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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Jun 1959, p. 1

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s- uSbsc ton $1.50 ono Juveniles Loose Out To Cobourg By Two, Run Mctrgii ieý Orono Park on WVednes4 .1of ls weel< the Cobol es cameio from behinid ta rouan by two runs in an .Oroýno led the u-ame la ywhel thl when LCobourg \vent out F, vlse t only to have Or6o'fie the iv le swatlswbee i thie bottomr haîf at 3-6, Two qu the sixth wheu thieseventh gave the game -,(and Doui te Lct urg. ed a st i th oe Cob in the first inn scored alu neli innri error gave Cobourg -int when ?eter Maartense- a lead lu, the gamne, -' being lut by a wild pitch. scored one run lu )urg error aind a sacrifice bylwheni Don Roughle ghley advanced hlm to score, plate. Orona group Casletoi1 registered a bit u. he faebtls rd followved by a wvalk f0 Mal- Péte Maartense wý vIcKellzietf A put wo O0ronO sfealing homne. 's on bases. H-its registered by- Graham and Ross Tamblyn Cobourg then toc the llwo runnmers brnii the seventh wl-in1 )re at tLhe end of the third ta! riiins andi1 Orono. ' MNalcoîin v Carle4n an the, mounld for lin, the -a gave a nwalk, a tilt, -id two Ihifiç batter to p)ut thr-ee .,COioorg!tw'o wlth n ba'ses. Two of these lateriley, WVavy due ta) an error and a Piit. 1 Terry Cai otook a 5-2 ed-ge lu the fifth! MerrilI Gr igi~e hits fa Dc Biley, Rogel ton, Laurle 'T tam, and Ross wlll ap-1 .ade 9 ofi Miss Mail1n eCobbledick Miss Orono For 1959 ;eptember anl et-pN' principal 1 '10 IO R I k. TheSe G crade.a after the '- scho0[so ne -.-On&hunded and eightày-s-een del- iMonday egates froma the district registered YSr. Watt onl Saturdlay at thie District No, 4 Ir. E. G. J'Hitucu-lturalu Society annual picnic )ls were which was held in Fenelon Falls, th~e onorth IFijfty miembers of the Oronio Horti-1 teachi- iidents VIr. W .- c*e t, ýbjects1 ir ac- eut Ï-1 Barlow, st Defeat To Intermediates Tendered By Port Hopel ~edyevening of last Wlle ek! du -,ies fdr OronçTwo double hits )flO ntreitgaeuSXbyBeaion adChlri rmtr ýPor't J Hope -i- lute firstin-, oe a single ruý'n for Oro9no in nPort Hope Iyl fond tis tisseon1inlgs m hto ovuercome Thefn- Four bits were reg, istedby>Por Sfavoured port H4ope 9-6. UHope lu the thiird wVhieh s,ýcofed Done, 'e fist trame - og JOneS jru. Again in the fourtl. port.He !ito its ad ,nv~alkst counted once'0on au Orono eror hîs eammats mae fur1and cq single ht errors. This gave the Port Chuck Armstrong" ;OrQronoreg- a total of six runs. In te iterd N second double ot t Hb ev- c'ame Oronlo went down iti enýing in the fourGian came home when Vince VanstoneL singled. 111 Eýope scor'ed a single cointer thýe f ifth inning Orono 'ýored two ;econd off a walk andi aj runs ,when George Joneýs singles iit. At the(- end of Clhe, inning along1 with DYon Mercer aciTim Vèst took over the p)itchnirg (otne page 3) ham Brownies Hiold First Revel At The Orozno Park, Ter. WIth Per'Luck1 TPhe reglaeetiýg of Hleathèri Rebekuhilge was lheld eTuesday,1 June 9thl., sister FateWlo r- sîding_ assisfied by Sister Jrenp 1Her-, T rewas ago tenacrai-l caîl showingthree ofcr b t A very impressive MemnoriaiSc vîce wavýs leld iiu honaur nf the ters & who have passedt on ouf of ouri lives, Sister Elisie Joliesacng s Tii-e mciutes were read an"d ap- 'Provead, Thoiýp_ were no ouïtfalldlng accounits, A fuli report was giveni mrm the Visiting committe b Sister Irenie Heron, \tiéO <rand. Commnunications3 were road ani-i dealf wth. The District mneeting is to be lield at Bowmanvillo, Beehive Locige, oný Mondaiy,. Juine 22nd., at, 3 p.. ho represenitatiK'es to ibis meigare Sist'-rs Btty Mjranid lv&Miii-- son. As is thle customr, flowers are taj be plÎ;iaced at the 'Cemefery for de par-ted minmbers on Decorat inSu n- 4udrd udfifty 1Brownies, Ajx.I cshprze flor- the Fali Fair ,v,2t Rauwgers an lead eme in The girls arrived at 11 O'cock lu voted. There was a motion thiat we; -st iisoa Revel at the, the morning and counud ther hold aur Bazaar