ORONO WEEKLY TIMES THURSDAY, JUNE 4th, 195<9 Bowmanvilfle H.S. Tecicher Cnasr.LclNw To Be Orono Principal lThGIik 1Misses Cora and Evelyn Bail 'ey Supporers ice Tjewell Bailey of Petefr- Last week the M n ge et Co2ada r;*!llry Iollowinig mhich he Mao 1 t rsb rga,ýret P A. Gayo! aCou i ssee mite o te uramDitrctHih pet yarat the Ontario CollegeO eh Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. School Board selected1 Mr. E. With- fof Education before going to Bo* Obha!oteOroSaain Carl Billings.Q erspoon, B.A., to be tihe new princi. manville. He also holds a principals OArmy Canassrersiai totexress pal for the Orono Hligh School. Mr. certif icate.oudepapeatno!herid- aiMsJakalanso Witherspoons duties will commence Mr. Wtherspoon is married with ship and kindness received every-1 Mr. rdMs aÀr3l ndoý withthecomng ermIn eptmbe. afamly f fur hilren where with your precious gif ts, and John of Ayinmer spent the weekend The ew pincial,%vholake üv TFle fourth teacher for, the school the frequent delighiful generosity. with MJr. and Mxs. Nel Porter, er from Mr. W. W. Watt who i.s1as as y:etllot been hired but the In thîs way you have mxade a very 1\r and Mrs. Sam Ktaea, leavýAing for nr ft hb~ ahPs ýitIn Q 1eigaujîdertaklnýg previously dreaded by family and Mr. and M1rs. Adam Ing i the Bowmanville High Sch sîe te piciasîphs ensomne of us even though for so out- Keane, Oshawa vjite'dlarno on for the past thirteen years. Mr. E e.stniga cause. It lsbeen.ý goodiSna.i Wtherspoon-.$ now th~e heaci of the LILAC TE-A (Froxn page 1) toMeet YOU a41.O Geaphy de eparu', tmi ent ! th owa om isos1il ets uetOn behiai'f o! hose who will re- Mr% and Mrs. Don M(cGee and inaOnlebchoolti etea g thgia p'leker. ng ceive îe isal vour precious -ifts according family, Richmond 1Hill were rýcent in Oroo he ill tac"ligeogrphy, Te meeing cosed n theusualto their needs, He wlho gave H is itors ihM.ad rLs c orne science and Physical Educa- cmsnner aMrerandicl a deLeshtVuc tion. 'Liiac Tea' was served by Numrber 3 onlysn iltuytakyuwt~Ge Mr. Witlerspoon is a graduate group ladies. Many more dropped ina ness. Mr.esjn- and Mr. lydEing andd Victoria College, University of toenjoy the fellowghip over a cup o!faml 1ste ih e kmterMs Toronto. During the war he served' tea around attractively set tables in rroRd ia jCnpinfprl iie it e ohrMs as an officer vilitAe Royal Cant sweet-scýented spring atmnosphere. rono er Sil Cmag C. S. McLaren. Mr. red raii and Mr. Haïýrold ____________________________________________________ jCopping were injured on Saturday last when the scaffoldlng on which Ithey were standing collapsed. The' accident occurred at Mr. Grahamn's Sum m eV.r Clo0thes Grezatl1y ÎRedu34,ced b omne. Mr. Gralham- sut fered -a io-1 en heel and leg injuries and Mr,. Coppin.g head 'inJuries. LADIE~S DRESSES - Beautiful sQft BATRING SUITS -- "Catalina" ~ s .R adel r.Fe pastels.. fresh, large florals - bathing suits:afadies and girls FseMrs.S , adwe Mrs. P WIer cool çhecks - in sumner-wise A good - 4rment of styles in and Brenda of Port Hope and Ivir. cotton in a variety of finishes, rayon ' astex" faille, printed llton Elliott, Bowmanvil evisitedQ including woven cottons, sateen cotto. and knitted cotton. Mlafy Sna. Fe rmcme and Eversheens - fromr iy sun- ne summer shades to choose. dresses to cônservativ shirt- Girls',ie o1 er ogatltost oga as makers - many drip direqir icd t....$.9)t 7.5 ywho has successflîY completed litte orno ionig. Teresa 1his second year ini Civil Engineering, little for 110 roningt. hee ' a adies' sizes .32 to 38. iat U nlivers.ity of Torontoac. 'syl orcer ase ie 9t Priced at....