Volume 2 Number 18 Thursday, J'une l8th 1959, C Subscrîption $1.50 Alex Corruthers Wins 'Meett Engineers ýChomnber Colt Derby, Scturday Mu~n. W\)teri ý'AAcc ren 'Te% PraccenI'Trrbr Gaipites niensdyoftiiwe kteThis Saturday, June 2th is AnrCarEtic ÏE33ark Pee eesfor the Opronoi Chamaber tol in c~~~anvuse 370 1168 1074, theirConsuting E neersMarS-reCltDryan tt lse, rHope ý 274-159.10321 ail, Mack1in and DMonaghan, îin Tor- TT~ ~mec otDeb n n 44 t Y 20 2 &U.L.L, x./tLL MALLLsL, J. O mro1rJeeOUL nient which is being fheld ï on asVep. i02207 'ýG1 onýtowhteF pydfocused rbesOrono Raceway. The event 'o ~ ~ ~ avreTwp. 149357 2'3 fwtrsppy o h Vlae.-starts at. 2:l00 la the aite ManersTws. 9 49 23 ,-j j ~Charies Reid oný Thursday of iast1should be backed mdth fun fi hoe WS. 8 37 42 Asoth Tueel adcheenib- ra te )'jn wek Ca the Orono Park faced the yugadod rMibrook27 240 ýAs r a 10 eers consited sithuereettie Pr ope Pee %Wee batters and la Cavn ws. 3 46 00' O. ~ H esA ~Se ven Innllings of piay took a grand Fo thse îirïterestedl in hi cYrcigi Tn, 2 of 2 the. .ir1 I1veIC total of18 strie uis and allowed rac-ing teew eain e arigoTwp. 63 9S7 876 LC.onisilsion-.lie l ngth isusn %y one hit which wvas ït wo bag- Cotdryi enfa Total 173-" 66.t2 498 0 sosthGninesrreakd.-O tra evening Mr. and!gr.Thiis recýord was the big factojand in this division t iere araw, a draft whîch if meet with ap- Mrls. Hatrold Beaoson ceiad their!lin the win which OYrono Pee Wees'horses entered. Added to th Resuits of Clarke Township: prova1lcud be subm_)nitted to thefMfieth weddng ann4versar. Their j registered against Port Hope by a rta ces there wil be two cek Airm. r. Wood. ater Resources Comisonfori daughter, Mirs. Moore ýand iMr-, ýtwoe run magin. The final score! divisions iwhere the mnore Poli No. 1 19 1 9-1 tei osieato.Moore, Toroato, iheld -a famrily arywa -2nced horses will compete. PolNo. '2 15 366 3 for the bride and groom Li twe Port 11ope's two runis were un-local horsemen, Lawrence poil No. 3 il 74 Cnsteato asgvn osr-home ila-n. Presenit for therearned and camne in the first framneland Jack Reid, have entriesj tPoli No. 1 5 71 a1pat nddnerwr randMrs. wh<,ý'iea Chiarles allowect two waîaks colt stakes and Haroidi Hooe PoilNo. A - 2 mg porton f th souh 0f~ îurMr.andMr S. H elm n-, Msadataa temffda battedientries ia the Classified races Ipoileno. 5B 13 7 3 77 illage wuih waterfrom a nwwlui -7 'an lic o-bl,#te isinn otIo Po N. 5 3 V'hchi Mrrn tDav.acaait Mour ad renwo, ilofTr-bal.Afe tisiaig oriHp 3D 5- l o -,v acaai-io:nto; Mr. and Mr As. l. J. Taggart,1 scoredi no mnove-and only thireatened~ r .Fud rmtr Poil o. 7 22 ~ suffcientto supl3Tat iea7st one hua- Mr. and Mrs, F. Eaieadr and iaone other f ramne.ustabsdethOroCl Poli No.8 5 71 67 drdiomnes. Mrs> .-im. Glanilie, ono. Otheri Besidles hiis pitching Charles Reid of Commerce Trophy whlichl Poili'No. 9Aý, 12 812 69 ' guests calleýd curing the evenin_ýg t.o proved a gooti bitter and ln the;[presented to thle wînaîng cu POU ilo 913 9 so 67- Tke drllÉ frco Hie ngiqees is sè, theîrstppndnded,,out aisingleunaadouroua-glwand, beIeight e horseor coolerer Poli N ol9B59 0 65 Tet d aft inIfrom 0th en i ee s swshthe brid e d g rodfe it Sde the bases on stals to î nalîy ated and anciter speciai prÎ5 ca, Total 