OPONO< WEEKLY TJMES TMtJRSDAY, JUNE 4th, 1959 Carru*hers HI !ontinued from page 1) lie tauglit at the onle rural schoi - for 13 years and took an acive in- terest in the progress made lb,y lis ýecamne interested in acade.-riic pupils. The boys andý girls attend",ing sand studied various aspects Grade Schooifound in an impar- teaching prof essioin. As a tial and a keen teaclier. lie beli»evýed, ma le became .cocýnvin'ed in slitiuatin.g the cildren-'s "inter- e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S intuto 0 h ang-eti ail acýaemIfc subjjee-ts, nd iary importance, so aiter gl- - waï-s ahvavs ready to give adivice, or rnatter serlous cnieainassac il hi dilsi ided ta make tahn i ok childrefi's intgest i their work provincial an~d federail election cani- bath by pre("r-pt and examrpie. lie paigns. lias always been emrpliatic in. instil-j He has also taken an alertitr ijng an ap--preciation af tlie value ai est in municipal affairs and mat- education ta -Weir future weil be-1 ters cancerning the cour.ty. lie is a ýing in tlie boys and girls lie taiglit.1 past president of the Durhiam Tr'us- ,in rcent years Mr. Carruthers hasite-es an Ratepayers' Association, been tlie iip(ial cf Dr. Hawkin,ýs' and is stilj a dîriectar of thîs org1alii-1 Sdliýa, Port Hîope. ain Mr. Crruters as themage aiteBetyeeloe Systen in tClucd fil spoiinuntilte B3eatty elpon ysei ws pur- c ise he Port HopÉ,!u e Telehone A Personal Messageto. Durha*n I hijutàfe sor dys al fs mutdec& e how to castÏ our ballots ini the provincial election. NIaturiy,I 1believe the L-raPrts wýorthy of you s 0ppo u]Otherwse, 1wouild not be repr sentÈin it aas acadat in this election. However, you mia-yeel o, erw- e and tha3rt is yur pri, VI ege: as a citiz-ený of this great counitry. B'efore yuarrive at your cdecision, andriie:gaAdless of yu oltclvievtws, wo v ou consider one priua rbe hc is facing us todlay in this Counity of Durham - an important proiemwhîcth has a direct 'èonniectîon wiîth provincial affai Have you ever witnessed so muceh turmnoil, co)nfusiun rest and heatLed dispute betwv-een- our- citizens and Oumni cipal governing bodies Every week cornes nevi nc that makes me wondler if people are being shoved around u, ustly. Pei sonally, 1 feel thýat the difficulties originate at t!-, provýincial level, not with local adminîistrators "an-d that iS wh ce hey M;usi be CorrectedL During my years in munici ap politics ai since~, Iav neyer, been a chro-nic critic of gover -ng odihes. Î ave k-nowýn nd respected elected officiais of ai oitclarties and be- lieve they were trying to do a consc-i IýiouS an sincere job. Hw ever, insofar as the provincial govern lpýenit i concerned, it doýes seem to me th-at much of the prýesent tr h stems fd the fact that thley have been in office for 16 y,ýears. And during that time, seemingly small idvidul errors haeicumltt a point where tLhey arîe treteingor idvda ihs This is somne- thing that can onliy be cured by a cag of goveimment. Shoug'ld you agrete with these -views, wýe shail bepleased Jto receive your support. 'iceeY, E. R. "Ted" Woodyard Liberal Canididate for- Durh-bam. O6~4/lM4'19..evaparated miIk, quick-miing nriik powder. Perfect UAffl ARMIERS OF CANADA 409 HURON ST., TORONTO 0Utl cottage cheewse salad, crackers erry parfait with whipped n. Ea sy ta f ix! Mr Crrthrsis a Mason and ilsi the SniorWardenl of Ontariol Lodg. AF.