$8.95 to~ $12.95 TreGilGdstoroAaxf 241/2 Priedfro ..,$61M to $13-'45 BABY DOLL PYJAMAS -- In cool ~~dn rom Canninigton will try GdCord Challenge at the Browniel e ]BLOUSES' --. A go(O selectioii Qf plisse or soft -cotton batiste. Revel in. Orono Park on Saturday, Ladies' Cotton Blousei lai Wash an d dry in a wink - littie June 6t1. white and pastels. Sevéral sty»s or -no ironing needed ' Prettîly 3&-.W. J. Le-amen spent Sunday wihslee'ves or sleevless. Szes' tld ihsoo"ncwît1l Mr. and Mns, Gordon'Leïmenl 12. te 40. bloomeS 1o matc. Vos pinks attirsmecoagonBso Prcd at ... $3.251 and î$4.95 and blues predomin ing in Le oeae . Mrs.of Gors al, edim.Watsoji and . Mrs. COTTON SKIRT"S-F UllI) sand vreyoUpit. almdu en Gamisby spent thle ieknI straight skirts in pl iq, shades and large sizes Onillia vîsiting Mr. and Mvrs. J. H. -an-d faney designsm to 18. Priced at . . .... $2. 95 Boyd and children. Mýlr. Joe Hearst, an experienlced Priced at....$1.50 and $7.50 MIEN'S SLACK - At cottage, homie barber, is now barbering at Ram. - MEN'S AND BOY'S BATHTNG or, work y;u get the ruggedness ey's barber-shop. Why flot give hlm ce'- TRUNKS - Rtayon Lastex faili :of jean' n tailored slacks. Fine aty and knitted ýcoLtton in plaii polish î_Cotton is sanforized. Remiember the L eskard Anniver- 5ýaSer-vice this Sunday evening shades, stripes an-d checks. Gre -w!th black stripes, black yt3 ..adte odpaeSp Men's s 30â to 40. -- $2.9'5 - $3.95 an tan. Waist s-izes 30 to 38. per on Wdedy June t.Ad Boy's sz 8 - 16 years - $2.50 - $2.95 fced at ........ $4.95 to $5.50 mission t(,,thGe spe i0;ci The Orono Players on Wednesday, * r pe Eennengt played before a packed ouse SA. , Frîdy & Seluday at Slina where tey presented the A rm s rong 8l D& PlaY"Y'oi-Can't Take I-t Wîth you",. UNITED CNUICUh su N DAY, JUNE 7th, 1959 ,...Ieod me f I '- - 9:45 ami. SMITH' Orono --11:00 aý.m.- EVERAGE Ooo8NA CQL an 1e Grape Leskard - 2: 00p.n SUN SU i -lSISI Children's Sunl Suits, assorted, very pretty stylesAdcooS. zes 2 to 6x.......... $1.98 Tee Shirts, Childrens and Misses Jersey knit wvhite an-d colors. Sizes 4 to 16. Price.... 79e & $1.25 Brief s, Ladies' Opaque, Nylon Fancy trim. Colors white, corlai, maîze, aqua. Size small mred,-iumr and large. Pr-ice...... ........... 79e Special Gladliolas, colors white, yellow Iight red and pink. Clearing Pr-ie box of 15 for...... 39e Nylon otlets, shade nude. etûîchy, one size fits e4ery foot. Pair ...3 3 pair ... $1.00 Nylons, ýeam freefrtuly 15 Denier, size 9to L pair for on ..........9ke. Tuimbler 9!/2 ounceideeorated, a, wide assoit- ment to ch oese from /Week-end Special 6 for 59c. Combinat* on Dk Set, 4 matching deslk Pens ana I eU JJtxU U. Uomlnpete......... MenWs. p,-yjamas, pre-shr-unk Cotton -turanteed washable sizes 32 to 48. PaIr 1r,,.,., 2 19f Men's Socks, McG egor HapI foot Cushion Sole. Sizes 10 to arfor...........9c -Facial 'Soap, AssIrted, I( cake cello bag...4. Special Neilson's -Milk hocolate Rose Buds Hall pou,-d for .;....,,,,.,,*39C. SAVE TIME SERVE YOTJRSELF ORONO 5c.. T O$1.uno S TOR E 0 ORON"O TINSHOP ALL KINDS 0F SHEET METAL AND Pluniblng Supplies BRANDRAM-HEHDERSON PAINTS FOR AIL PURPOSES OPEN BAILV 8:0& a.m. te 5.30 p.mn RE. LOGAN, Prop. Phone 11816 Orano, Ont.. STRO People's~. :e This Tîme A. truily Farm-Labw I BACK DONALD M Elect A CCF Car (Durham Ridi-ng CCF Associztion) -i 'iI N N N s CLOSED WYED. P.M. OpEýn Fr;, to 9 p.rm. BACK nc0- VOTE- OYAJ x O 's- N N N N N N I I I I N N s, N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N s, N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N r-, N N N N 'N N N N 'N N L1t~ ,-'~ Z: N N N N N s, N N N s, "s N N N s,