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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Jun 1959, p. 8

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-ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Atho>rized as Sezco c- sMa~i, PoSf Offfice 1rrtet.Otawa FO'under..R. A. 6ri.r lPùblihrR .Porse Cicin StUR Vote Uritil 8 p.rm. iA you ae' led ôeteeis stiil i tîme to do s pruvidig o1 course you are a Th ida eader. 'ihe importance (;î tngvorvote cai Il lrdly be strýssed too Strl'Oi-fY forie jcr pals of demiocracy first depends on the exercSing u4 mis ý-, ,n. We , in Canada are among the fortunate people of the world who beneic frorn tAe feedom o,À choie and tflus a dmc racyý. This ud pass us by if we the peopie disregard. aur Mbi- gatin and t" catoui .3ectis ith idiHfference. To-day, Thursday Junle lIth is votinig day ln the Povince of Olrjthe day Vwhen wecooe C oOui'oerig y fr te next S0ur years. Just' as a reminder if you already haven't voted, your vote is requested. The polis remain open until 8 o'clock to- nightt;it which time they vwîll close Lor. another tem cffour' Or irvy ypears, Make sure your vote is counted. More Areci For Parking D)uri1ný;the past years car nmanufacturers to craiterest ia the crmre have Ienigthiened their automnobiles tio qite an extent. 'Thouughout the country this has created polnand espeei aJy s a unparking. O1 ono has been inq exýcptîon but rather ag-c,,id,à,,tnîple o! the problem. The businiess setin flthe Village becoe -. aiïumed vwih cars and due to their leingth cover a great par'; tiiŽ road Mien parked. At lines t s almnost impossible to driu vehicle along the busines section of the Mai Street when )th %xehicles are parked on botlî suites in ka diýagonaL [man- Oesolution to this problemi could be parallel parking on one of the two sides of the streat. This would give a wider travel area on the street but on the other hand would cut down parking facltcies drastîcalyý,. TuTs would be a factor tChat would 'be unde- si-eable and so such a schenie would receive littie support fromà theus-, conducting business in tfus area. Th sewlkpr.og,ýr of the Police Trustees this year- hasý str~ n a plan whereby the street it b~iessection of tir Village 011 be eventually mucli widei 'îlTe ýc,enie started thiýs year has been to lessen the width of the sidewalk onl the west side 0-f the streetf. Byaking two feet off the walk, parking was mruch1 hirnproved in this particulr area. T7he plan is expected to be carried out in fUW;'re year's tntil the whole wvest side linas been comrpleted,. * ree Tub erculin Tests During the monta of Jue everyone in the Coui\ty of Dur- hani shold take advantage of theTurdn testwhc isbeg offered free of anly chargeý.Th program commenoed On Monday of this wee'k and will continue until the end of the mionth ini the various partis of the County. A two day perîod lias been set MAd for those in thte Orofto areh ',eit-g Thursday anud Friday, June i8th and 19th. On these datesthe linic will be hleldin the OronoOd fellow's 1hall during the hours of 2 to, 5 iri the afternoon and 7 tce. 10 in the evengs. A return visif itist then be made o)n June 22 and 23rd When the results of the test will be read. Also on these dates an x-ray wîll be takçeniif necessary. Don't forget that for the Orono area the date is Jue l8t and l9th. T'his free Tuberculin. test is made avaîlable throtlgh the Northumnberland-Durham Tuýbereulo'-sîs AssociationJ- and the On- taro Departmyent of Health. 'rHURSDAY, JUNE 11th, "53S ENGAGEM ENT Mr. and Mrs. Clair smatt Gant dflfflU(e t Pugagee tof their daughtev, Care 0Virgi ia, [0. Mn. Frneick Lane -Ande sonson of Màr. Bruce Andelr nia d Mrs. Edithi Fe~uoand foi e y vof Oshawa, on July 1 at 3 o'cl in St. Oe<ýrge's Onït. T'lm' rri e o will take -placet - n l ca n CC l ' c , N w a t'le . a- CAR D 0F THANRJ pse M~~ii is rvyCris, 0Orono ,wIsh toý than th Rev r orîthe kdar- lu, ue nrss u owanvilleA 1 would like 0)express imystb to aýi my fi sand en& bour, fcir the many lovely c du am flowe-rs sent to me during My utay ln ownianville HosýpitaV Also a special hlanksXo the mem-i bers of Lthe Hlb pîtal taff, and t«j Dr. MýeK,ýenzie,' D. RW( dle,' Dr. MýiR!