1041 757 6630-ElIo,1 tebs rsddiv. Ms ____________________________________ os won their gaii-e la the thirdiono", -Mar-ilyn Cobbledick wil inncing when Terr'y Graham, yLphisent the Cliarber of Conm osheta groun iMpl"'itLctt sent in two of these icancy M eN ?eyfiec C I Ln hnh lme u obe Local horsemrren aniticipatLe1 in the u ne ga ies Ul t iliet r i clls in e cl ,t ,runniT ~~thj Cngrtulaion ar in rde to haveplaed heyhave oaly wach U111 be presented everi -ait&ime n wthiail ensofthe ono Public Schoo1, M1i!)en-Smith, leader ofithe Mlii-! races teCh. imer Oc rop ecçld n BkeSae tiswek he- teyunerooç o, booî 4H aî Cub ad hem,-,h too tei. eaue - unerth dretin f r ~o inlildlatwodas im. n Mnay&Wac atp pior to the cîosingrcrdfrDrhmCuny tthe wlh 943 an Dvi Backenbidewihtw idie ids Mm neleuthedecisionvas imade ..on Tuey1S- w fAmioo. The enterpniig students "Cachileetdy tteMboke.ihaSotonser lowith ateOooCamr ilb -pi GoudsonSaurayý, Junîe the so, ot93 4Hln id paescn r-osdythe whels wriunn...o we hs agaes 7 aal 8 (Mr -- VVenedayth evntwashed. heow's oo.) th, eer tumbx tatha enertlavîw 0ate fcttearhr-earsîganubro-bo1 h ntd. , c the cub, copletedby exhibing s w ork n her thanof iDavid ulsmatrteirsrtue. stdetsplnndthe eontfire Èaffair,'bisoher cua1f at the acievemn iaknige onica the prizes are the even to the baktng of muffWns cake,'Peiul cscr , fyug dy h ug, ftectiwa r nieynew analappealing. vit l te Sunday School oo oftethog a pop botte dive aa -oathg eme-fth lb as M.etaiefor Victoria Counity, wbile TeOooFgr ktn hei Oon Uited hrh rtn hsbne rv.Th-e n (1t0i olars nvnl lalw ith a D 'u ur- -he day %vas supervised b.y Mr. Mer-, adon Tuesday we do net knowthwa ntenouý_gh for a class trip anides Shonthoran Caif, wbo had a in SmUItb leader of the MUillbrook are' operatilg the refresl outom bu w wuidbaardalite prLsincimp rmed the sulnstotal score cf 949 4out of a possiblet4HCafCu ndA .Darmlbot ogs weîpop, sandwiches r - cmm bu unwoW haard ÏC 1- Caf ad A C, airmpl, ht dgs ilibe avaîlable, Th theguess thai-t the studeats go on the t ýaany l,ýtnp woulave o 1000 pints.Thle nni-er up, l hs giutua rsaaive -iUid E n Qr-uje r cni . riThey are aot tu be outdone by ted Off this year. Tlis tbougbt dis- case was a tie betweea Heen B.Brsde Assistant Agicultulraloin.a )ok.grads 5 and 6 who travellefd to maýryed the grQup an~d they immedi- Strong, wtb a Shorthora boier caif Represeataý,tive for Durbamr Coun1ty. nganiecri boh Midland last wveek ait the expense of atesy Stited thiat they sliouldn'î be ~ aè.Con-. the section. Qntdont, yet. ntn Orono, t1ley --~ .D I~Atc'r~dD r said, "we nover irir,- diey."r fidence was again given to thie Con-1 It has always been saitd "Wbere say die. Rallinning Dy servativ~ who obainediftbore's a will there's a way." This L$30oteogies vot reordd wa exmpiiid b -te senior sîu upedtogethier 10 ptln e-arls of Fulwn i h r~~F o eLYeett'rn 5ý~ w insects that dic Tlereports resluItin_, from the plantations last yar Ihad ha r z C D ni9gt state tile eveartas a liugen suee fo a Teachîlït t. Cllud S ate C llege cess' with the eblidrea rdahlzing theirl, termediates on Tuesday eveang,.9total of elevea. This rua was Un- grow,ýers--were avýsd by t!i Te c tB .C o d tieG le e gal Itl s -unde-rstood ththy te.when a totalootn runs crossed the