"Da~ AneHirst: Cani you telln why wo.men are soeslW tc o fogive tei ""n ex? Why do they keep on reviing a girl o de 'a istakle which she h' ýý bitteriy repenfted? Sire has tWi1 long andcourageousiy to là a better life. j~an onewh has suffercd lk th- Affer m-Yoving toflasow are, having a vonderful husband ant,! two fine 2cidren, I av mado agood ife for themi and myri.-Or at least 1 did uni- ti1 , omain (a highly respec-ted cht:;h member) sornehow iearni- ed ny secret. In no time if w1as iriail over tOwn' A fml Ywa, almnost wreckted, and th~e self -righfeousý one goes happiy/ on lier way ifl one more gooçl deed donc, 'l believe 1 arn a beffer.Chis- flan than she is, I arn praying deIcsperately inot to feel bitter f0- waird liec. 1 am only trying to bold thec best of my life together -- my marriage, my 'hus4and and muy children. NO SIGNAT.URE" WAQGING TONOXIE S somte pe-ople lave awain tongue, and ntail of themr *are wornen. When they biear a * jicybitofgossip, they cari- rifot wait to repeat it; l have *knpwvn a few, and they cani- *not rss.the. temptation anyý *more than theycanturn aslid à adessert wen hey're on] a *diet. Forbidden delicac.ies are *their 1f e blood, and beringth *flrst to learni of a scandaI gives *them .a false sense of impor- * tance. Some o(f their listeners *prove as avid, and the tale *spre-ad-s wif h an emtbroiderinig Sthaf multiples witl each rle- *citai. * To be fair, congenital gos- * ippers do Pot aiways repeat Sstories wvith deliberafe malice; * fheicy do nio, anfticipafe the * larrn they causeý, fhey only *feel a go of satisfaction in *being linthe kow. MAost of us *delight in flie dramrafic; veter- p a gossipers offen leadsu areary personal 'ives that fliey *seize upon th5lightest faff le as a m.ou7th-wý,afering morseL OnQue au on!-y pity ftheir emnpty. Sheada and hearts, and deploe * he vartity that causes such JIffy-Opens Fiat i Son r ss! A fcw simple p ie ces n ý to fiffing problema, i wrapa b ioning problerna êýpen1s lt A darLing pinafiore vith cn ypuppyebrdry Pa,- n839 8: Pafteru npiecesF, iransf cutting guidesr Chîd's Scnc HRY-IECENTS postl -t for safefy) for fu paUften lLAURA %WHEELER, Box I. I1'3 igltecnfl St., Ne,,. Torontiu Ont. Print plaiuly PAT- TXERN NUMBER, yourNAME and AI) ""USS. Scnd P. a copy of 1959 Laura bus ovel d'~ ign f0 rder: cm- (racr, 'ro c h et, knittig, booSk,>algeî! urrie 0 ak ýa htIffegrc ap a cff-oti d, ctth','Lolr.Send 25 Like a triuc Christian, you, * ire' making _abrave effor ,t f0 * orgive flua wornan and yomu are fo be commcnded. Neigli- l'bora whýo lave watdlie-d your f'efarnily hf e wilil(1o1fcou- c~~nyou nobut sec, you as yo)u are, a warmn-leartcd 1h:iend wifb 'huninfrailfies wbo las oecoetlem and * ried to iake anenidsfor lier o -oneP-mistale. Tliey xVil ot forgef fh- ad- ml-on-itioni, "Ef lii ftlutis *wiflouf s;n casf thc flrst' *stonie," and fliose wlio stand *by you iu your preseuf nced K will bring you PIS MOTHER OBJECTIS "Dea~r Aune Hilrst: I. arn stili very mrudl i l love wifh a boy I 1dafed at schoo)l tr He Said lie loved mef00, butlie lias nof1 asked for a date for fwo months - "Because bis mofler objecced fo our goiug tfogef ler! I don'f kuow wîy, she docsn'f knowý me weii, . . . I can't en'joy myseif wtl auyouc else, 1I wa-nt saonmudh to be w1itli bi! 4'I1 lave alw-aya fried f0 oGwliaf is ciglit. I work, tou PiImsil lu ht-igli aclool, rand ny farnily are very nice people. "Whrat (do I do now? * Mien you bave a sou of your * owu ,you iil b',etterý,un(-eatand *why. fIls boy's mofher doesn.'t * waf, lm 0 f a!! nlove rnow. * He is juat in college n * muat prepare Iimacîfel for a * creer; aI3e is afraiýýd fIat, so i mud inlu love, lie will not give * enougl finie