They Dueled With Ton-Ton Trucks TI-e lone girl woke in her sleep- !xzg-~ bag in a glade near Anchor- %ge, Alaska, and in the early mnornîing light saw .., four vast L furry brow,,n legs and feet with grcat ongcurved claws. The huge bear had corne out of the trees and was some twelve feet wvay, mnoving his great bluanti head from side to side. He seem- ,d as large as a horse, shiftlng his weight gently from one fr-ont Paw to the other. Suddenly he. reared up to peer at her over entervening twigsý. She m-oved her head to kceephim i viewv, and the movement may have startled hlm, for he drop- ped back, turned round and padded silently away. Adventurous Loria Wihw a British Columbia houisewife, does-n't say she was scared, mnerely that . . I wanted to leap up and yell, to let the -world know I had seen a beýr, a grieat Alaskan brow,ýnie." She hý,ad hitch-hikedt 2,670 miles f rom her hàome on Lake Kooten-ay, Fier geologist husband, eýommiîtted to a three month's expeditiQu, ha~d urged her to go off sorme',Ahere on hier owfn, ýfoo. Se she'd left house and children ini the charge of a neighbour -_ndc set out blithely with' a pack and thirty-six dollars to hike and get, lifts up ýthe Tr-çnq-Càpna-], and AJask& Highw 1ay . The flrst truick driver wNh o stopîped for her warned her "Highways ain't rnoplace for~ dames on the loose," and told hber of'&acousin's 'girF'l vo'd gone f like that. and.beexn rnurdered. *"Never go along with any truck- er who -ss ou," he added. "'Type you need is the gfuy who elon't want to take you; theni you'Il be okay, One truck driver -~ Jackç Martin - deaf after an air crash when ihe was a pilot in the Far East, but the best driver on the r-oad -- exclaimed: "Oh, the Iueck!" on seeing another ten-ton truck on the road ahead signal- ling madl.y. 'Now you'il meet My buddy. You just waýit, you'Il really sec somrething;," The next few minutes, Mrs. Whishaw says in "As Far As You'Il 'Take Me" were the m-ost terrifying of her life. Jack paus- c.d on a h;lltop; the other truck, en an opposite hilltop, did like- Wise. Thoen, with a blaze of signais,1 likie joustling knights, they roar- ed down towards each other, head on, at ever-lncreasing speed -- Jack yefling like a mbniae, pulling- on the siren, jumping up end down on his seat. She grGb- bed atthe door to jump for hcr life: "Sit, you fool!" he screech- e-d, seizing her by the hair. Wîth roaring, blinding death only a few feet fromn themn the other truckr leapt across the high- way. Jack, wlth a yell of tri- umrph, swerved left and they fiashed p)ast each other on their respective rights. A wild jolting kept Jack's truch frorri the left-hand gutter end brought it to a hait on his own side 'of the road. Both driv- *rs teapt out and ran ta greet each other. 44What's the idea?" she gasped, shivering and sweating, when they were again on their way. "The idea is to cross and pass on the right. Whoever chickens (funks) crosses first. Hie did, you aee? Boy, Ihe thought he'd hacd