tire- In LsixurPy - Oed A Pmuper "Shiitelabeaulytý1tselt . th very iaeo Venus;." Thatwa how Prisan in tite 'th)irties dlescibed Iovely Yvelte[aunt Fabulousy ricit, site oened y. yachts, racing stables sud a luxwusns ansien in audeeant subumb of Paris. Vet titoughFsite wVas tite idol ne t"peeligible baâ- chelems of France, noue of te guessed titat Mvette waa con- statly hauuled by tite thought that nobody wuauted lieýr - and evautumlly teck ier UNfebecause, of il! Born the d2ughter ef a peo saut famîily in ïa rural ares ofi Franlce, Yveteosauround illat life was ,ýne bed oftreses-. b, e r parents wee arci put to make ends m atnsd frequenQiy site wtenit wîthout food. Site lenged fer mthe day whien site culd es- cape tram hem iserable exis- tence.- Shle seau diJscfleered she had:( one, prf-c-eess asýset - item asten- isiting Ibeauîty .Site lad enîy 1te sciile at s mati and lie was at her fel jenne tîmie. Site used titat assuet srwd andwul FRer first job was as a damnes- tic servant ta a titied womnae. It was tite tirstý ruug of the tadder ta notcriety. Pro lithe day she satdworýk su'd saw itov lite alter hait lîiveci, suitelfe in love withi thegy dattes emn bywomren etf the nobiitly. MA sI likOaer5seants wid tlusse, 1er, "witlyau wvould be ab12 le do inuoeeof titesu d Èreýsses. People eu)ldle you fer a queen!" irayYvuet was dreaming of hursuf buieg vied and din- Ccd bý-Y princes. Site eci de d samethîug about il. Site stipped Mntohum mistres's boudeoir, 'teck eue of the mn ulitl gous tramtitewe- sto n"iwrciro'brsud flud bc laiesrat'-urus Ttce other ,servants wuru a lunch assitrcecreplt eto a side gate a NteW nmites tater, cdresi- ed lu1lite gw.Sityshe ma!de ter way 1,tlite rainrad Whue ýLouis G àu, rich aeid ageing Paris dot cerctaut, camne y tintis hufurdiu limousine litewas intýrigued aIt te iihtl utone oft tice most be-aulîfu-ilgirls-,he lad ever seen. 'Oiviou.qly the c hil d is iu trouble," lie decîdedi as ite order- ed his driver ta stop. "Mercýi 'siur"panited the girl. "'May c -ar lias broken down. 1 wander if you wouid ite se kind as le pive mne a ride imte Pars Ountinat short jouney Yvette mngdte fascinate lte aid man witit iter beauty. Sean ite waa soe eeslaed tittie offemed lier altlie riches aI his disposai. For ioctits afterw,,ards Yvette reveled ini tite kind of lite site hacl lhought site would only dream about. Furs, jewveilery, clothes, a luxurions aparîment - all were titrust oniter by tite mnfatuiated ,Gobel. But one thirrg stili troubled the former peasant girl - neo- body ioved item for her ruaI self. Gobel, site weli kniew, wantedj only te show item off ut the mrauy social fuinctius lite altended. Wite, sooni afterwarýds, Gobet died one nigitt in itis sleep, he ïefI iter everything lhe possessed --his huge mansion, vuluable art freasures, yachts, 'twe luxur.y flats in Paris, and a guaranteed income of $1,800 a week. At ,.iei,*e,, ,ars , Yette lbad ;i, j : *CLASSIFIED_ ADVERTISINO TRO?'4Y WINNF' Snelp " ,e fr' b> his troiner-1 fret, 1/2 .incises.. Contesi a ce ei UNDERWATER SAW - SpDoring a five-fool-Iong "saw" studded with rczor-,shorp leeth is this 1,4 - foot daýng sa\wfîsh, wha mokes bis home in a marine aquariumn. "Eyes" are -tuaIIy part cf ,bis ½reathing nepara- fus. True eyes are Ioccted top- side ,of the mnderwater saw. her that her accounit waseer dtrawn. Would she- ensure that 'ler debts were made 'goed in the riear future? For a few heurs Yvette.va's distraught ,wri t h worry. What could site do? She had sold the yachts anid paintings te pay for the many expensive jewelý site now pes.