fo lis studiýes. A * motlier'a fears lave often beeni *justified. Siuce sIcdoca not *know, you well sIc, canht have *any personal objeýctio)n to you, *o SOry not f0 feel1, 0 burt. *You are indutrious, ambi- * fous, a good sfudent and m-iD * fure for your age. Take fIe_ *situation o)bjectively and relax. (1 (Ihinli you au)This en- *forced separation wiI'il prove a *[est of your love and bis, When * le nears graduation there *probab-ly will be rio objection *o fois resuming flic rompance. * Meantime, b-c a good sport. Hlave fun wifh other friend, *and you will if you keep on *dating theni, and bold on fa *your fait h in f le future. If you arc lise victflm 0f an old scandai, don't be despondent. Those who kçnow you as youi are today wili rally around, and tise few ;vho malign you showv them- selves for what they are. Anne Hlirst's nnderstanxding ivili cheer yout. Write hier lit Box 1, 123 Eigblteenthi St., New Toronto, Danger In Miracle Drugs? Havé flice very "miraC1cl drugs", ,vhic-,co-_nquecd pueumiionia, streptococcua inîrfectionis, and ty- pîoid fever ouly saved inan for deafli from gerrns 'laris"up fa o i-? Dr. IMaxwell Vinland of fIe Hairvard M1edical Scfiool jears so. Aft the Aýssoiation of Amierican Physiciana mteeting iii Alaict-Cty he iwarcned thaf once dormnantcgermansare uo-w aib1lý f0produce leflal infections lu flic blood, intestine, ,kidneSTs, and other orgaus. One possible reson-: Suifa druigs, penicillin, thdle newer anfibiotics mnayý have huled tfIeluaimn body'S naturail defenses linto inapctivîty. Dr. Findhandç.'s grin wrnn is basedl on ,ufopsy reýports of 10,000 deýalis in Boston CityV H1oSp1tal bc!tw"eeî- 19351and 1959. Tliese lavie slown,lhe saifat deuilts from supposedliy amî bacteria whîch hfe body j are increcasing in frequency." Yiears ao illneas or deat1h from teegerma was rare. Af flic Boston fHospitail in 1935, Dr. Finfland said, "flic numnber of deaflis from bacteialinfiiec- tionis of ail kin:da was 50 peýr SUCH A DISPILAY- Madelle Hegeler takes on tIbp charm of a gargoyle., She's disploying jewelry by surrealis! Salvcadr Daýli, Paintostiic pieces include ai leaf-veined hand, "eýye cff imie" watch in îhree shades of enamel, ruby lip3 wi1,ý pearis ;foýr teel'h and a "ost ring. J ' zw~&ottr~.e P. Ct&~e Hlow docs im-portant mail oc- easioualiy go aEfray?ý Do'f you s om-ni im es wonder ? Wel, 'v found one of fIe anawers an-i -way. Safurday I was lu Toront o ail day. On my refurn I askcd Partuer if fIeru lad been any mnail. "Nofhiug rmudh-jusf thie morning paper and a mrail-order, caaoge"I had already seCen a paper and as I w-as fired 1I idn'f bother to open fli c faalgue Nefmring I1 thougîf I mgit as wdeIl sec if liere wcre Pany ume'sale bargains.Io, foiund more thain I expect cd. Tucked inlside flie palper wrappcer werc f wo letters - one personal, the other a cheque - intercaf on a Canada Savings Bond! Tliey could ea-siIy have aippeçi ouf un- noficed and thereby have Cauaedl a lotf of embarrassarnent, I sup- Pose fie lmailm-lan liali tucked fleim inside the mwrappcr for safety. If la -a mctl,ý 10-. 1I don'f ap- prove of as there is now somruch unsolîcîfedi advertising sent tlru he lc ails one does'f alw-ays 1 )loo if over too weih.» Gucss I1 watdli a bit more cure- fully from now on. Mbt ast week was a busýy Wcek. Tuesday quilting ail day. Wcdnsdayrun ingeopie back- aud f orth f0 visit a frîien l los- pifai. Tliursday making ah and gtting -things îecady for Parfncr ' taspcnrd fwo dy i Toronf to odo a fewý odd carpcn- f ry jobs for Dauglifer. Whi'le lie was away I afarfcd hou.secîcan- ing-, also lad a inan corne lu fa fi'x flic felevision. He put un a new pîctiure tube- but fhank goo-duesa if carnle under