OUI FORD-E EL SALE And S VIC E A Used C%.ar.% r complete se viçe gu rantees year round diriving p easure CARVE H MOTORS ue35 NeIwcastle. Ontarij Plia. Conservotivo Gomerment I 1 - I 1 1 1eu - 1 1 - -,':1 1 nos been -inPower 100 long.. 16fYears too lmegI JUVENILES WIlN OPENER Thne Orono Juveilies made their debut ori the Oro-no diamrond Mon- day night ith a vitoýry over the NewcastieJueis by a 4-2 scoreï,. The Oooboys jweresuore by their pitching staff of 1Donniel Lycett and Don Danchuk -who rie-1 pectiveliy struzke out 9 and 3 batters. Donnie Lycett pitched thre -first four inningsbeoeDntooe.Th Orono boys comm-itted only twýo er- ors in thie game wVith on assistingi in N,,ewcaýstie scormng. The garre wNent tLhe full seven innings. I Theic gaine was of good calibre with plety of spectator interest. Oroo lneu:-Ross Tambiyn, cathe,Don ÏLycet, .j'j icer, W/aynie Kendist, Don ,Danchuk. 2nd, Petr Martnse3-1d, Don Roughley shrCif fLog Terry Carelton anrd -Hanss graf fieldecs with Wayn Baleyand( Rog er Barlow a1d-- JUVENILE SCHEDULE Jý,une 15 - cnoourg atiroo 18 - üOono at BlackstocU 2- flrorio t Picrt Hope I - Bowmanville Juniors and Oshawa Intermediates h-ad withdrawn fronm the Lakeshore Basebail League. This leaves just - two Intermediate c lubs, Port H-ope Hiaggis BowlersE and Orono Orphanrs, who wil pla~y Iwith fthe three surviving junior clubs, Newc-astle, Cobourg and Osh-~ awa. The folowng hedule was~ ranupetr a mlceeting ini New- castie. IMAY 26-Coourgat Newcastle Port 'Hjope et Orono 2S, on at Cobourg 30 usaw t Poýt 'Hope A2-Oshawa at Cobourg' Newcastle at Orono t3-Oronoe at Port Hope ecsteat Oshawa 6--Port Hope at JNewcast]17ý 9-Oshawa et Otno, lO-Oonoat (Oshawav,-. 16 Port Hop3eetOron-o 17- Port Hope at Oshiawa 24-C1 orgat Port Hlope Orono atï LOSI awa 27- Osha.jda atNecsl I 30- CobourgatOro J U LV 1-Oooat Poýrt Hope Ooo at eastie c, ob ,Îrg atNwasg 21-ewesle at[onotlj 22-oboî-gat Portý Hope j 23Newastl atcobourÀg OU E/ N mm Yes, the Cnevtv oeuethas benin power too long -- and that'sùsmle truthl- of it. Dugthir 16 yearsc i ce, they have Madample affairs--but they h-yc. "tic! c:o .Iv r lo i! change to thor os : l 0 aty!- leader, JhCWntr c. JTiberal Party 1îa Ïe ideas, higli ies, a io-M of1actionQt Rescue your investmnt àn Ontalo -Vote Liheral! *o fc n imefatow-cost ho)using; program with down paoyments as low * o poresv asmpinby tle poica oenetof tjebsi * for a vgo on.l~cu5oi oponrn to provie adequatetrrd *For yeorly $300 2grs tudents atCendleg outroown unvcrin~s * for aerrosi:m, oice b0p-04CY aprvd~wrerscuiy * for the return of a responiblae efiiet gc.vermetin Ontario For B etter Go-vernmen t JIt~DFOem4-1R D R OLA-IW t nous 0 coAyre YouPo e re- gA -lusLe PT1WeesJuv. i OROt'O BANTAMS So3 far this wý,eek th"e Orn,ýo Ban- (Cined fj-rm ag tmshae payd wo gainesan pice.on --both hae beenon the %ort aide Ornine>;,up :- craig Hns a-o h cr a-.O qfa cher, TryCaeouiceron nBwmnîleOoo ot9-iwe GrMcackini, 31d, LryMlemnil okove-r in tesxt.Theý shr tpAlbert Gree, ,JinHut-; gamne -ws wellcotestLed Vith Gar y ton and Buzzy Merccer ilerWt M,_cMackinon the mundfor ron Rei ws hebig hbittîer for the b hspi ae rdddteGa1ry7 cal boys a]r1d was followed by Gamney al1so starred in the hittin-ýg depar- Lyet aphKney!erry (Gra- metb rvngi he uis. hean d Grant Yeo. Orono liEneup: cachrý,_rat Yeo, pitcher,Rap Kennedy, first, Terry GiOn Wedînesd1ayngt the Cobourg Grah-ain, seconid, David Green, thrd Beýntai-s came to town and downed Charles Reid, short stop, Way ne 1ii-th local boys; 10-3. Orono in this 1er, centre f ield, Michael Fagan, featurwe lackied hitting power whichi left field, Arnold Wallace, right credited much to thieir loss. Terry f ield, Gamey Lycett, alternates were Creoatog icigasln Dane Rogerson, Gordlie Simpson, AI did gaine, was termed the Iosing Heron..i f Don Roughley lead tLhe OrYono bat- a 9-Bomn i tOrono iiers ývith two hitS. Single hitÎt IJuy_1-OrnoatBwmanville to D. Lycett, Peter Maartense, W. 10 -Orono at N~,csl Kennedy, Terry Canieton-, Wayne 15-rooaCoug Bailey with a three bagger an1d H. 23 E lackstock at Oronoc Bosgraaf. 27 - port Hope at Oronoe Doninie Lycett allowed onfly four hits to Newcastle while Danchuk 5 T-lecarrs To blanketed his opponients.1 1 PrIaLy Inter. Bull rio ýar oddui