- sessed. If she started te seli them peýople wouIld guess Site was in financial trouble and would treat her in* the înainer that the Successful have for a fallen friend - b' ostraoizing her. The young bloods cf Paris con- tinued te flock vre$li er. But site was only initerested in fleec- ing the-m for il she could get. TPhe yaars passed and with themn camne mi, age for Yvette, Wrinkles were appearing oni the enoe-flawless face. Her levers began te tire of her more quickly. 'Bilîs and crediters de- scended with ever - increasing rapidity. For a time hier for-,tunies revNiv- ed. She met and seon 'was living with, Stavisky, a financial wiz- ard and swindler of that tinie. He gave her back the furs and COULD SE - Warren Spahn, I.ft, aind tew lurdeti., PrlgFt, hop* o embine their Wtalstand make 530 winm, for the MlIauk.* %raves, this sýeasom, Lusi year, the eembo won 42, bait 21. Xpahn, who rtcenly hÔùr!od himmieif tfoa*lietimne 250-win m-ark, Migiht wel ecome the top-wltnnQnglet-hander in Natioenal WJagu* blstory before tht pennon'ta fly thls faIl. Thfeilttragedy struck, once i7iorc> -Stavisky died. Despera-tely lonely, Yvette was crestfallen, Then came one of the fewv beauti- fui titings lu her life. She fell in love. But titere was a -snag. GeorIges Germaine 9tas m~nar - ried. He was a worthless type, one who, wheu lie could flot pro- vidie hs wife and children wîth money, managed te maise soi-e by acting as a professienai gigpo to rieit old women~. Yvette fel] madly in lov7e wiit hi, sitwering hlmn with ail her remaining valuabies aud trinkets. Soeu site was uble te persuade itim te dlesert itis family and run say wilh iter, Titey lit for Monte Carie early one Sunduy. Yvette wsi a strangely resolute mood. When they arrived site headed for the casino andl spent her last re- maining francs -arnblin. Late .back hand in hand to their hotel. An heour or se later, servants working near Yvette's second floor apatment, heard a shot. They burst open the deer to find'Georges clutching lhem small peul-handled revolver, Site lay dying on thie fleor. "Who did i?îrthey usked hem. "I wanteditim te. It was hest for hini and me,ýý' weme Yvette's dying words. The girl who itad schemred hem way tO a life ef luxury died without a franc t ta e naime, Dangerous Mining In Icy Waters The >vemcls most dangerousý geOld-nlining air,-eratien has been, camricd on by Canadian freg- mec beceath the ice-encrusted Fraser Riv.er in Britisht Clui- bis. Ricb geidi deposits lie jin pockets or back eddies wheýre this river mreets Bridge River, 110 iles nlorth east of Van- couver. By bursiting thirough tLhe 'ce these pieneers are penietmaing geld dust depesited by ýbath- ivers thmoughout the cecturies. Their fimst action ha been te blast holes titrougit éight feet ef solid ice. Then, wearirg h -e&av y fregmen's equipinent, compiete with air tanks, suîc- tien hoses and special rake., they, plunge below the ice ie. clear, swift-munlug 'water. Titeme they scrape the ri ver bed and with the suctien heses transfer tite mud and gravel ta, a surface slJuice box, froin whicit the goid is sifted. Tite opeation's leader, Hugit