flic year's. warranty. We are nowI geffing a beffer picture filani when flic set was new. -~ Friday nigîf Art, brouL1it Part- uier home and 1,ook mcl back with hl-obaby-ait ah day Satuir- day whle Dauigîfer fook cag of her Gil Guide Conpany on "Coo ie Da". ¶11 was quLiite -a sulcceas. While I1 asaway a young dliap cone along anla -wanited Parter f0 go withl hirnj f0 look over a fairm ilie waýýs fhink-ingý of buying, Parfuer got lunch for fliem bofh and away tiliy vwent srnw ier p binDuf- erin couuty.v, Tlcy were late gcfting2 back and beopre Pa)rtuer had a1 chance f0 get auy supper a neiglibour came in w,,,ith a sur- pruse irequcat. (More about fihaf at).If, was affer nine o 'clock before Art brougîf me home, Parfuer waa fired and so was I but of course wc ad tf0 swap soiaon vwlaf ecac rliad bc- n dolug. Then !lie told mIe ab out "flic requcaf", said if wfas up lu mcy eand I lad better -makeý iUp mny immdn iwlaf 1 wanfed f0 doadtIen plione neigh-bourii ai-i ad tell hi f0 corne lin gain nfa là fings over. Tesituation waa flua, Bcrf's iohrwas; corning over from-l Engiand f' or four months a-d fley hd' a placeLto SIle ep)hIer'. Wouildvie 'Let lier ha3ve a room in. our h1ouse? Weli, wehave the room aIl1 right but at first i didn't nmuch likýeficidea of cormiffLing myse1f toof akîng any- one. However, I1 ne these people wçere in a f ix and it secm- ed mtîean flot to belp theni of. ~.So we decided 'o try things onr a* trii al is. TluLAdY bas a ~key; sIe will coneF- and go a- she likes, sieep bo hre and get meals at lier soni's homec just fwo donrs away. If iwe want to go away ýwe shiah g-o; if we want the gueýst roorn for family vis- itors sIe wil1 take a room at a moütel fernpDorarily, We are aise accepting a smnall reýmuneration so neither of us wllfeel under any obligation to the ot-her. So tLoday we were1 busy. Took down fIe baby crîb, ,çieaned oui drawers aclotheloset, gave flic rooni te 'once over" andl it la rio readly for the- lady to ,nove in -- and t'hat is tonighLf It wvill bc, quite a new epre~ for- uS an-Idthe arr1angement £eau be ferinrated by c-ither party il if sîouid provc naifcoy So tîaf's Ithat. Actuialiy flic lad y could lie ac- cornrnodated qjuife uwell at lier son's home excepi tha li din't wanf amyone to lic inconveni- enced. Fuonny liow somie people can mlake doý and othera hiave to hiave icverythiniig justso. Sundicay we exýpece-d la quiet. day but by nidc-moriilig Bob, Joy and the boys %were here - taking plants from ic ge -arderi lheeledl in last faîl. For lu11nch we lad, fresh nelfs from Parry Souuid-giff of our nexfý-door neiglIibour. Frelsrnlt ridin buffer. .Yumi, y ThaFt goes for the wcVather tïoo. Hours afld iotirs of love-ly sun.- slhine. Somie ramnd cool winds but little togr bl about, Soli-Lfarmners have th eir -seed- ing donc and ram w\as juist what- was needed. Lw mowers are ini action, radisheS and spring -on- ions sproufing. Inif acf sping is "bustin' out aL oe"-rcM youI glad to wveicome if? - amn- 'r n glad too fIat Arthur God- frey can enjoy if' once again. Wec adire Godfrey -his cour- age, lis fortituide and is ilýï- lingnciss to help lame do,-gs over stucs, The wor--ldis, A better pl)ace because of mien like lýin. Hfere's wishing you acmlt recovery, A.G., and a quci!ick ,re- Wtur o a normal life. Mio re tha n i13, Ci wv P ad relafives ofr optlzdvtr r ns w e r e overnight iigueE-sa af the igîit Red Cro-ssa lodges laýsf year. ISSUIE 2 - W59 AN N 4RS Men PMore ela Are n mnore jealous ;thant women? "e, says a survey conducted recuentiy by two French scooitCiaude 1Ibe cr t ind Jerorn chàls For the i r i nveTst igaI.ti on. they took a samiple selection of eo pie-, aged six>tee-n to eiglhty-seýven, and qiue-sionecd tlin in detail abouit their earliest flirtat ions, flrst loveýs, e-ngag-em nents, mar- r-iage'ý, cland, thneafairau divorces. And if sýoon appearc.d that men are more resentful and suspicious nof their wives' nmaie friends flan vice ,eiesa, But flien Frenclimnen are no- Storiously passionate and pse Tis eetos anddag- ous spirit is always sparking offi domestic 1rows among flic Lain races. And trouble, unfortun- af elhy, ofteln goes far beyond1 mere wordy lashes.