i the FaHi. A coa- Vrk onuMray. This is the prgram aOf acities uniR 4l in the mittee was ilnmed wlo will hand; e-_ iha-,-t Revel ba,-,s been held aft ernoau. Each mom.,i-bor brauglit out waool ta have the knitting zeadyl atrn County, and a gnsputer own luncI. when! the date ;rolis arofund.l regiStered fïor the day's acf- Included in t he programit werel Theý nexi and last m-eetng Of this Nature games anhd Nature walks term is- ta be eld MONý,_DAY , JNE, through Tîhe Fa-rèstr-y>ýAiso iucluded I29fh at SIX-THIRTY, in the forro ofi reitainthere were 1were san)Igs anld stuînis. Keeping fla ot Lutck Picnic, witlu ihe H- vnAp15 âl Wde a um-with u Indian Pageant theme, a en ruwos eeosy vuies, 15 Girl Guideseutea along wiih gave af their Urne and talents for! Rangers, 28 leaders and 3 tepeews and evoryone wore an Indian, ibe celebration of our- l2th Birth-1 who erýe seekling f heir headdress. Ast of the program day, as guests. Bro Gordon Wal-soni rd Chaillenge. Tho latterp centre' arundthe totem pale andwill How a few picýtures of inieresf -ere frmCnintuadtees athe group. L-de closed according tb rlfual,! ajffer whjich a tasty Jlnh wassev B idcd 1by the commit tee in charge. * e 'A c WEn ts15For Odel and Rebekalus put lu-1 I"'(tapractice flue teachings of Te Gaod Staaritani."i M 2£t Oddfellowsand Rebekabis lu thel entu res t o erc Province of Ontario have iluluse! __________________________ ovr Seven Hluudred Hospital beds! adover Eight H fuudred Wheel' w rke Townsip Council met Ùidentsl the Towuship of Clarke Cù-hairs, as \vell as -BecdTables, Issinon Monday when througb the Boud Croaio iu tct andi other itemsneddl qed t hree bids fo r den- thý e 6% intarend rate. - the sick rom.L th-e Twsi of Clarke Teder% ere aiso oVened for Thesp are loaned out ta nreedy! -ea building pragrami. The crushed grave! and m-achinery ren- cases of 1char'ge regardîess of ina is building two new tAi. The tender of R. A. BytC.' c, colour ,or creedthogtei public school, une in %was àcpe for lff,000 tôns of locl ancer, Polio auid Tu berc'uLIis jami the aier luni wto- cusbed gcavel ta ne -spread onc,(ommjj-iffees andinlu rnst townis they Tounvship roads ut 65 cents a tan,1have a waitig !Wt yers o Ibe cbooiarea eaverale Cnstrution eýei\ved Since itsinetnheIOOF faau o isungdbout- temcieybi.adRebekabs iave a reputation )f! in m o f o $75,00(0.00 for Casdrbedsuso entred ooking afli o hi memberus, their ne shols Cunîlonarun Rtettie approval forP widowýs aud fall'liýes inLu lie of îck- cetd te bld of theheadito t tu-Bwmn Iie , s, andi want. Baud Corpo'rtion Lit l opia.Wlkya. Dn aau- Yuwill neer udamebrl who w-il supply the m-ouey1 oedcso as tbey felit ihe gooistadin seeking *cbarity asi on the $100.,0. The interin Bad hud - u1keiwatn. ogas lue live>s up ta tHeiea' g the debeature bas been setl nlerto a gvnt aîîgrcivdo engacpeias a1 Dbenture issue is open ta res- rs'"u"I" be aired. I"veIhI,: arater having the thieir memb, wold have ýy attended the day' c- activities. Th-e~ Nor- iokç the prîze for gest percentage -of hup present. Orono n in second place. Included on the programi wasa cikndînner at the Ca:e rs -faurant, a tour of a Toy factory and a Kiitfiig miil. Delegates also on- Joyed a1 scenic boat tOur. Mr,. Clark, the- retiring secretaryi of the distr7ictý was presented wi hý an o11 paiutling by Mr. A. A. Drum- mnond oýf Orono. Other prcog4rnýning, for the dayi included piures showvn by M.J. Clark and solps by lis wife. Both Mr. and Mrs. Clark are el n ta Orono residMents as they have oný * a nber of ýcca-sions precsentedi intresingprograms iniOoo The Fenelonettes on lt er taî n ed wihmusical num.,bers as did Mr.i- Jack Marhl who playedc the piano' The anualpicnc i-ext year is t !ne b',el-cl ai t eqi1 Point eI the Brigliton A-,ssoýciation wllbe thep botAssociation. The Queen of Orono is crowned *.the spotlight on Fr idfay was tur- ned to Miss Marilyn Cobbledick who became "Miss Orono l959," Miss Cobbledick was chosen the Orono Quteeni at the Hi-T-feen "Miss Orono" Dance on Friday evening. Misses Patsy Reld and Roma Glan- ville were the other finalists and were fermed the two Princesses for the Q ecu.I Previous to the Friday night fin- ais a preli""iary3conte1t(wýx, ,e1cd at which twvelve girls >were etrd The three fitialists-,- Marilyn Cobble- dtck, Patsv Rl idand ! rm Gan ville- were chosen at the peinnr Mliss Lota Dempsey, coluynist f oi thie Torontb Daily StIar, was the judge on Priday eveing. She conl. pIimentedl the OrbOno Hfi-Teens for4 tlheir splendlid work. She urheý hier remarks by saying that it was most gratifying to see Teenagçýrs promo ting such acitýti in thehr commullity. 