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Orono Weekly Times, 21 May 1959, p. 7

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A 1Lamqa's Fighe Into Freedomi A i7C-year-old lamia, wiafor mnany3years bacd not vuue ûutside lie walls of bis Tioetau' mnonastery, guddenly found humiy- self sca3ing jagged peî-- ks sud eraýwliug on ail fours up a roug-b ribbon-sized track to a pas 1,9,000 feet Lu tbe sky. A 1-year-old girl, always used ta being waite-d aponi by a p- lace- î-e-tnue, fouuid lerselif hus- lIed up andI dowu mountain, !by n-lueteers ud haistLed ove-r dauge-'rouS - liuýi1g craýgs by monanporters, vwhule-fher anxý- bus Lady mother tried ualta look down mbthe df cizzv, awfuî dplsof yaýwuing - as s A youug man, accustomedýC firnnvery erychiidhood toa f jlfe- cf wibhe alwa S wsthec Lu th- mode-orn dta long periods aof unmnolest[ed cralm and mneditatian, wns pîeproddýed., and hrrednong b1Y a lmuiti- tude-, whichoiy yeste-rday rre ly peumdta look direclLyý uýpoD bisocesreecue- Tuhs is a facet of thie slory af ie -fight of lie Dalai Lama,,aud - fis f7 toiowers froini is capital, L tsIie-eIndian bordier.Jil ÊSi auepic fs4 a aveutrc 0 naý-rr-w escapes ftrmcaptIur, af s-fssdevallon and scifc-,a ieindomîtbia wil tere-imin free-. Il also is n tale- of precisian temokand gocd porgn1fiuztian, of plarnning aud thecorr cs of kiiuowbedge- of lie-worid's bîie-hsI mount[ains aud their unt-i pre-diclabeie moods. Auy-oue wio bas bm-kkeýd tor ple-asure- even Lu the lmaaa uplauds bardering Tiue-t will know w-,hatt amoimit of fore- tboughÏlt is reqUirad. ýEverytbiug eue- needs bas to b. arie ailoug; the- muntrvside providtes niothin-g. The wcathier chanle-s houirly. Tracks nrke-d aunrnps saby disappe-ar 3wýhe- ap)- pI'ooched. The- roof iif the- world cosaty is crumnbling inb giant lau.dslieces sud avalanche-s and the straigbt nie. hardly euer bs the shorle-st distance- betw-en two given. points.lI he lb. Hua- lay as, of cour se-, lier. ne-ver tiývo ivýeni points. Imugine tien a journey indce-r- takýen hurrie-dby ove-r wbat must bm the world's mot inhospilable terrain partly af aver a hun- dred, inclding many nio longe-r youing me-n and women, a parlyv fnoreover., which had ta Irave by forced mnairhes $by ightit lu order ta evade capture, The flalai Lania, naw t eau ire told, deiiberately, followed a route first eastward ont af Liasa, -then soutl, towar-d the Tibet- Bhulasu borders, tien east agin -toward the Indîhn staýte of As- Haw is zigzag-s t o-o k hLm throuiugh heeyy concentrations of Chinest i-tops andI were bnsed -n the certain kno1wie-dge tint a graup of Kiampaýs-- Tibetan rebels-hncl volunteere-d to le-ad the Chhin-e.authorities souti ta- ward Nepal, promising tien] cer- tain capturve (1 the whole- party.ý The Kiamîpas kne-w tint wian theÏr fictitious route was dis-- eovtre-d they probably wais.d h-ave lao pay the. supreme penalty, - Tbe-Y di!, ]but their eadcer and suber eat-nedvaluable lime as the Coi-ujnunists were led uphili 'antId wda. lvlawiile li- s-apin-g party' wtas crossing tie Kiyi River aIt an altitude of 19,000 feet wihh hardly any mauttain equipmeul. Tht river negatiated, the- Ire-k- kers the-n dropped down siye 17,00 fret ontoa aowbi h pl4oteau anmi lier- imedately began