~ A Portugese l usband, José, was sliock',ýedrecentlywhe, r-- turning home, lie found ha ifeý; clasped in aniothier rnan's arms. Butý José evidently feareçi a dis- coveýry of that sort, for-lie car- ried a loaded pistol in i s pockÏet Bursting into flic room, -revlî- ver at 'lic rcady, lie didn'Ct wa1r for e-xplaniations but bae awa---y at flie pair of tliemi asfliey fell out of ecli otlier's arma. Uncicer this na-d fusi1llajde hai wif c's lover crumnpjýid p, buti shc escaped wtlwounds. Brought for tri, ,José aaac quitted bofli on killing Iland wouninig charges, But thc court fIned hi because ielc ad noli cence for lia gun!. An Ame-rîcan. frorn Idaa polis recentiy drew out bis pn knife and -piunged if inito a1 strange man who fid no more than wink at bis wife. The Am-erica-n and bhis -wifc, wver-e out shopping ai'thfe ,im e. Whcn fthe husband s aw the- stranger wink, lic wbipped couf fIe- knife and made a savaýge The sfab wevýnf decp into fic victirn's stomadlic and only -f-îrt- Iclass surgery saved lis hf e. A f ar less dramrafic but neyer- flelesformenting and cruel k in d of ealousy was demon- strafcd by a huisband. onr esy s;ide. His wife fold i e judge fIat lie had condlemned lier to silence aflfer accusing lr ie f fiin ivith 'thecou3fouu-ded mnilkman." She lad doue rio more flan give fthc man, as an acf of kind- uess, lierlubn' won.f jacket. But to lisexsivl jealous nature, fils seemed notl- ing less than an acf of befrayal. WXhen hIc camne home aud hea;rd whaf she'd donc, le bursf ouf lii ýanger: "Thaf coat's of greaf sen- timental value Io mand now you show your coutcmpf for rmz bhy giing if away! TIeb(n le sformed out, sham- mlung fthe door, audi refused to Speak fo lier any more. Shewn to ive -Wifhlirfotr, Oby le traffic aiguis fhey arc placed there , tor Y 0OU Br Cool-top dresa plus cover - id4ealî for daya wvhon the sun piays lide-and-g-o-sekl. No waisI arams, nofus y defails -- quiclc fo sewâ 'n' iron. Choose crisp caf- ton, Prinfed Pattern 4506; Cli- dreni's Sizes 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. Size -t dres fkes J1¾ erds 35-indli; buffiton-on bolero% yar'd. Priufed dlirections on cacl paf- teru part. Easier, accurate. Sei-d FORTY CENTS (st amnp canniof le accepfcd, iusé postal nxote for safefy) for fhIs pattera. 'Pieuse print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, S T Y L E Send order f0 ANNE ADAMS, Box 1, 123 BiglIfeent h St., New Torontoo, Onf. PANCHEN LAMA SPEAKS - The Panichen Lamý-a, Commvunist- SCiPPorted successor to tbbc exiied Dai Lama as Tibet's ruter, nddresses thffe Second NationaIfcp s.Cngrsýf Comunnst China iin Pcipinigý .-He old i'he deliegate.s: "On behaîf of ýailibe- 1an people ...Tîibt ;~ as China's iel Mo'adem Etquette by Moberta Lee Q. s lit e sa or îperpe for a wioman to rise from hr char wen acýknowledlging Ua. A. W h il1e-fno t considereSd neesritcetil is not Out of orer- and it does ind!icate a gen u ine0 plasur1'e oe rthe Q sii my priviiege, as tihe bride ti) select whiatever music I wýishj to be playved at our wed- ding? A. Yes -but y ýou shld lcon- suit yoiur inser oo. It miay be that you wish toclud someseua music, whichi rnay b% forbidden iin youir partculaýr church. WVeýDl:sSe -hiy ý 4