Stroyan, suys titis process is yielding $150 werth of gold dîîst a day. I.f, rakng deeper titrougit the river bed, his frog. men should /scrape the edge et i geld >ieami, then rno linrlit can b. set on Mhs harvest, 9 It>s tricky, rîsky work. Once when he trled te resurface, frognlan Johni Clark lound titat hls Ice tuinn-el hiad partly frozen up, despite tite blazing gasoline which was supposed te kepit elear, He. lad te break Ms way out. Encumbered, too, by their welghty equipniert, the frog- mien know that a very'" slight .mishap, p.rhaps a, twisted air ilitake, could, throw th-em noff be.lanc. aend donthemn. AGENTS WANTED EARN Cash in your Spame tmc,.Just ,hlw your , nuda ur ChnlstsuQya" n Att-Occasion Grectlng Carda (includlng Religions). Stationery, Gïfts. Write far samples. Colonial1 Card Ltd.. 8, Qucen East, Toronita 2. ARTICLES FOR SALE FIRE Alarma,, sunds loud alarn wh 7,eni fine is smaîl, every home should b. protected, hang anywhere, nïo installa- tion cost, guaranteed. $7.95 pmepaid, r.- salIe offer. A. RTame, Bath Ontario. NANDYCRAFT MATERIALS SPELCSi$LS. Iu Flower Foani sud sup- plies. TextiIe painting lame course. Free Circulera. Save money on your Hohbycnaft supplies for personiat, Camp or Croup. MANDYCRAFT SUPPI.Y CO. PETERBOROUGH, ONT. BABY CI-ICKS COOD markets walting. Book yous, Bray July-August brailers naw. Aise specls on. dayold heavy bmeed cock- crels.f, Prompt shipmnent dayold and, ,some started d<uai purpose pultets sud cockerels. Somne Amnes pullets, also Leg- hormns. See local ageet, or write Bray Hatchery, 120 John North, Hamiltion, Ont. BOYS' AND GIRLSr' CAMPS BOYS 7-16; homseback riding,, swim- mnhikes, etc. Cood mneals. Write Circle Bar Dude Ranch, R.R. J., Cale. don, or phone 57R3. CAM,,P CENTENNIAL for giris 6 to 14 years. 50flmiles froin Toronto. Estali- ,llshed 30 y ears. Varied activities. Ex- kpert leadership. fBrochure on nequcist- Director Ifrs. V. Hlckingbottom, Island Grove, F.O. (Lakre Simcoe) Ontario. LeL Toronto phone Myrs. Wootlarcl or -Mrs. llurst MIE 3-3772. CH1LDREN'S CAMP foi boys sud girls- 6-17, AI]liand and Water sports under college-trained i eadderrhip. tiegistered Nurse. Homie cooked ineaîs Six ýPoul.Îes and lihorseÊ to ride et no edxtra 'oat. Screened insulated cabima. Aqua plan- ing and Watem s1ding. 29tli Ina? for Csaasontstsndiug (Camp, Hlghly recammended. Rleasonable. Dr and Mrs. Martin, Dimectors Write for free f 01- d1er: Wldad Vaudreuil Quebec. MARIDAN RANCI4O BEAUTIFUL scenic location. Miles of rilngi trals. Children 6-16 years, $25.50 weekly. Best, of suipervision. WVrIte Ii.R. 1. Vamney. Phone Durham, 580'W2. BUSI5N.!SS PROPERTIE6- FOR SALE GENERAý country store lu Fluger Lakes area. 12 m-iles Waýtlciis Glen, Ny;6 nocis, bath, 2 acres, Gro,ýs "50,000. Groceries, sas, oit, 'oeer, druga, drygoods. Owner going soutil. $23,000 complete. Wili finance. Ivan Gamet, Dundee, N.Y., R No. 2. Caîli456XIL FOR Sale -- Machine Sliop. Woodwerk ing Sbap, living apartment in the pret- tîest tawn lu Ontro. Reasouable, Na triflers please. Box N1ýo. I186. 123-lBtb Street, New Toronto, Ont. FIARDWARE Store sud I or Reating, Ptumbing, Tinsmïithlng Business lu lu- dustriai towu. Reasonable. Aopty Box 26&7,.Perth,. On.tario- PRINTING PLANT FOR SALE COMPLECTE hune of printing equlpment plus new building with living quartera. Rt. Rev M. N. Cepeuda. 