agaimu a stee-p ascent along nai-row edge-s sith sky-iigb wabis of ice-polisied rock ou one aýide- and chasnis on the. other. To do six or seve-n miles a day over tuis type 0of country is usu- aMy Jvcorsidered good gn *es Peialby if a comfo.rtabbe lint %el-prepar-ed camp lies aI lhe- (end of the. m~arcii. The Dabai Lama â ehtishadltn rae VIKING PRINCE - Denmark's P,ýrince Christian, 15, washis viking costume shietd and ail, ai P Copenhageýn rehe-arsal. The price wil] wea r fihe auith whe . tkes part in ia viking f csîiv ali hi s 'in Rim- gaie, Euglcind. no de,,finiite inews of hostiles iuirk- ïlin le viciulity, withot twea- thier buille2tins ta guide hLm. ýAnd Lu thle rmnd's eye of the whole pnrty was the turm-oil iltIliad lef t be-hinci, witli no immiediate popcsof .hnowing what was gocing ou in their homieiand. This suspense continuerd righit rip to tih.eend of the journey, xhich as toolc the part'y across. the nighty rb -auRa1iver Lu îcket, mproviTsed wýýooden rafts. Three dlays before the Dalai ïLamia xeaehed the fIndian -border, h-e sent ahenid by special courier an message ta M\r. -Nebru asking for asyluni. The message Îsomnehow took six days ta reach Ne-w Dehi-en route, as subse- querit events prove-d, it was tri- tercepted-and whIlile- hfe fugees approache-dti.bre and w;\aited 'witb nreasîng im patience there was imminient danger of lest-minute- capture. Only the- fact tint this region is firmily held by the. rebels pre-i ve-nte-d the.Chines. rom pullîng off 2 dsramratic coup. Sa ended 19 d1ays of utnrele-nting, toil aucd hazard. The. story wiil b. told _nd re- told i Asien lauds uintil it b.- comes a iegeud whiich ey.ery schmolboy secretly will want ta emulate. Already i the heat- envaloped baznars iLuheflc~ains of ?Hrdustan, where men gather ta gossip and gxrumble, t is be- ing used as a'contvinin gu 1ment tq prove that freedoni i- cleed is worthwhile. The Dalai Lama, me-nwhîle, is backin Lxi s belovedHmaas, aibeit oni the wrong side, within sight of thtefetnal siows. Al India hopes bis sojou.lru will b. pleasant but terppr~ary. By Sharaki, S$avaai he ~Chris- tiani Science 1Monitor. Punch ImIacIh Agciin Sounds Oiff It La probably no mor~e thall headlirue talk, biut the Associated Press quotes George (Punch) Imiaci of the. Toronto Maýple Leafs as saying, folIowing the announe-ement that Alex Delve-- chia of Detroit bact won the Lady Byng trophy, "I1 da't wanit any Lady Byng winne-rs on miy club. l'Il -fine any player wbo wînsv the Byng trophy." Now the Byiig trophy Lu the National Hockey Leaguça s awarded to "the player adjudg.d tnt have exhibited the. best type of sportsmnanship and genitlem-anly conduct combined with , a higi standard of playing ability during the. sea.soum." The weinner also gets $1,00 froni thej league, wvrites Webb Morse, Sports Editor of the. Christian Science monitor. No)w romors were rampant tiat Toronto would trade four players to Detroit for Delve(cchL*o before the. Byng announcemnent. Iminci contlnued, "Do you tlinrïk'no crazy . enouYgh t giveupfu players for one? lm Pelvecchio m s - CASSIFIE AGENTS WANTED EXTRA Cash Tru Tour Spare Tfime. Jtt show yoir frienda auir Al occasion Greetlng Cards (lucliuding Reigiouis) Stationery, Gifts. Write for samrples, Colonial Ca?'d LtçcL. 