&AM.,Part Hope.li is aWarden of St. Paul's Agia is ifprior ta tLheir nrig was !Mijss Yvý1onne -Gardiner oi Gar-, d en Hili. Tâey ihave three daugli- 4t(-,s, Ma on, Karenand Catherîn. Armstrong ,-Continiued fron page 1) the CCF party ia this district. Roy Arnstrong realizes t' eon- amile and culturalinreInen- aif the modemn world; that Science, i{ra de and rapid communication h ave inàde tlie wor!l into -a- vast * whi.speing ga11ery, in' -which the MOst istant peopje have b)ecom--e. - aur next dQQJ2 :neighbbaus. Roy Ar- mstrong ý,coý,its for the CCF lead- ership in helpirg ta canvert that ward eihrhld into the brotli- lerhoad a lof ankind. î 1 lie !-as !een the CCF candidate -Ln Durli arr oA tWO PreviuOccas- ions. Ore was in-la forqmer ~oic il el ectia n, and the other w'as a fed- era l eeCtian. Bath turnes,M-.rn st-rng îwaged a-liard fûli n i- paigil,- and -mxanyý . tines iin. -pull plaiais tliro u ghaut the'iid;ing Durlian.Lie expr-essed lis, strang covcin in favour oi CCF gav- ernnent in the futture. F The 'presenit CCF' candidate is in-1 teslJn praýte4-ýive legisiatian fori off ers cancrete and practical plansi lthat will aSssstbath these ctgr l11es aiteeefoae Mr Antrn lspldedtat if be. is eletedt te legisilature on *June tic11, itis year b orep-resent 'the peopl'e aoDrfamat Queens Park in Toronto, lie «411 do lis -utnast jimrplemrent ilis promises ai special legslaionfor, farner-s adindust-i j Roy Armstrong -is narried. flisi wlmife, Mabry, is a former sehIlol j tedlir. Tey ave ne aughter, daiywho is a fith forin student at Lindsay Co)llegia-te. Woodyard Junior Fcirmers Held Livestook Judging (C'ompetition 1Two new traphies Jin the Durian livestock judglng cmeiinwereI presented for-tlie fîrst timeÎFriday. Bath are in memory oi thie ate E. A.Suramers, former agricultural representative for- the county. Donald Welsli, R.R. -1, B«ý7aWman ville, \von the Lions Club E, A. Sun- i mers Trapliy for tlie top cotstn in the competition. Ofa Passible 800 points Welsli scared 750, The second Sumrmers Meb-irial Trophy was presented for the coachi a0i theý winning juiniàg teamr. Thiis pize plus a $25-)cacsh award went ta, Janèes Coombes, af 13L..,Bomn ville., The trophy Coombes wonis knawn as the Durliamr County Fed- eratian aif'Agriculture Merial Watch Tropliy. On it ismonea wrist ,watcl) whicli was preserited t'o th le lateMr Sua mers t'ôonea- o)rate bis 25th anniversary as agi- cultural representative in the coun- t y..- -. - 'l'le federation ,presen ted hhhlm wîtli the watdh an lis 25tli anniversary in. the county. Af ter lis deatbi, Mrs. Summirers presented the th back: tao thie feeain More than 0 -Hclub members and Junior farmers participated in the conitest. whicliicudd.e campeitian1for juniors, sýeniors and' n>vce entranlts. A. Ofriver Dairyzple, arclua r epies(ýntative lixlE. Xý. (ed) Burliside, conducted th"e cmei tion, with assistanice f rOm ariul tiural represeatatives and aýssistanIts ira-on a numbi--er (ai ather caies Durliain Fedieraian President Bruce Taylor asoplayed a leadfing role ia the event. Judgin.g began Friday 1morning ai the f arn ai Jam'es T. Bri n n Sons, Newcastle, whlen the Igroup viewed and formed opinions, of twao classes ai Hoîsteýin cows. Fran there, tliey went ta the f arm Qif coujities wardenj, Garn)et B3. Rickard, to judgetwi, classeý,s ai slnIrtorn0 beef cattie. Tlie graup then pirceeded ta the; farin of Gerald Browvn ta judge, two classes ai swin)e.Thfin uig st , ýr rb epartînig for Clarkel Taw-,,nship Mai] in Oronio tïsat reasaýns for thieir cbàoices, was ati 'A.re Acres." 