4,319-118 Ave.. Edmonton, Alla., GARAGE WONDERFUL opportunity lu a grow- Ing industrial towu, 40 miles from Toronto sud a passible franciçhse with anc of the big thrce car manisfactum- ers. Corner bat 145' X 132', on a main hîghway tîrougli town. Garage bulltl. ig 45' x 90', plus an addition 20' x 30'e. consistlug of showroom,ý, wonkshop, office, stockmoam, 2 hoist suad pît. Sleated with bot watér by oil. Estali- Uished 14 years. Aggnressive car dealers or garage operaters abatu investîgnte tlus business. Wi i.. Jý McLeod, Real Estate Broker, Acton, Ont. P~hone 203, FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SAL FARME*S' CONDITION' your hay the Brady way-- cti curn t.ime-inbs1 alicndconserves the feeding value. Cet full details eahouttthe Brady RHiniaker fropi .L. Turner Limýite-d, Bleehein111aud Lista- we.ci FARMS FOR SALE FARM for sale - 200 acres, good dlay loani, hlew bankç barn. milIt contract, trout river tbnougb fan., 7 roops bouse, hydmo, spring water. Close tc 'Church, achool, touniat laItes, $5000 dawn. Leslie Plewls, Gravenhurat, Ont. 130 ACRE fan, mredium clay laam, al1 warkebte. 7 miles frdlin Shelbrlune new scliool. 9 raom brick bouse in faim condition. 60 x 801 benk barn in good repaiz'. New bitter carrier. 30 x 45 im- plement shed, 24t x 32 hen bouse. H7ydra tîrauglout. 30 acres spring crop. Trac- to m sud other fan equiipmenit. 28 head Byve stock. A goirng conceru. AUl this lncluded la total aîklng price of $18,800 with 5ý7,800 dawn,. easy tennis. Would consider trade on country genemel itore. We have mome ferma to choose froni. Contact Carl Medwid,s Shel- burne, Ont. Phone 3811.Chester R Blaird, Braker. GARDEN ?MACI4INERY PLANE Jr.Garden tractors, tillera, sýeeders, wbeel boes. John C. Craham3 Co0., Distributors, Leamington, Ont. HELP WANTED EXCELLENT,,montbly giarantee for pant-time dellvery jewelry contracta throuiglont Ontania,. Must be rellabie, have car. Refundable cash dleposit ne- quired, Inquime about your . locality, Male or f emale. Namie, adreaa, tete- phane. Wri. -itetR 1148thSteet MEDICAL FRUIT JUICES: TH4E PRINCIPAL INOR&. BINTS 114 DIXON'S REMEDY FOR RHEUMATIC PAINS, I EURITIS. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE, 335 ELGIN OTTAWA. MAACHINERY FOR SALE FOR sale: Buckeye No. 1 tractIon Ditcher, good condition, ready to work, Charles Ilobinson, Ailsa Cralg, Ontario. MONEV TO LOAN UNLIMITEp money boans ta city and fan- folk. Money for anything aind anywhere. Dla'linig Invesýtments Ltd.. .3803 131or Street West, Toronto. WA 2-2442. NURSES WANT.ED ENJOY the atmosphere of a frienAdly 640-bed Down-Town hospital. THE TORONTO WESTERN HOSPITAL ~399 Bathurst tret Terontn ls vacanicles for GENERAL STAFF -NURSES $255.00 per nionth at preýsent withan fluai Increments ta $285.00. 404iour 5-day work w1eek WRITE givIng fuIl detaïls ta: flirector of Nurslng Service. ONTARIO Homes,, for M~entaily Retard. ed Infants Ill.,' Plainfield, Onit., _hae openlng for two graduate nurses f rom July 1 ta Aug. 31,15. If desired, con- tlnuous enploymmit for the rilht par-, tles. Experience ,vith niental1l' retarded infants preferred but flot essential. Boom .and board included. State wages, xperience and references in first let- ter. Apply ta Superintendent, Mrn. Leonora Vellenan, PlalnifilId, Ont., PO. Box 100 Hospital Superintendent REGISTERED nurse for 30-bed modern