489 B, Queen E-sat, Toronto 2. Conasdiain Discovery SPROUL'S "5EPTI-K-.LEEN" NOW you \aiien.euoy TE-AR RtUIND TROUBLE IIUEE AN» ODORLESS OPERATION of Septic Tarika ý- Oýt. deoor e n d Chernlcal Toileta Ces Pools, etc. r»,1using Spr(Ol's "SïEPTI* 5-EEN". Now aV-aiale ini Canada for domnestic as wel as commiercial and iudutrial use. An amzluig NON- POISONO)US Couitioniiing compound perfected by the well knowu Canadia1n -Research Chemnist, Lland D. Splroul. Instntanous ction. MARMLESS te elither Chi1dreri or Aduits or Pets. Wan' daiageor estray aplumnblng fixure mtals wood cernenit. ecLi Ite ntroductory offer of two poune pii1eulyor ibuisiness fori'only $2.00 potaioreguilar price $2_05 Per pounrdl enables yau 'taput it ita otest lu the rmost try id fiutdis- posaI unit probiemi youi have, theni 3udge its ffectiveneýsa for ourseif. Y-ou ian lha free of opiereting douibi during the hiot wveather and ejiy healthful cleanlînes the Vear Round. Send fo, rtrl ordeýr today voulll le /ever sa glad ,,ou 414. Fui! or pnrt-timie Sales Rpeettvawainted Ilu every community Mie or Fe 'lAe no harrier. Commissi1on erninga on dealer basiis. Tremiendous field to Henry C. Nosewa-rthýy-GeeaMr. Cross Nation DistýribUtors, Limited, '674 Yonge treet, Toronto, Ont&rie.ý HrU-3-5747 -Eveninga HIJ-5-1964 f- e n d 2-Ib, "epi--ec m otpaid todiay. Ao Mney Ordier Caýsh for $'300JL tha god? lie Cd(In't corel C.20 gol rsi hdd n't get moe t han a couple Of penlieis. Sa wh-at is the gu-y 1o1Vng 11M y l conclusion is that Delvecchio wasl, doinig noth1ing. I don't care who t is, 1oplye in this Leagute can -go0through1170 gne n get only n couple Of pei1a-lties ,if hec's ch1e ckizi ng."- ,W(, 1, nma1e P-uncli clos-ed the door on any such de-ai as the ruimor sýtnted1, buit we miust xemyind the Toronto genieraimana-.gýe-r (s, if he iS1n0t alr-eady ane that some prettýy good Torornto MVaple Leaifpayr have won the Byng tro(ýphy in the past, n,,crnely 5SïuSiith, Syl Ajppa. Joe- Prim-eau, ani dGordlon Dri],- lou.Pimch would Fhavep(o tel-rpe his re-marks egnriugthose sta - w&rts, c een if theY did Wm ,lnthe- Byng trcphy, and thei Torinto mnanagemeicitnt ight ev7en ýWap Punch for anotiier Apps, Pri-' m1eau, or Drilloni. How Can 5? By Anne Ashley- Q. ow cat i1 determfine whe- ier yeast is 01(1? A. If there are dark spots on th.-e ye&st cake, it is be-Uer not ta u'se it as sonl-e Of the yeist plants are dead. A good cake of yeast La moist, uniform-ly creamî-y in color, an-IC an be ecasilY bro- en iuta crumbs. Q. How cau 1 soften the skin? A, A gaod treatmnent for soft- ening and whitening the face, neck, ams, and hands is to nmix a littie r-aw cornimeai with sot7r iik, and apply. Q. How cal) I eepchm s Soft? A. After h1-aving ui ise-d the chamois , wash t carefuUly li warm 'n oapy water; th-en press carefully on1 aqflat surface to dry. Do not bang t in the air or place on the radiat1or, as this wiLl onrly mnake. the skin har~d and dr y, Q. iHow can 1rInffove opI %val] -parer? A. Put Pa.1he.5piiig i'tabiespoon- fri of saltpeter ihio eaýchgalion ofht 'ter, aild ply libeCraliy with &' Keep the waýter hot and after a fe-w applicat:ionis, the paper cari be puicd f rom t'h e wa]very easiiy. fl4. ow should molasses be measored? A, Grease t.he