aïidofauerror by Don Mereer trofearnetLads al'zeda lat selld oon fr 070510Y l vhOhadbee rove iy tp oietsto ak r-ulr e-e James A. Grunierud, formeri received bis M.A. degree witb al Mapleton ffngh scbool principal, is 'major in Secondary Scbool Amn -among those icompIeting the y7e- istration. Ho received bis B.A. and quivements. for- the Doctor of Phil- B.Ed . degrees irom the University osophy degree at the University of' Of Saskatchewan witb mnajors in~ California la Berkeley, Caifornia. -English and History anid a miinor ,MIr. Grunerud bas majored la Pub- la Political Science. He is a mem- lic Seliooil Administration witb in- ber of Phi Delta IKappafatnty ors in educational psychology and M.Grunierud bas accepted a pos- curriculum and instruction. Durlng iition on1 the iaculty of St. Cloud! bis two years of graduate study aI State College, St. Cloud, MiEnnesot the University of California, ho bas I where hoi and bis famiiy will re worked as a research consutant in side vwhen hie assumies is teaching! the Fild Service Centre at the 'Un- ýduties at the coleège lai etmbr iversity. fM.Gunrdswife, the formiera Mr, Grtxnerud is a gradluate ;of the Muriel Morton, is a daghercfMr. University of MinneSota vwhere ho aa Iir( iis. Geo)rgeý Morton, Orono. Ororko W.A". Adds'ITLo Menu For Strciwberry Supperi MdKîI rne wnitrioflI. LU r- --. -Jui>e 'i- ie ngn- 1 Gerge opispossible. ng i' the most commion atta Geo~eJno wa te lSig pt-Charles Armstrong ateiit uopean pille sawfly. 'fle abesat[le te huchvrechrand was $aggod for sovea hitOok the, u f orbahîs and in te tirdfram beý)rý b -Iý e curltof outlanthe iirst stages, hetbes tte h rcwee atethird irameosebof ore beîag 3"took iirst. A two bagget- by Deani- centrdli itb eilowrose wit asld reievedby Eic Ca~ieta wb Westscord Arstrog anda srcatep nfianconinesîtse ed atmospbeýre beýiag su-pied by a cae t h on ihtw ufe yEicCntnsû D p art o0f a needie, livitg r-cr paeýkinr caet heag W ihtv7 , tt-est en p-Eyricwi Caoe.le+c reoditefr spleyig disr us'e. Eric retired thl-e side after wi"a 9Wet.This wa'S Orono's last seorî ng àrvae lie incolo Sne 'lbeiem frsae ee iplayed the first and thon strikzýiag out bis la the 11-5n game.es oni tetables wtheach being price scndbatr. tgae1ponoe lai bs eloe ede YucoeYour balking and we.re Orone started of l -get style Caneton i I af', n checkied out by the -cashier. The stîi- I wben fla the iirst i'naing TimCox bis 3 1/3 inniings of pitcbing. Beat. u 's'Ias" atrl dents arrnged and plaained the e- wMàked-, îoîîowed by a single to Doa npeOrno' bi g!a itt eetsofa ïstnp tireý afffair aad I'nocw reap thel wo'opletelysinof ail its preva. i ma erea double tb Beaton, a single two double bits la four-limes to bat., benefits. Jbcth to CukAmtogand ErieArstoag CneonavdJorag ih- hrsmaree man-ket. Caneton., These four tits netted O- uped thieir batctingaeaewt * eno tbnerusby',MneLr a afor 2 record.,eprtmentofiai Girs YTh ftefl hird framie saw Po> w'thBrow.,ad Kelly being themiOf spra B a il S u c e s s j Hpe b ys aead. ia the fourtb b 1st 0Pot 1Hop)e 'at 1, s ( o tn e. p g The OncooJuniorGilsSfbl team are Ibis veau r painv1,nj co nsfli, The ânme e&tingicf the W.A. WdedyevTen-ing, June 24t11. Il enable succe ss onth1-edtmnad wvas beld on Thursday aiterneon la1 was dlecided