- los and Drl. An Mýlarg M, egister yearS ~i60, child's a-c Moedails1- er. CAWDE OF THFANK,-, thanks and1 appreciati tifrienlds nid nol bou - -~ the indes ad el 0willingly. givýen durxlthe iii ess and death' June lith a' ltheosi :0 of o)ur Motr.Scea thanku t to;8:30 p.m Dn. Mcen Ci rs. Gamey and Pre SChool e - e week Glenn. a-p 1 to 12 yea -.0pesasn The F iwily. Programm to 10start Julth - o -Jbv1,,3l-st. Aes Lou befro 3 yeoarýs CARD OF THAi KSto2yas.- 1Iwanitto vythank su to àl1Myj friecdswh av berd< so kind toý NOTIME me s AnPy d retways, I1 wisýh jet the Residleit 'of Or- since 1I had yleg: (ruken1 .Monioo anid istrict know 1 o and Dad alsot is pm t thans. h epres t irhave, ywnBusiness fçAlumin- -c1niWind wýs, DOo",Anigan Elen ilso. aiins.eailing direct fr On th e Toroto plant. W1,it /mv seven -this unle I teLd thathdan give o Ont., on -1 ednesay Jue rad pric than y would get fro yeisabll oni ui.Age 84 any hig -pressu salesiman. I1p Repsted Pat he 4arlow Wunerali and sez -ce adm mlois"als HmPark e.Ooo ~~ faction bfo cllcton vieon Saturday, Juae 6th, 19 1 l ru- ra itf cmae 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ - pm nemn rn Cemeýte -the quality and price. R.obert Pelletier, R,R. 2, Orono, Onaro ~ B.iilliug A use?[ or r c Bn y ur present one y, *yNih0s f' e -~h+e21910rano d ans and Septic T nS ed. Forms available - - - - - - y flEX COL ECTIOt4 DAIE IPLU, INQ; OHE~îG 1OUR' WA TED T BUY ive wih ur ase used fu~rni- Ph 2e iO, rono. a-p Pose nearly new. îeuEsti es. ROSS CA LETON Qrono,2Ph U 2 6. AruhumWhîo sand Door1s, aretyW rk 3771. iice annual L I eeal " 'ftr p.. ndail day Sat- E REPAi S istim iohve your es repaire Cali rono Shloe Re-l The, RUTTER GRANITE COMNPANY plione TU 5-5216 P-0. Box 62 PotHope, Ont. 0ByDirect and Save CpmnmissioDn!i -Monuments, CGravestones, Engraving, Goldleafing tCUSTOM SPRAÀYING IjcustürmlSpra3ing JOHN DeK0KEft TIS SATURDAY JUNE THE l3tb SAre Ysu Pr.tected tAjains Fir Log""" coly Insurauxce cran iveyou P prtcin against. lossi. Check vour cýovera-ee for adequate re- N.F. PORTER Res, 1252 I J ifamlteas Sadie Hamilton Every class of Insur- ance is Fepresenlted in our off ice. The follow- ing are somne of the nain coverages we can offer: AutoCmobile, Life, Accident and Sickness, Plate Giass, Liability, Fire, Bturgh.ary, l4espitaizationi, Livestock, Boiler, Wind, Polio, Haii, Fidelity Bonds etc. ORONO PH-ONE 1R16- FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS A. F. McKENZIE, Mf. PtIîY5,CIAM t4d SURGEON- Office Hours 2.»Q tc 4:90 pm MO70iv»8:00> p. 1 SaturdaV3 ard WdnsdyI PHONE 147*1 DRR. RJ. TAGGART JVETERNARY SURGEOP. Phono W066 Orono, Oi*. Lot us erect a handsom,, dig- nifigdedmonument over tho rest- ing place of- your Ioved ones. It's "ot expensive. And see-ingI this last tribute will give you endîèess comfort. OronoEiectric PHO L 29 CONTRACTORS FOR - FARM and 110118E Free-Estinuates APPLIANCE SALES PrOmpt anld Guaranteed Repairs ta aIl kinds of Electricai Equipnmeo and iAppiiances usuch ai ,lo0rs- Water Heat.rg T.V . - . les -Stove- -Iront *TjMeg : Laweme .- iamLA. Barrister and Soicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Piiones: office MA 3-568à Hoe MA 3-5553 Daoeister - Solicitor IL R.Waddjell Q.C. MAiN ST,, ORONO P riday 7 pýaI. - 10 vu.m. JACK~uj Aucioneer and Valuator Speialzein -Farm and Furniture'Sales Coneui't me for terms and datesb phone 5 rl Orona Aucioner nd aluator Cond~ct Auti~SaIe; of aUt elun a treaSznaWe ratesý, Commnicte wth lm t part Nray O tr o eehi erk<, A. qý; Morton at Or)no for date LIFE ÏISURFANRE Pengion Plars; *Educat onal polcI.1 Protecton andSais Plans for. ChiIdren and Adults; Moa1tgag &ni F. E. LYCIETT Orono, Ont., Phone 117l6 4 Macais.Freedeu*,nstration. - At $00 ownand $1,0G0 a weelc. Up t 2%off ondmosr0oe IMACHIUNES 329 Simcoe StUS PoeRA 812712 STAFFORD BROS. Plon.Whitby 552 31S Dundas St., Wlb FýINE QUALIrY MONUMENTS ÀANa

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