cup light'y be- fore measurîng maolasses, or' dip it full of flour and then empty t. Eiliher merithod wiil1 enabie every draop of molasses to comne AGENTS WANTED L. WEVRRMAN Resi VS$te eeqgrq fanis agents la your loallty, 3p alo W., Toronto, WA, 22442. GO INTO MUSINES for yauraeif. SalI aur cxciting baupw- wares, watches and ther praducta Bot faud hi stares. Nlo cOmpetitiQn. prO-' fits up ta 500%. Wrtû aow for fgce rolaur catslogue snd >aiepurate coal- dential wholesale price aiet, Murray siales, 3822 St. Lawrence, MontreaL, 6ABY CHiCKS TAXE edvantage of pecili Liicea on Bra>' dayold iUeavy lireed e*ckerela, Prompt shipnient dayoid sand sae stsrtad duel purpose pullets and ýcck e reIs. Some Ames pullets, fusa Leg- borna. Ordler June-Jul>' broilers now. Sec- local agent, or ,,vrite Bray îHatch.- ery, 120 John North, Itumllton, Ont. BOOKS BOOKS for the young sund aid. Booms of modern tues sud trends. Catalogue 3,,.VWrlte: Book Mart. P.O.Box 119, Eminience, lMissouni. SELFMAST1IYand YOGA booka. Ils- teresting free catalogue Write today - 'Books" 6591 Marlboraugh Burur'- BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE FOR Sale - Machine Shop, Woodwar-k- ing Sbop, living apartimeut, lu the pret. tiest town lui Ontario. Reesouable. No triflers please. Box No. 186, 123-8tb Street, New Toronto, Ont. ESSEX COUNTY LOCATION HOTEL, Énludes building, alilfixtures, equipmrent, plus 6 fuirnishied cottages, 2bedrooni bouse vwith il ceuvenieçi- ce, -aso 50 acres of goodi productive lend,, liveragý ecrusomahave 159 'seating-1 capac(it>', preatontl 'y domS 800 gallons, whtch bcen ha incr'eased, a reel fml business, fui! price 58500,wouîd cousinder property lu trede.We lo bave other business opportunitie. JOHN I<UBIS, Realtor Vingaville, Ont. - RiE. 3-4022 * GARAGE WONDRFULopportunit>' in f grow- lng iudli1strlaýl town, 40 miles frein Torout.o snd a possible franchise witls oua of the big tbree car manufectur- cIýbýa hoIi oýjýrs. Corner lot 145' x 132', on ei main higwaytboug ton. arag e build- ig4V' x 90', plus su addition 20' x 30"' cauisting of showroom, wor-kshop, Office, stockrooni. 2 hoisis sund pit. Hefetd wth bot water b>' oi. Esteb- liýlshed 14 yearsý. Aggressive car, deniers ()r garage operators shoufld investigete thiis business. Wmi. J. MLaReai Etata Brokýer. Acton, Ont. Phone 203. FEMALE- HELP WJANTEU CHIEF DIETITIAN A SPLENDID opportunit>' for a dieti- tien with orgauiiziug abilit>ý' required by ,thje Back Mcm oriel Sanatoriumita satanimdisitel>'. Five-da>'Y, forty-hour weck, eprositem iave, vacation, pension pln in affect. Cottaýge resld- ence ýufurnishedfi or furnished suite ailablcat nomialcoat. Salar-y corm!. miensurate with experieuee sud quaI!- cations. AppI>', gv âgge,- training, expenence sud raferuces 10 tha Busi- neýss2,Mznag,,er, Beck -àlMemoriaI Seatori. uni, London, Ontario. Al replies! treiat- TECHNICIAN FEMALE for geneal laboretoït>' lu a 100-bed hospital near Torouto. itesid- suce accomimodat ion sud ineala eva4il. able. Appt>' to - ADM,ýINYSTRATOR Peel MemQiriai PHosoitcsl BRAMPTON, ONTARIO FOR SALE METAL ROOFING 281 GAUGE galvanizecl ribbcd roofing, lais than $U8.75 par square, frailht cextra. Send nriessuremnents for fega paid astim-ate, AlS0so aeiel oicas ou