîi hir'-l-kIrted plaore, with colorful embroïdery ta. trisa th* scoop neck. Butt<rn front - she rai' dress aI by herself! pattern &6: eildren'asizs2 4, 6, 8 included. Pattern', 'm- broidery t,"ansft',dietns Send THIRTY-FIVE CENTS ýstanips canntot bce acceptad:, use postal notie for safety) for thxi* patte,,rn ta LAtTRA WHEELER,, Box L, 123 EigbteenthStew Toronto, Ont. Prit iIai-y PAT- TERN NUMBER. yotrr NAME and ADDRESS. Senjd fo-r a copy et 1256' Laurà Wbeeler NeicatBook.lI't has lovely designa staoroder: arn- broidery, crochet, kçnitting, waavv- 1 ng, 'qilting, toys. Iri the bùcak' a special sur-prise ta Wilake a lit- fie girl happy -- a tiut-o'lt doil, cîothes to color. Send 25 t-ents for this book, 0F HOOPS - A -photographer ratrecrts aie6t sl~lyCollage hoop ri gets under way ontii. îe race wa-s wn y Amalya l<orse, who wlll bDeý o locaz blif the first of her clcdgs ta wed. "---".. fÙ~~IIy each of tH, oc ' . been in-'Teahouse oý h Ags 4 Mo~~~~Ion,' 'Do't Go Na h ae, '~~-'. ~~~ that though- themoisaebld as comeicdies, the leading hac ter is always conifrointèd wt very seriaus situation. Mvy new picture bas the sam-e sort of techi- nique. Maybe that's rmyseýcret.» -From NEWSWEFEK. QWendrinkin- froin a gob-. let, hqw do yoli hoM the goh, let? A. TIe goblet la held fîirm'yý btenthumb and fiïgesut 1.NNýthe juc Oreaithe top of tnl 'kstemi and tlhe batto-m of thae fiared- part aif the goblet. Avoid spreading- your whoie handa div into tha \water from the "Swift", ?,round the, flaýred top of thim gney.. Jimmny's anec voyage abaard gablet. wcrd, he sold hcir._______________

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