hospital, startlng July 1, 1959. Furnish- ed1 3-rooni~ apartiment Provided. Reply, stating previaus experience and saaary expected to Mrs R. E. Linton,îî Secré- tary. Englehart; and District Hbospital Board. Box 609 Englehart, Ont. Public Health Nurses A N Assistant Supervisor 0F PUBLIC I4EALTH NURSING For generalized prograni in expanding I-lealth Unit. Liberal fringe benefits and vacations. Salary Scale (allIowance for exp erience) -Publiec Ilealth Nurses; $3,500-$4,500. Assistant Supervisor: $400$,0.Contact. - DR. 1, B. COOK, DIRECTOR SUDBURY & DISTRICT HEALTH UNIT M0 CEDAR STREET, SUDBURY OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN SE A HAIRDRESSER J OIN CANADA'S L.EADING SCHOOL Great Opportunnty Learn Hairdressing Pleasant, dignified professîon, good, wagea. Thoixsands of successfui Marvel Grad.uates Ames'lca's Greatest Systern illustrated. Catalcoe< Free Write or Cal MARVEL NAIRDRESSING SCS400L 358 BIoor ft. W., Toronte Branches: 1,1 King St., W., Haniltoni 72 Rideau Street, Otta*,ý PERSONAL AUTIORS lnvlted ýsiubmrit MISS ail types- x (ic1ing Pems) for book publication. Rleasonlable ternis. Stockwell Ltd-.\ 'If ra- combe, England. (estd. 1898) MY RUPTURE wai -removed naturally, For FREB F4CTS, write: John Mox-, tim er, B ox 128 W , E lora, Ont.- - -- - CHRISTIAN CHAM NRECORD 0F THE MONTH CLUB CLUB ineibers bo~y recordsa t s sa-v- Ln gs ind make i riiiey ;el$ag taothC club members, 'Wrîte di*s nnma tlwi Sacred Rec~ord SupplIy Centre, Baox 200, Hh.atlai)d NB. sAM ISAVE! SAVEI Filis developed and Ji magna prints in album G604 2magna prn,in lu lum 40, Reprints Sf each KODACOLOR Developlng rail $1.00 (neGt lncluidlng prints), Celer prints 354, each extra. Ansco and Ektaehrome 35 mm.r 20 ex- posures mounted lin slldes $1.25. Color prints fronnssildes _35ë, each. Moniey * efunded lin fui] for unprlnted nega- ,FARMERS' CAMERA CLUB B3OX 31, GALT, ONT, ~PROPERTIES FOR SALÉ CATALOGUE available an farniand auburbani property. Offices In Braitnp- ton, Orangeville, Georgetown arnd Guelph. Upon request we wl forward ta you a catalogue coverlng the typ.e of property you suggest you miay 'bela terested in. G. A. Hutchison, Realý.tar. 29 Queen St., E., Brampton. 50 ACRES af tuyber. 15 acres wltbà three hanses, large bamn, pressure systeni, bath roodin. John 1I1, Parka,ý Bannockburn, POULTRY ANO LiVESTOCK QUESTION;- What Asi the most profit- able white egg strain chJcken? Answer: X-;37 Kimberchilks. Why? Because they laj; large eggs early i volume, gooe Interior egg quality, 4xceptional Ili- ablty with relatlvely good resistence to leucosis. -Discounts far June, Julyý a nd Auguat. Also other egg reeda: Whifp. tehorn X Fbade lIsland Red- * BLUE WATER NEAI WALLAi recreatianal fcu l.ag; Bible and m For folder wvrite 153 ont. tiOUSEIïEEPINGC irlnterland Beach, Lake, Balrys Bay, bedmoo.ma, beautifui ta] clea)vwaten, ga(ý cottages, For pictur a3ee Carl Pitts, Omne Nymnark's Lodi ST."'SAUVER I ON private lake; a 150, swlInmmlng poo tennis, sports, own avallableý. Comforial phere. Cholce me .Weekly guests. Fo Low weekly rates. I-onieymoion Speclai kCEIURr, ONT ýai srnmN ties;evenng n ýnissGnaN oneRGanTr. 1 indhigeals; clI N le fs; ving meeatii emiaslor speke8. 