aluintm. roofing. NATIONAL METAL ROOFING 1104 Plessis, Mantreal 24-DEP. W PROPANE GAS and ELECTRIC refria- eretors $85.00 asic up. Stoves froin $S9.00. S.T.O.P. LimritpcO l Oss,ýington Toronto SAFETY SIIOES ST'EEL toccapa. Blots or oxfords. llen's sizces 5 10 13 $7.99 Postpaid, MEGCINSONIS SS«7E, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. FUR FARM ANIMALS WILL NUTRIA BE 'fOUR ;FUTUIREI ALL thage point to a briglIt. iai brilient niarket for Ibis luxury Cfar. But soccasf ill ecaine onyt>'-troLigh proper breecling iethods, cuaity f onu- dation stock, plus a prograrn based on souud business methpda. Wa .oIfer il cfibis tei you as a raucher, uslng aur encluivv breaders plan. Prices and in- formation oni requcst, Canaienii Nutria Ltd 4Offîces: 87 Bloor Street West,' Toronto,Onitario-: Ranch locat.ion, ltlch- moudIluI, Ontarla,. GARDEN 4MACHINERY PL'NTJr. Gardlen tractors, tillera, scdrs hceI hoes. John C. Gra.hamu Ca., iiistrlbutor5,Laigo, Ont. INSTRUCTION EARN moral BookkeepinWg, Salesian- ship, Shiortbaud, T,,iewriting, etc. Les- sýons 504ý. 4sk for, free circuler No. 33. Canedian Corýrespondenca Courses, 1290 lie>' Street, Toronto. LIVESTOCI< FOR SALE "DUAL PURPOSE SHORTHORNSII PRESENT affering - cows. bred hbeif- ,ers, bulas, and bl caives, of aIl ages. Radsansd roans. Write or VIs'it the farmu. Ennest A. Prarlt. Caladlonin, Ou. Inrio. DV ERTI1SU1N G I'S PROVEN - IVERY SUFFERER OP RHEIJMATIC PAINS OR9.'lURITIS SI4OULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY MUNIO'S DRUG S1'ORE *35 ILGIN OTTAWA NURSES WANTED, JKNJOY the stmiosphere & afrenll M4-bed Dow.Town hslti TH4E TORONTO WESTERN NOSPITAL 9,f 5Athurst Street Toronit* has 5vacanicles for GENERAL STAFF NURSES $255.0O per monith at present with arx- flua i incremenits ta $285»0. 40-hourý 5-day work veek WRITE glving fuil details to: Directorý of Nur-sing Service. GURA-DUATE Nuîrsesý and Certifîed, Ni-ursinig Assistants requlred for miod- crn 40-lied hOspitai. Gradu"ate Nursesý commrence at $265 and Certified Nurs- ;mg Assistanîts at $165. Shift allowanice payable to both rds o further details, apply ta: SUPERiNTENDENT OF NURSES New Liskeard8, Di trict IHospitFAI New Liakeard, Ontarlo GENERAL DUTY NURSES fOR 100-bed hospital, uip-to-datefci lities i a beautiful location on the the shore of Lake Erie. Resi4ence aval able. Salary $260.00 month with rreog- nition for P,G. courses. 44-hour wveels ef, present. APPt Y DIRECTOR OF NURSËNG Port Co1tbrne General Hospitasl PORT COLBORNE, ONT. NURSERtY STOCK DISEZASE ree Lathiaîn &Ül iking plants, $10.00 per hhousanl. Bertrand't B3erryl'and, 11. No. i Port Ferry On- tarlo. "SCOTCH PineXms re Sedng Famous French biue strhin. Order aa. Spring dIiveyLtake Sîmicoe Plaýnta.ý iions, Box , 138 Letitia St. arrie O)nt. Phone 1PA'. 8-2675" 0F INITEREST l'O ALL BUY at Dîsournt Prices! Make hugeý savings on Appliances, Slverware. IlueaeTools, Toys, etc. Seud for Free, four color Catalogue. E. Md. Rogers Enterprises. P.0, Box 391, Bell, Califoria, U.S.A. OPPORTUNfITIES FOR MvEN AND WYOMEN SE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADiNG SCHOOL Great Opportuniity Leaýrn lHairdresslug claat lgnifled professIon; goodÀ wages. Thousands of succesfi Marvel raduates Amerrica's Greatest Systemi Illustrateci Catalogue Free 'Write or Cail MARVEL I4AIRDRESSING ICHOQI. 