1-ere the participants passed oýp- iir n oen to lasssai LloydAyre'sl ;prize slieep. Oný arrivai ailroo great asset i hisrecognized -abijity 1 whule eseior !,judges tlledteý to deal] with people in ail1 walks ofsoe, ciee ulgth rcia d tounIderstand ithem. Woodard as bad a varied -______________ wokadbuiesexperience. Ylie theunIiited Church.ilie is "a memberi2 lia wrkd l- te ooyear Tire Of te asni ad d d ellow7s an ulbr pany, BowmIanvil1~lodgsFor many yeyars lhe ,Jas ac- as a rubier orer H lft [lie 1tiv in ithe OoaChamberaof Coin- Godea o establishl the first ap- ec.adwspieieta li pilncestoe.in DurliainCountly. arganizatian for five coneute Tiss ýin 197 ie eopeneda eas lopin- O170n10entirely de(voted t M.Wadar asbeen eceed- Sapplianices. jinly nerested in mat!ter-s of pal-1 Afew years later Mi'. oodjyard icy regarding the fuiture of GOntai, wlas elerted Dpt-hv t lrelelas worked liard ithtle prav-ý Tonsip.I hefiovigyarh oai Liberal Jleader,TJohnjintr was elected iee icandbecamie ite rmeyer, ïin connection wt different youges reve, a srveth ~on-points of thie presenit Libieral plat- sh-4p. He also for soaine tirnewas the fr.lela edsvrlmeig yolungest ,ieiber" of the United ilico-mmittees Jin oot eai Counties councilj In, this capacity liHn dcto.le is priual n was recognilzea for ]lis fahiness a< teî,.-sted in section1s a tleLbea un-derstan-ding of ail Couinties Cu-platfor"m cnenn il osn cil problemns. Conseveralocsos uiesoertr n cnena i e was calledonas mediator mwhenSObnft fo agiuur ad dead]ocks formed, and cliairedcloi aor CutsCon il.le w11s ofenmay eaS. In194 iwsem called"tlie eaceý-malker."paenm agrfrJl MJms Mi. oayadserved a car-wie r. Jameswafrselcd Man) of tlie ie(aith Unit, and tie tareetDrimin h-e federal F4iliSeoolCosutaiveComi--parliament. Sin(e ithat turne Mr. tee for, bath c(,UIes urn isWhyadlas>i; vrl fie seeavears as a meinher of the O -n1eDrianLbri soft UntdCounities Counicil lie ws iof which hetu' past prýesidien, F0 cliïra!inof tlie assessinent Mr. Woodyard's hiobbies aýre hn miteeandathr mpotan con-ting and iliîng le was a ýaebe r.- e t mCutesC oun- ai te TrnoRe-volver Cluib for 011 eýï-în, . Coulie Coll-several years. cil M. \Vodyatd ~yas elc,ýteilhar man f te Oono ydr Comis 'For tliast few y ears Mr'Wo-F 'cese*sd Oooan o- ma niville. SALES Arnd coý-vere-d a-il tlie rural ýsciliaois i ~, I Durbam Couty for lheFederatio dsr.Tlie filmis wr suppiiedj by the NtonlFilm Board aljd there i wrmotionýpict4ures for both im'l- ar-y and adt ,educatian. Atec peeato f th e filmns Mr. Woodyadwa hecmentator. C% m Miss Elsie Underwoo, Clark e Town-i- ship). They have edultr Anne i Phone 3251 waerk prtai the coatest. AI' contest-ants were as~e nube t sOn 1their judgemen1t card. Flloîngthle 1noron-iurre- ces, ac cntstntwas ehldto~ one a ile Jdes ta explain the- reasons for liýs or lier cliolice in tie- grauping 0ai eacilianimal 0i the four Senior Camnpetition Tiie top contestant in th-e icom- petfiti;on was DnadWelsli. a senir contestant. Mis score was 7510 poýints if a passible 800. Others in ithe ;en- ior group win.neýs included Roy lMvc: lialn R.R. 1, Part Hlope, wvitli 742 Points and Jim Coonbs, Rn. 5,.-.' Bowinanville, wit1i 734 points. .- Runners-u p in the seniorc group. iacluded Williamr Tamblyn, Ronal41 - Welc'sli, Helenl Strong, Grant Gias-, p-,eu,. Bruce Stainiton), larald Yellow 11es, James Rickard, JmsRwn. Bii Tamlinson, Glen Prescatt, ian M1(Camu1"s, Marie eiVctx Haell, andt Jamnes Osborne. Donald WnioR.R. f, Id& - lèeý7 the juniov r opetitian witli73 ponsle was floe by Davffl' BracenbrdgeMillbrook, with 2i andJonAl, R.R. 4BwàvlI with -7231 cýluded Gail1 Baker, Douglas Josýe- Paul- Tamblyr, FelosiRo1nnýie Baker, Paul WiiisloWv, ,Ricý-kyRi. kard, Johnù Bouglien, -Biïali Co ýElîaine Syer, Dionald Rîckard, Allen, - Grant Fintofi, Dav\idi Brent, Donýj B-Eougin, Ken i Knoýx, anld Maro McCarnus, For, thase whaoneyer par-tiOibatEï1 in a livestock, judgingcmpito. (conitinued page 3) Against Fire Loss?~ OnlyinsuranÉe cam give ycou oyour coverage for adeipiate re- f placement value.,, ed Cars 4uarantees year round MOTORS New~castIe, "Ontario