3oer ing W.obathant, alettagendltamta ene, two sudlftrl 19e, Pon 10 t PORT SYDNEY MUSEORA. ONTARitO On Beautiful MaLrY Lake SAFE sîandy beacýh, boating, wa1te. slingrecreation director. Dlgtu woodland walks. For a perfect holl. day in every way, visît Mary Laite. Foe funther Information wiePort SvcIney Tourist Promotion Association. SUMAMER PROPERTIES FOR SALE OR REIT BALA Park Island;~ for sal.e or rnu, cottage on beautiful MUskoka Lake, WIll sîeep 11, hydro, tap water,. dec- tric rçfrigerator, propane gas for Cook. ing, and rowýboat. Apply Allient Dunu, 3l'William St.,iDelhii, 0Ont.. Phone 6708J. TEACI-ERS ,WANTED TEACIfER, sanie experience. Average attendance 17, 1958. School close to railivay and No. Il Hgwy State salary, Apply to Mmi. Moffat. Sec., Treas. Public School, Ramore, Ontaria, PROTESTANT teache.r foi S.S No. 4 Yarmouthi, Elgin Couunty SmalI achoof, SA.LARY, $,0-$oc ceeclw d qualifications. AppLY , ataLnrgqulfcto, pei ence, an.d name of lest npe tc t MArs. John W, Milîman, R.-.1 parta, Ont. Dutica ta Ieglu 'September. J959. ST. Edward's 4 rooni vtiodevrn s o at Nipigon requires -i Pncipal and Teacher. Situated 60 miles fromn the Laheed on Triais Caniada i-ighwa;Uy. Moudem Arown of 2700pouaonPr. cipal Minnimum salary S3,400. Teacher Minimum salary $3,000.Eprene10 x4 annual incremient $200x4. Apply statlug qualifications a.nd naine and nlng, Nipigoni, Ontario. TEACHER requýired - for ikrral public sehool for, Septenilber. Smallenrbi ment. APPLY, statiti, salary epce n experience, ta: John A MJcLeod, Sec.. Treas. of Aberdeen-Plummne, Township school ares, Leeburn, Agoa ntarlo. TEACH-ERS WANITED BY ORO TOWNSHIP SCI4OOL APEA SAJLARY schedule, inlnnimm oi quali- fied teachier $"'3,000 with anui<l incre. mont of $200 to maxýimum af $4,000. Fifty djollars per year f'or foui vearm Willl bceallowerd for experiece. WHEN appiying stlate exPefîen(ce. age, religion and. namne of former inipector,. John G.Currie. Oro Staticn Ont. 3 PROTESTANT teachers for tOownsliu school amea of Mayo. ILaîtir0ýs Couut'y, startiig 1959-6() termi. ONE for oue-i-oon) achool 'tcArttiur'n ,flls). Gradles I to V, Seiary $3,0;00. ONE f~or principaltwr9n cio (Hermon.) Grades V to \7111, iar $3,300. ONE for j4unior room,. two-raom adhool tHer1nihn, ýGrades 1I jo IV SlrY, $2,800. GIVE na-me and addressî.5t fast inispec- tor and experience tu A. W. ~nsit IRON BRIDGE PUBLIC SÇHOOL TEACHERS wanted fer - Junior and Iniermedicte GroActs MODE RN 7-roori achool. SALARV SCNEOUIE minimum Ltrof erm1ssios.......ý2,6Q Letter of Stuanding............#2,80Q #qVa1ïfied .......... .........-111 $3,000 APPLY, glving references andI quatlifî. MRS. ALTA EAKET IRQN BWIDGE, ONT. SPORTINOG OODS VIBREGLASS %CANOES, "SENECA" Il ït. 55 lbs. Wlldernesa Tested. Sendi for Free, Catalogue of Sporting Good, Algamna Sparts Shop, 334 CouflaIs Ave- nue, Sault Ste. Marie, Onitario. TuRKEY5ý BROAD Breasted Bronze turkey -poultt, large god mark et type strain, Reason.-. ably priced. Circular. Brunton Turkey,ý Fanand Hatéliery. R 2. Camphellford, Ont U.S;.A. RESORTS DETROIT, Miel. suburli; 3 miles eilt limits. Ove-night dabins sen4-model'n, free TV, picnlc tables. Cenitmnlly la- cated for taurist attractions. Most cabins $400 for 2 people. Cottge Grovtý Court, 27601 Telegraph Rd., (US. 24) zt Nch weser Hfwy., irpiingbam. T. b. Icjppy nd traniquilinsed neýrvous cr fra o ý4lh '.ep, tk s4dicîn tablei odtigt frcks SED1CIN sa-u LIABETS rg$ssOp 24 BZ- 10 s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N