3518 loor st. W., Toronto Branches: 14-inlg St., W., liamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa 1àERSOIAL $20.00 REWARO TWENTY Dollars rewS-rd for lInforma.- tion lesding tu the purchase of 9, Mvodel A Ford Touri or Roadtter Car. Sendl informatio~n ta Gary Campbeii, R.-R. No. 2 ,Brford, Ontario. or p)honot coliect ta H.D-2681 Burford. ADULTS! Personal -Ruliber Goodae! 8M assortment for, $2.00. Fiuest qualitY, tested, guaranteed. Maiied in plain seaied package plus free Birth Contrai bookiet a rn d catalogue Of suppiJes,. W e s t e r ni Distriiitors. BONc 24-TF. RiegmaSask. -PMOTOGRAPHY SAVE!i SAVE!I SAVEII Filmns deveioped spd 12 magna prints iu aibuM 1360e 2 magna prints in album 40e Reprints 5,, each KODACOLOR Deveioping roil $1,00 inot lsncltding prints). Color prints 35v ecdi xtra. Ansco and Ektachrosfle 35 mm. 20 i ex posures mouinted i aides $,2.Color print., from al1ides 15, each. loney refunded n ll hfior uuprinted nega- tives. FARMERS' CAMERA CLUIS BOX 31, GALýT, ONT. POULTRY BAàEID ROCKS shii lard to bIIitfoi eggs and ment. TitirtY-eight yeary per- sonai selectien behind ottr closed flock. Aocredlted Rock, Registered iHatchery. Tlom R enny, Sharnty Bay. Quitario, STAMPS AND$ COINS ATTENTION Staipi Colectcrs! 107 dif- fereut rom Asia, Euirope, Afic, tc. onlly 104- with approvais. Ludwig J.. Bergh, 2902 North Ith. tacorna 2 . Washington. STAMP collectors - scudiç for fre. price liat. postpaid both ways. Haumil- ton Stamp Co., 5608 Sagra Rd. B'alti. more 12, Myd., U.ýS.A. UP/to $200.001 pald for 1921 Cadien1 5ç,J20ý-page "Premium BuJyig Guide" sbewing prices paid for coins 25(. New bochiur-e "lHow to invest li CanaI Coins 254ý. For both ,,end oniy 34tce Marles, Box 83-W", Calgary. WILL buy CanaIn coins in gaoçd con- dition, Goid coins and "Shin PlasterS". Double face value Queen Victoria coins. Haif dollars psy 5.0,quartera 30, limesanad nickels 25e, large cents .5ç esch, 1947 and 19486 haîf dllars $1.0o, silver dollars 1937, 1938, 1947. 1948 $3.0j. -Mail or deliver te Harry s m 8IJMMSER PROPERT-IES FOR SALE BANCROFT SU7MMERparesar ropertysudyeaýr ien om. Bay Lakçe Logo4milgê from Sflncroft on Highwny 62, 5t acres and 5,000 f t. shoreLie, Lodget eontaluiing buge and dlning rooîn t seat 3ý, fuily equipped kItc-hen witil mnaster chef stoveï. sud grill refrig- deao e, .ep freeze, etc., ad w ua 1idng qua$.era. AiU fully inulaefn year round d3weliug. J0 bungalows with atone freplaces, refrigerators, 2- pc fush tllts "SL ""su fll equlpped for sleeping. Recteattont building with suni loungýe iathasud hot showers. 12 has.ts. A buangalowv camp are excellence. Prîce 5,65,000. Sands and Batemnan Llmitîd, Box 17%, Peterborough,,, Riversidle 2-3441 or 2 459'1. salesmian G"eorge Sie-pherdl. SUMMER RESORTS BAY-VtJE ],ODGE, Lake MÎuakol,, Balm goad awin.ming, borne cooking, close taý Duin's Dance Pavillian,$30 we1y box 78 Baie. GOLDEN Beach, cottages on LaIneý Nlpl)sslnig, near North Be, saf e bath- ing, sauidy heach. H-R cttages wlb2, ,3 or 4 bedroomas, For faider write Stan Richardson Camips, SS No, î1, S No. Il North Bey, Ontario. 