bto bave dressed p!Ork again n MAoi-nay ucame Up with a th Snay Sehool room of the Ua~adptt aaas le n. Mld vcer ve sml r t n lted Church wMt 13 ladies present.. tO-Sedl saiads and for- dessert, cake mavll.Botb teams anUP ahïgb The president, Mnls. H. Allen was witMAstrawbernis and creamn. score but Orono , Icameout On top of la the chaer and opened the maeetinglThe Correponig Secr,,'tajyne- acount of27-21. wdtihthe W.A. mnotto, portLed sending eut 4 cards te sick Mns.Longgav~theDevoiona (an berea-vedl and reprted a mes- Shar ad CGai] Wilis aleng witb mBesse vahymas weresniec pcainreeinsMs.C.Chis1n Martns pceMte r- mBesseiag sýtie, tandSissuat andao attonis by gettiag baseIl Assuan!" ad 'Tustand The treasurer reported receivin r iebtoe hrnWhi Obey" .The scipture reading was $25.00 frem Leskard and gîvharonîngn fromn Matthew 6tb ebcapter. The $25.00 b the Red Cross, and a bank!pthdtovcoyfrOoo theme of the devotinl %was balance of $M15. i "ryr.Mrs. .Long read a poem It w,,as declded te assist 5 C.G.I.T.! The fcoewing is lie Oeî-no lîneu-p "This 1 knowv" and ani Inspirational girls who wish t go te camp ) te Gail Wilis cachr,\VhaonWils rea ding from t0 wok enti, heeent 0of $35.00.pitcher-, Barabaira Keast, first, Troy- "Teaelh me to pre.Sî losedi the, "le W.A. wilijoin the WVMIS. l agaJ scn, J cacithird 'devotional with prayer aM~ a byma, a combined pucnic on tce ahweroon i Choistme oMaaortes sorto stop, "UBeatifti -Garde ~fPae'.Ms fJuly 7th at the home ofI V~s ineGit etfiedFaenich- Allen thankýed Mns. tngfor avery! Wm. 4 rmstrenig. ,o'son, cOnte!bd, L. îPear's, 1ight fino pessageý. 1,50 vis ere repertol. The f field, Manie Hoey, MryLyna Arrangements jwere nmade for a7 meeing closed witb the W..téneBieLinda Tyrreli, Judy Vagg straberysupper t3!-îho edonPae. dL Bw alternabtes.1 Free Tiberculin Test Clinic In Orono To-day And -Fr Th-e Fr00TbruenTs ne Every home in thie area is te bavetaiken. The Test is a is~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~i owieprtnlanooTeteeeotcdpretetdyWitb and is the finsl limec Cliicwil b oenfor tda, Thurs- j he urpseof encounlaging ait(l ibengve a uhan ayad as Friday, Jn l8tb a nd f take the tLest. Canivassers lhave been ii -se very nlecessar-yï l9th.ý The purpose cf theiae iste'atiokontepreject for ftice past1 sho)uld make a point helop nid Tbecuoss ydeteetinig 'ee'k anid a hi'gbperceentage turai-11both whdea admiaistere thîis disease eoeitbsavaîe ut- isepctd and 19 and also ýwhlen tot ~ ~ ",l fa rbe n liltte teoh hsts is abseiutely free of any '22ad23 ec arad is fori botblî idren and! The heours thia[t, e - adlt~.Makesure youn whole famn-lare frorn 2:00 te 5:00 T!ue -.Cia aOnonoc is spon.- l is tested. ioea and from 7:00 t4 sond b th NothubenandDuw- Tetest is te be a skia teust vbicie\ veigon ail four da: hlî -Tberuiois ssoiaton nd1s aminsteedon Junec thand, Mn. F. E. Lycett, ix th nal eatnatc elh 9hl the Odfeiow'sHal, Orno.'tesses the lmpontaaý The Cli e aOono i's be3a"g sta edilin on- June, 22nd and 23rd it wiil 1takia;jg the test and po bymmbr.of the Heathienreb'c neces-sary to etno turathe H-aill, il 158 aniaver~age of -ah Lodcge with oth,,en iterste ,henitrainied uSesad dotorsda eeamttdt the maxss Survýey of 1the ýarea. if f ot neesr nX-nay wlbel; the gneaiest killers h