'Too ofteil, She saxid, wc rea d cff ýenage trjouble rather thanu suchi undertakings as tIonight. M.Jim Gamsby introduced Lotaý Dempse Who nnouned lir choice [for the Orono Queen. Mr. Donald, Stales, president 0-f teorono Cham,,-ber of CmecPresented. Mis obbleOick aceqefor t$25ý. whchwas provided by that organ- The entire promotion b the Hi- Teens as a success wIh a great. delof înterest inthe ýfBeauty I,7conI-i musical strains of -Paufl Miinnecola anýd his -.chWStra oretroruh A buffet lunichwa served !ri the baemnt0fthe Hllwlere indL- vIdual tbe eeset up' Stream1er-S p-redormin-ated lu) the decorations of the HaITI. Orono And Lockhcirts champs ~ Schol i~dDly ont Fridlay of lastl week. The afh-letic day was hield lui' thie Jackson Mei-noial Pal- lu in~ dal iuder a blisierin- sun. Studentsi fromr ahl schools competed. M 1 F*eld Qay, Unider 12 - ýir-Is-Christine Maar- tseSixiu Lino; JudSy Pitt, Brown'Cs; Lila Jaocobsen, Newcastle. -uncder 1,1 - ;ýBOys -Bud Eliott Port Granby; Jirrgpy MVlrrison, O)r-, oua; Jlm So4uh,Stkvle In dierr--ra- UnclerL1-1T'yrroli, sehool Carne out utop with the 'Vlcki CarNewcastie. greaf est num'ber of points. Orono Under 17 - Boys-John Gleuney, agaîn ibis year went out in front of Lockhart's; John Hnok Orona; Newcastle in th fe urban school dlv-- -T ision. i a,,ii McRo'elîs,'Brown's. uhs The evelts included runnîng rac- Orono; Shirley Andre-ws, Starkvhle. os, broad jiumping, higli jump, sifi- Standing BROADI JUMP baIl throw, anti reay races. Boys Under 8 - Boys-James Eydeu, aud irl wee bth lruailevets.Part Granby, Ken TMcCrac>ken, New- casile; icJýhael MGeoLake- Tw'o new records were set luihe shoue, comnpefition. bLnda Hlughes a, cf Or- 1 nýder 8 - Girls-Janet Gibson, onoseta nw rcor of4'4 luflu -Lockharý's; Beverley Teuinani, Or- highi jumpl event for ih3e girls under aa ahyCah ,Atoh 17 years of age. Runining BROAD JUMP A new record in the broad jum;p!Udr 0 BosRih II Back, wasesiblihet luRieboy unerAutioc!i; Peter HendIersoný Newton- 17 years of age, when John Gleuneyill Kneh BînhCokt -)f Louckhart's exiended the jump Ceek ta 1'9".Under 10 G irL, ShoeyU Coat- The tonchers of the scbos pro ham, Autiochi; Bvele ickard, maîte the event and also conducted, Newvcasîî.e; Daris Totii, StarkývIlle. thie eveut. Each chilt, ai nomn hour, Une12-By Jon arit was given a safi drink and an kceOrn;Gdo Colg, lak cream Icup ias a caouviesy 0of theN non rnilimNwcastle. -astie Lions Club who wil also pro-1 ne 12 -GrsLl aosn sent the individual championis with1 ecsl;DaeS hr efn Tuse fowig is Che lisiof %win-vll; hrs le aa' n-,Sit ners: RAES- în. 14-3ysAd Muh, RACESUnder Siarki-e; Howard Stapleton, Un -der 8 - Boy's PhilipBacrd Clarke Unmo; Jimie Morrion, ;jNewcastlc; Dougls Stapleo 0u010Oon. ClreUuiouI,; Jimmriy Piti, Browu's Under 14 Girs LnaTyrreli, Ufnder 8-GirlsFa Lewi-s, Or- Orono; Vieki ChrNwatle; )o; Joyce Greuly, ewcastle; Joan PRausber.ry, nepie 'aihy Coafhamn, Atohne 7-By onGeny Unde 10,- oys Randy oag cbrts16:9"; Laurî le Thompson, îueNwînile TmyChard, Leskardi; Ronald Taylor, Oroný,o. ~'iwcstl; eorge BDeliamny, Ls1 Under 17 - Girls Linda Hughes, ard. 1 COrono; Linda \Wesfheuser, Stark- Unde 10- Gils ina ozu, vile;Dianne flurley,Coaile drow's;BeveleyRickrdNew-- NI GH JU M p ~atl; areCouroux, Ketia, ner8-Boys.Steven West Udr12-y- JonBraif1ochr';TerryYedrck Ken- )ruo rian Avrstroug, Lock- (Continued page 4) s

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