9HOUSEKEEPIN,G Cottages to rent at Hi'nteylauld Beach, Oufi Ram-îaiiske g LaIne, Barrys Bay, oua, tw,.o sud thrce bedrooamsIbesutiful saa hach, crysý tsi clear water, good fîsing, attractive cottages. For picturt-en sd informiation sýea Casr ?itts, Olemlea, Pont18 1PORTAGE lodge sud hueepn bants; rata- with rnieais $3O n;ud eel.Writ,, e, or ders. Penlake P.O., Ont PORT SYD~NEY MUSKOKA, ONTAJiMI On Beautifinl - Mary Laine SAFE sanidy beach, boating, ,vatet ak],ilug, fecraation, director. Deýlgh)tful wvoodleud walks. For a perfect holi- dlay iu every way, vlitr Mary Laike. Faor further information write- Port Sydney, T.ouriat Prootlon Association, FORT Lamîtbon Separate Schaol ru- quires teacher to teach Grade's 1-4 AD- piy, stating qualilfctcln a, lest lusppec tor, salary expected. Duties' ta, cous- mence, Sept., 1959. APPIY Danl McEvaY. Scrvetary, Port Laniton, Ont. PROTESTANT teacher for niew school au No. 7 hlgbway, 6 mniles from Semis.ý Grades 1 ta 5. Appiy stating quaifIca. tions and! salary expected tO ithe Sacrê. tary, M rs. Irvin Hfarrison, R4.R, 1, Sarnia. PUSLIt(CH .TOWNSHIP - SCHOOL ARIA WELINGTON COUNTY RiEQUIRES teachers. Generous maaary ,57chedule, $200 annueal incrrenst. A)ppiy s;tatîrg qualifications, e:.per1encae .de- nomination aud namne 0flest Inspectov, ta, William McCortbick, R1,R. 2 Pua. ich. Taylor 4_1099, Guelph. PROTESTANT teacher for S.S. N. 1 Yarmoauth, Elgin Counlty. ;Ijmall ;choo', ail grades. SïkALY, $2,900-$3,160,. eenhg os qualfications. APPLY, statlngqulfatnsexr. ence, sud naine of at ilnsPeýtOr, té M7ra. John W. Mlîmnan R.R. 1, Sparts, <)lut. Dutits ta begin Septem-ber, 1959. S.S. Na. 4, Alion, Sandhill, County 1Sf Peel, requires fuI!>' qualfiedtect. Grades ta be taught, 1 te;o 8. ApPLY il. Wright, Seü.-Treïos. R._R. 2 Moso Road, Ont. TEACHIR.S WANTED &Y OR0 TOWNSHIP SCI400L ARIA SALARV achedule, mnimum for quall- fied teacher $3,000 wlth annuaelnîro. ment of $200 tea maximum a f 54000. Flfty dollars per year for four years will lie aillwed for experîeice. WHEN applyilng itate experlau cea, religion sud naine of former Inapectcar. Jýohu G. Curne, Ora Station, Ont. TFcUMSý-ETH TOWNSHM SCHOOL ARIA la iu need of 6 tesebers i rural 1- room scllools comimeulcïi in uSeptember, Schlsire lu Slmcoe Couinty aroun.,d Beetan 40 50 miles north of roraunto, SaIary SchedvIe Mirniuni fo Short Terni Cr- $2600 Mýinimium for lat or 21( Class Certificte 30 Annuelincrement20 Aiiowaiice for Experieuco, lup te3 vears> v-eerl.v 200 Maïximum i4900) pleàe s'Ctae qiltctoi epri ellee. religion 1110 usIne ofLeat inspecta,1. J.FIougbtoi-Newtofl Robi'nson Ont. VACATiON PROPIRTIES FOR SALE 4,000 PENSACOI.A, F'lor44iz, ýffbUr*Fans acres bought b>' Toronto citîzns A -your neigbbor about that Fl>' lown sand luy these bareis hlie thecy lest. Tender tanna. flennry",' aniors(l. 1313 N. 121h ave, . s l AnO REtLIEVE NEavonsN.s$ Ta be happy ondi t onqu i, lýu eodf nervous or for a good ruglt .s sletp, ai Sedîin tablels a ordç.ir.g to d;-,,-iions, SEDICIN, u_49 TABLETS m.,oig N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s -. N N N N N N N N N NI N N N - N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N -N N N N N N N N 'N N N N -N -'i N 'O v - N N N jHe pirit L, brafep. Saie- tase got 4.!1in ïlu aclimlug race feor thily cen.ts!"

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